WWII Veteran Is Kicked Out Of Fast Food Restaurant When Worker Sees Who He Was With


Used To A Lot Of Things

Earl was used to a lot of things in his life. He was used to being called things like “old man” and “waste of space.”

He was used to people not understanding him. But he had never been disrespected as much as he would be at his local fast food place.

All he wanted to do was treat the most special person in his life to a meal, but it seemed the faculty would misunderstand his intentions, and chaos would break loose.

A Normal Day


Earl woke up that morning knowing exactly what he was going to do for his beloved.

She didn’t get to go out much anymore, and he wanted to surprise her with an unforgettable treat.

As he prepared for the day, he thought about all the places he could take her, but he had no idea that his decision would lead to embarrassment.

On The Way Home


Earl was driving back from the hospital with his wife in his car when he saw the yellow sign on the highway.

He smiled to himself. It wasn’t a fine dining restaurant, but he knew his wife would be thrilled with the surprise.

He turned into the parking lot, and his wife’s eyes lit up at the doors to the place. She had only been grimacing in pain, but finally, there was a smile on her face.

Order Up


Earl held the door for Emma as she shuffled into the establishment. They sat down at a table and ordered a humble meal, two burger meals with two sprites.

He knew that his wife wouldn’t eat the whole burger, but what she didn’t eat would be leftovers for the next day.

Things seemed to be going well until one of the staff members did the unthinkable.

Seeing Who He Was With


The couple finished their meals and held each other’s hands. After seventy years of marriage, they still acted like lovestruck sweethearts. But the staff noticed something he hadn’t.

One of the faculty members approached the table and stared at Emma.

Earl saw this and asked him what his business was, but they were about to embarrass him for the first and last time.

Underneath His Table


Before the faculty could say anything else, they took one look underneath his table and then took real issue.

It seemed they noticed something that Earl really hoped they hadn’t.

The worker told Earl that he had to leave immediately. Was it something to do with Emma? Or was it what they had discovered underneath the table? Either way, he wasn’t going down without a fight.

Earl Adams


Earl Adams had seen nearly all that life had to offer in his old age.

But just because his glory days were behind him didn’t mean he liked to enjoy the small things in life. He was the happiest man alive as long as he had Emma by his side.

Emma Adams was Earl’s devoted wife who had been with him through thick and thin. The two had met at the dawn of an encroaching war. But it only brought their love closer.

True Love


The first time Emma saw Earl was at a gala ball. He was wearing his brown dress uniform with his rank displayed proudly on his shoulders.

He offered to buy her a drink, and the two never looked back.

Earl had to leave her abruptly after they got married so that he could fight in the biggest conflict of the 20th century. But he’d be back.

Coming Home


Earl had managed to survive the war and came back a hero. The two resumed their lives together and had many children who, in turn, had their own children.

It was decades of peace that Earl felt lucky enough to be afforded.

The couple had stood the test of time and thought they’d seen everything. But complications soon arrived on their doorstep.

Decline In Health


The couple were now in their older years, with Emma and Earl being in their nineties. Earl had miraculously stayed in good health.

In his eighties, he had a hip replacement, but ever since, he’d been right as rain.

But Emma, on the other hand, suffered more than her partner. Her health had declined drastically over the last decade, and she had to go to the hospital every few months with something new.

Tragic Diagnoses


It was always something treatable, but during her last visit, Earl received dire news. His wife had a tragic diagnosis, and there wasn’t much they could do but monitor its spread.

Emma was in her first stages of dementia. It meant that soon, she might not even recognize her husband of seventy years.

But nobody knew how quickly it would develop. It’s why Earl took her in every two months to track her progress.

On The Horizon


Earl counted down the days until their next hospital visit. Among her new diagnoses, Emma was also often in pain because of her arthritis. He wanted to make her as comfortable as possible, but he felt powerless to do a lot of it.

But the few things he could control, he made sure to do to the best of his ability.

He made her tea every morning and even cooked every night. But her next visit was on the horizon, and she hated it.

Making It Up To Her


Earl hated having to tell his wife that her next hospital visit was in the coming week.

She hated being carted there and put through numerous tests to determine how her illness had progressed.

It killed him to think of making her unhappy, but he knew it was for the best. But he did think of a way to make it up to her.

Preparing For The Day


Earl woke up that morning knowing exactly what he was going to do for his beloved.

She didn’t get to go out much anymore, and he wanted to surprise her with an unforgettable treat.

As he prepared for the day, he thought about all the places he could take her, but he had no idea that his decision would lead to embarrassment.

Taking Her To The Hospital


Earl helped Emma dress herself and then took her to the hospital. She looked miserable, but he had no choice.

They arrived at the hospital, and Earl slowly escorted Emma to the doctor.

Once there, they put her through the most rigorous tests. All Earl could do was be there to hold her hand. But at the end of it, they had their new results to tell Earl.

Their Results


The doctors came back into the room after looking at the results and prepared to tell Earl their findings. Earl sat there nervously with his wife until they finally spoke up.

The doctor smiled assuredly at the couple and told them that there was no major change in Emma’s dementia.

It was still in the early stages and at this rate, might not affect her before the end of her natural lifespan.



Earl smiled and squeezed his wife’s hand. It was a bittersweet thought that the doctors reminded them both of their dwindling mortality at their age. But at least it was still overall good news.

He thanked the doctors and paid for the treatments. He could barely afford it, but it would be worth it for his Emma.

Still, he needed to do something else to make it up to her.

A Yellow Sign


Earl was driving back from the hospital with his wife in his car when he saw the yellow sign on the highway.

He smiled to himself. It wasn’t a fine dining restaurant, but he knew his wife would be thrilled with the surprise.

He turned into the parking lot, and his wife’s eyes lit up at the doors to the place. She had only been grimacing in pain, but finally, there was a smile on her face.

Dining Together


Earl held the door for Emma as she shuffled into the establishment. They sat down at a table and ordered a humble meal, two burger meals with two sprites.

He knew that his wife wouldn’t eat the whole burger, but what she didn’t eat would be leftovers for the next day.

Things seemed to be going well until one of the staff members did the unthinkable.

Noticing Emma


The couple finished their meals and held each other’s hands. After seventy years of marriage, they still acted like lovestruck sweethearts. But the staff noticed something he hadn’t.

One of the faculty members approached the table and stared at Emma.

Earl saw this and asked him what his business was, but they were about to embarrass him for the first and last time.

Not Going Down Without A Fight


Before the faculty could say anything else, they took one look underneath his table and then took real issue.

It seemed they noticed something that Earl really hoped they hadn’t.

The worker told Earl that he had to leave immediately. Was it something to do with Emma? Or was it what they had discovered underneath the table? Either way, he wasn’t going down without a fight.

Kicking Them Out


The worker was adamant that they had to leave the table immediately.

They were being kicked out of their seats, but Earl was going to fight tooth and nail for his wife.

“You can’t do this!” He said in a bitter tone. Still, it was hard to be intimidating as a man in his nineties. But that’s when the staff member told him exactly why it was a good idea.

A Twist Of Fate


The worker’s eyes met his and were unfaltering. It looked as if the two men were going to have a vicious confrontation. But that’s when the worker looked at his wife again.

Clearly, he was thinking about something, but he hadn’t told Earl yet.

But in a strange twist of fate, the worker told Earl something about his wife that he couldn’t have expected.

Noticed The Symptoms


“Sorry for staring. It’s just that your wife reminds me a lot of my grandmother. She passed away a few years back. I think about her every day. She raised me.” The worker told Earl.

Earl couldn’t believe the sweet words that the worker had to say to him. He looked at his wife and smiled.

But then his expression hardened again. Why was the man kicking him out one minute but then saying nice things the next?

Getting The Truth


Earl couldn’t stand it any longer. He looked at the worker’s name tag and saw the words “Jim” engraved on the surface.

“Jim, look. I don’t want to fight with you, but I won’t let you kick my wife and me out without a good reason.” Earl said in a reasonable tone.

Jim’s face hardened at what Earl had just said to him. He stared at the old man and opened his mouth, to say the least thing he expected.

They Needed To Leave


“No, sir. You don’t understand what I’m telling you. You need to leave this table immediately.

I noticed what was underneath the table even if you tried to hide it.” Jim said with a shake of his head.

That’s when Earl froze. He realized what the worker was talking about. Was that really the reason he was being pushed out of his seat?

Moving Seats


The worker explained everything to Earl. He noticed that the floor underneath their table was dirty.

He wanted the couple to move tables so he could clean them. But Earl had other ideas.

He had completely misunderstood the situation and thought he was being kicked out. But Jim just wanted to clean under his seat. But he still wouldn’t stand for it.

His Rights


“I appreciate you wanting to clean up, but my wife and I aren’t done here. So please come back once we’re done.” The old man said in an act of defiance. He wasn’t going to be moved from his seat.

He stood against Jim even if he didn’t mean anything by it. He didn’t want to be told what to do anymore.

He was a proud man that would stand against anybody who felt differently.

Walking Away


Jim’s expression softened at the old man’s stand. “Sure, I understand completely! I’ll come back later once you’re finished. Enjoy your meal, sir.” He said as he walked away.

Earl was surprised by the man’s understanding and kindness. Then he felt bad.

He was just trying to do his job. He decided to do something to help out Jim before it was too late.

A Compromise


Just as Jim reached the counter, he heard a whistle from over his shoulder. He looked back and saw Earl and his wife sitting at their table. Only it wasn’t the table they first sat at.

Earl had decided to move to a different table as a compromise. Jim smiled and managed to get back to his job.

When Earl and Emma finally left, they smiled at each other. Emma was happy, and that’s the only thing that Earl cared about.


This story was handcrafted with love by a creative novelist to thrill and entertain, mirroring real-life situations to awaken your imagination and evoke profound emotions. All events, places, and characters are products of the author’s imagination, and all images and videos are used for illustrative purposes only. We hope you enjoyed reading it just as much as we enjoyed writing it!