Dad Landscapes Yard With Son And Finds WWII Plane Wreckage


Growing Up With The Stories

Danny suddenly remembered the stories his grandfather told him when he was a small boy. He said he remembered when a great fireball came down from the heavens and landed on their farm.

Danny used to love the stories, but that’s all they were to him, just fiction made up by his grandfather’s quick-witted mind. But he had no idea what was coming his way.



The renovations were most of the way done. The dynamic duo of father and son meant nothing could stop what they could achieve together. They were proud of the new feature they were adding to their home.

But that’s when the problems started. Danny watched as his father’s excavator made a mechanical shriek, indicating that something was very wrong.

Something Wrong


Hector quickly turned the machine off and hopped down. He couldn’t get the digger out of the hole. What had happened to it?

But when Hector inspected his equipment, he noticed that it was mangled beyond repair. It had hit something hard. Now that the equipment was safely off, Danny took a closer look too.

Something Solid


The duo stared down in disbelief. Right underneath where they planned to lay their deck, they saw something shiny and metallic, eroded by decades underneath the soil.

Hector quickly went to a more old-school method and grabbed a shovel. He saw the excitement on his son’s face as he started digging around the artifact they had found, but they had no idea what trouble they would get into for it.



After an hour of digging, Danny’s excitement turned to horror as he noticed something about the wreck they had uncovered. There was something sticking out of the wreckage, but it wasn’t something they were supposed to see.

Alarm bells went off in Hector’s mind. He knew that the FBI would be involved if they hadn’t already somehow found out. What was he going to do with his discovery?

Hector Nielson


As far as Hector Nielson was concerned, he’d won the lottery with the life he had. He reflected on everything he’d done up until this point, and he wouldn’t do anything differently.

He had an amazing life, all thanks to his beautiful wife and son. He also was lucky enough to have inherited his family farm. He looked after and maintained it just like the Nielson family before him. But he had no idea what was hiding underneath his home.



Little Danny, Hector’s son, was now twelve years old and starting to take an interest in the family farm. Hector started bringing him out to see how he tended to the plots they owned.

But of all the things that Danny took an interest in, there was one project that he was enamored with more than all of the others. It was when his dad proposed they build something together.

A Special Project


Hector proposed that they bond through a special project. When he showed little Danny the plans for a new deck attached to the house, he jumped up and down at the idea, and the two renegades got started.

The plan was simple enough; they already had the equipment because of the farm. They just needed the materials. But the duo didn’t know what they were going to uncover.

The Digger


Danny stared at the patch of ground they were supposed to excavate. He assumed they were going to use shovels. That’s when he heard a rumbling coming from the direction of the sheds.

The rumbling got loud as he saw his father’s digger crest over the hill and stop in front of the house. The small boy’s eyes grew wide as he realized they were using serious tools. But things were going to take a dark turn.

Getting It Ready


Hector positioned the well-oiled machine over the patch of land and dropped the scoop down into the soft soil. The teeth hungrily dug into the earth and ripped out a massive amount of dirt with every scoop.

Danny still just stood still, shocked that there was even something that was capable of being so efficient. Then his mind lingered on something he had forgotten until now.



There was something familiar about the soil, and that’s when it clicked in his brain. His grandfather had mentioned it before. He had passed away years ago, but the stories he told lived on.

It was strange that Danny had forgotten them until this moment. Memories of sitting around the fireplace flooded his mind. But was there any truth to any of his stories?

A Great Fireball


His grandfather said he remembered when a great fireball came down from the heavens and landed on their farm. It was some kind of winged firebird making their farm its burial site.

Danny used to love the stories, but that’s all they were to him, just fiction made up by his grandfather’s quick-witted mind. But he had no idea what was coming his way.

Getting On With Work


The story left Danny’s mind as quickly as it had entered it. The duo got stuck into the rhythm of digging – with Hector on the machine and Danny measuring out the wood they bought.

With a little bit of elbow grease, they had managed to get far in their endeavor. They just had to dig the rest of the foundation, but things wouldn’t go to plan.

Nearly Done


The renovations were most of the way done. The dynamic duo of father and son meant nothing could stop what they could achieve together. They were proud of the new feature they were adding to their home.

But that’s when the problems started. Danny watched as his father’s excavator made a mechanical shriek, indicating that something was very wrong.

Turning It Off


Hector quickly turned the machine off and hopped down. He couldn’t get the digger out of the hole. What had happened to it?

But when Hector inspected his equipment, he noticed that it was mangled beyond repair. It had hit something hard. Now that the equipment was safely off, Danny took a closer look too.

Bad Luck


Hector would have cursed if his son wasn’t around. He couldn’t believe that he had damaged his precious dagger. It would probably cost him a fortune to have it replaced.

But then a question popped into his head. What was hard enough to do so much damage to his digger? He knew that the soil there was anything but rocky. The truth was going to change everything.

Grabbing A Shovel


The duo stared down in disbelief. Right underneath where they planned to lay their deck, they saw something shiny and metallic, eroded by decades underneath the soil.

Hector quickly went to a more old-school method and grabbed a shovel. He saw the excitement on his son’s face as he started digging around the artifact they had found, but they had no idea what trouble they would get into for it.



After an hour of digging, Danny’s excitement turned to horror as he noticed something about the wreck they had uncovered. There was something sticking out of the wreckage, but it wasn’t something they were supposed to see.

Alarm bells went off in Hector’s mind. He knew that the FBI would be involved if they hadn’t already somehow found out. What was he going to do with his discovery?

A Hand


While digging, Hector uncovered something he never expected to find. His shovel brushed against something solid, so he carefully uncovered it.

Was this some kind of sick joke? All he saw was a bony hand sticking out of the soil. Was this an old Halloween prank? Or something much more sinister.

Uncovering More


Hector’s pace quickened as he started digging deeper and deeper. He needed to uncover the truth no more than ever. The hand belonged to an arm that seemed trapped underneath more metal.

This was the hard object they had hit, but what was it? Before doing anything else, Hector decided to try and make sure he wasn’t incriminated. But in trying to do the responsible thing, he marked himself for danger.



He grabbed his phone out of his pocket and called 911. He reported the old and decrepit body he’d found. But he had no idea that they were going to send in everything they had.

Unbeknownst to Hector, they had a policy that meant they had to hand over such an old body to their higher-ups. This meant the police washed their hands of the matter and informed a much more serious department.



Meanwhile, Hector’s morbid curiosity had gotten the best of him. He kept digging out his discovery inch by inch. Danny told him to stop, but it had become a dark obsession.

With every inch uncovered, he understood more of the bigger picture. He needed answers before the police arrived, but he was running out of time. That’s when he finally found the marking.

A Tell-Tale Sign


It was hard to make out on the corroded steel, but there was definitely a tell-tale sign of what the object was based on the insignia. It was clearly from a long time ago, and it was definitely military.

He could make out the iron cross amongst the metal. This changed things; he knew exactly where it came from.

An Aircraft


It must have been a plane from WW2 that crashed on the farm at some point. It explained the jacket the skeleton was wearing, but his celebration was cut short by the sound of engines.

In a matter of moments, he saw his farm get surrounded by unmarked black cars. Men got out of the car and approached him. “Is this where the body is, sir?” One man asked.

An Investigation


The men quickly conducted an investigation with their own tools and team. All the while, Hector stood by the wreck, worried to the bone. Was he going to get in trouble for this?

The men in suits wanted an explanation from the farmer. Why was this body on his farm? But then, an unlikely savior came from the house to explain what was going on.

Danny Saves The Day


Hector stared at the man, sweat dripping down his brow. Then he heard a small voice behind him. “I know. Everything Grandad told me was the truth. I even found the story he wrote down.”

Danny was there to save the day. He was holding an old journal in his hand that was clearly generations old. But would it be good enough for the men?

A Detailed Account


Danny’s face beamed as he started parroting the dusty journal in his hands. “February 3rd, 1944. A fireball came crashing down on the farm tonight. It must have been a Messerschmitt Bf 109 from the markings.”

“The German troops might come looking to recover it, but I have no idea. I’ll turn this into a story to tell my son and my grandson one day.

Listening To His Story


The men surprisingly listened to the boy’s story. They asked if they could borrow the journal as a means to find out more about the soldier that had died in the aircraft. They’d make copies and give them back.

Hector was more than willing to hand the old thing over, not wanting any trouble. The men seemed satisfied with that and decided to leave after spending some time excavating the rest of the plane.

Getting Their Deck Built


After the men had taken the plane, Danny and Hector stared down at the hole in the ground that was left. That’s when they realized that most of the work had been done for them.

Danny’s eyes flickered with excitement once again. He saw the hole in the ground and the wood; they could now continue with their plans.

A Bonding Experience


Despite the unexpected hiccup and the run-in with the police, Danny told his dad that it only brought them closer together. The two managed to finish the deck in a few weeks and thought about what else could be buried underneath their noses.

Danny started taking more of an interest in farming, and Hector trained him to be a worthy successor for the Nielson farm.

In order to protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events, places, or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.