Woman Gets Payback After Sending Husband’s Girlfriend A Note


Loving Kin

It had been ten years since Caitlin Stevens and Gary Stevens got married, and they had raised a pair of beautiful children. Each night they ate together at the dinner table and went out on Saturdays.

Eventually, Caitlin noticed that their happy family of four would lose a member.



The changes began small. Always claiming he had important meetings to attend or that he worked late, Gary would often arrive home late into the night.

Despite her husband’s explanations, Caitlin remained patient and always supported him. As a dedicated and hardworking man, he always made sure they had everything they could ask for.

Emotionally Unavailable


After a few weeks, Gary’s distance became more and more obvious. As a result, he became totally emotionally detached, rarely conversing with Caitlin or showing any interest whatsoever in their children’s lives.

It was difficult for Caitlin not to succumb to the ever-increasing sense of unease and loneliness inside their once-lively home. There seemed to be nothing else on Gary’s mind but work.

Unusual Actions


As Caitlin prepared dinner one evening, she caught sight of Gary’s phone lying unattended on the kitchen table. A message notification buzzed, and she was unable to stop her curiosity.

A string of affectionate texts from an unknown number greeted her on the screen, where all she had expected were work-related messages.

Ultimate Betrayal


Suddenly, she felt sick to her stomach, as if she were drowning. Is it possible that her worst nightmares had all materialized? Could Gary find it in himself to be involved in an affair?

Despite the obvious breach of trust, she was unable to accept that her beloved husband of a decade would destroy her like this. All of a sudden, her once best friend and life partner felt like a total stranger.

Truth Be Told


On that very night, Caitlin eventually confronted Gary after losing all sense of control. As she demanded an explanation for his obvious distance and the messages she had seen, all she could do was battle back tears.

The first thing Gary did was deny everything, insisting that it was all but a misconception. Nevertheless, Caitlin’stenacity wore him down and drove him to come clean.

An Entire Season


Through a business conference, he met a younger woman named Olivia, with whom he had committed the ultimate act of betrayal. For four long months, he kept his undeserving family in the dark.

Despite his wicked actions, he still claimed to love Caitlin and their children. In the aftermath of the revelation, Caitlin felt beyond devastated.

A Choice To Be Made


Caitlin was facing the dilemma of a lifetime. Her marriage’s once rock-solid foundation had given way. In spite of Gary’s love, she was unable to let go of the immense pain and resentment that now consumed her life. What kind of man could break the hearts of his loving family like this?

Having suffered only sleepless nights and drowning in tears for days on end, Caitlin finally mustered enough courage to suggest that Gary stay elsewhere for a few days.

Time Heals All Wounds


In order to rebuild their now seemingly irreparable relationship, she needed time and space to heal, collect her thoughts, and finally come to a decision as to whether she could ever move past it.

Watching Gary pack up his essentials and walk out the door, leaving her and their children behind with an obnoxiously and clearly forced facade of regret, she watched him leave with a heart full of cement.

She struggled to make the dreaded explanation of how their father had betrayed their once happy family to her clearly rattled children as tears slowly rolled down her cheeks.

A Friend In Need


Her best friend, Sarah, tenderly provided Caitlin with a shoulder to cry on during her healing process. In the midst of these trying times, Sarah never left Caitlin’s side and acted as a consistent source of strength and encouragement.

Whatever Caitlin needed, Sarah made it happen. There were seemingly no bounds to what she would do for her struggling and undeservingly suffering best friend.

Discovering Inner Strength


As days turned into weeks, Caitlin’s pain slowly transformed into resilience. She immersed herself in activities that brought her joy and a sense of empowerment.

She began attending yoga classes, finding solace in the practice of mindfulness and self-reflection. She also started writing in a journal, pouring her thoughts and emotions onto the pages and finding catharsis in the written word. But that was also when the urge for revenge started to rise. What would she do about this?

Considering Her Options


The more time Caitlin spent on her own, the more she started reflecting on the events that unfolded. And the more she started considering the options she had.

If she left Gary, she would not only be leaving the man who cheated on her. She’d be leaving the love of her life, the father of her children, and the only breadwinner in the family. Could she do all this on her own?

To Stay Or To Leave


If she stayed, she would be in a marriage filled with conspiracy and distrust. Her children would watch as their parents slowly turned against each other and see that their relationship was deteriorating.

That was what kept her at a crossed road. But one thing was for sure. Her husband would pay the price for what he had done to her and their children.

Such Uncertainty


The only thing Caitlin couldn’t move past was the uncertainty. Greg had contacted her multiple times, begging for forgiveness. And she so desperately wanted to give it to him.

But at that point in time, she just couldn’t do it. She couldn’t even begin to get herself to think about forgiveness, not to mention taking the steps to do it.

She Loved Him Dearly


Even though she loved her husband dearly, Caitlin could barely stomach the thought of looking at him after what he had done.

She couldn’t help but wonder how much of what he said was true. And that had her doubting their entire relationship. Had he ever loved her? Or was she just seeing their relationship through rose-tinted glasses?

Could They Move Past This?


Yet, deep within her heart Caitlin still had hope. She thought of every single path they could take to move past the situation they were in. And prayed that they would be able to work through it.

Sadly, the more time passed, the more hope she lost. And the love she once felt got replaced by something far worse. This became evident one night when she saw something she shouldn’t have seen.



Months passed, and Caitlin’s healing journey continued. One day, as she sorted through a box of mementos from her marriage, she stumbled upon a collection of letters she and Gary had written to each other during their early years together.

Overwhelmed by nostalgia, she couldn’t help but read through them, reliving the love and passion they had once shared. And that was when she finally snapped.

Were They Just Words?


With how she was feeling at the time, Caitlin saw those letters as nothing more than sweet words that were used to get into her heart.

They were just more lies. A means to an end, and ultimately, he got what he wanted. But that had more thoughts rising in her head. And they weren’t good thoughts at all.

Did He Say The Same To Her?


Caitlin couldn’t help but wonder if Greg had used the same trick on his girlfriend. Did he also say those sweet things to her so he could get what he wanted?

That thought alone was enough to destroy everything Caitlin had built with the man during the ten years they were together. And it was also enough to drive her need for revenge.

Losing Value


The letters had lost all value in that instant. The words that were scribbled across the pages meant absolutely nothing. All they did was destroy what she once thought.

Caitlin was filled with blood-curdling rage that wanted to be let out. And she ultimately ended up burning them all with the hope that it would make her feel better.

Such Rage


But sadly, that didn’t do the trick. Caitlin was still fuming, and she wanted both her husband and his girlfriend to pay the ultimate price.

She wanted them to suffer as she had been suffering. She wanted them to feel the pain she had been feeling for the past few months. She wanted the thoughts that haunted her to haunt them.

Needed An Outlet


Caitlin was so angry that it felt like she was burning from the inside out. She needed an outlet, a way to let out the steam before it managed to consume her.

And that was when she came up with the ultimate idea. She would let her husband know exactly what he had done to her, and she would do it in the most epic way possible.

The Letter


Inspired by the letters she had burned, Caitlin decided to write a letter of her own. She would express what she had felt and the trauma this had caused.

But she wouldn’t do it in the way everyone else would. She wasn’t going to cry her heart out to her husband and beg him to come back. No, her plan was much more sinister.

Before She Began


Caitlin sat down at her desk and started plotting all the points she wanted to mention in her letter. Hours flew by as she angrily scribbled everything down.

But this was just the beginning. Before she said what she wanted to say, she needed to calm herself because her words needed to be laid out correctly.

Calming Down


So Caitlin put her yoga lessons to good use. She took a few deep breaths and did a few poses before sitting down once more.

Now that she was cool, calm, and collected, she could finally do what she felt needed to be done. She could rid herself of the negativity and move on with her life.

Thinking It Through


But there was something Caitlin needed to do before she could jump into action. She had to ensure that she was doing the right thing. And that nothing she said could be used against her.

So she started eliminating the anger that was on her list. This letter needed to be as calm as possible because she couldn’t afford to have more drama in her life.

Reassuring Herself


Once that was done, Caitlin gave herself a little pep talk. She reassured herself that there was nothing wrong with her plan and that no one would get hurt in the process.

This was exactly what she needed to do, and if anyone thought she was wrong for it, then it was their problem. She had every right to say what she wanted to say.

Her Mind Was Made Up


Caitlin’s mind was finally made up, and that was when she put pen to paper. But she wasn’t writing to her husband. She was writing to his girlfriend.

Caitlin felt that the woman had the right to know how much trouble she had caused. And she needed to find out what the consequences of her actions would be.

Thank You


Caitlin began writing, and before long, she was looking at the letter she was going to send to her husband’s girlfriend.

To introduce her letter to Olivia, she wrote: “No, really, Thank You! You have no idea what a nightmare you have just saved my kids and me from.

To reward you for your services, I am offering you my husband for keeps. Should you accept your prize, please note the following rules.”

The Rules


The scorned wife wrote, “You are going to have to support him financially. I say this because we have two children… which means that he will have to give up a sizable chunk of his pay to support them.”

According to the mom-of-two, she would also receive such a large sum. “Please keep in mind that, since he has kept me a stay-at-home mom for the better part of the last ten years, he will also be paying me alimony,” she wrote.

Disclaimer: In order to protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.