Padre Obliga A Su Hijastra A Cuidar De Recién Nacida Hasta Que Descubre La Verdadera Situación


No Se Lo Podía Creer

Chloe Steward se quedó allí de pie, incapaz de moverse mientras escuchaba al agente de policía que le estaba contando toda la historia. No podía creer que se hubiera visto envuelta en algo tan horrendo.

Era sólo una niña y ahora arrestaban a su tutor legal. Y todo por su culpa y por la corazonada que tuvo cuando le entregaron al bebé por primera vez.

Nunca Le Cayó Bien


A Chloe nunca le gustó su padrastro, Robert Brady. Desde el momento en que su madre lo trajo a casa, supo que traería problemas. Pero no tenía más remedio que quedarse con él.

Después de que su madre muriera dos años antes, Robert se convirtió en su tutor legal y quedaron atrapados el uno con el otro. Pero ella nunca pensó que las cosas llegarían a empeorar tanto.

Ninguna Otra Opción


Chloe sólo tenía catorce años en el momento del incidente, lo que significaba que tenía que aguantar a Robert, sus payasadas y sus ridículas peticiones.

Sin embargo, esta vez la petición de Robert la llevaría al límite. Y aunque no podía irse, podía vengarse. Y eso era exactamente lo que pensaba hacer.

Sólo Cuatro Años Más


Chloe siempre se había dicho a sí misma que sólo tenía que aguantar a Robert cuatro años más. Entonces cumpliría dieciocho y podría irse de casa legalmente.

Pero las cosas darían un giro drástico ese año. Y la vida de Chloe daría un vuelco. Todos sus planes se irían al traste, y ella no lo toleraría.

Ella Podía Hacerlo


Antes de que todo esto ocurriera, Chloe estaba convencida de que podría superar los cuatro años siguientes. Lo único que tenía que hacer era callarse y obedecer.

Pero la siguiente petición de Robert la haría replantearse su vida y las cosas que estaba haciendo. Esta vez él estaba llevando las cosas demasiado lejos, y lo estaba arruinando todo.

Un Día Inesperado


El día empezó como cualquier otro. Pero poco después de que Chloe llegara a casa del colegio, llegó Robert. Estaba sin aliento y paranoico. Pero lo más importante era que llevaba un bebé en brazos.

Chloe lo miró con desconfianza en los ojos, pero antes de que pudiera decir nada, él le metió al recién nacido en los brazos. “Encárgate de eso”, dijo Robert antes de marcharse una vez más.

De Repente, Era Su Problema


Chloe miró al bebé mientras su desconfianza se transformaba en confusión. Lo único que quería era hacer los deberes, pero allí estaba con el bebé de un desconocido en brazos.

Durante los días siguientes, Chloe no volvió a ver a Robert. Y no tardó en darse cuenta de que la niña era su problema.

¿Qué Estaba Pasando?


Había pasado una semana entera. Chloe había faltado a clase y se había gastado su propio dinero para cuidar del pequeño. Pero eso no significaba que se limitara a obedecer órdenes.

La joven tejana no era tan tonta como pretendía ser, y empezaba a preguntarse cuál era la verdad detrás de la situación.

¿De Quién Era El Niño?


Chloe empezaba a preguntarse de quién era el bebé. ¿Dónde estaban sus padres? ¿Y por qué tenía que cuidar de su hijo?

Sabía a ciencia cierta que no era el bebé de Robert. Entonces, ¿de dónde la había sacado? Esas fueron exactamente las preguntas que le hizo la siguiente vez que apareció por casa.

Sin Respuestas


Pero Chloe no obtuvo ninguna respuesta. Robert estaba borracho cuando llegó y, cuando ella empezó a interrogarle, se puso agresivo.

“¡No es asunto tuyo!”, le dijo. “¡Haz lo que te han dicho que hagas!”. Su reacción confundió a Chloe aún más, y sólo la hizo indagar más. De un modo u otro, encontraría las respuestas.

Pasan Unos Días


Tras una acalorada discusión, Robert volvió a marcharse y Chloe pasó la semana siguiente sola con el bebé. Esa era la única parte de la situación que no le molestaba.

Chloe prefería que Robert no estuviera allí, y el bebé era una buena compañía. Pero ese no era el único problema al que se enfrentaba la joven. Y ahí empezaban los problemas.

Tuvo Que Renunciar A Todo


Chloe tuvo que renunciar a todo para cuidar del bebé. No podía ir a la escuela. Se había perdido los exámenes finales. Tuvo que dejar su trabajo a tiempo parcial. Y hacía semanas que no veía a sus amigos.

Eso era lo que más le preocupaba. ¿Cómo iba a irse si ni siquiera podía terminar el curso?

No Podía Hacerlo


Después de un mes cuidando del bebé, Chloe se dio cuenta de que no podía seguir haciéndolo. Tenía sus propios planes. Necesitaba conseguir dinero y experiencia para poder marcharse cuando fuera mayor de edad.

Pero en ese momento, no podía hacer nada de eso. Y no estaba ni mucho menos preparada para ser madre.

Tenía Su Propia Vida


Chloe era joven, pero tenía su propia vida. Tenía sueños y aspiraciones de un futuro brillante lejos de todo aquello.

Tenía amigos que querían ayudarla a alcanzar sus metas. Y estaba en camino de conseguirlos. Pero no podía hacerlo con un bebé.

Hacer Preguntas


Así que la siguiente vez que Robert se acercó, ella empezó a hacer más preguntas. Y esta vez no se echó atrás.

Quería saber a qué estaba entregando su vida. Y quería determinar si valía la pena o no. Fue entonces cuando Robert dijo algo que cambiaría todo lo que ella creía saber.



“Pronto conseguiré el rescate”, murmuró Robert antes de desmayarse. A Chloe se le erizó el vello de la nuca. ¿De qué rescate estaba hablando?

Chloe sabía que estaba borracho y que solía decir tonterías cuando lo estaba. Pero su declaración seguía despertando sus sospechas y decidió investigar más a fondo el asunto.

Siguiéndole A Todas Partes


Chloe empezó a seguir a Robert, pensando que así podría descubrir la verdad. Pero andar a escondidas no era tan fácil con un bebé atado a su pecho.

La gente la paraba a menudo para hacerle comentarios y, por eso, perdía la pista de Robert. Pero una noche, lo tuvo en el punto de mira, y sintió que ese sería el día en que obtendría sus respuestas.

No Pudo Encontrar Nada


Entró en un edificio de mala muerte y Chloe lo siguió. Pero pronto se dio cuenta de que se trataba de los bajos fondos de la ciudad. No era lugar para una chica de catorce años con un bebé.

Sin embargo, Chloe se mantuvo firme en su decisión y esperó. Desgraciadamente, sólo desperdició su noche porque no había señales de que Robert estuviera haciendo otra cosa que beber.

¿Qué Escondía?


De madrugada, Chloe volvió a casa dando tumbos. Se sentía derrotada y perdida, pensando que estaba en una búsqueda inútil sin final a la vista. Pero en eso se equivocaba.

Pero ella no tenía ni idea de que las cosas estaban a punto de intensificarse a la mañana siguiente cuando se despertó sonido que nadie quiere oír – los gritos de un bebé.

Un Chequeo


Cuando Chloe se despertó más tarde ese mismo día, oyó los gritos del bebé. Corrió a su lado y vio que la cara del niño estaba muy roja.

Cuando intentó levantar al bebé, también sintió que tenía fiebre. Sabía que debía de ser por el frío. Pero también sabía que la fiebre podía ser mortal para un niño de esa edad. Así que hizo lo único que podía hacer. Llamó a Robert.

Ulterior Motives


The baby wasn’t hers, and it certainly wasn’t her stepdad’s. But she still felt responsible for the infant. She would never forgive herself if something happened to it while she was the caretaker.

She never asked for any of this, but nor did the child. But she was worried about it all the same. But would Robert even care?

Not Easy


Convincing him to take the child to the doctor was no easy feat. He was convinced that the illness would blow over without medical attention. But Chloe wasn’t so sure.

It was clear he didn’t care about the child, but she couldn’t deny that she was starting to get attached to the baby. She couldn’t let anything happen to the child so she stood up to her stepdad. But it would fall on deaf ears.

Heated Argument


The two of them got into a heated argument, with Chloe acting like a ferocious bear that was trying to protect her cub. But then she thought of something that was sure to change his mind.

She was about to appeal to his selfish reasoning. She told him something that would immediately grab his attention. But it had a price.

He Finally Gave In


“If this child dies, you won’t be getting any ransom!” Chloe snapped. The blood drained from Robert’s face as she said the words. But they instantly calmed him down.

“Where did you hear that from?” He said in a voice of dread. He clearly didn’t remember what he had said while he was drunk. Chloe stepped back, scared of the confrontation with her father.

Full Of Fear


“You said it while you were drunk!” She said before she could stop herself. She knew he hated it when she mentioned his drinking. Anger seemed to rise up from inside of him as he stepped towards her.

“Fine!” he scoffed. “We’ll take the thing to a doctor.” Chloe felt a sense of relief wash over her. But she had no idea what this trip would ultimately end up costing her.

On The Way


It was only when they were on the road that Chloe realized her mistake. The doctor will want information. Information that she didn’t have.

Anxiety shot through her. She didn’t want to be incriminated, and her father’s scheme was definitely enough to hold her accountable. But her father was about to give her a clue about everything.

A Name


“What name do we give the doctor?” she asked, feeling ashamed. “Just tell them her name is Shauna Steward. Tell them it’s your kid,” Robert mumbled, not knowing that he had just piqued Chloe’s interest.

It seemed like a helpful clue as to what was going on. He came up with the name a little too quickly, he definitely didn’t just make it up.

A Unique Opportunity


Chloe sat with the baby on her lap while Robert drove them to the hospital. She was nervous about what was going to happen to them when they arrived, but something else would happen before that.

Thankfully, Robert wouldn’t be able to go all the way to the hospital, he would have to make a stop off. That’s when Chloe had a unique opportunity

Stopping For Gas


They were about halfway through their journey across the state when Robert decided to stop for gas. And that was when everything changed.

For once, Chloe was glad that her stepdad was irresponsible and didn’t fill up the tank when he had the chance. Now she could do something she never had the chance to before.

Accessing His Car


The one place Chloe never had access to was his car. And she was sure that she would find the answers she was looking for in it. Was she right? And what would she find?

She never trusted Robert from the moment he married her mother years ago. Now that he was the only person in his life, she knew that he was rotten to the core. But she never expected to find something so terrible in his car.

He Went To The Store


While filling up the car, Robert decided to get something to eat. This was Chloe’s chance. She could search the car while he was away. 

If she didn’t take her chance now, then she would never find out the truth behind everything. She needed to know what he was doing with the child, and she needed to know now.

Searching The Car


She started in the cabby holder and swiftly made her way to the trunk. That was where she hit the jackpot. It was the place Robert used to store all his secrets.

She had always suspected that her stepdad had kept everything from her inside of his car. Why else wouldn’t he normally let her near it? 

She Saw Something


The moment Chloe opened the trunk, she saw something. Files upon files of information were stored back there. 

And the name Shauna popped up once more. That was the same name that Robert had told her, it couldn’t have been a coincidence. But this time, it was accompanied by a surname.



“Shauna Lancaster,” Chloe mumbled to herself. That was the baby’s real name. And Chloe had the evidence to prove it.

But what could she do with the information she had? She could probably turn him in, but she was scared of what he would do if he found out what she was plotting.

Keeping Shut


Before getting back into the passenger seat, Chloe checked up on the baby. Or at least that was what it looked like. But she had an ulterior motive for doing what she did.

Robert got back in, and they hit the road once more. But Chloe didn’t say anything. There was no point in talking to the man. She’d have to find another way to expose him.

Coming Back


The visit to the doctor was a success. They got the medication they needed to treat the baby and made their way back home.

Chloe spent the trip examining her options. She was completely unaware of the fact that an opportunity was waiting for her around the next bend. Would she take it? Or just let it slip? Then Robert did something she would never forgive.

Beyond Cruel


Robert looked over at Chloe holding young Shauna. He watched as she gave the baby the medication she desperately needed. But that’s when a switch flipped in his head.

“Now that she’s all better, it’s too risky to keep her inside the car,” Robert said. “What do you mean?” An alarmed Chloe replied. But what he was plotting was beyond cruel.

The Trunk


“I don’t want that baby inside the car, okay? Put her in the trunk.” Robert coldly replied. She wouldn’t stand for something this cruel. “She could die in there!” She screamed back at Robert.

Her mind was now made up. If she had the opportunity, she wouldn’t hesitate to turn him in, even if she was scared to the bone of what he would do to her.



Chloe finally put her foot down. “She doesn’t go in the trunk, and you can’t make me do it.” But Robert didn’t like rebellion. He took a swig from a hip flask he always kept with him and gripped the steering wheel tighter.

She knew he was beyond furious, but he wasn’t going to punish her now. He was going to wait until they got home. But thankfully, an angel must have been looking out for Chloe.

Pulled Over


Robert had already started drinking, and he was speeding down the road. But this time, he wouldn’t get away with it. He got flagged down by a police officer and had no choice but to stop.

Chloe felt her heart beating against the walls of her chest as the officer approached. This was the best thing she could’ve asked for.

Her Only Chance


“License and registration, please,” the officer said when he got to the car. But Chloe wasn’t going to miss her window of opportunity. “I think you should check the trunk, officer,” she said before glancing at Robert.

Robert was pale as a sheet, and the officer was confused. But he did follow her advice. “Please pop the trunk, sir.”



“You don’t need to. She’s just a loudmouth kid.” Robert tried making up excuses, but the trained police officer knew something was up. He saw the terrified look on Chloe’s face.

“It’s not a question, sir. I’d like to see what you have in your trunk, and I have probably cause now, so do as I say.” The officer coldly told Robert. But what he did next surprised everyone.

Reaching For Something


Chloe watched as an already tipsy Robert reached down in front of his seat. She could only guess what he was reaching for, so she had to act fast.

“Stop!” She shouted at Robert. And for once in her life, he really did. He stopped what he was doing and stared at her with a look of betrayal. But it wasn’t over yet.

The Truth


Robert exploded with emotion right then and there. He spilled everything he had been keeping from Chloe. The child that he had kidnapped was, in fact, partly his.

The mother had told him that he’d never be able to see her again, and for good reason. He was a terrible father. It was the first time Chloe saw him cry, but the system wouldn’t be lenient.

Jail Time


Even though he just wanted to see his child, he did it by kidnapping them. The woman he was with, whom he never told Chloe about, testified against him and managed to get the judge to give him ten years in jail.

Chloe noticed that the woman had more in common with her than she thought, and she had already grown attached to Shauna. The woman offered to become her new legal guardian, and she never looked back.

In order to protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.