Having The Right Vision Plan Has Never Been More Important

With a VSP® Individual Vision Plan, you only pay for the coverage you need.

Having access to vision care has never been more important. According to the CDC, 93 million U.S. adults are at high risk for serious vision loss, which is a whopping 28 percent of the total population. Meanwhile, the percentage of people who need glasses is at an all-time high. Currently, around 53 percent of Americans between 18 and 44 wear glasses. However, for people between the ages of 45 and 54, the number is 67 percent. And for people over 55, the number is 77 percent.

Unfortunately, right now, only 50 percent of Americans have vision insurance. Obviously, those who don’t are either paying a fortune out of pocket or simply not getting the vision care they need. However, a substantial portion of people with vision insurance have plans that don’t meet their specific needs or are too complicated to utilize.

If you’re not happy with your current vision plan—whether you’re underinsured, overinsured, paying too much out of pocket, or can’t stand the bureaucratic red tape—you need to take a look at VSP Individual Vision Plans.

What To Look For In A Vision Plan

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Image via Unplash

Not sure what you should look for in a vision insurance plan? Here are five critical things to consider.

Only pay for what you need. Obviously, nobody wants to be underinsured. But it’s equally important to make sure you’re not overinsured. Look for customizable vision insurance plans that let you pick and choose the coverage that’s right for you.

Choose low out-of-pocket costs over cheap premiums where possible. There’s not much point having cheap premiums if you have to pay for half the eye exam and most of the cost of your glasses. Opt for vision insurance that provides low out-of-pocket costs so you never have to skimp on proper treatment.

Good doctors matter. Vision insurance plans give you access to quality doctors who will assess your overall vision health and check for early signs of eye and other health conditions, like diabetes and high blood pressure.

Don’t accept geographic limitations. If your vision insurance only covers doctors in a specific region or state, that should be a red flag. Always make sure your vision insurance provides coverage wherever you are.

Plan for the unexpected. You may know what your vision care needs are right now. But you don’t know what they will be in the future. Look for coverage that offers eyecare in the event of an emergency, plus the flexibility to cover you for eye care and eyewear you may end up needing.

Luckily, VSP vision insurance checks off all these boxes.

VSP Offers The Flexible Vision Coverage You Need

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Image via Unplash

VSP aims to make vision care convenient, flexible, and affordable. They believe everyone has the right to a vision plan that meets their exact needs. That’s why they let you build customizable vision plans, so you only pay for the coverage you’ll actually use.

Most VSP vision plans include a covered eye exam and $150 to spend on any frame, plus basic single-vision, bifocal, trifocal, and standard progressive lenses. However, you can also select from several different plan options that cover the essentials, and give you the option to upgrade..

Do you wear glasses? Do you know you want designer frames, thinner lenses, and premium coatings? With VSP, you can create a vision plan that covers the things that will save you the most.

Don’t wear glasses? Don’t think you’ll need to any time soon? Then simply opt for basic coverage. It’s that simple.

VSP gives you other ways to save, too. Members can save $40 on select frame brands, up to 30 percent off lens enhancements when buying from VSP network doctors, and 20 percent savings on additional glasses and sunglasses, including lens enhancements, from any VSP provider within 12 months of your last WellVision Exam, plus discounts when you add dependents to your coverage.

If you don’t have vision insurance, or you’re just sick of paying for coverage that doesn’t meet your needs, click here to find out how VSP Individual Vision Plans can improve your vision coverage today.