Woman Gets Too Close To Take Photo Of Bear, Gets Charged By The Animal



He broke through the bramble and ran towards the car park. Everyone was running and hiding or locking themselves inside their cars. Something dangerous was coming.

This part of the forest was known for Grizzly sightings. The ranger always carried his rifle but never had a reason to use it, today seemed different.

I Am A Ranger


Brody grew up playing in the wild forests of the American Country. He was an intelligent lad who got good grades in maths, Science, Biology, and Geography, so he wanted to help conserve nature and wild animals.

He soon finished school and was lucky to get offered an internship at Yellowstone National Park. He enjoyed his days walking up and down the green paths in peace. For years things were quiet, but today, he was going to see just how eventful his job could be.

About The Ranger

Marta Wave

Mr. Brody McCormick was an adventurous young man who lived in Wyoming, USA. He loved spending time outside. Whether it was hiking, swimming, or biking, you would always find him being active in the sun.

His interest in nature was molded by his parents, his mother and his father, who were a Botanist and Zoologist, respectively. They taught him how to protect wildlife and conserve nature. But this particular day, he didn’t expect what came before him.

Wild Youth


Brody grew up with the great stories surrounding the wild Yellowstone National Park. His dad, who centered his studies on the Park’s magnificent animals, always regaled him with these tales, ensuring that Brody’s childhood was magical.

Mr. McCormick Senior was a lover of wild animals. His life’s work was focused around Yellowstone Park, and he taught Brody everything he needed to know about wildlife and safety precautions. Brody’s childhood was always filled with incredible stories about nature which sparked his colorful imagination.

The Omnivore


According to surveys done, the Grizzly Bear is ranked second in terms of viciousness. It is one of the most dangerous bears and can weigh up to 1700 pounds. They are not known to attack but can get aggressive if they are hungry and foraging for food. Their diet consists of meat and vegetarian, which makes them so huge.

The Grizzly Bear is a top-tier predator. They are swift despite their large size and can be seen climbing trees and even swimming in fast-flowing rivers. It is imperative to be aware of these animals when visiting wildlife parks.

A Scary Tale


For one lady, her first-hand encounter with a massive Grizzly Bear was anything but enjoyable. Although the bears look cute and fluffy on the outside, they are fierce and vicious on the inside.

What Brody and the other Park Visitors saw that day left a vision they would never forget. They learned their lesson about playing with wild animals.

Accidents Can Happen


The day of the accident was just the same as any other. Brody was checking his log book and watching some visitors walk along the main path.

Brody walked along his usual high path, which gave him a sound vision of most prime park areas. Everything looked normal. As he was walking back to his cabin, he heard screams he had never heard before

Spotting The Problem


The noise he heard was a terrifying mix of people screaming and an animal growling. Brody’s heart stopped in fear. He hoped that nobody had got attacked.

Tourists who visit the Park know that they are not allowed to touch or take anything from the Park as it is a conservation area. They are also given a talk about the dangers of wild animals. It is Brodys’ job to ensure that the tourists know what to expect in nature.

Home Of The Grizzly  

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Everybody follows the rules. Nobody wants to get into trouble with the state or have their arm bitten off by a bear. Well, this lady thought the restrictions did not apply to her.

Brody ran towards the car park. Everyone was running frantically. There was definitely a cause for alarm. He looked for the animal but could only hear screaming.

A Dangerous Place Not For The Faint Hearted

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During Brody’s work at Yellowstone park, he witnessed several injuries and mishaps happen from tourists who didn’t respect the Park or its rules. Some people learned from their mistakes and just escaped with a scratch, whereas some didn’t and were left with prominent scars that would take lifetimes to heal.

Brody was carrying his rifle as always, just in case. He didn’t want to use it. He didn’t want to kill an innocent animal because of one stupid woman’s inability to adhere to rules. This job had tough decisions to make.

The Sound


Brody wasn’t even close to the scene when he heard a deep roar. His heart paused as his mind registered the sound. It was a grizzly bear.

But as he ran toward the commotion, hoping none of the tourists were getting mauled by the animal, he saw something that made him wish he’d been off duty that day. 

The Beast 


Brody’s sight landed on the grizzly, a towering beast brimming with rage. But to make everything worse, there were two more miniature bears behind it.

He bit back a curse. This was a momma bear, and if there was anything worse than a grizzly bear, it was one with cubs. He stopped for a second before his sight landed on the woman.

Taking Photos

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Everybody was locked in their cars by now, except for the woman, who was standing with her phone in hand. From the look of things, she was taking photos of the bear, which was not thrilled by her presence. 

The bear charged at her, and only when it was a few feet away did she turn to sprint. Brody knew he had to get to the woman.    

Momma Bears  


Momma bears are usually more aggressive than other bears because they seek to protect their young. In many cases, they will turn anything in their way into a pile of flesh ribbons to ensure their cubs’ safety. 

Brody let go of his rifle and pulled out his bear spray can as he dashed to the woman. He was lucky the vehicles hid him from the bear’s sight, or the situation would’ve ended differently. What the bear did next made him stop in his tracks.  

The Other Side Of The Coin 


But to truly grasp the gravity of this situation, it is necessary to understand the woman’s side of the story. Amanda Livingston was your ordinary mom looking to have a good time at the Park. 

After a tough week at home, her husband and daughters invited her for a day at Yellowstone, hoping to raise her moods, which had been sour throughout the week. 

From Arizona To Wyoming 


Amanda and her family came from Arizona and had spent hours on their trip to Yellowstone. This was their first time out here, and Amanda had her reasons for wanting to be so far from home.

Like many moms across America, there was nothing Amanda loved more than her husband and kids. This love would send her across state lines, resulting in the dangerous faceoff with the grizzly bear.  

A Sad Development 


The week had been a difficult one for Amanda. Her firstborn child, Mindy, had been diagnosed with stage two blood cancer.

Although the little angel had done her best to fight the condition, she needed around-the-clock medical care and watch. She would make a request to send her entire family north and into Yellowstone National Park.     

A Needed Stress Relief 


Little Mindy had fought enough to warrant the doctors to discharge her from the hospital. The first thing she wanted to do was visit Yellowstone to see the vibrant wildlife. 

Given the miraculous nature of her recovery and how lively she was, her parents agreed to her request. They had been stewing in endless worry for the last few months and saw the trip as a needed stress relief. They had no clue what they were signing up for.     

What She Wants 


Among the things that Mindy asked for after leaving the hospital was to visit Yellowstone so she could see a real-life grizzly up close. 

While admitted, her family had gotten her a big teddy bear, which had been her closest friend while her parents and siblings were away at work and school. Her parents knew they had to make her dream come true. But disaster was just about to strike. 

Welcome To Wyoming 


The family packed their bags and boarded the first plane out of their state. After a few hours in the air, they found themselves in Wyoming, ready to begin their adventure in the national Park.  

But that same night, trouble came knocking. Mindy, who had been doing great throughout the journey, suddenly began complaining about a head-splitting headache. But that wouldn’t be the least of her parents’ problems. 

It’s Worse Than They Think


Amanda and her husband jumped into action as soon as Mindy fell under the weather. They tucked her in bed and put on her favorite TV show to help her relax.

They also checked her vitals, discovering that her condition was more than a simple headache and fever. Although they hated to admit it, this new development would demand a change in their plans. 

Going To The Hospital


Amanda and her husband didn’t want to tell their daughter that she could no longer go to Yellowstone. Her condition demanded them to take her to the nearest hospital, where the doctors admitted her swiftly.    

But as the family sat beside her, watching as the night turned into dawn, Mindy would wake up and ask her mom for a favor.      

I’ll Get Better


“I know I am not going to the park anymore, mommy,” Mindy said with a weak smile. Her doe eyes blinked back tears, and her smile receded. 

“It’s fine,” she added. Amanda had to stifle a sob. “I’ll get better. Stronger,” Mindy said. “I promise. “But as her mom’s tears finally flowed freely, she made her request.

Go To The Park


“Would you still go to the park?” Mindy asked as her lips curved again. “Take everyone and have fun.” She had always been an awing child in the most beautiful way.   

Although Amanda would spend the morning turning down the offer, Mindy would insist. Her final words before she fell asleep would have Amanda and her family driving to Yellowstone.

Her Request 


“Take pictures of the bears for me, mommy,” Mindy said while drifting in and out of consciousness. The medicine in her system was finally taking effect.

Amanda nodded with a wipe of her tears. The week had already been a difficult one for her and her family. But her daughter had recovered and asked to come here. She would do anything to make her smile.

Going To Yellowstone 


Amanda took everyone to their rented vehicle and drove to Yellowstone. But even though the experience was supposed to be calming, it left her lost in her mind as she worried about Mindy.

Her husband drove her to a family of bears, and Mindy, alongside many other tourists, came out to admire them. Mindy took out her phone, unaware of what was about to happen.

Lost In Her Mind

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Amanda was lost in her mind as the momma bear charged. She snapped back to reality when it roared, turning to sprint to her car. 

Officer Brody was already making his way to her, hoping to get there in time before the bear made an example out of Mindy. But as he was closing in, the unexpected happened. 

The Mock Charge  

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With a warning roar, the bear screeched to a stop before turning away. Amanda jumped into her car, a smart move because she was out of the bear’s view. 

What the bear had done – a mock charge – is usually meant to warn intruders that they are invading the bear’s personal space. She would’ve been done for if she didn’t run when she did. But although she was safe from the bear, the state’s legal team would teach her a lesson she’d never forget. 

Facing The Law


Amanda went to court and relayed her story. She apologized for her behavior, saying her worry over her daughter had drowned out the danger in her immediate environment. 

She pleaded with the court to be lenient with its fine, stating that her family was already going through a tough financial and emotional time. She hoped her case would be heard. 

The Charges 

Amanda got fined for breaking the Park’s rules, though the court lowered the charges due to her honesty. She went to jail for four days, paid a sum in damages, and was barred from entering any national park or reserve for a year. She knows how lucky she was to survive such a scary attack. Many people who antagonized bears in such a manner weren’t as lucky as she was. 

Disclaimer: To protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events, places, or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.