Suegra Tiñe El Pelo De Niña Sin Permiso, La Madre Se Venga De Ella


Cada Vez Peor

Marcy Pickett acababa de empezar a tolerar a su suegra, Susan.

Antes estaban muy unidas, pero las intromisiones de Susan las habían distanciado. Tras años de distanciamiento, poco a poco empezaba a abrirle de nuevo las puertas de su casa.

Pero poco sabía que esa misma acción le enseñaría que las personas no cambian su forma de ser y, en algunos casos, empeoran.

Una Familia Feliz


Los Pickett eran una familia normal y, según todos los indicios, feliz.

Marcy y Richard llevaban 15 años casados y eran padres de Becky, de 14 años, y Mark, de 10 años.

La familia vivía en un barrio bastante tranquilo y seguro. Marcy se enorgullecía de ser una gran ama de casa y llevaba y traía a los niños del colegio todos los días. 



Aunque la familia Pickett era feliz, Marcy se dio cuenta de que su hija adolescente Becky estaba desarrollando una vena rebelde.

Había estado insinuando que quería cierta ropa y zapatos, y eso le estaba dando a Marcy, como mínimo, un dolor de cabeza.

Sabía que era la edad en la que los adolescentes empezaban a portarse mal, pero nunca había esperado este nivel de rebeldía.

Moda Extraña


La moda que llevaban los adolescentes estos días hacía que Marcy quisiera apartar la mirada, y no podía creer que su hija quisiera ninguno de ellos.

¿Cómo podía un crop top considerarse una prenda de vestir si ni siquiera tenía mucho, pensó?

Y cuando Becky prácticamente le suplicó que le diera más dinero de la paga, Marcy supo exactamente lo que iba a hacer con él.

Estaba Creciendo


Becky se pavoneaba ahora con camisetas de diferentes colores y dos piercings en cada oreja.

Marcy sabía que su hija estaba creciendo y que sólo quería formar parte del “grupo de moda”. 

Pero ponía límites a ciertas cosas. Cuando Becky empezó a pedirle un tatuaje, se opuso firmemente. Era menor de edad. De ninguna manera iba a hacerse un tatuaje mientras viviera bajo su techo.

No Podían Seguirle El Ritmo


Becky estuvo enfurruñada durante días, pero Marcy sabía que decir que no era la decisión correcta.

Pero no tardó en empezar a molestar a Marcy y a Richard para que le compraran más cosas.

No le importaba conseguir más ropa y zapatos, pero se volvieron muy extravagantes, y no podían seguir el ritmo de la siguiente moda de la que ella quería formar parte.

Más Piercings


Becky empezó a pedir más piercings, y esta vez ya no eran sólo para las orejas.

Los ojos de Marcy se abrieron de par en par cuando Becky mencionó que quería un piercing en el ombligo.

“Quedaría muy bien con mis camisetas, mamá”, dijo. Marcy no se lo podía creer y habló con Richard sobre la última petición de Becky. La casa casi estalla en una pelea a gritos cuando Richard rechazó la petición de Becky.

Sentir Pena


Llegados a este punto, Marcy sintió lástima por Becky y quiso llegar a un acuerdo.

Cuando era más joven, Becky siempre había querido cortarse el pelo.

Así que Marcy decidió que éste sería el compromiso perfecto. Permitiría que Becky se cortara el pelo a cierta longitud. Sabía que esto tal vez le levantaría el ánimo después de la pelea con su padre.

No Le Pareció Bien


Pero, al parecer, en el caso de Marcy ninguna buena acción quedaba impune.

Cuando le planteó la sugerencia a Becky, ésta no pareció contenta. Simplemente se encogió de hombros.

Quería algo más que un simple corte de pelo. Marcy pensó que estaba haciendo algo bueno por su hija, pero poco sabía que sus esfuerzos habían sido en vano.

 Demasiado Joven


“¿No te gusta mi sugerencia, cariño?”. le preguntó Marcy mientras intentaba averiguar qué haría feliz a su hija.

“Quiero el corte de pelo, pero también quiero teñirlo”.

Marcy miró a Becky como un ciervo sorprendido por los faros de un coche. “Me temo que eres demasiado joven para hacer eso”. Los ojos de Becky brillaron de ira.



Y a partir de entonces, todo volvió a empezar en casa de los Pickett.

Becky no hablaba con nadie, y eso hacía que el ambiente fuera insoportable.

Cada día se iba a su habitación y cerraba la puerta tras de sí. Richard y Marcy estaban en pie de guerra y no sabían qué hacer con el comportamiento de Becky.

Una Mano Amiga


No fue hasta que Susan, la madre de Richard, intervino para ayudar. Los niños la adoraban y siempre se le habían dado bien.

Los mimaba muchísimo y, a veces, Marcy y Richard tenían que intervenir para frenar la cantidad de dinero que gastaba en ellos.

Querían que los niños supieran que tenían que ganarse parte de los mimos que recibían.

Una Visita De Susan


Un día, Susan llamó y le preguntó si podía venir a visitarla. Marcy dudó al principio, pero acabó accediendo a que viniera su suegra.

Al principio, todo parecía ir bien. Susan era educada e incluso ayudaba en casa.

Sin embargo, Marcy no podía quitarse de la cabeza la sensación de que algo no iba bien en el comportamiento de su suegra.

El Toque Mágico


Se ofreció a intentar arreglar las cosas entre ellas y Becky porque tenía el “toque mágico”.

Marcy puso los ojos en blanco. ¿Dónde había oído eso antes?

No podía negar que, efectivamente, Susan tenía un gran efecto sobre los niños, pero a veces tenía la manía de hacer que las cosas fueran diez veces peor de lo que eran antes.



Y tal como Marcy había predicho, Susan ya se había mudado a su casa para la “intervención” con Becky.

Marcy ya no podía soportarlo. Sólo quería que Susan hiciera su trabajo y se fuera.

No podía aguantar más a su suegra, y tenerla bajo su techo durante unos días era una tortura para ella.

Sábado De Diversión


Sin embargo, parecía que las cosas iban un poco mejor en casa de los Pickett.

Becky salió por fin de su dormitorio, pero seguía sin hablar con nadie más que con Susan.

Susan anunció entonces que, como era sábado, llevaría a los niños al centro comercial para que se divirtieran. Marcy supuso que era una buena idea. Pero no podía evitar la sensación de que Susan estaba tramando algo.

¿Más Tensión?


Cuando volvieron, parecía que había aún más tensión que antes, aunque Mark parecía contento porque le habían regalado un monopatín nuevo.

Becky subió corriendo a su habitación y dio un portazo.

Quizá Susan no estaba haciendo tan buen trabajo con ella después de todo. Marcy sonrió disimuladamente, pero se preguntó qué había pasado esta vez.

Un Descubrimiento Sorprendente


No fue hasta la mañana siguiente cuando Marcy se dio cuenta de lo que la había estado molestando.

Su hija Becky bajó las escaleras con el pelo, antes castaño, ahora teñido de rosa chillón.

Marcy se quedó estupefacta y furiosa. Nunca le había dado permiso a Susan para teñir el pelo de su hija, y no podía creer que su suegra hubiera ido a sus espaldas y lo hubiera hecho de todos modos.

Admirando Sus Nuevos Regalos


Becky se sentó orgullosa en la mesa del desayuno con el pelo cortado y teñido.

Era toda sonrisas y volvía a charlar con toda la familia, incluida Marcy.

“Un desayuno estupendo, mamá. Te has superado”. Soltó una risita mientras Mark y ella admiraban felices sus nuevos regalos. Marcy no iba a dejarlo pasar. Tenía un asunto pendiente con Susan.

Nada Malo


Cuando Susan bajó a desayunar, sonreía como si no hubiera hecho nada malo.

Marcy quería borrarle la sonrisa tonta de la cara y hacerle entrar en razón a gritos, pero sabía que no podía hacerlo delante de los niños.

Y Susan lo sabía demasiado bien.

The Audacity


She couldn’t believe Susan’s audacity. Richard didn’t help at all as he actually expressed how “cool” Becky looked.

This infuriated Marcy to no end.

And Susan sat gloating on the other side of the table. She had won this round, but she wasn’t going to get away with it. When Marcy asked to speak to Susan in private, the table instantly fell silent.



Marcy called Susan aside and demanded an explanation.

But instead of apologizing, Susan laughed and told Marcy that she had done it to “spice up” Becky’s look.

Marcy couldn’t believe the audacity of her mother-in-law. She just didn’t care about the rules in the house. She knew that she had to do something to get revenge. 

Planning Her Revenge


Marcy spent the next few days plotting her revenge.

She wanted to make sure that Susan knew that her actions were not okay and that there would be consequences.

She decided to dye Susan’s hair the same shade of pink that she had dyed Becky’s hair. But she didn’t stop there. She also planned to embarrass Susan in front of her friends and family.

Executing Her Plan


On the day of Susan’s next visit, Marcy had everything set up.

She had the pink hair dye ready, as well as a video camera to record everything.

When Susan arrived, Marcy offered to treat her to a hair wash and blow dry from a professional she hired for the day, which Susan happily accepted. Little did she know, Marcy had put the dye in the shampoo. This was sure to take her by surprise.

Sneaking In


As Susan relaxed to get a nice head massage, Marcy quickly sneaked in.

Of course, she explained the situation to the lady she had hired. They both had a quiet laugh about it.

So she grabbed the hair dye and went to work. She covered Susan’s hair with the bright pink dye, making sure to get every strand.

How Would She React?


Their plan was working. The lady slipped on some gloves as she continued to massage Susan’s head.

Marcy smiled deviously as she thought about how Susan would react to her new radical look.

Susan wouldn’t know what hit her. As they finished up, Marcy was holding up the video camera to record Susan’s reaction to her new hair.



As soon as she was shown the mirror, Susan let out a terrified scream.

Her beautiful bleached ash blond locks were now ruined, and she turned to Marcy in fury.

She grabbed her by the shoulders and almost throttled her. “What have you done?!” Marcy could see she had definitely hit a nerve. This was exactly what she wanted.



Marcy could only laugh and tried to show her the consequences of what she did to Becky’s hair without their permission.

She signed. She knew Marcy was right.

But she couldn’t believe she would do something like this to her, though. She felt humiliated because Marcy had involved a third party. She looked at her knowing that she couldn’t let it go.

The Fallout


The fallout from the incident was immense.

Richard was furious with Marcy for stooping to Susan’s level, and Becky was confused and upset by the whole thing.

But Marcy didn’t care. She had finally stood up to Susan and showed her that she wasn’t going to take her meddling ways anymore. She had to be taught a lesson.

Plotting And Planning

CanvaBut now Susan felt like she, too, wanted to get back at her for what she did.

Although two wrongs don’t make a right, this incident made her more determined than ever.

It was now her chance to plot and plan something. There was no way that her daughter-in-law was going to get away with humiliating her in front of a complete stranger.

The Embarrassment Was Too Much


She was seething. She felt her already weak heart beating inside of her.

He clutched her chest worried that her heart would jump out.

She needed to think about what she was going to do to get back at Marcy. She wasn’t a vengeful person, but this was too much for her bear. The level of embarrassment had gotten to her.

The Retaliation


Susan spent weeks plotting her revenge, carefully planning every detail of her next move.

She knew she had to strike back in a way that would be just as humiliating for Marcy.

But she played it cool. She went to see the family as she normally would. She wanted Marcy to think that she had won.

Back To Blonde


By then, she had already dyed her hair back to the ash-blonde color she so loved.

She pretended like everything was okay and continued playing her role of doting mother, grandmother, and mother-in-law.

No one had suspected that she was actually very angry and planning something drastic to get back at Marcy.

Just Like The Movies


But that was how she wanted it. She wanted it to be like how it was in the movies, where no one expected the impending attack.

She wasn’t thinking of doing anything violent, but something that matched her humiliation would do just fine.

But she still didn’t have an idea of what to do. She needed to come up with something fast.



She was getting annoyed at how Marcy was gloating and throwing little jabs at her at every chance she got.

She didn’t know she had it in her.

Her son had married a sly and smart woman, she thought. It was admirable, but she was getting tired of being the butt of the family jokes.

The Pink Panther


Her own grandkids were laughing at her now and calling her cute little pet names like the “Pink Panther” and “Malibu Barbie.”

At first, she was a good sport and laughed along with them and had fun.

But once she saw how Marcy was reveling in her humiliation, she knew it wasn’t a joke anymore.

A Mockery


Now it felt like they were just mocking her, and they knew her good heart would let them get away with it.

After all, they were her grandchildren. She wouldn’t harm them at all.

But Marcy, on the other hand, needed to be taught a lesson, and Susan couldn’t wait to come up with something to embarrass her.

Still Gloating


It was taking longer than expected, she thought. She was getting old, and her mind wasn’t as sharp as it used to be.

She, too, was sly back in her day.

But Marcy still had the upper hand, and it was driving her crazy that she was still gloating all these weeks later. But vengeance would be hers, she thought.

An Idea


And it wasn’t long before Susan would finally get the help she needed.

It came in the form of her granddaughter, Becky. When she thought of it, it was perfect.

Since Becky’s hair had to be immediately dyed back to the original color, maybe she could take her to the salon and dye it again. This time they could go acid-green.

No Way


She rubbed her hands in satisfaction, knowing that she could possibly give Marcy another mini heart attack.

But her plans were quickly foiled when Becky declined her offer.

“No way, Nana. I’m not doing this again. Mom would blow a gasket, and I can’t afford to be grounded now.” Susan rolled her eyes in defeat.

Back To Square One


She signed in annoyance. She was back to square one.

Becky was no fun, she thought. What was she going to do now?

It was then that Becky asked her something interesting. “So, are you going to the dinner party that Mom and Dad are hosting in a week?” Susan gave Becky a puzzling look.



“What dinner party?”

Susan looked very intrigued when Becky informed her that her parents would be hosting a very fancy dinner party.

“Yeah, they have it almost every month with their friends.” Susan hadn’t heard about it before. She supposed she wasn’t fancy enough for them to invite her. But she was going to change that.

Just Nana?


That was another thing that made Susan’s blood boil.

Her own son and daughter-in-law never once invited her to their fancy dinner parties.

Who was she to them? Just Nana? She felt like they only needed her when they wanted her to babysit the children. Susan was now even more enraged than before.

No Matter What

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It was then that Susan made it her mission to get an invite to her son’s exclusive parties.

She was going to get an invite no matter what.

And if she wasn’t invited, she was going to invite herself. She had an evening dress and pretty shoes to wear, too. She didn’t want to embarrass her son or herself.

I’m So Fancy

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She just wanted to show her son’s fancy friends that he had a fancy mother as well.

Why were hiding her? She could blend in nicely with everyone else.

Maybe she would meet her Prince Charming there as well. It was high time she put herself out there again. She was old, but not that old.

More Setbacks

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But how was she going to approach them? She wasn’t supposed to know about the dinner party in the first place.

Becky had just told her on a whim.

She was dealing with more setbacks. If she could talk to them about it, they could give her an invite, and maybe, just maybe, she would let the whole revenge thing with Marcy go.

All The Expensive Drinks

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Or maybe not. Just thinking about the party made Susan angry.

They were probably going to call her to babysit the children on that very night when she should also be at the party.

She imagined all the expensive champagne and cocktails that Marcy would probably be serving. She liked a good martini herself. She shook her head in annoyance.

She Wanted To Climb The Social Ladder

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She sat down in front of the tv, fantasizing about all the schmoozing she would be doing.

She could once again find herself climbing up the social ladder.

And the food, she thought. Marcy wasn’t a good cook, but she would probably be getting some expensive catering for the event. She would, of course, be trying to impress her friends.

An “Aha” Moment


And then, as if a lightbulb had switched on inside her head, she thought of something. An idea.

She gulped, thinking about it, but it would be perfect.

Her heart beat faster as she finally had the perfect idea. Her eyes grew wide, thinking about if she could get away with it. She needed to get invited to that party, now more than ever.

Coming Clean

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The only way to get in was to come clean. And the only person to talk to was her son, Richard.

He was her baby, and she had him wrapped around her pinky finger.

She could turn on the emotions and the waterworks for him in an instant, and he would fall for it immediately. Why hadn’t she thought about talking to him in the first place?

Talking To Richard

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She made her way to their house, making sure that Richard was home alone and Marcy was out for the day.

She needed to talk to him alone. It was the only way to really get through to him without Marcy’s interference.

“Sweetie, Becky tells me that you and Marcy are having an elegant dinner party.”

Caught Out

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She could see how Richard froze in place. It was like he was a deer caught in headlights.

Susan had him now. “Doesn’t your Mama get an invite?” Susan smirked.

“Um, yeah, Mom. It’s kind of for friends only, and we were just about to ask you to babysit the kids.” It was just as Susan had predicted. She was just used for babysitting.

Will She Get Invited?

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“Not this time, son. Nana wants to party and let her hair down. The kids can join us. Let’s make this family-friendly.”

Richard looked around. He was caught in a tight spot, and he didn’t want to make a decision without Marcy’s approval.

But in the end, he couldn’t turn his mother down, and soon enough, Susan was looking at her very own invite to the fancy party.

Beyond Furious


To say that Marcy was furious was an understatement.

She couldn’t believe that Richard would invite his mother to their friends-only party.

Although Richard was apologetic, he assured her that it would be fine and the party would be a success like it always was. But Marcy wasn’t convinced. She knew her mother-in-law better than anyone else.

Getting Ready

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The night of the party couldn’t come quickly enough for Susan.

She spent most of the day getting special treatments and having her hair and nails done.

She slipped on her sequined evening gown and matching shoes and hopped in a cab to be taken to her son’s exclusive party. She was a bundle of nerves. She didn’t want to mess up what she had planned.

Elegance Personified

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When she arrived, she hardly recognized the house. It was decorated with all kinds of beautiful lighting and flowers.

Susan was impressed. Her daughter-in-law truly had a flare for elegance.

They welcomed her warmly, and Marcy even complimented her evening attire. It was then that Susan felt a pang of guilt for what she was about to do.



But she could back down now. She had come too far.

She made her way to the kitchen and was relieved to see that there were burgers and pizzas for the children. At least they had separate foods.

The kitchen was very busy, and Susan waited for the chance to finally be alone. She smiled deviously.

Doing The Deed

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As soon as she heard the speeches being made, she took her chance.

She rummaged through her clutch bag to find the bottle she had brought along.

She used a dropper to put the laxative into various dishes standing on the kitchen counter. She mixed it in and put the bottle back. The deed was done, and now she waited.

A Disaster

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To Susan’s absolute delight, the dinner party was a disaster. Guests were rushing to the bathroom, and Marcy was mortified.

She couldn’t understand what was happening, but when she saw Susan laughing, she knew it was her. She couldn’t believe that Susan had stooped so low.

The next day, Marcy confronted Susan, demanding to know what had happened. Susan just smirked and told her that she had finally gotten what was coming to her.

The Aftermath


After the dust had settled, Susan and Marcy finally sat down to talk. Susan explained that she only did what she did because she wanted Marcy to understand how it felt to be humiliated in front of others.

Marcy reluctantly admitted that she had gone too far with the hair dye incident and promised never to do anything like that again.

In the end, the two women were able to put their differences aside and move forward with a newfound respect for each other.

In order to protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.