Wife Notices ‘Funny’ Smell On Man When He’s Late From Work, Realizes Mistake When She Sees Boss



She couldn’t believe that she was going through with this. In all her life, she had never felt so uncertain before.

She thought she knew her husband well, but she never saw this coming. How could she trust him after this?

Her heart was racing in her chest as she made her way through town. Her husband was to meet with another woman, and she wondered how he would react if she showed up unannounced.

As Usual


That morning, Samantha went about her day as usual. As soon as she got up, she made their bed and tidied the kitchen, just like every other day.

But once she had tidied the kitchen, she moved on to their laundry.

She was separating the clothes into two piles: light colors and dark colors. But as she pulled one of her husband’s dress shirts from the pile, she noticed it.

The Scent


There it was, the scent that had followed her husband as of late. The smell was sweet and strong, and when she raised the shirt to her nose, she got a good whiff of it.

She’d been wondering what it was, but now, she had an idea of what it could be.

She frowned as she leaned against the washing machine. It was perfume, but it certainly wasn’t the type she bought. She thought about it for a moment, and then she realized something.



Daniel, her husband, only ever smelt of perfume when he came home late from work. Lately, it had been happening quite often.

Something about this realization didn’t sit right with her. She didn’t want to jump to any conclusions, but she was a little concerned.

Samantha had always believed that communication was essential for a healthy relationship. For that reason, she decided to forget about it until her husband got home. Surely he would have a reasonable explanation for this, right?

Working Late


She went about her day, occasionally heading to the laundry room to switch loads between the washing machine and dryer.

She had long forgotten about the perfume on her husband’s shirt. But as 5 p.m. rolled around, she began tossing the last pile into the machine.

Checking the clock, Samantha sighed sadly. Usually, her husband would be coming home from work around this time, but he had informed her that he had to work late again.

The End Of The Year


Lately, he had been working later most nights of the week. It was approaching the end of the year, and that was the busiest time at Daniel’s company.

He was overworked and exhausted, and she couldn’t wait for him to take a few days off around Christmas.

She sighed as she grabbed ahold of the shirt he had worn the previous day. It smelled strongly of perfume. She found it bizarre. But as she scrunched it up in her hands, she felt something.

A Note


She could hear the crinkling of paper as she dug her hand into the front pocket of the thin, blue material. Confused, she removed the small piece of paper and unfolded it. She was beyond confused when she read what it said.

“Meet me at the piano bar downtown at 5 p.m. tomorrow, my treat,” She read, her eyes squinting down at the paper.

But when she read the name at the bottom of the note, her blood ran cold. It was from the last woman she ever wanted her husband to be alone with, Moira.

The City


Samantha and Daniel Levine had always loved life in the city. At just twenty years old, the couple decided to move from their hometown in Nashville to New York City.

That’s where they met all of their best friends, where they got married, and where Daniel got the work opportunity of a lifetime.

By the time they were 28 years old, their lives were seemingly perfect. Daniel was excelling in his workplace while Samantha took a little break away from work. She needed some time to herself, and Daniel was happy to provide for them for the time being.

His Promotion


He had just been promoted as a senior consultant at work, and because of this, he could afford to let Samantha take some time off.

Daniel’s job had always been extremely important to him, and it came before everything else in his life – except for his wife.

Over the years, Samantha had met his colleagues a few times, and she generally liked them all. But there was one woman, Moira, whom Samantha despised.

Interested In Him


Moira was Daniel’s boss, and since the first time she’d met her, Samantha didn’t like her.

She was obnoxious and rude, and in Samantha’s eyes, she made it very clear that she was interested in Daniel.

When she mentioned this to her husband, he laughed it off. “Trust me, you have nothing to worry about,” He told her, and foolishly, she believed him.

She Trusted Him


Samantha trusted her husband more than any other person on earth.

He had been her best friend for years, and he was going out of his way to provide for the two of them while she took some time off.

But in recent months, Daniel’s schedule had been hectic. The year was coming to an end, which happened to be the busiest time of the year at the company.

Alone At Home


As the weeks went by, Samantha adjusted to the fact that she spent most evenings alone at their home. Some days, Daniel would have to stay at work until 9pm. It was tough, but it was necessary.

But one evening, when Daniel got home, Samantha noticed something.

Daniel had just taken a seat beside her on the couch when the smell reached her nose. “That is that?” She laughed, leaning closer to her husband.

A Funny Smell


“What is what?” He asked, tossing an arm across her shoulders as he pulled her closer to him.

She laughed as she got another whiff of it, “You smell funny,” She told her husband, causing him to let out a laugh.

“It’s hot in the office, I’ve been sweating in this shirt all day,” He explained, but Samantha shook her head. “No, it’s not a sweat smell. You just smell funny,” She said, laughing it off.

No Thoughts


She didn’t think much of it after the first night. She didn’t think about it at all.

She didn’t smell it again for the next few days, but one day, when her husband got home late again, she instantly recognized the smell.

“There’s that smell again,” She told him when he gave her a tight hug. Just like before, he shrugged it off. He couldn’t smell it on himself, but she could.

Sweet And Strong


As the weeks passed, Samantha kept noticing the funny smell. It was sweet and strong, almost like some kind of candy.

But she only ever smelt it after he got home late from work. She never really thought too much about it.

She was always delighted to have her husband back home after a long day. She missed him whenever he was away. But one day, while she was home alone, she smelt it again.

Household Chores


It was Thursday afternoon, and Samantha had spent the day tending to household chores, one of which was doing the laundry.

It was early in the morning, and she was in the process of separating their clothes.

But as she grabbed one of Daniel’s shirts, the scent reached her nose again. She’d been wondering what it was, and when she raised the shirt to her nose, she finally cracked the code.



Leaning against the washing machine, she held the material up to her nose. It was perfume, but it certainly wasn’t the type she usually bought.

Why on earth would her husband be smelling like someone else’s perfume?

Something about this discovery didn’t sit right with her. She didn’t want to jump to any conclusions, but she was confused.

Asking Him About It


For the time being, she decided to forget about it. She would ask Daniel about it once he got home. She was sure that it wasn’t as bad as it seemed.

She went about her day, occasionally heading to the laundry room to switch loads between the washing machine and dryer.

She had long forgotten about the perfume on her husband’s shirt. But as 5 p.m. rolled around, she began adding the last pile to the machine.



Daniel had to work late again that night. It was the third time that week, and she was down in the dumps about it. She missed him.

She sighed as she grabbed ahold of the shirt he had worn the previous day.

It smelled strongly of perfume. She found it bizarre. But as she scrunched it up in her hands, she felt something.

She Found Something


She could hear the crinkling of paper as she dug her hand into the front pocket of the thin, blue material. Confused, she removed the small piece of paper and unfolded it. She was beyond confused when she read what it said.

“Meet me at the piano bar downtown at 5 p.m. tomorrow, my treat,” She read, her eyes squinting down at the paper.

But when she read the name at the bottom of the paper, her blood ran cold. It was from the last woman she ever wanted her husband to be around: Moira.

The Discovery


Her heart dropped at the discovery. Why was Moira asking him out to dinner? Weren’t they supposed to be working late?

That’s what Daniel told her. She placed the note down and continued with the washing, but she couldn’t manage to distract herself from her distressing thoughts.

Was he out to dinner with her right now? She couldn’t help but wonder. She tried to call him, but his phone went straight to voicemail. Something did not feel right about the situation.

Don’t Think About It


She tried not to think about it as she removed clothes from the dryer, but when her eyes landed on the note again, her palms began to sweat.

Moira was an attractive and successful woman, and although she didn’t want to admit it, she felt intimidated by her.

As the minutes passed, she started feeling worse about it, and eventually, she couldn’t take it anymore. She had to go to that restaurant.

Requesting An Uber


She requested an Uber before rushing to grab her shoes. Her heart was racing in her chest, and she felt scared.

Samantha tried to call Daniel once again, but his phone appeared to be off. She felt like she was going to be sick.

For the last while, her husband had been claiming to work late, and she believed him. But now, she was wondering if she’d made a mistake trusting him. Before long, Uber pitched up.



She couldn’t believe that she was going through with this. In all her life, she had never felt so uncertain before.

She thought she knew her husband well, but she never saw this coming. How could she trust him after this?

Her heart was racing as sat in the back of the Uber. Her husband was to meet with another woman, and she wondered how he would react if she showed up unannounced.

The Piano Bar


When the Uber stopped in front of the gorgeous piano bar, she quickly stepped out of the car.

She walked toward the entrance of the restaurant with unsteady legs. She was terrified that her suspicions might be proven true.

A waitress offered to get her a table, but she stopped them, saying that she was looking for her husband.



“What does your husband look like? I can direct you to his table,” She smiled politely, immediately noticing the nervous look on Samantha’s face.

“He has wavy dark hair, and he’s here with a blonde. A beautiful blonde,” She spoke in a shaky voice.

The waitress couldn’t help but smile sympathetically at the distressed woman. “I think I know what table that is, follow me.”

She Hoped


Samantha’s heart sank. She was hoping that the waitress would say that they didn’t have any customers who fit her description.

She trailed behind her, her head hanging low. She didn’t know what she was getting herself into.

“Is that the correct table, ma’am?” The waitress asked, and when Samantha looked up, she instantly noticed them. There sat Daniel with Moira by his side. She wanted to cry until she watched another woman sit down beside them.

Seeing Her


The second Daniel looked up from his menu, his eyes landed on his wife. He frowned for a second, watching as his wife slowly walked closer to him.

As she stood before him, a smile broke out across his face, “Hey honey, what are you doing here?” He seemed so casual.

But before she could answer her husband, Moira spoke up. “Oh, Samantha! It’s good to see you. Looks like we will both be having our spouses by our sides,” She chuckled, which made Samantha frown. “Spouses?”

The Other Woman


Moira got up, as did the woman beside her. “Yes, spouses. This is my wife, Susan,” She said, leaning in to give Samantha a quick hug. There it was, the scent she had been smelling on her husband for all those weeks

Moira had applied so much of it that the smell stuck to Samantha’s top.

Now she finally understood why her husband always smelled like that. It was because he had been around Moira every night, working on their project.

An Explanation


“I thought you were supposed to be working late?” Samantha frowned as her husband pulled a chair out for her, asking her to have dinner with them. “We do, but we all have to eat. We will be going back to the office after dinner,” he explained.

Suddenly, it all made sense. Samantha felt ridiculous for ever suspecting her husband of doing something like that to her. Especially with a married woman who was interested in other women.

When she told her husband about it later that night, he thought it was hilarious. “See, I told you you had nothing to worry about,” He teased her.


This story was handcrafted with love by a creative novelist to thrill and entertain, mirroring real-life situations to awaken your imagination and evoke profound emotions. All events, places, and characters are products of the author’s imagination, and all images and videos are used for illustrative purposes only. We hope you enjoyed reading it just as much as we enjoyed writing it!