Builder Gets Revenge On Rude Mom Who Won’t Stop Blocking His Truck


A Genius Plan 

He knew in advance that this would be one of the longest days of his life. He had to move construction materials up a hill under the blistering sun and to make things even worse, he now had to deal with an entitled woman who refused to move her car. At first, he considered getting the police involved, but he knew it would take precious time away from his work.  

But as the woman continued to dismiss his request and patronize him, he came up with a genius plan. She was about to regret parking her car there.

He Did Not Ask For This

Steven Pavlov

It’s not like he had asked for all that trouble. He had gotten hired as a foreman for a new house build, something he’d done many times before. But this project was different. 

The house they were building was on top of a hill, and the only way to get there was by walking up a 250-ft footpath.


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Naturally, this circumstance brought a wide set of problems to their work – especially when it came to bringing up materials up the hill. 

Thankfully for the construction workers, there was a saving grace. The men had found a way around the difficult conditions; something that could make their task at least a little bit easier.

No Parking 

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Two parking spots on the street at the bottom of the hill had been reserved for the construction site. Two official “No Parking” signs had been installed, to deter anyone who may want to leave their car there. 

Unfortunately, not everyone was too civil or considerate about the men’s task. The signs didn’t stop everyone from parking illegally.

An Elementary School

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There was an elementary school half a block from the bottom of the hill, and the foreman soon found that parents often made use of those parking spots. 

However, that didn’t phase him much, as most of the parents didn’t stay in the spot for too long. Until one day, when the foreman experienced something that he couldn’t let slide.

Most Parents Complied Quickly

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Whenever he saw a parent parked in one of his reserved spots, he didn’t say anything as long as there wasn’t a truck needing to park or a scheduled delivery. 

And when there was, he politely asked them to move and they did so immediately. Most of the time, at least. But that would soon change.

One Call

Zeeland Lumbar

On the day in question, the foreman received a call from a lumber delivery driver letting him know he was on his way.

So he got on his way to verify the parking spots were available. As he got closer to the spots in question, he saw it. And that was when the problems started.

A Woman Waiting For Her Kid

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An idling car was parked in one of the reserved spots, and he saw there was a woman sitting in the driver’s seat. The foreman assumed she was there waiting for her kid to come out of school. 

He walked up to her window and cordially asked her to move her car. However, he could have never expected her response.

“Take A Chill Pill”

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The woman first stared at him with a contemptuous look. Then, scoffing, she replied, “I’ll just be a few minutes, and your truck isn’t here, take a chill pill dude.” 

The foreman couldn’t believe what he was hearing. What the heck was all that about? How could someone be so rude? And, as he processed the rude remark, the lumber truck arrived.

Still Wouldn’t Budge

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The foreman thought that, now that the truck had arrived, the woman would move her car and let them park. But he was wrong. That wasn’t what she did. 

All the woman did was roll up her window and try to ignore him. When he waved at her to get her attention, she rolled it down halfway and shouted, “WHAT?”. 

Running Out Of Patience

Contractor Talk

Now, the foreman was starting to run out of patience. Didn’t that woman see that they were trying to do their job? Or did she not even care?

This time with a stronger tone of voice, the foreman told her the truck needed the space to park. And that’s when she said something that left him speechless.

A Genius Idea

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“Can’t you guys just unload around me? Jesus, it’s not that hard,” said the woman dismissively. The foreman was astounded by her rudeness, but her remark gave him an idea. 

He went over to the truck driver and told him to park his truck parallel to the woman’s car, and as close to it as possible.

Master Plan

A.D. Moyer Lumber

As he listened to the foreman’s instructions, the driver smiled, understanding what he had in mind. 

Now, everyone had had enough of the mom’s rude behavior. This woman was about to get a taste of her own medicine and a lesson she would never forget. However, not even the foreman nor the driver could have predicted how their sweet revenge would end.

Boxing Her In 

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Behind the woman’s car was the construction workers’ port-a-potty, and next to the two reserved parking spots was another parked car. 

The lumber truck was now blocking her side, effectively boxing her in next to the curb. Now there was no way for her to leave the spot she had clinged on to so fiercely. But that wasn’t the end of it.

She Didn’t Notice

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The woman did not notice, though, as she was too busy pretending to ignore the construction workers she had just forced to park in the middle of the street. 

She still wasn’t aware of what was coming for her. But there was one more thing the foreman needed to do that would be the cherry on top of his vengeance.

Calling The Authorities


The foreman called the police parking enforcement office to let them know of the issue. “At this point in time, I wasn’t trying to get her in trouble, I just wanted a record of why we were blocking part of the street, so we don’t get in trouble with the city,” he wrote.

The officer told him she could be there in 30 minutes to deal with the situation. Then the woman’s kid appeared, and all hell broke loose.

Now She Was In A Hurry

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The woman tried to exit her car to greet her son, but the door wouldn’t open all the way. By this time, the foreman fully expected the woman to finally understand the predicament she had gotten herself into and try to rectify it. 

But, instead, she had the gall to glare at him — as if this was somehow his fault! Well, the situation was about to get a lot worse. 


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Now, she was fuming. She awkwardly clambered over to the passenger’s seat and stumbled out. After she loaded the kid in the back of her car, she went over to the foreman and driver, who were holding back their smiles. 

It seemed as if the woman had only just realized that the workers weren’t going to back down.  

In A Rush

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She looked at the scene angrily. There was a car in front of hers, a huge truck to her left, a porta-potty behind, and a curb to her right. Now, she was livid. 

“I’m in a big hurry, you need to move your truck right now so I can go,” she barked. But the truck driver had a comeback that left her shaking.

Can’t Move The Truck

“Ma’am, in order to unload the lumber on the truck, we had to unstrap it, and per our company policy, I’m not allowed to move the truck with any unsecured load on it,” replied the truck driver, trying not to laugh. 

But neither the foreman nor the driver could have foreseen the spectacle that was about to unfold.

Yelling At Him

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Enraged, the woman screamed obscenities at the truck driver. “I have somewhere to be!” she bellowed. But, unbeknownst to her, the traffic officer who took the foreman’s call had arrived and parked behind the truck. 

The foreman, remaining utterly calm while the woman yelled at him, replied sweetly. But his caustic reply made the woman see red. 

A Fit Of Rage

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The foreman, smiling, told the woman, “Can’t you just pull out around it? It’s not that hard.” The furious woman cursed him out and stormed back to her car, again clambering in through the passenger’s seat. 

As the officer walked up to the foreman and the driver, the woman slammed her car in reverse and stepped on the gas.

Taking The Curb

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She spun her wheels before backing up into the port-a-potty behind her, knocking it over with a crash. But she wasn’t done. 

She then charged forward in an attempt to drive over the sidewalk. The three onlookers couldn’t believe what they were seeing. Their smiles turned to confusion as she mounted the curb. What was she doing?


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The woman’s attempt to escape her parking jail failed when her car got stuck halfway down the curb. But her misfortune didn’t end there. The officer calmly walked over to her and told her to get out of the car.

Once she was out, she was handcuffed and made to sit on the curb as the officer called for backup. But she wasn’t done being a terrible person.

Trying To Deceive The Police

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Knowing she was in deep trouble, the woman tried to spin the situation in her favor. She lied to the officer, saying the foreman hadn’t asked her to move and had instead told her she could stay in that parking spot.

But the officer wasn’t having it. She told the woman she had received the foreman’s initial call when she refused to move and knew exactly what was going on. The woman was doomed.

Lesson Learned?

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“While myself and the driver are giving a report to the second officer, my guys finish moving the remainder of the lumber and the driver finishes his statement and takes off to go back to the yard,” The foreman recalled. 

“By the end of the ordeal, she was arrested, charged with reckless driving, destruction of property, (the porta potty) and Driving on a Suspended License.”

Tow Zone

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Her car was towed, and her son’s grandmother was forced to come and pick him up while the woman was taken to jail. “I never expected her to actually heed my advice to “Just pull out around it.” 

“But I think next time she’ll probably think twice about parking in a tow-away zone if she ever gets a license again,” concluded the foreman. However, this isn’t the first time something like this has happened.

Karen Stories

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For the last couple of years, the term “Karen” has slowly but steadily become well-established as a term in our vocabulary and a concept in our collective imagination.

Karens have become known for protagonizing awkward and dramatic moments in the most unexpected scenarios. A lot of those seem to take place in parking lots. But why is that?

Parking Lot Fights

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Many times, a packed parking lot can bring out the worst of people, especially if they’re arguing over a free spot. Sometimes, this results in amusing episodes and satisfying stories of petty revenge, as the one told above.

However, sometimes they can have grimmer and direr consequences. Sometimes, like in the story below, it can even become a matter of life and death.

Cricket Davis

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Cricket Davis’ heart was galloping, threatening to jump right out of her mouth. She had received some news she hoped she’d never have to hear.

Her mother had just had a heart attack. As soon as she got the call, she got on her way to the hospital. However, someone was about to make that hard for her.

Red Light

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She drove from the intersection she was at into the parking lot, where his brother and husband were waiting for her to accompany her to the hospital.

However, in the middle of her frenzy, she didn’t realize something; she had just skipped a red light. But someone else realized, and she was willing to go all the way to make her pay for it.

Someone Was Watching

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A woman named Karen was watching everything from inside her car. As soon as she saw Davis skip the red light, she decided to barricade her into the parking lot, making it impossible for her, her husband, and her brother to leave.

But why? Why did she do that? What was she trying to do?

Calling The Police

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Right after blocking Davis’ way, Karen called the police to report the light infraction. She ignored all of Davis’ pleads and explanations; she didn’t seem to care about what had happened to her mother.

And to add insult to injury, Karen took out her phone and started recording. Then, she posted the video on TikTok. The clip went viral in a matter of hours, but not for the reason Karen wished.


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In the clip, Davis is heard crying and hyperventilating in the background while she tells Karen about her mother’s condition. However, she ignores her words until the police make their appearance.

Fortunately, the officers listened to Davis and let her off without giving her a ticket. Days later, after Karen’s clip went viral, she publicly shared that her mom was in stable condition.



However, Karen received abundant backlash for her behavior during the incident. Hundreds of people commented on her clip; she expected to get praised by her actions, but she received the opposite.

“How crazy is [that] woman?!” one person said. “Stopping you because you ran a red light for an emergency?!”

In order to protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.