Vater Schneidet Tochter Die Haare Ab, Weil Sie Strähnchen Zu Ihrem Geburtstag Bekommen Hat, Dann Mischt Sich Mama Ein



Kein Tag im Leben eines Kindes ist so besonders wie der Tag seiner Geburt! Sie warten das ganze Jahr auf diesen wichtigen Tag, an dem ihre Freunde und Geliebten sie feiern. In diesem Alter ist nichts aufregender, als noch ein Jahr älter zu werden. Wenn es um Kinder mit getrennten Eltern geht, haben sie vielleicht sogar die Möglichkeit, zwei Feiern zu veranstalten! 

Kelsey Frederick ist eine solche jugendliche mit geschiedenen Eltern. Ihre Eltern Schaffen und Christin schienen keine Probleme damit zu haben, zwei Geburtstagsfeiern für ihre geliebte Tochter zu organisieren. Am großen Tag kam jedoch etwas dazwischen. Was könnte möglicherweise passiert sein?

Zwei Partys Für Ein Jugendliches Mädchen


Kelsey Frederick stand kurz davor, ein besonderes Alter zu erreichen. Sie würde an ihrem Geburtstag 13 Jahre alt werden, was bedeutete, dass sie endlich ein jugendliche war! Sie freute sich auf ihre beiden Partys, eine mit jedem Elternteil.

Dies war eine Tradition, an die sie sich im Laufe der Zeit gewöhnt hat.

Dreizehn Königin


Kelsey hoffte, dass sich dieses Jahr von allen anderen abheben würde. Dieser Geburtstag war etwas Besonderes, sie wuchs auf und dachte, die Party sollte das widerspiegeln.

Eine Übernachtung mit ein paar guten Freunden könnte eine lustige Idee sein, oder?



Was es noch spezieller machte, war, dass ihre Mutter dafür bezahlte, zum ersten Mal Strähnchen in ihr Haar zu setzen!

Viele der Mädchen in der Schule bekamen Strähnchen, und Kelsey wollte sie auch ausprobieren!

Ab Zu Papas Haus


Nachdem sie einige Zeit im Salon verbracht hatte, ging sie zu ihrem Vater.

Aber sagen wir einfach, niemand hätte vorhersagen können, wie seine Reaktion aussehen würde…

Sie Ist Nicht Allein


Es gibt unzählige junge Menschen, die wie Kelsey zwei Familien haben.

Sie kann viel Zeit mit ihren beiden Eltern verbringen. Ihr Scheidungsvertrag besagt, dass sowohl Mama als auch Papa gleich viel Zeit mit ihrer Tochter verbringen, also läuft es so!

Immer Spaß


Jedes Wochenende ist sie mit einem anderen Elternteil zusammen, so dass es für diese baldige jugendliche nie wirklich langweilig wird! Kelsey geht besonders gerne zu Baseballspielen, wenn sie mit ihrem Vater zusammen ist.

Ihre beiden jüngeren Brüder sind auch immer mit von der Partie und bringen Kelsey immer zum Lachen.

Mutter Und Tochter Duett


Viele kleine Kinder wünschen sich nur eine Beziehung zu ihren Müttern ähnlich wie Kelsey mit ihrer eigenen Mutter.

Christin und Kelsey leben nicht nur zusammen – die beiden sind im Grunde die besten Freunde!

Eine Enge Verbindung


Das ist die Art von Beziehung, von der wir nur träumen können.

Kelsey hat das Gefühl, dass sie mit ihrer Mutter über alles reden kann! Wir wetten, dass diese junge Dame super froh ist, eine so gute Mutter zu haben, die für sie da ist, an die sie sich wenden kann, wann immer sie sich wenden kann.

Eine Andere Art Von Beziehung


Obwohl sie und ihr Vater auch gut miteinander auskommen, ist es nicht dasselbe.

Er scheint es nicht zu genießen, von ihren Jugendgeschichten auf die gleiche Weise zu hören wie ihre Mutter. Kelsey verbringt auch viel mehr Zeit mit ihrer Mutter als mit ihrem Vater.

Eine Familienangelegenheit


Als Kelsey jung war, trennten sich ihre Eltern, Schaffen und Christin. Es war sehr schwer für Kelsey, da sie so klein war, aber es war schön, eine große Familie zu haben und immer von Cousins und Geschwistern umgeben zu sein.

Ohne ein großartiges Unterstützungssystem hätte die Scheidung Kelsey möglicherweise viel mehr betroffen.

Sports Mädel


Kelsey treibt Sport, seit sie laufen kann. Weiter etwas zu tun, was sie liebt, half ihr, durch die großen Veränderungen in ihrem Leben geerdet zu bleiben.

Ihre Eltern sorgten dafür, dass Kelseys Leben so ähnlich wie möglich wie vor der Scheidung blieb.



Kelsey hat auch das Glück, dass ihre Eltern Freunde geblieben sind und ihrer Tochter zuliebe eine gute Beziehung unterhalten haben. Sie waren sich größtenteils einig, wie sie auch ihre Tochter erziehen sollten.

Sie setzten sich hin und machten eine Reihe von Regeln und Richtlinien, die sie beide bei der Disziplinierung und Erziehung von Kelsey befolgen wollten.

Ein Kleiner Fisch


Es mag wie etwas Kleines erscheinen, aber das Paar beschloss, Kelsey jeden Monat zu der nahe gelegene see Erie zu bringen, nur die drei.

Ihre Tochter genoss es so sehr, als sie alle diesen lustigen Ausflug machten, als sie noch ein junges Mädchen war, also beschlossen sie, dass es nicht aufhören musste.

Neue Liebe


Nicht lange nach der Scheidung fand Kelseys Vater die Liebe zu einer anderen Frau, einer Kollegin von ihm in der Feuerwache.

Das war okay für Kelsey, sie mochte die neue Freundin ihres Vaters sehr.

Es Ist Offiziell


Er machte bald einen Heiratsantrag und die beiden schlossen den Bund fürs Leben im örtlichen Gerichtsgebäude. Sie beschlossen immer noch, sich zu verkleiden, um den Anlass zu feiern, verzichteten aber auf eine große, teure Zeremonie.

Kelsey könnte nicht glücklicher für ihren Vater sein.

Der Deal Mit Ihrem Vater


Schaffens neue Frau war zwischen Kelseys Eltern überhaupt kein Thema.

Solange sie oder ihre Beziehung nicht die Art und Weise beeinträchtigten, wie sie sich zusammentun mussten, um ihre Tochter großzuziehen.

Nichts Würde Sich Ändern


Die Art und Weise, wie sie sich darauf einigten, ihre Tochter zu erziehen, würde sich nicht ändern, jetzt, da Kelsey eine Stiefmutter hatte, das war sicher.

Kelsey war mit der ganzen Idee vollkommen einverstanden. Tatsächlich war sie glücklich, dass ihr Vater glücklich war!

Starke Frauen Um Sie Herum


Kelsey war es gewohnt, mit starken Frauen zusammen zu sein, da sie ständig um sie herum waren, als sie aufwuchs. Sie hatte ihre Tante Kelly, die oft da war und ihr als zweite Mutter diente.

Es gab auch ihre Patentante Haylee Ann, die eine wichtige Rolle in Kelseys Leben spielte.

Endlose Mütterliche Figuren


Beide Frauen haben es nie versäumt, ihr mit all ihren Geschichten und Erfahrungen Ratschläge und neue Perspektiven zu geben.

Mit vielen mütterlichen Figuren in ihrem Leben wurde Kelsey vom neuen Partner ihres Vaters nicht bedroht.

Nahe gelegene Orte.


Kelsey hatte das Glück, dass ihre Mutter in Fostoria, Ohio, lebte, ebenso wie ihr Vater und dessen neue Frau. Dank ihrer räumlichen Nähe konnten sie Kelseys Geburtstag zu einem unvergesslichen Ereignis machen.

Alle drei werden eine große Rolle bei der Überraschung spielen, die sich an dem Geburtstag dieses besonderen Mädchens ereignet hat.

Die Herausforderung


Das Finden eines Geschenks für ein junges Mädchen ist oft schwierig, aber bei Kelsey war es noch schwieriger als bei ihren Altersgenossen.

Sie hatte keine typischen Hobbys für Mädchen in diesem Alter, was es schwierig machte, ein passendes Geschenk auszuwählen.

Kein Glanz


Kelsey hatte nur eine einfache Bitte: kein Glitzer. Sie war kein sogenanntes “Girly-Girl” und wollte daher kein zu pinkes oder glitzerndes Geschenk.

Ihre Mutter nahm die Hilfe von Freunden und Verwandten in Anspruch, um etwas auszuwählen, das Kelsey sehr gefallen würde.

Nicht wie andere Mädchen


Kelsey war eine Softballspielerin, aber sie besaß bereits alles, was man für diesen Sport brauchte. Sie liebte es auch, mit ihren Cousins und Cousinen zu angeln, aber es wäre schwierig, auf einer Party eine Angelausrüstung zu verschenken, und sie hatte ohnehin alles, was man zum Angeln braucht.

Außerdem war sie bereits ein glückliches Mädchen. Was würde sie sich wünschen?

Etwas preiswerter


Kelsey hat sich schon seit Jahren ein Mia-Hamm-Trikot gewünscht, aber das ist Christin und ihm im Moment viel zu teuer.

Sie mussten etwas finden, das eher in ihrer Preisklasse lag.

Für immer und ewig.


Kelsey fühlte sich, als würde ihr Geburtstag unendlich auf sich warten lassen, was in diesem Alter nicht ungewöhnlich ist. Fast jeder 12-Jährige zählt die Sekunden herunter, bis er offiziell ein Teenager wird.

Kelsey und ihre Schulfreunde begannen, im Internet nach coolen Partyideen zu suchen.

Ein wichtiger Meilenstein


Christin konnte kaum glauben, dass ihre wunderschöne Tochter direkt vor ihren Augen heranwuchs.

Waren es wirklich schon 13 Jahre, seit sie Kelsey zur Welt gebracht hatte? Sie weiß nun genau, was die Leute meinten, wenn sie sagten: „Die Zeit vergeht wie im Flug“.

Ihre Wahl


Dieser Geburtstag war ein wichtiger Meilenstein in ihrem Leben, deshalb wollte Christin ein besonderes Geschenk auswählen. Alle Feiern, die vor diesem Geburtstag stattfanden, waren immer mit einer Art Überraschung verbunden.

Sie wollte Kelsey auch die Freiheit geben, selbst zu wählen, was sie wollte.

Die Schönheitskönigin


Wie die meisten jungen Mädchen liebt es auch Kelsey, sich mit ihren Freundinnen zu frisieren und zu schminken. Sie war immer begeistert, wenn die Familie zu einer Hochzeit eingeladen wurde, denn das bedeutete einen glamourösen Tag!

Christin wusste natürlich auch, dass ihre Tochter das Make-up liebte, denn sie lieh sich immer das von ihrer Mutter. Allerdings hatte sie nicht mit dem gerechnet, was Kelsey von ihr erwartete.

Strähnchen zu meinem Geburtstag


Kelsey sagte: “Mama, ich möchte mir zu meinem 13. Geburtstag Strähnchen machen lassen”.

Das Mädchen wollte ihr braunes Haar mit blonden Strähnchen aufpeppen. Wie würde Christin auf einen solchen Vorschlag reagieren?



Es war ein ganz normaler Wunsch, aber keine Mutter ist jemals darauf vorbereitet, dass ihr Kind um eine große Umgestaltung bittet.

Christin befürchtete, dass Kelsey sich unsicher war, wie sie aussah, und begann sich deswegen ein wenig Sorgen zu machen.

Wie ihre Mutter


Aber Christin konnte nicht vergessen, dass sie schon lange vor Kelseys Geburt Strähnchen bekommen hatte.

Es ist durchaus möglich, dass die Tochter durch die Handlungen ihrer Mutter beeinflusst wurde. Sie beschloss, dass es keinen wirklichen Grund zur Sorge gab.



Christin war etwas überrascht, obwohl sie Kelsey das Angebot gemacht hatte, sich auszusuchen, was sie wollte, und sie wusste, dass sie es nicht annehmen konnte. Kelseys Haar hatte sich im Laufe der Jahre immer dunkler gefärbt, und die Leute ließen sich ständig Strähnen machen.

Es war also nicht weiter tragisch. Christin war leicht nervös, aber dank ihrer Erfahrung wusste sie genau, was zu tun war.

Eine großartige große Schwester


Christin hat nicht nur zugestimmt, weil es Kelseys Geburtstag war, sondern auch, weil ihre Tochter es wollte. Kelsey hat drei jüngere Brüder und ist ihnen eine tolle große Schwester.

Sie hilft immer mit und ist ein großes Vorbild für die Jungs.

Mutter und Tochter Bindung


Christin entschloss sich, alles zu geben, und Kelsey an ihrem Geburtstag eine königliche Behandlung zukommen zu lassen.

Beide wussten nicht, was sie erwartete, und beschlossen, diese aufregende, aber nervenaufreibende Prozedur in einen Mutter-Tochter-Besuch im Salon zu verwandeln.

Nägel Auch


Gut, dass der örtliche Salon, in dem Christin schon seit Jahren ihre Haare machen lässt, auch Maniküre, Pediküre und Massagen anbietet. Kelsey wurde zu ihrem Geburtstag mit einer großen Überraschung bedacht.

Da Christin eine treue Kundin war, bekam sie auch einen schönen Rabatt.

Mutter und Tochter im Einklang


Mutter und Tochter bekamen am Ende eine passende Maniküre und Pediküre.

Was könnte besser sein! Allerdings war Kelsey nicht darüber im Bilde, dass noch etwas anderes geschehen würde, von dem sie keine Kenntnis hatte.

Ein entspannender Tag


Sie warteten auf ihre Verwandlung und hofften auf das Beste. Nachdem sie einen angenehmen und entspannten Tag miteinander verbracht hatten, zeigte Christin Kelsey den Spiegel. Endlich konnte sie das Ergebnis sehen.

Die beiden waren sehr erstaunt.

Sie konnte ihren Augen nicht trauen


Kelsey blickte in den Spiegel, aber sie konnte nicht glauben, was sie sah. Die Strähnchen hatten ihr Aussehen verändert! Selbst Christin konnte das Mädchen nicht wiedererkennen.

Allerdings musste sie sagen, dass sie Kelsey noch nie so schön mit diesem Lächeln gesehen hatte.

Eine Überraschung in ihrem Ärmel


Christina hatte eine Überraschung für Kelsey parat, die Kelsey nicht erwartet hatte. Ihr Ziel war es, ihrer Tochter nicht nur die Haare und Nägel zu machen, sondern auch ihr Make-up! War es aufregend genug?

Sie begaben sich zu keinem Geringeren als dem Make-up-Superscore Sephora!



Nach den Behandlungen machte Christin ein Foto ihrer Tochter und stellte es auf Facebook ein, damit ihre Freunde und Familienmitglieder es sehen konnten.

Die beiden waren glückselig und unwissend, obwohl sie nicht wussten, wie ein gewisser Jemand darauf reagieren würde.

Next Stop Is Dad’s Place


Kelsey was eager to go out and show off her new hairstyle to her friends, but she had to go to her dad’s place first.

He was also ready to shower his lovely daughter with love and gifts but knew he had to wait for his turn with her.

His Turn


Christin was happy enough to send their darling over to her ex-husband, so they hopped into the car and drove over to Schaffen’s place. The plan was that Kelsey was going to stay at his home for the entire weekend.

It was only fair she split her time with both parents.

Something Smells


Whenever Kelsey spent some time with her father, she typically stopped using her phone. Since she split time between her mom and dad, she always made sure to make the most of her time with each parent.

Christin had no reason to hear from the teenager. But she woke up that morning with the feeling that something wasn’t quite right.

Mother’s Instinct


Christin tried to convince herself not to worry, but a mother’s instinct is always best, right? The minutes slowly ticked, but today was finally the day Kelsey would be coming back to her mom’s house.

She wondered how her daughter was enjoying her new do!

Who Was She?


When Kelsey finally rang the doorbell several days later, something odd had happened. Christin did not even realize the girl ringing the doorbell was actually her daughter!

Kelsey’s face was not only swollen and puffy from crying, but something else was off. What could it be?

What Was It?


A million things raced through Christin’s mind. Was Kelsey hurt? Had she gotten into an argument with her new step-mom? Did something happen to her dad? Maybe she spent some time at the firehouse because Schaffen had to work over the weekend?

Christin knew it wasn’t her daughter’s favorite place but was that a reason for all of the tears?

Completely Different


Then Christin did a double-take and saw that something was up with Kelsey’s hair. It looked completely different than it did when Schaffen had picked her up just a few days earlier.

What had happened to their daughter?

Horrible Haircut


Not only were the expensive highlights gone, but Kelsey’s beautiful long locks disappeared as well! Had Kelsey had second thoughts about her new look and decided to get rid of it all?

Christin was shocked, she couldn’t even move or breathe.

A “Chop Off”


Her locks were clearly butchered away sometime during the weekend.

A professional hairstylist commented saying, “what they did to that poor child, it’s a “chop off”, it’s a boyish cut with no styling whatsoever”.

From Extreme High To Extreme Low


It did not make things easier that Kelsey was cupping her face in her hands and refusing to show her face. Clearly, the young girl was humiliated by what happened.

Christin couldn’t believe it and didn’t know what had happened or where to go from here…

Self-Esteem Plummeted


In just a couple of moments, she went from feeling like the most beautiful and confident she had ever been to getting her hair chopped off on her birthday. Kelsey could not stand to look in the mirror.

Her self-esteem clearly took a beating after the ordeal she went through. Christin knew she had to get to the bottom of this.



Since Christin could not get her daughter to talk about it, she got in the car and drove to Schaffen’s place. Christin was fuming the entire car ride. She couldn’t believe the man she once loved would treat their sweet daughter in such a manner.

On her birthday no less!

How Could You


When she arrived at their house, she sprinted up to the door and screamed at her ex and his fiancé Sarah, asking why they let that happen to her daughter. Moreover, why didn’t they get in touch with her?

Christin was so mad she couldn’t even think clearly.



Apparently, they could not stand her new hairstyle and punished her for it. They thought the highlights were too precarious for her age.

According to them, “actions have consequences”.

Against Her Wishes


Little did Schaffen and Sarah know, Christin was about to show them how true this was. Christin went to the police. The chief commented saying, “the mother was upset at how her child was being cared for.

The haircut was done against the child’s wishes under the direction of the girl’s father and stepmother”.

Smile No More


Her smiling little girl was smiling no more. She couldn’t stand to see her sweet daughter in such a state.

She also couldn’t believe her ex didn’t like it. It was simple blonde highlights, not blue hair!

Taking Her Frustrations To Facebook


She was beyond her wit’s end, so she decided to take out her frustration by shaming her ex-husband online.

That was why she went on social media to give him a taste of the humiliation.

Sensitive Person


Christin wanted him to feel the pain he decided to inflict on a young and sensitive person on her birthday no less.

She hoped by posting it online, Schaffen and Sarah would see how much pain their actions caused Kelsey.

When You Go Viral


However, it was not Christin’s intention to make a viral post. She just wanted her family and friends to validate that Schaffen behaved unreasonably…in all likelihood, it was her way to blow off some steam as well.

However, the photos ended up doing more than that…

In No Time


What she didn’t expect was the number of people it reached in such a short amount of time.

When people around the country found out just how extreme his reaction was about something as trivial as highlights, they spoke out.

People Were Outraged


Can you believe that people shared it 24,000 times and it received 33,000 reactions in only a week?

The online users did not hold back at all from talking about how they felt about the incident. Here is one response in particular.

A Little Too Much


For Kelsey, the replies to her mother’s post and the questions at school were overwhelming.

The attention all became a little too much. This is only understandable, in the end, she is only 13 years old.

Outrage From Strangers


Well, Christin definitely received all the support she initially wanted and then some. This was more than she bargained for.

People she did not know started calling what Schaffen and his partner did “ridiculous” and “disgusting”.

Stand For Your Kids


Another stranger left this comment: “What a cruel thing for a parent to do to their child. So sorry that happened…beautiful no matter what!”

Meanwhile, Kelsey was not prepared to have both her face and newly butchered hair make rounds on the internet.

Middle School Woes


She was also not ready to show her face in the hallways at school. The haircut was bad enough, but now all of this attention since the Facebook post?

No way. How is a middle schooler supposed to deal with all of that?

Like Nothing Had Happened


While her younger brothers were enjoying school, and her dad and step-mom went about their daily routines, Kelsey was hurting inside.

She felt betrayed, humiliated and angry at what they did. They acted as if nothing had happened.

Theories And Speculations Abound


It was not at all unexpected that the people who heard about the story would feel critical about what Schaffen did. However, some of these strangers thought there was a bigger issue than an impulsive and controlling father.

What was the problem?

Everyone Had An Opinion


This was what one commenter had to say: “I think the daughter was unfortunately in the middle of a get back at you between both parents fighting.” Could it be true that Christin actually upset him on purpose?

We cannot say for certain, but there were more speculations to come…



Pear Tree Salon hairstylist of 27 years, Jennifer McVay commented on the incident.

“Your hair is what really makes you feel good. If your hair looks good, you feel good. She had beautiful long hair, that beautiful little girl is now walking around embarrassed”.

A Fine Line


She also said, “Another person, aside from the father, is at fault. The one holding the scissors. But, back to the father, why would they want to humiliate their daughter that way?”

“That was crossing a fine line.”

The Highlight Problem


People who have children of their own had mixed feelings about Kelsey’s highlights after hearing what happened. It was fairly easy to see that others thought they would also be upset if their daughter got a makeover without telling them.

Of course, this did not mean they excused the way the father reacted.



Many people said 13 was too young to start putting dyes on her hair. They thought Halloween was the time for this but by using wigs and wash-out hairspray. On the other hand, others said it was not a problem because it was only temporary.

However, the chopped hair raised other concerns. This was the thing that made people feel unsettled.

Sympathy From Strangers


It was a good thing that these internet people knew how the young girl must have felt. Although Christin was receiving comments that talked badly about Schaffen, some of the strangers started to address Kristin since they felt sympathy for her. Some complimented her, others suggested different things she could do with her hair and shared other heartwarming sentiments. She took comfort in their kindness.

Kelsey could not understand how these people could possibly understand her better than her father did.

Making Up For It


When the story got too much attention online, Christin realized she could use the clout to make things easier for the family. Since there were so many individuals reading and then sharing it, she thought it would be a great idea to launch a fundraiser that will help pay for her daughter’s new hair treatment. She created an account on GoFundMe to put more attention on the situation and asked readers to donate money to help make things right for the birthday girl.

At that time, they did not know if this would work.

Showing Off Her Daughter


Christin was surprised by the attention people paid the story, so she tried to update the page with events and other things happening in her daughter’s life.

Kelsey and her emotions were all over the place, and who could blame her after what she went through?

She No Longer Hid


At the very least, she was starting to do things she enjoyed and no longer hid her face.

Christin enjoyed doing these updates and showing everyone how Kelsey was doing, regardless of their stance on the situation, just how good a kid her daughter was.

Forgetting About The Trauma


People could see the young girl playing softball and going on fishing trips with her cousins. The whole time, she was sporting the hairdo she did not ask for nor wanted.

All she could do was live her life and move on.

Strong Support


People began to understand Kelsey more and drew inspiration from the way she handled the situation. Her team also always had her back, which definitely helped. However, there was more drama that was about to go down without Kelsey or Christin knowing about it.

They only realized how much the situation escalated when someone paid them a visit.

Press And The Police


Some of the people who got wind of the story apparently thought there was parental abuse involved! Now that authorities were in the mix, Fox8 interviewed Police Chief Colby Carroll.

What would he say?

Never Before


They broadcasted the way Kelsey got a forced hair cut from her father and his new wife as punishment.

“I’ve been doing this since ’92 and I’ve never had a case I would say that’s like this,” said the police officer.

Administrative Leave


It did not take a long time before the authorities knocked on Schaffen’s door. They received suspensions from their firefighting duties at the Middletown Township fire department. During this time, they were placed on “administrative leave”.

They did not want people like that working for them.

Consequences For Their Actions


There was an investigation, which ended in the local judges determining that the couple needed to pay a price as well.

People argued some more if the punishment was too much for what they did. Others argued that it was definitely a criminal offense.

Actions & Consequences


But hey, do not forget what they said about actions and consequences!

Even though the investigation was done, the family drama was not over yet…What was next for Schaffen and Sarah?

The Court’s Decision


The authorities granted Christin full custody of their daughter.

Christin took to Facebook to post this: “After 5 hours of testimony and ‘evidence’ provided by both parties, the magistrate’s decision was for Kelsey to live with mom and her siblings!”

No More Joint Custody


She continued, “A huge weight has been lifted off of everyone’s shoulders and we cannot be any [happier]!!”

Although Christin and Kelsey were both happy and relieved about how it turned out, Kelsey had to pay a rather big sacrifice.

Aunt Kelly Helps Kelsey Out


Kelsey did not have the chance to get her belongings from Schaffen’s house before she was legally removed from the place. In all honesty, she did not feel eager to come to get her things because that meant she would have to see her father and his wife. However, it still meant that she had no choice but to surrender many things dear to her.

To make up for this situation, Aunt Kelly created an account on GoFundMe to raise money so that Kelsey could live a normal life once more.

It Would Be Different


While every member of the family would agree that they managed to get the best outcome possible, it still did not make the situation any less painful for Christin and Kelsey.

After all, their relationship with Schaffen completely changed for the worse without so much as a warning.

Encouraging Words From Strangers


It certainly helped when their followers, such as Tatum Mathis, took the time to write their sympathies.

Luckily, things were about to get much better from that point on. What do we mean exactly? Read on.

Reaching Their Target Goals


It took a pretty short time before the audience decided to show their support for the young girl by donating their hard-earned money. Aunt Kelly only had a target of a thousand bucks, but they go to nearly double that amount without any problems! No one could have predicted what happened next – an anonymous person made a contribution of $2,000 in one go, effectively bringing the total to $3,543!

Now, the next question is this: what should they do with these donations from generous strangers?

Lady Jane’s


It was not hard at all to find the answer to that question.

They went back to the salon to get her hair fixed before they do anything else. They chose the Lady Jane salon, but the staff apparently knew about the situation already.

Going Back To The Salon


As a matter of fact, her godmother Haylee Ann already dropped by ahead of time to make sure she gets a nice surprise.

Kelsey was greeted by a welcome committee as soon as she got there! How exciting for the 13-year-old!

Incredible Results


Back at the salon, the staff was already anticipating the arrival of the young girl. They were prepared to make magic happen yet again. Everyone knew how much strength the young girl displayed despite the trauma she underwent.

They did all that they could to make Kelsey one happy girl.

The Sky Is The Limit


They asked her what she wanted because everything was possible now. Haylee Ann was also present in a show of support, which gave Kelsey more courage to do what she wanted. She listened to the advice they had and agreed to another huge change.

What could it be? Maybe she dyed it or got extensions?

Happy Once More


She knew she had to wait before her natural roots grew back, which is why Kelsey decided to get a wig for now.

She liked the choices the salon offered and was happy with the end result. It nearly made up for what went wrong in the first place!

Forever Grateful


Kelsey’s mom was so grateful after hoping hard that Kelsey would feel more like herself once more.

She said, “I’d like to thank the ladies…for making my baby feel more like herself!” she said. “We truly appreciate you ladies so much!” Her daughter’s smile was finally back!

Her Very Own Fairy Godmother


Christin was aware that she could not have pulled this off without Haylee Ann. There was no way the salon could have known what to do if her friend were not there. She was the one who ensured that the fundraiser would go well and never failed to show her support for the mother and daughter, especially when things were going badly with Schaffen.

After posing for photos on Salon Day #2 with all these lovely women, no one could have predicted there were more surprises in store for them.

Happily Ever After


The happily ever after of this story succeeded in warming the hearts of the people who kept up with the story.

Surprisingly, more and more people tuned in. Who would have thought that the traumatic ordeal could bring out generosity and sympathy in other people?

Going Viral Again


Several months later, the post earned nearly five thousand likes and hundreds of comments and shares.

One commenter even said, “You’re beautiful!” We definitely agree with that assessment! We’re so happy so many strong women came together and brought Kelsey the justice she deserved!

Grades Above


Although we know that Kelsey was not happy with her botched hair job, she left the salon looking way better than some people do.

Let’s just say her chop off was an A+ compared to these botched jobs…

Nice Headphones


If Bose headphones are out of your price range, why not just get a haircut like this guy?

He only spent a few bucks and around 20 minutes at the barber instead of a whopping $250. He seems like he knows how to save some money.

Like Father, Like Son


Poor little Kevin decided to go with his dad to the barber that warm Saturday in April. Little did he know, his barber and his father had a little prank up their sleeves.

It’s safe to say that Kevin was less than thrilled when he was given a style to mirror his dad’s receding hairline.

It’s Salvador Dali


This is one unique haircut, so different in fact we don’t think we’ve ever seen anything like it.

The attention to detail in this buzz-cut is something only the most talented can achieve. Check out those long whiskers!

Don’t Pull The Plug


We’re not sure what this young guy was thinking when he walked into his town’s barber shop that day, or if he was thinking at all.

The top of his head looks something like a whirlpool and on the front and back of his head he has these weird braids…we’re not even going to ask.

Beautiful Doll


What can one do when you’re in a shaven-head biker group, but still want to look pretty on the weekends.

This guy decided to go with a little patch of hair on his head cut to look like a bowtie. Whatever makes him feel good…right?

Whatsapp Emoji


If this haircut looks a bit familiar, it should, you probably have looked at it once already today.

It’s the poop emoji, of course! Whatever made this fella get a cut mirroring something so vile, we have no answer for.

Static Electricity


We hope this look was on purpose, and this guy didn’t just happen to get hit with some crazy strong static electricity that said day.

Although this scenario is likely, our best guess is that he used lots of gel and hairspray to achieve this look.



We all know Miley Cyrus has sported some wild hairstyles in recent years, but this one has to win the cake.

The spiked look, together with the bleached blonde tips, is hard for us to look at for more than 3 seconds. Rocker girl, for sure!

First Fault


If tennis is your favorite sport, it only makes sense you get a haircut that makes your head look like a tennis ball…right?

No, no, no. Everything about this hair-do is so wrong. We hope that color dye wasn’t permanent!

Future Branding


Although Oreos are many people’s cookie of choice, not many would get the logo and color scheme plastered on their hair.

Either this woman loves the said sweet treat, or she’s just signed on as the brand’s walking advertisement.

Ariel Winter Too


Normal everyday citizens aren’t the only ones who get crazy hairstyles, celebrities do too!

Ariel Winter from Modern Family decided to color her hair a bold pink for a recent music festival.

Noah’s Ark


This masterpiece has us asking all sorts of questions, the first being: how many bottles of gel and hairspray did he use?

Our guess is a whole lot! He definitely achieved the Noah’s Ark look…it’s quite the boat he has under there!

Smurf Dipped


When you’re a big fan of the Smurfs, you may get your hair dyed to look just like them.

This girl is obsessed with the said films, so she did just that. We think she missed the top, or maybe that’s the style these days?

Hat Hair


Carl wears a hat every day, it’s sort of a staple of his. He decided to try out a new look and get his haircut in the shape of a hat.

The result is insanely accurate! Just look at the long brim and all…the sun has nothing on him!



Showing support for your favorite presidential candidate is imperative if you want them to win the race.

This man was a huge Hillary fan, and he wanted all of the world to know it. Although she didn’t win, he sure did with this haircut.

Up Or Down?


When in doubt…attach a zipper? She couldn’t quite figure out how to style her hair for the wedding, so she decided to do something a bit out-of-the-box.

Oh, do we wish she left that zipper out of her hair, and in the craft store where it belongs!

Chopper Chop


This woman’s boyfriend is a pilot, so she decided to surprise him for his birthday with this special jet-settin’ do! She has the tail, along with the top of the helicopter.

Can you believe that it even spins?!

Eyes At The Back Of His Head


We’re guessing this was a bet gone wrong, and this guy was the loser.

would definitely scare the little ones, and we bet it would creep out some adults as well!

Carrot Top


This woman tried really hard to get on board with the healthy-eating movement, and what better way than to literally attach vegetables to your head?

Not real carrots of course, but ones made of hair and colored orange!! Oh, dear…

Disclaimer: To protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events, places, or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.