Una Madre Alcanzada Por Un Rayo Da A Luz, El Médico Ve Al Bebé Y Le Dice Que Contrate A Un Guardaespaldas


Un Segundo Demasiado Tarde

El hombre gritó llamando a su mujer: “¡Bri!”. Hubo un fuerte destello de luz y ella cayó al suelo.

Corrió hacia ella, pero llegó demasiado tarde.

¿Qué ha ocurrido? ¿Por qué le soltó la mano? Nunca debería haberla dejado atrás. Una decisión inconsciente le había hecho sentirse completamente inútil.

Casita En El Campo


Brianna, de 31 años, y Richard Cooper, de 34, eran una joven pareja que vivía en Kansas City, Missouri.

Llevaban cuatro años casados y tenían dos hijos, Thomas, de tres años, y Lira, de uno y medio. Se alegraron mucho al saber que esperaban su tercer hijo. 

Cuando se acercaba la fecha del parto, solían dar largos paseos al atardecer para disfrutar de la brisa fresca y hablar de sus sueños y esperanzas para el futuro.

Respirar Aire Fresco


Brianna estaba en el tercer trimestre y la pareja decidió dar un paseo al aire libre una tarde, disfrutando de la cálida brisa veraniega.

La emocionada pareja charló sobre el nombre que iban a ponerle a su bebé.

Sabían que iba a ser un niño. Estaban metidos en su propio mundo y no se dieron cuenta de la tormenta que se avecinaba.

Atrapados Por La Tormenta


Mientras paseaban por el parque, les sorprendió una tormenta repentina. Intentaron refugiarse, pero Brianna era demasiado lenta. 

Mientras corrían, Brianna llamó a su marido, pero él estaba abriendo la verja de entrada al parque.

Hubo un destello cegador de luz que golpeó el suelo. De repente sintió un dolor agudo en el abdomen, y lo siguiente que supo es que estaba en el suelo. 

Un Poco Demasiado Tarde


Richard estaba conmocionado al ver a su mujer caer al suelo, con el cuerpo convulsionándose de dolor.

Aterrorizado, corrió a su lado. Estaba inconsciente.

Su cuerpo estaba caliente y rígido. Richard estaba fuera de sí. Le acarició la cabeza mientras llamaba a una ambulancia. “Vamos, cariño, no me dejes”.



Brianna fue trasladada al hospital, donde la trataron por quemaduras.

Richard seguía sin saber cuál era la causa de las quemaduras.

Intentó localizar a una de las enfermeras, pero entraban y salían del quirófano como abejas. Se asomó por las puertas de cristal, pero no pudo ver nada. ¿Su mujer estaba bien?



Por fin apareció un médico. Parecía preocupado. Richard corrió hacia él y le miró a la cara.

“Está estable, pero sigue inconsciente. Puede que su cuerpo esté descansando. No hay motivo de alarma todavía”.

“Gracias a Dios, ¿qué ha pasado, doctor?”. gritó Richard. Se confirmó: los médicos descubrieron que Brianna había sido alcanzada por un rayo.

Fue Alcanzada


“¿Puedo verla, doctor?” preguntó Richard. “Sí, puede, pero por favor, señor, no llore.

Necesita positividad”. Richard le ignoró y corrió al interior de la sala.

Se sentó junto a su cama y empezó a llorar. Estaba pálida e indefensa. “Lo siento, mi amor. Por favor, ponte bien”. Tomó sus manos entre las suyas y lloró sobre su manta.

Toque De Vida


Al cabo de unos instantes, Richard sintió una cálida sensación en el corazón.

Levantó la cabeza y miró a su mujer.

De repente, sintió que sus dedos se crispaban. “¿Amor mío?”, dijo emocionado. “Cariño, ¿me oyes?”. La mano de ella se movió en la de él. ¿Se estaba despertando?



Richard se inclinó más hacia ella y le susurró al oído: “Bri… Brianna, ¿cariño? Estoy aquí”.

Nada. Quizá fuera un reflejo, pensó.

De repente, ella habló: “Richie”, dijo. El marido, eufórico, llamó al médico. Ella se miró. Sabía que tenía quemaduras leves, pero parecía estar bien. Sólo tenía una pregunta: “¿Cómo está el bebé?”.

Una Situación Chocante


Brianna se despertó confusa. Los médicos intentaron explicárselo lo mejor posible.

Richard intentó que se sintiera segura y cómoda, pero ella seguía intranquila.

Entonces ocurrió lo peor. Empezó a hiperventilar. “No puedo respirar. Mi bebé, mi bebé”, gritaba, “¿está bien mi bebé?”. Estaba histérica y, debido al trauma, se puso de parto prematuramente. 

Otra Emergencia


Brianna rompió aguas en la sala de urgencias. Tenían que prepararla para el parto lo antes posible.

Richard avisó a la familia y la llevaron rápidamente a la sala de maternidad de la planta inferior.

Brianna estaba asustada. Ya tenía muchos dolores. La piel le ardía. Estaba aterrorizada por su hijo y rezaba para que sobreviviera.

Decisiones Rápidas


Brianna tuvo que someterse a una cesárea de urgencia. Era una mujer fuerte y obstinada.

La furiosa madre también insistió en que le pusieran la epidural porque no podía soportar también el dolor físico de las quemaduras.

Tras un parto difícil, su hijo nació a los 7 meses y medio. Estaba sano, pero tenía un aspecto extraño. 

Tristeza Infantil


Los médicos estaban desconcertados por el inusual aspecto de Bobby, y Brianna estaba aterrorizada de que algo pudiera ir mal con su bebé.

El pequeño bebé fue trasladado inmediatamente a la unidad de cuidados intensivos neonatales. Tuvo que permanecer en una incubadora, y Brianna y Richard sólo podían verlo unos minutos al día. 

Estaban encantados de tener un hijo, pero también preocupados por su salud. Ella se quedó a su lado en el hospital, viéndole dormir en la incubadora. Fue muy difícil para ella.

Centro De Atención


Mientras Brianna caminaba por los pasillos con Bobby en brazos, podía sentir las miradas de los demás.

Algunos susurraban a sus espaldas, burlándose de ella por ser una mala madre. Brianna estaba destrozada y traumatizada por los crueles comentarios. 

No entendía por qué la gente se apresuraba a juzgarla y herirla cuando ya estaba pasando por tanto.

Difícil De Pasar Por Alto


Con el paso de los días, Brianna se dio cuenta de que su bebé tenía un aspecto diferente al de otros recién nacidos.

Otras personas vieron a Bobby en la sala de maternidad y sintieron curiosidad por lo que le había ocurrido.

Tenía un pequeño mechón de pelo blanco en la frente y una mancha blanca en la frente. A Brianna no le importaba; estaba feliz de tener a su bebé con ella. Pero otras personas que vieron al bebé en la planta de maternidad sintieron curiosidad por lo que le había ocurrido.



Brianna no estaba preparada para la avalancha de juicios y críticas de los demás.

Se sentía una mala madre porque su bebé tenía un aspecto diferente. La gente cuchicheaba cuando la veían y ella les oía decir cosas hirientes sobre su bebé.

Algunos sabían lo que le había pasado. Era posible que su bebé hubiera salido con algún tipo de defecto congénito a causa del rayo. 



El médico sugirió a Brianna que contratara a un guardaespaldas para proteger a su bebé de cualquier daño.

Richard se puso furioso cuando se enteró del acoso y juró proteger a su familia a toda costa. Brianna le agradeció su apoyo, pero seguía sintiéndose sola y asustada.

El médico le recomendó que contratara a un guardaespaldas para proteger a su bebé. Al principio Brianna dudó, pero se dio cuenta de que tenía que hacer lo que fuera para mantener a salvo a su bebé.

No Hay Que Tener Miedo


Brianna estaba pasando por muchos traumas y se sentía abrumada.

Tenía miedo de sacar a su bebé a la calle, pero sabía que tenía que hacerlo. 

Un día decidió llevar a su bebé a pasear por el parque, con la esperanza de que le diera el aire y se sintiera mejor. Pero en cuanto salieron de casa, la gente empezó a mirarlos a ella y a su bebé.

Ahora Era Madre


A pesar de las dificultades, Brianna estaba decidida a ser una madre fuerte para Bobby.

Se negó a dejar que los matones se apoderaran de ella y abrió una página en Facebook para compartir su historia y su amor por su hijo. 

Recibió una avalancha de apoyo de otras madres que habían pasado por dificultades similares, y sintió un nuevo sentimiento de comunidad. Estaba orgullosa de tener un hijo que parecía diferente.

Overstepping Boundaries


Some people even took pictures of her baby, which made Brianna feel violated.

She felt like people were treating her baby like some sort of freak show. Brianna was heartbroken, and the more she thought about it, the angrier she became. 

Her neighbors spread rumors that her baby had superpowers. They called him the ‘black Harry Potter.’ How could people still be so cruel? she thought. The reporters had no respect for her personal space. They were discriminated against.

True Love


One day, Brianna decided to retaliate. She posted a message on her Facebook page, saying that she was proud of her baby and didn’t care what anyone thought.

She said that her baby was perfect in her eyes and that she loved him more than anything in the world.  

Her post read: “If ya’ll don’t leave us alone, I will get my baby to use his superpowers on you, wink, wink. We just want to have a normal life, please.”

Only Skin-Deep


The response was overwhelming. Brianna’s post went viral, and she received messages of support from all over the world.

People shared their own stories of being judged and criticized, and Brianna realized that she wasn’t alone.

Brianna knew that this was one way to get people to back off. She wasn’t going to take the harassment anymore. She was ready for anyone who wanted to take her on.

More Online Hate


And take her on, they did. With all the support she received from strangers, she also received some criticism.

But Brianna knew that it came with the territory of online posts.

But she and her family were not ready for the amount of hate that came with her last online post. It seemed she had struck a nerve with a very particular group of people.

Enough Was Enough


At first, her husband told her to ignore the barrage of messages that came through.

Although she knew he was right, she couldn’t just sit back and allow them to taunt her and her family.

She had young children, and she wasn’t going to allow grown people to come for her kids. She had had enough and decided to log in.

Logging In


As her phone came to life after Brianna had been offline for a week, she couldn’t believe all the messages she had received. 

It was a mixture of love and well wishes. But then she noticed some messages sent from a woman that belonged to a certain group.

Brianna wasn’t entirely sure, but it looked like this woman was the head of some organization.

Giving Advice 


The woman seemed to be giving her advice of some sort. She linked something for Brianna to click on.

When she did, she couldn’t believe what she had just clicked on.

It looked like a faith-based organization, and this woman, Lucy, was the president. Brianna wasn’t against any of it, and she welcomed the woman’s advice and well wishes. She immediately liked her comments and suggestions. 

Frequent Messages


But as time passed, Brianna started getting more and more messages from Lucy and her organization.

It became so frequent that Brianna hardly had the time to reply or like them all.

It was a daily occurrence, and each day, at certain times, Lucy would send a message of encouragement or a prayer for her and her family.

She Wanted To Take A Break


Brianna didn’t mind, but she also wanted to take another break from social media.

She needed time to spend with her family and, of course, her newborn son.

She didn’t want to constantly be online to answer people’s comments because she knew that it could also give people more ammunition to demonize her even further.

Logging Off


So she did just that. With the approval of Richard, she promptly logged off again.

She always felt a sense of relief when she did that. 

But little did she know that by logging off, she was making someone very angry indeed. And this person was going to let Brianna know just how she felt about it.



Days turned into weeks, and Brianna felt the freedom of not having to frequently look at her phone to answer people and look at their disparaging comments.

She was too busy being a mom to her three kids and a loving wife to Richard.

She knew people were cheering her on, but she also knew that there were a few people that didn’t think much of her.

Putting It Behind Her


But Brianna had learned to put all of that nastiness behind her.

Richard had helped her to not think about what people thought about them.

As much as she knew that he was right, Brianna’s heart and head were telling her two different things. On one hand, her heart was telling her to forget, but her head was telling her to fight for her family’s name.

Her Secret


And that’s when Brianna made the difficult yet necessary decision to secretly log in again.

She wanted to do it in secret because she didn’t want Richard to be upset with her.

She felt like there was something that urgently needed her attention online. And boy, was she right. As soon as she logged in, her inbox was flooded with messages. 

The Hate Continues


But not just any messages. These were hate-filled, and Brianna instantly regretted ever logging in.

She held her head in her hands at her mistake but decided to read them anyway.

She couldn’t believe that almost all of the messages were from Lucy and her organization. It looked like when she failed to get through to Brianna, she persuaded other members of the group to continue sending messages.

Horrible Messages


When she clicked on one message, her heart nearly stopped beating.

Lucy had managed to send her numerous messages. Each one was more horrible than the next.

And they all detailed her and her newborn son, Bobby. Brianna read on in anger as Lucy chose to involve her son. She was not going to get off lightly.

In Disbelief


But the ones that stood out left Brianna in utter disbelief and shock.

Lucy went on to say that Brianna and her husband needed to bring Bobby to church to have him thoroughly blessed.

She said that it was the only way to get rid of his superpowers and the real evil that was within him. Lucy went on to say that she had arranged an extra special service just for them to rid Bobby of his “problem.”

Taking Action


With that, Brianna sprang into action and not only sent a response to all her messages but also reported her and her organization.

She was not going to sit back and let someone insult her and her son.

There was absolutely nothing wrong with Bobby, and she couldn’t believe that she still had to explain it to people.



She then deleted Lucy’s friendship request and unfollowed her and the organization.

She didn’t dare tell Richard about the latest comments because she wasn’t supposed to be online in the first place.

So she decided to handle it quietly but still spoke to him about her worries and fears. She knew he would be there for her no matter what.

Beauty Is Within


With the support of her husband, family, and friends, Brianna found the strength to keep going.

She fought back by going live on her feed so people felt less inclined to interfere with her.

She refused to let the judgment of others bring her down. She continued to take her baby out for walks, and slowly but surely, people started to accept him for who he was.



Brianna’s technique worked. Soon there were fewer trolls and haters, and she and her family were able to live a somewhat normal life. 

As the months went by, Brianna’s baby continued to grow and thrive.

His white patch and the tuft of hair became his unique features. He was born to stand out, not fit in.

A Better Cause


Bobby quickly became the center of Brianna and Richard’s world.

They watched in amazement as their son grew and thrived despite the challenges he faced. He was a fighter, just like his mother.

But they would never have guessed what happened next. Their little boy was about to give them more than they bargained for.

You Have The Look


One day, a modeling agent approached Brianna with an offer for Bobby to become an infant model.

Brianna was hesitant at first, worried about the attention it might bring to her family. 

But as she watched her son smile and giggle in front of the camera, she knew that this was the right decision. He loved the attention, and he looked good in front of the camera.

Unusual Skin


Bobby quickly became an internet sensation, his unique appearance captivating the hearts of people around the world.

People with other skin conditions like vitiligo were big supporters of his. His message spread far and wide.

Little Bobby made a big change for his community. He was the face of many brands, and Brianna was proud of her son’s accomplishments.

Truth Be Told


As Bobby grew older, Brianna continued to share her story, hoping to inspire other parents to be proud of their unique children.

She knew firsthand the pain of being judged and ridiculed, but she also knew the power of love and resilience. 

The family’s social media account was dedicated to little Bobby. Their tagline motto was “Love the skin you’re in.” This family was making a big difference to the idea of beauty standards in America. 

An Attractive Family


In the end, Brianna and Richard’s love for each other and their son was the strongest force in their lives. They overcame every obstacle together, and their family became a shining example of strength and courage. 

Bobby was a reminder that even in the face of adversity, there is always hope for a brighter tomorrow. He was a handsome man today and deserved to be happy.  

To protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events, places, or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.