Tiny Dog Ends Up In Lion’s Cage, Then Does This


Stepping Into A Lion’s Den

When the little sausage dog wandered into the enclosure, the lion froze. Nothing could be done to save the dog from its fate as the big cat slowly approached the unsuspecting pup.

The onlookers could only expect the worst, but the lion didn’t immediately pounce. He locked eyes with the intruder and took a sniff. Then it did something nobody would’ve predicted.

Natural Predator

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John Reinke took the lion into the big cat sanctuary when he was just a cub. He never thought he would eventually have to face something like that, especially not with a dozen stunned guests watching the situation unfold.

“He won’t hurt me because I’ve been with him from day one,” John said about Bonedigger- who he had raised from a young age. But that didn’t mean he didn’t understand the risks. “You do have to keep your guard up,” he added. “You’ve always got to remember that they are natural stalkers.”

Big Cat

Joe Exotic TV

After veterinarians determined that Bonedigger wouldn’t be able to survive in the wild on his own, John decided to take him in at the G.W. Interactive Zoological Park in Wynnewood in Oklahoma.

It was his condition that led to John giving him the intimidating name. When John found out that the dog had put itself within reach of the big cat’s deadly claws, a feeling of dread settled in the pit of his stomach.

Rare Medical Condition

James Ambler/Barcroft

When Bonedigger was born, he was diagnosed with a metabolic bone disease. Because of the rare condition, his bones wouldn’t grow normally and would be much more brittle than they’re supposed to be.

In the wild, such a condition would put him at a serious disadvantage that other big cats would take advantage of, which meant that Bonedigger would never be able to have his run in the wild. But he was still a dangerous predator, and John would have to keep his guard up when dealing with him.

The Park’s Fame


John was the park manager at the notorious zoo that took Bonedigger in but being a park manager had both its good and bad sides. He got to save big cats like Bonedigger, but he also had to put out quite a few fires.

The park’s popularity grew, and with it came a lot of people who wanted to see Joe “The Tiger King” performing exotic stunts with the big cats. Not long after, the park started attracting a different kind of clientele, and it was up to John to keep those patrons at bay.

The Main Attraction

New York Post

Joe Exotic had quite the fan base himself, and before long, those fans began streaming into the park, but they weren’t there for the amazing creatures the park kept. They were there to catch a glimpse of Joe.

Some of Joe’s personal enemies, as well as a few animal rights activists, also began showing up at the park with the hopes that something would go wrong. And on that fateful day, something just had to happen. It was an incident nobody, including Joe, was prepared for.

The Other Park Residents


Among all the big cats, there were also four dachshunds in John’s care. Abby was his favorite. Since the dogs were small and didn’t pose any threats to patrons, John allowed them to run free in the park. They were stealing unattended food from the cafeteria and, at times, annoying visitors, but overall, they were harmless.

“The wiener dog actually thinks she’s a lion, and the lion thinks he’s a wiener dog,” John laughed. Even though there’s a bit of an identity crisis between the two, the facts still remain. One is just a pet, and the other is a big, dangerous wild animal.

Willing To Risk It


Over the years John – who appeared in the hit Netflix documentary series ‘Tiger King’ – had created a bond with Bonedigger. That bond led him to believe that the big cat wasn’t a threat to him or any of the other animals.

“That’s a risk you take working around 180 cats. You never know when it’s your time. But if I died, I would die doing something I loved,” he said. But John had already had a brush with death that ended up costing him both his legs.

A Tragic Fall

New York Post

In 1994 John went bungee jumping but it ended up going terribly wrong. He fell 55 feet without a rope. The injuries caused by the fall included two broken feet, a broken back and a broken hip. But that wasn’t all that happened to John that day. He also landed on a six-inch metal stake.

The doctors who treated him told John that he’d never be able to walk again but John didn’t accept that. He was not the kind of man that would let a fall keep him down.

Not Giving Up

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It took a lot of physiotherapy and even more determination but with time John learned to walk again. Unfortunately, he kept getting infections and, in the end, John had no choice but to undergo surgery.

He now relies on prosthetic limbs, but John is still a stubborn man with a passion to live on the wild side. Because of that he soon got back to work and continued doing what he loved. He just couldn’t move as quickly as he used to.

Special Bond 


Despite loving all the animals he cared for, Bonedigger had a special place in John’s heart due to their shared disability.

However, there was a problem: Bonedigger was growing more and more anxious and unhappy due to being separated from the other animals. So when an oblivious little creature found itself in his den, he seized his chance.

Missing Friends

It’s Time For The Show To End

Bonedigger grew up with another big cat, Tony. The tiger cub had entered the sanctuary at the same time as Bonedigger, so they essentially grew up together.

But as it became apparent that the animals were getting too boisterous with each other, putting Bonedigger at risk from injury, John was forced to keep him in his own enclosure. And there he stayed until an uninvited guest found itself thrown into the ring.



To express his discontent about being locked up on his own, Bonedigger would pace the length of the enclosure listlessly and bite at the fence.

John started to get worried. He knew it was the best thing for Bonedigger’s own safety, but at the same time, he couldn’t bear to watch him acting out due to his intense loneliness. He felt as though he were being just like the doctors who’d tried to tell him his own limitations in 1994. So John was determined to come up with a plan to help Bonedigger.

Helping Paw


John knew there was no way he could reintroduce Bonedigger’s old pal Tony into his life without taking a huge risk, but there was another resident of the zoo that might be able to help.

Abby, the dachshund, was extremely friendly with people and animals alike, and being small and harmless, they seemed like the perfect companion for the lion. But John hadn’t counted on what would happen within seconds of their first meeting.

Fearless Pup

The Max Dog

Abby didn’t balk at the idea of entering the lion cage. A little bravery goes a long way for anyone, but perhaps one should be at least a little on their guard when walking into a lion’s cage.

While another zoo keeper kept hold of Bonedigger, John slowly entered the enclosure with Abby on a tight leash. He’d expected the little dog to be hanging around his legs to make sure it was safe before venturing further, but that’s not what happened at all.

Happened So Fast

Joe Gone Wild TV

The second Abby made eye contact with the big cat, she started pulling at the leash and jumping up, eager to get over to play with her toothy new friend.

John knew he had to take this slowly. With guests in the park watching, he wasn’t prepared for them to go home with photos of a pair of sausagey legs disappearing into the lion’s mouth. But when he looked up from the excitable dog, he jumped when he saw the lion had gotten away from the other keeper – and it was heading straight for Abby.

Stare Down

Joe Exotic TV

Bonedigger stopped dead in front of Abby, eyes wide and wild. But Abby wasn’t fazed. She just carried on exploring her curiosity, sniffing up at the wild cat that could swallow her in the blink of an eye.

The keeper that lost control of the lion lay on his back, breathing heavily as he watched the scene unfolding before him. John gulped and slowly backed out of the cage, but Bonedigger was having none of it.

All Mouth


Abby let out a bark that Bonedigger could have effortlessly drowned out with his mighty roar, but the jungle king didn’t retaliate.

The lion jumped back at the sight of the uppity little dog. To the onlookers, it seemed the lion was actually scared of Abby, but the lion leaned in to sniff the sausage dog. Then things took a turn.



Abby wagged her tail in all the excitement of meeting a new friend, but everyone looking into the cage was more concerned with what the lion was going to do next.

Willing to take things to the next level, John let Abby off the leash. But he didn’t expect the curious little pooch to go directly for Bonedigger’s stash of toys. The lion wasted no time, pouncing in to protect them.

David And Goliath


Clearly not taking the situation as seriously as John or the other terrified onlookers, Abby looked up at the lion standing between her and the new playthings she’d found – and licked the lion’s nose.

Bonedigger just stood there, dumbfounded at the cheek of the dog. John himself was aware that Abby was clueless about the fact that some animals were more dangerous than others. Sizing Abby up, Bonedigger made his move.

Best Buds


Bonedigger and Abby became fast friends. The pair ran and frolicked in the cage for hours after their first encounter. Bonedigger was over the moon to finally have a friend to share his life with.

It was incredible to see how this tiny dog was so unafraid of a lion who, although still young, could seriously hurt her. But apparently, that’s to be expected.

Small Pet, Big Ego


Apparently, dachshunds aren’t really aware of their size, so they aren’t daunted when they come up against bigger animals, no matter how dangerous… or hungry.

Bonedigger, who was craving a new playmate, found the perfect companion in Abby. And soon it would become a pride when John introduced even more unorthodox friends for the lonely lion.

Growing Family


Bonedigger and Abby were moved into a bigger enclosure where Abby got her own bed alongside her new best friend. Soon, three more dachshunds were introduced to Bonedigger, and they all got along swimmingly.

They became part of his pride, and he became part of their pack. They run around playing and chasing each other, and they’re never apart – except when John has to clean their enclosure.

Lion’s Tears


Every once in a while, John has to enter the enclosure to trim down the grass and get rid of weeds. The dachshunds love to attack the weed whacker, so John is forced to take them out. 

Bonedigger spends the whole time pacing around the fence, crying. “As soon as I’m done weeding, I let the wiener dogs back in, and he counts his dogs, makes sure they’re all there, and just loves all over them,” he says. But Abby’s definitely the one he loves the most.

Playing Favorites


“I think there’s a bigger bond between Abby and Bonedigger than the other three wiener dogs,” says John. “He even bites at the fleas like you see dogs do with each other. It’s just crazy what they do.”

Now, it might be easy to call this a fluke. But it’s by no means the only story of a pooch helping a big cat. Thousands of miles away, a Russian zoo scrambled to help three rejected tiger cubs.

Far Away… 


The workers at Madagascar Zoo in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, thought it was going to be a day of celebration. 

Their very pregnant tigress, Shaherizad, went into labor and everyone prepared to welcome the new cubs into the family. However, there was an underlying fear that follows these kinds of births, and everyone in the zoo was well aware of it.

For Survival

Tiger News

Mother tigers are one of many animals that can reject their babies right after birth. 

There are many reasons – they might have to reduce their litter size so they can care for their cubs better in harsh environments, or they want to breed again. But there is a special reason that might be directly tied to their life in zoos…

Zoo Blues

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Animal stress is one of the worker’s biggest fears. Zookeeper, Olga Prokhorova, held her breath as the little cubs came into the world – so did the rest of the team. 

With careful coaxing and watchful eyes, they waited to see what would happen. The tiger leaned down and sniffed. The next moment would decide the cubs’ fate.

Worst Case

Daily Mail

Everyone deflated as she walked away. The signs were clear. She wanted nothing to do with her new children. 

Olga sighed and leaned against the window. The little peeps and cries the babies made would normally be cute, but now they were just heartbreaking. It was extra sad that they would soon have to sell them.

One Cub Left


Yes, two of the brothers were spoken for by other zoos. And within a few days, the last cub was on his own. The fuzzy blankets did nothing to calm him, and the goat’s milk only offered nourishment – nothing more. 

Olga thumped her head against the desk, praying for an idea. All of a sudden, the answer scampered through the door.

New Experiment 


The black and brown dog pawed at the window, trying to get to the crying infant, while Olga watched the scene, and her mind began entertaining a plan.

“Could it work?” Olga wondered. They had never tried anything like that before. The others thought she was crazy, but they were out of ideas. Besides, what’s the worst that could happen?

Sticky Hello 

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The introduction was slow and careful. On one side, the grown dog wagged her tail and jittered with excitement.

 The cub sat on the other, wobbling back and forth. They each leaned in, took a sniff, and the dog left a long, gooey lick over the cub’s face. It didn’t end there. That was just the beginning.

Successful Introduction

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Olga felt tears form as the maternal mutt curled around the cat, and the little one fell asleep in an instant. It was a truly moving image, although an unusual one.

After that, they were inseparable. The cub was quick to walk, and in no time, they were taking walks around the zoo together. Then the playing started.

Fast Friends 


They would jump and skip around each other. It was an adorable mix of cat and dog play – each one acting a little like the other but always having fun. 

The stress of separation melted away, and the new family was the highlight of everyone’s shift each time they came in. They became the zoo’s favorites.

Inevitable Parting 


The zookeeper felt a tiny piece of her heartbreak at the idea they would have to eventually sell the cub. 

But, at least for now, the tiny creature would know love and safety. It would have a mother. These two are another miracle of the animal kingdom. However, this is not the first time something like this has happened.

Friendship Between Species

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There are many stories proving that friendship between animals of different species is possible. As a matter of fact, it’s more usual than you might think.

Sometimes, it can even happen between two species that you wouldn’t expect to get along with each other, which would normally be natural enemies. That’s the case with the protagonists of our next story:

China York

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China York is a keeper at The Institute of Greatly Endangered and Rare Species (TIGERS) in South Carolina. Many animals of different species live within the complex, from apes to lions or hippos.

However, one of its residents, who is also one of China’s closest friends, is quite a celebrity. She has appeared many times in the media for her unusual and endearing behavior.


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The complex’s most well-known character is Anjana, a female chimpanzee who was born in the Institute and has been by China’s side since the beginning of her life.

From the very moment Anjana was born, China always felt an inexplicable affinity with the chimp. However, as she grew up, there was something else that built a deep and strong bond between them.


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Ever since she was an infant, Anjana used to follow China everywhere. The chimpanzee’s mother had passed away shortly after labor, so China was the closest thing to a mother she had.

Every single day, Anjana followed China during a major part of her schedule, watching her work on each of her tasks during the week. And there was one that Anjana felt particularly attracted to.

Infant Caregiver

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China is an infant animal caregiver. This means that she’s the one responsible for taking care of hundreds of newborn and infant animals.

Ever since she was able to walk by herself, Anjana has seen her doing this with other animals of different species. And one day, she decided to give it a try herself, leaving everyone absolutely baffled.


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Now, Anjana is pretty much a full-fledged assistant to China in her caregiver duties. “She has raised leopards, lions, orangutans,” said Dr. Bhagavan, founder of TIGERS.

“Monkey see, monkey do, and she has taken on this copycat personality and helped China raise the animals.” However, it’s the most recent of Anjana’s stepsons that have attracted the most attention from the media.

Two White Tiger Cubs

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Anjana, the chimpanzee, made the news when the media published some pictures of her playing with some white tiger cubs. Everyone who saw the pictures found them endearing and felt eager to learn more about Anjana.

But that wasn’t all. There was something about the white tiger cubs and the circumstances in which they were embraced by Anjana that made their story particularly moving.

Mitra And Shiva

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The tiger cubs, named Mitra and Shiva, had a sad backstory. They were born in the complex but had to be separated from their mother due to some dramatic circumstances.

“Mitra and Shiva were born during Hurricane Hannah,” said Dr. Bhagavan, founder of TIGERS. “During that time, everything flooded in the sanctuary, and they had to be moved into the house as their mother became stressed.”

Motherly Love

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“It was important for their safety that they were separated.” So Mitra and Shiva were placed under China’s care. 

And from the first minute she saw them, Anjana the chimp fell in love with the two white cats. Now, the three of them have become inseparable, and Anjana has surprised everyone with how lovingly she takes care of the two cubs.

Surrogate Mother

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“Anjana has been with China, side by side, ever since she was born and has joined her in caring and raising baby animals,” says Dr. Bhagavan. 

“So she helped her and acted as a surrogate mother to these animals, and she has done the same with these baby white tigers.” And it’s all thanks to her intelligence; apes learn by watching and imitating, and that’s how it has been with Anjana.

Great Learner

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“Chimpanzees are great learners and imitators, so it wasn’t long before she took on the right behaviors that were necessary to keep the kittens in line,” adds Dr. Bhagavan.

“She gives them a bottle, lies with them, and acts as a surrogate mother. She has close contact and bond and nurtures them,” he details.

Always By Their Side

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“She picked up on the fact that I am taking care of them, so she wants to take care of them,” China said. “She is very gentle and gives them her finger when they are crying.”

Anjana even sleeps in the same bed as Mitra and Shiva. However, as China reveals, this situation will have to stop eventually.

Not The First Time

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“It will go on until the cubs get too big and they start playing rough – Anjana’s reaction isn’t so funny…big teeth,” says China.

However, these are not the first big cats Anjana has raised. “She has just finished raising four lions, and they were inseparable. She is a great assistant,” says Dr. Bhagavan. But there’s even more.


Barry Bland/Barcroft Media

As of today, Anjana is also taking care of an orphaned puma cub named Sierra. Just like Mitra and Shiva, she helps China with the feeding, cuddling, chasing, and playing duties.

“If Sierra is running around too fast, then Anjana will scoop her up and make sure she doesn’t get into any trouble,· China says.

A Great Assistant

Barry Bland/Barcroft Media

Dr. Antle, another worker in the TIGERS complex, adds: “She is a great assistant. If you need a baby wipe, you can just tell her, and she’ll run off and get it.”

In order to protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.