Kick Your Workout Up a Notch! 5 Ways Kickboxing Is an Awesome Total-Body Workout

If you want a workout that will slim the waist, tone the arms, lift the glutes, increase endurance, burn calories, and up your heartrate, try kickboxing.

Kickboxing has been around for hundreds of years — people have always loved fighting sports. But you don’t have to train for a fight to pick up kickboxing. This sport is a phenomenally cardio-intensive full body workout.

This sport will make you sweat like you haven’t before, and it will be worth it.

Kickboxing is more than throwing a punch. It is an all-inclusive workout. It will whittle down the waist, tone the arms, lift the glutes, increase endurance, burn calories, and get the heart rate up. The whole set also comes with you learning how to throw a kick like a pro. How can we say no?

You will need to ease into kickboxing. Kickboxing is different than softer workouts, like Pilates or yoga. It is an intensive workout, so going all in on the first try can strain your body. Know the technique and do the moves correctly, then build up your routine as you get stronger.

For all those in search of a total-body workout, here are 5 reasons to sign up for a class today.

N.B: There are risks involved with any type of exercise program. Always consult your physician before engaging in exercises, especially if you have a medical condition, are unsure about your physical well-being, or are a male above 45 years old or female above 50 years old.

5.) You’ll Increase Your Stamina

Grab your yoga mat, we’re warming up your body!

A typical kickboxing class lasts anywhere from 50-60mins. You’ll get your heart rate into an incredible calorie-burning zone and keep it there to achieve the maximum benefits of cardiovascular training.

Training like this will increase your stamina for other areas of your life as well. You will find yourself with more energy to go through your day and improve your sleep pattern. Your aerobic fitness will improve as a result of this increased endurance, which promotes a healthy heart and lungs as well as brain function.

Before we get to the jabs and the squats, start with standing criss cross crunches to warm up your body.

How to Do Criss Cross Crunches

  1. Plant your feet firmly on the ground hip-width apart. Keep your back straight.
  2. Bring both your hands behind your head while keeping your elbows out.
  3. Bend your right leg and lift your knee as high as you can.
  4. Rotate your torso to the right while keeping your hands behind your head. Touch your left elbow with your lifted right knee. Keep your neck relaxed throughout the exercise and don’t push your head with your hands.
  5. Repeat on the other side.

Repeat the exercise until you complete the set.

How Many Reps Should You Do?

If this is your first time, do this exercise for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Increase the duration of the exercise as you build strength.


  • Try to push your body every time you’re doing this exercise by increasing the height of the knee lift and speed.

4.) You’ll Get Cardio

We’re not going to lie: kickboxing is no joke. However, once you put your heart into it, you will see the results on your body within the first sessions.

Kickboxing adds a cardio element to promote a healthy heart and raises the metabolic rate to burn mega calories. This aerobic component also releases endorphins to reduce stress. In addition to getting all your energy out, you’ll also be improving your coordination and heart function.

One of the best cardio kickboxing workouts is the jab. To get the most of it, learn to do it the correct way.

How to Do a Jab

  1. Plant your feet on the ground shoulder-width apart. Place your right foot back. Your left foot should be pointing forwards while your left should be slightly pointing sideways. Keep your legs straight.
  2. Make fists with your hands and bring them forward, close to your chin level. Your elbows and arms should be closely sticking to your rib cage.
  3. Extend your left arm slightly in front of you. At first, your thumb should be facing the ceiling. As your hand is about to make a straight line, rotate your palm to face down.
  4. Move your left foot at the same time as your arm. As you propel your body onwards, keep your right foot to the ground and take one step forward with your left.
  5. Retract straight back, repeat, then switch to your other side.

How Many Reps Should You Do?

Do 10 reps on each side.


  • Rotate your hips to add power to your workout and snap back into position quickly.
  • Keep your shoulders relaxed throughout the exercise. Don’t put them up.
  • Don’t lean forward.

3.) You’ll Strengthen Your Arms

The punch is not just about your bicep. The power comes from a strong back and shoulder stabilizers. The shoulder is a joint that moves every which way. This mobility is prone to injury if the muscles surrounding the joint are not strong enough to protect it.

The series of punches and arm exercises associated with kickboxing will help strengthen these shoulder stabilizers for a healthier joint. Not only will this new found strength keep your shoulders in working order, but muscles will define your arms.

Follow this exercise to get big guns!

How to Do a Hook

  1. Start with your feet firmly planted on the ground shoulder-width apart. Place your right foot back. Your left foot should be pointing forwards while your left should be slightly pointing sideways. Slightly bend your knees.
  2. Turn a little bit and transfer your weight to your left foot.
  3. Clench your hands into fists and bring them right hand to your chin. Stick your elbows by your rib cage.
  4. Extend your left arm in front of you, as if aiming at an imaginary opponent, then curve in. As you do so, rotate your palm to face the ground.
  5. Transfer your weight to your left foot while you move your arms. Lift your heel slightly then rotate on your left toes to follow the direction of the punch.
  6. Bring your arms and feet back into position.
  7. Repeat then switch to the other side.

How Many Reps Should You Do?

You can do 5 to 10 reps on each side.


  • Rotate your torso along with the punch. Keep your movement smooth and body flexible.
  • Don’t keep your legs rigid.

2.) You’ll Tone Your Legs

Now is the time to put the kick in kickboxing! Whether the class you are taking incorporates a punching bag or pads, you are building strength and toning from the ground up.

You might think more is happening on the working leg that’s kicking and jumping, but the supporting leg activates the glutes to tone as well. You are gaining not only powerful defined legs but improving balance, agility, and joint health. Practice correct form, and be mindful of your knees tracking over the middle toes when you bend. You will see the rewards in those stems.

Let’s start kicking with this leg workout.

How to Do the Side Kick

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Both your feet should be pointing onward. Slightly bend your knees.
  2. Bring your hands into fists and place them by your face. Keep your elbows close to your rib cage.
  3. Shift your weight to your right foot and straighten it.
  4. Lift your left knee up until it makes a right angle. Your ankle should be flexed and your foot ready to strike. As you do so, rotate your standing foot to the side.
  5. Drive your knee out to your left side and extend your leg. Imagine aiming at the rib cage of an imaginary opponent. Your heel should be leading the movement, not your toes.
  6. Move your upper body slightly to the right to help you keep your balance.
  7. Bring your body back into position.
  8. Repeat then switch to the other side.

How Many Reps Should You Do?

Do 5 reps on each side.


  • During the kick, remember to twist your hips. This will make your heel should be “above” your toes. The heel is what drives the kick.
  • Don’t go too fast at first. Slowly teach your body how to correctly perform the side kick.

1.) You’ll Improve Your Core Strength

Whether you’re doing one of the top abs workouts or avoiding the common abs mistakes by beginners, the abs — and thus the core — are in the center of many of our fitness resolutions.

Every punch, kick, elbow, knee, duck, dodge, and block originates from a tight stable core. You need your core for every movement your body makes.

The good news? You don’t have to drop down and do a million crunches to strengthen your abs. Work on that six-pack with this workout instead.

P.S: You will need a kettlebell to go through this exercise. Check our selection of the best kettlebells to gear up.

How to Do the Kettlebell Knee Jab

  1. Stand up and lift your kettlebell with both hands.
  2. Plant your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your right foot back. Both your feet should be pointing forward.
  3. Keep your left foot planted on the ground and shift your body weight to it. Slowly lift your right heel so that only your right toes are touching the ground.
  4. Keep your legs and back straight. Keep your shoulders straight.
  5. Bring your arms—and the kettlebell to your chest.
  6. Take your right leg and lift it up by bending your knee.
  7. At the same time, slightly rotate your upper body. Bring the kettlebell to your side.
  8. Step your leg back into position and repeat, then switch to the other side.

How Many Reps Should You Do?

Do 5 reps on each side then keep increasing the load as you get used to the exercise.


  • Don’t lean forward when lifting your leg.


Kickboxing will give you head to toe results. Start out taking a class a couple of times a week supplemented with strength training on off days. Not only do you get all the benefits of a total body workout, but you’ll also learn a thing or two about self-defense.

It’s a fun class, so achieve your prizefighting status today!

5 ways kickboxing is an awesome total-body workout