Padre Estreñido Durante 6 Años Hasta Que Una Prueba De ADN Descubre Una Difícil Explicación


Ignorando Los Síntomas

Brian sabía que pasaba algo raro, pero no se lo dijo a nadie. Tenía obligaciones importantes y temía lo que pasaría si descubrían su secreto.

Por el bien de su familia, no dijo ni una palabra e ignoró los síntomas, eso fue hasta que su familia se dio cuenta por sí misma.

Supo que no podía ocultarlo por más tiempo.

Un Problema Creciente


Los síntomas empezaron siendo leves. Parecía que Brian había ganado unos kilos en la zona del estómago.

Algunos de sus amigos incluso le echaron la culpa a que había bebido demasiada cerveza.

Brian se reía de las bromas, pero la verdad es que no tenía ni idea de cuál era la causa. Odiaba a los médicos y decidió ignorarlos. Pero el problema empezó a crecer hasta parecer grave.

El Hombre Embarazado


Brian nunca se cuestionó su decisión de ignorar los síntomas, a pesar de que su mujer le rogaba que fuera al médico.

Se centró en el trabajo y en mantener a su familia.

Pero tras un año de descuido, las cosas empezaron a salirse de madre. Su barriga había crecido hasta alcanzar un tamaño enorme, y la gente del pueblo empezó a referirse a él como el “hombre embarazado”.

Afectaba A Su Trabajo


Pero a medida que empeoraba, empezó a darse cuenta de que ya no podía seguir así. Empezó a afectar a su trabajo. 

Su jefe había tolerado su cambio de aspecto porque nunca afectaba a su trabajo, pero ahora era evidente que su salud se estaba deteriorando.

Fue entonces cuando Brian supo que tenía que buscar ayuda.

En Busca De Ayuda Profesional


Como su jefe le dijo que tenía que ver a un profesional, Brian no tuvo más remedio que ir al médico.

Era reacio, pero sabía que si no lo hacía, le despedirían y se quedaría sin trabajo.

Sin trabajo, perdería su casa y su familia pasaría hambre. Pero una vez dentro de la consulta, tuvo un mal presentimiento. Ya no había vuelta atrás.

La Horrible Verdad


El médico salió y sonrió a Brian, que le devolvió la sonrisa nervioso.

Pero en cuanto Brian se levantó la camisa, el médico retrocedió dando tumbos, con la preocupación reflejada en el rostro.

Sacó el estetoscopio y lo puso contra su enorme barriga. Pero la horrible verdad sobre lo que se escondía dentro de Brian sería demasiado para él.

Brian Lewis


Brian Lewis fue un hombre ambicioso que vivió en Bangladesh la mayor parte de su vida.

Sus padres se trasladaron allí desde Gran Bretaña cuando él era un niño y nunca miraron atrás.

A Brian le costaba hacer amigos en el colegio porque se sentía diferente. Ser inmigrante significaba que era diferente a los demás. Era un sentimiento del que nunca pudo librarse.

Su Infancia


Al crecer, siempre se sintió un poco introvertido; se centró sobre todo en sus estudios hasta que se graduó.

Fue entonces cuando conoció a su mujer, Samantha. Ella también era una inmigrante británica.

Brian había encontrado la pareja perfecta para él, y pensó que todas sus preocupaciones se habían desvanecido, eso fue hasta que un día sufrió un cambio drástico.

Un Buen Marido


Diez años más tarde, Brian tenía una hija de tres años llamada Emily.

Era un buen marido que se centraba en mantener a su mujer y a su hija mucho más que en cualquier otra cosa.

Trabajaba muchas horas para alimentarlos. Pero su dedicación al trabajo le hacía descuidar lo más importante: a sí mismo.

Síntomas Extraños


Brian había tenido un aspecto normal toda su vida; tenía un cuerpo normal para un hombre de su edad y, aparte de beber de vez en cuando con su mejor amigo, estaba sano.

Pero las cosas cambiaban.

Un día notó el aumento de peso, pero apenas se notaba. Lo atribuyó a que su metabolismo se estaba ralentizando, pero estaba muy equivocado.

Aumento Rápido


Sólo había engordado dos kilos y nadie más que él lo notó. Pero al cabo de dos semanas, engordó otros tres.

Empezó a preocuparse por lo que podría haber sido, pero aún así se lo guardó para sí mismo.

Siguió trabajando, rezando para que su familia no notara nada extraño. Mientras no afectara al trabajo, no le importaba.

Su Amigo Se Da Cuenta


Brian se reunió con su mejor amigo, Rudi, en un bar local donde normalmente tomaban una o dos cervezas.

Brian no era un gran bebedor, así que cuando Rudi notó su barriga, le hizo una broma sobre dejar la cerveza.

Brian se rió nerviosamente, pero en su mente sabía que era algo mucho más serio. Intentó disimularlo, pero no sabía cómo ocultárselo a su mujer.

El Dique Se Rompería


Brian hizo todo lo posible por ocultar su secreto a su familia. Llevaba capas de más aunque era verano y sufría el calor.

Se descuidaba para poder seguir trabajando para su hija.

Pero el dique iba a romperse y su secreto saldría a la luz. Su mujer era más perspicaz de lo que él creía.

Descubrir Su Secreto


Una noche, cuando Brian llegó a casa del trabajo, cometió un error.

Se quitó el abrigo por el calor, y fue entonces cuando su mujer lo vio. 

Ella no se había dado cuenta en la oscuridad de su dormitorio, pero en el pasillo iluminado, era fácil de ver. “¿Qué es eso?” Le preguntó con una expresión de asombro en el rostro.

Rogándole Que Viera A Alguien


Brian trató de hacerse pasar por un peso normal, pero su mujer le conocía mejor que eso.

Le dijo que tenía que ir al médico. Pero ahí es donde Brian puso el límite.

Le explicó a Samantha que no necesitaba ver a nadie. No podían permitírselo si no era necesario. Podía mentirse a sí mismo, pero era más difícil mentirle a su esposa.

Su Jefe


Brian pensó que ahí acababa la discusión. Se fue a la cama y llegó al trabajo al día siguiente, dispuesto a mantener a su familia. 

Pero le llamaron al despacho de su jefe. Le dijo a Brian que su mujer le había llamado preocupada.

Su jefe fue sincero con Brian y le dijo que mientras no afectara a su rendimiento, no le importaba.

Cada Vez Peor


Brian agradeció que su jefe le dejara trabajar a pesar de su estado.

Pero pronto se corrió la voz entre sus compañeros de trabajo y, finalmente, en la ciudad.

Todo el mundo conocía su estado, pero en lugar de tratarlo con compasión, el público fue cruel. Brian tardaría una semana en enterarse de los rumores.

Apodo Duro


Brian se dio cuenta de las miradas nada sutiles que recibía mientras trabajaba en la fábrica.

Sus compañeros le miraban y se reían entre ellos en las pausas para comer.

Nunca se había hecho amigo de nadie en su trabajo, pero ahora las cosas habían ido demasiado lejos. Ahora que su barriga era demasiado grande para esconderla, oía el duro apodo que se extendía por el pueblo.



El jefe de Brian le llamó a su despacho para darle la triste noticia.

“Querrás oírlo de mí en vez de escucharlo de otra persona, pero todo el mundo se ha enterado y en el pueblo te han puesto un apodo bastante chulo”, le dijo a Brian.

Los ojos de Brian se abrieron de par en par: “¿Qué es?”. preguntó. Pero se arrepentiría de haberlo averiguado. La gente del pueblo le llamaba el “hombre embarazado”.

Salud En Declive


Brian se encogió de hombros ante el duro apodo. Le dolía, pero sus prioridades estaban en el lugar correcto.

No le importaba su vida social; sólo le importaba trabajar. Pero fue entonces cuando las cosas se complicaron.

Brian empezó a sentirse mal casi todos los días mientras su estómago no paraba de crecer. Finalmente, su jefe le dijo la desafortunada verdad. No estaba en condiciones de trabajar.

No Choice


With his boss telling him he had to see a professional, Brian had no choice but to go see a doctor.

He was reluctant, but he knew that if he didn’t, he’d be fired and have no job.

But there was something that had been plagueing Brian’s mind ever since his belly started expanding. He had a suspicion what it meant, and it explained his actions up until this point.

Sign Of The End


Brian wasn’t a doctor but he had his suspicions about what a rapid growth in the body could mean.

But that wouldn’t be the only symptom to come.

He accepted that it was probably a sign of the end and that’s why he worked so much harder – to make sure his family had something after he was gone.

Sign Of The End


He feared the doctor’s office. He knew only bad news could come from a visit, but he had no choice now.

He had to make the best of it, and it at least made his wife more comfortable. 

The man’s body had undergone drastic changes, but his belly would only be the start of the symptoms. Something happened out of the blue that changed everything.

A Strange Feeling


Up until now, Brian had only felt the occasional stomach ache and constipation.

But suddenly, he started feeling new symptoms – creepy ones.

Brian was a hygeinic man and showered before work every day. But since his rapid growth, he noticed something alarming. He felt his head and checked his shower drain. This couldn’t be happening.

Hair Loss


Brian had always tried to stay as healthy as he could, but this was drastic.

His hands shook as he held the clumps of hair in his hand. This wasn’t reassuring.

But he had no idea that it was just the beginning of his bad luck. He looked in the mirror and noticed something alarming. What was wrong with his eyes?



He looked at himself in the mirror. His face was noticeably gaunt, but that wasn’t the most alarming thing – it was his eyes.

They didn’t look right.

He noticed that they were redder than he had ever seen them. They were bloodshot for some reason. It was clear that something very wrong was going on inside of his body. But there was more.

Teeth Falling Out


To his horror, he reached two fingers inside his mouth and felt one of his molars.

It was loose, too loose. He could easily wiggle it, and with morbid fascination, he kept going.

It didn’t take a lot of prying to dislodge the tooth from his mouth. He stared at it in the palm of his hand and felt dread creep over him. Was what was inside of him doing this?

Internet Results


Brian looked up his symptoms. He needed to get a better idea of what was going on, but he knew that the internet often showed the worse side of any scenario.

He put his symptoms into the search bar of Google and waited for the web page to load.

But the results only scared him even more. Half of the results sounded like conspiracy theories.

Something Alive


One article seemed to be convinced that whatever was causing Brian’s rapid growth and his other symptoms was sentient.

The article explained that it must have been something alive.

But Brian didn’t want to believe what sounded straight out of science fiction. But the idea gnawed at the back of his mind until he couldn’t take it any longer.

Thinking About It


All of the articles had varying explanations for his condition, but the one about something living inside of him got under his skin.

He needed to find out the truth.

He decided that it was time to see a doctor about things. The articles on the internet wouldn’t be able to accurately diagnose him. But then something happened that made him think about the first article again.



Along with the hair loss and the tooth, it seemed like just at the mention of a doctor’s visit, whatever was inside Brian’s stomach didn’t like the idea. 

He felt pain as something horrifying happened – it started moving.

It was kicking like a baby that was alive. He knew he needed to get to a doctor soon.



The only person that he could condife in was his wife. He normally tried being strong for her but this time, he was the one that needed support.

He told her his worries, and the look on her face told him he had no choice but to see a doctor.

But he also had to work. What would he do? Help himself, or look out for his family?

Beneath The Surface


Something was happening underneath the surface, and it all had to do with the massive size of his stomach.

The rest of his body was screaming for him to make it stop, but how?

Brian dared put his hand on his stomach, but his face twisted in agony as he felt something kick. The dad had never experienced something like this before, but it would only get worse.

Out Of A Horror Movie


It was something out of a horror movie, and he had no idea why it was happening to him.

He was now convinced he had to get to a doctor immediately.

But in a cruel twist of fate, his boss had another idea. He would make things difficult for Brian when he needed understanding the most.

Talking To His Boss


Brian had made up his mind. He was getting to the point where it didn’t matter anymore.

He wouldn’t be able to look after his family if he couldn’t work.

This debilitation was also making sure he wouldn’t be able to work for much longer. He asked to see his boss in his office. But he would be anything but supportive.



Brian told his boss that he was going to finally get it checked out, but he wasn’t ready for his boss’ response.

“Well, if you can’t get this sorted out, you’re going to have to find another job.”

The father couldn’t believe what his boss had just told him. This meant that everything hinged on the outcome of the doctor’s visit. But things wouldn’t be that easy.

Bad Feeling


Without a job, he’d lose his house, and his family would go hungry.

He could barely make it to the doctor’s office without passing out. He was about to find out the truth.

Things were getting dire. He felt like he was in danger of losing consciousness. That’s when for the first time, he started considering other possibilities to his illness.

Rapidly Declining


His health had rapidly declined, that’s when his mind went to other explanations. But one of them scared him half to death.

Just a few months ago, he was a healthy man working hard.

But now, he was a shell of himself. Everything pointed back to the day his stomach started growing. What had he picked up?

Wasting Away


Even though his stomach was getting massive, he noticed the rest of his body was starting to waste away.

He looked down at his arms, something he hadn’t really paid too much attention to before.

He had already lost the tooth and some of his hair before, but it was only getting worse. He was in a lot of trouble.

Noticeably Thinner


His legs and arms looked noticeably thinner, along with his face being more gaunt now than ever. There was only one explanation.

The articles came back to mind. He linked two of them together.

One said it was a parasite and the other said it was alive. Surely that was the same thing?

A Parasite


Whatever was growing inside of Brian had to be causing his new complexion.

Even with his boss’s harsh words, he was motivated to get some proper help.

He was finally inside of the doctor’s office. But he was worried about what they would tell him. He was certain of what it was, but would he survive?

Doctor’s Office


But once inside the doctor’s office, he had a bad feeling about things.

There was no going back now, and he had a hunch about what it was, even if he didn’t want to acknowledge it.

All of his own research compounded with what his symptoms meant he was pretty sure he knew what it was. But there was only one way to find out.

Never Looked So Bad


Things had never looked so bad before, but it would be the doctor that was astounded when he found out what was inside of him.

Things would never be the same once he found out the truth.

He just hoped that he would survive whatever it was so that he could see his child and his wife again. He just hoped for that much.

Worst Case Scenario


Brian’s mind lingered on the worst-case scenario.

He knew that growths and deformities normally only had one explanation.

He had heard of malignant growths on medical shows before and knew it never ended well. But funnily enough, he didn’t fear his own death, there was something else keeping him alive.

His Family


He feared not because of death but because he would leave his wife and daughter behind.

He considered the fact that it was a malignant growth inside of him.

That meant that most likely, his time on earth would be limited. But only the doctor would be able to tell him the truth behind everything.

A Tumor


He closed his eyes and tried his best to keep his anxiety trapped inside.

He thought about the possibility that what was growing inside of him was a tumor.

If it was, then he was out of luck. One of that size would be inoperable and he would die. But he didn’t know that it was something so much more sinister.

Too Late


By now, it would be too late to do anything about it. Just as he pondered death and life, he heard a voice; it was his turn to see the doctor. 

The stares in the waiting room made him feel terrible, but thankfully, he didn’t have to wait any longer.

He nervously walked into the office; there was no backing down now.

The Horrific Truth


The doctor came out and smiled at Brian, who nervously smiled back.

But as soon as Brian lifted his shirt, the doctor stumbled backward, concern on his face.

It was as if he had never seen anything like it before. Brian didn’t have high hopes about his condition before, but now it seemed as bleak as ever.

Hiding Inside Him


He pulled out the stethoscope and put it against his enormous belly.

Then the unthinkable happened, the growth kicked again. The doctor didn’t look pleased.

He looked back at Brian with deep concern on his face. But the horrific truth about what was hiding inside of Brian would be too much for him to bear.

Something Inside Of Him


“There’s something growing inside of you!” The doctor said, pale as a sheet.

Brian knew it was all over, “Is it a tumor?” He asked, already certain of the truth.

“No, something very different.” The doctor said, still recoiling from what he had found. He told Brian that he’d have emergency surgery immediately. Brian had no idea what was going on.

Another Human?


The doctor didn’t explain much and got a nurse into his office to get Brian to the operating room.

They put him in a gown and laid him out on his back.

The doctor came in full scrubs and finally started telling him the truth. But that’s when Brian freaked out; the doctor told him that there was another human growing inside of him.

Risky Surgery


The doctor told Brian they’d have to perform a risky, but necessary surgery.

What they told him only confirmed his fears – the thing inside of him was feeding on his body.

It really was a horror movie, and he was the protagonist. But before he could think it over, the doctor insisted they get to work immediately. He didn’t want to protest, and let them do what they did best.

Getting To Work


The doctors got to work without any other hesitation. They put Brian under and got to work cutting him open.

It would be a long and difficult procedure.

Time passed quickly while he was under, and as soon as Brian opened his eyes, he saw something horrific. He started panicking, how much of him was missing?

Meat And Bones


What made Brian panic would have alarmed any normal person.

A pile of meat and bones, maybe even teeth, were lying on a table across from him.

He knew they came out of him, but where did they come from? He looked down but couldn’t see his his body, it was all wrapped up under clothes.



It felt like something out of a horror movie. But when Brian felt his stomach, it wasn’t big anymore.

It was sore and full of stitches but otherwise fine.

He couldn’t believe he was back to his original size. But the doctor had even more news to tell him. They’d had more developments after taking the body out of him.

A Twin


The doctor explained that he had taken DNA from the body inside of him and cross-referenced it with Brian’s DNA. It was conclusive. 

Brian had a parasitic twin that started growing inside his abdomen.

No one could be sure what had triggered the growth so late in Brian’s life, but it had been removed safely.

A Medical Marvel


It was a medical marvel, but Brian didn’t care so much about the technicalities. The doctor’s told him he was unique, but he just wanted to get back to work. 

That would unfortunately be more difficult than he initially thought. He had a long recovery ahead of him.

But he just appreciated the fact that he could go back to work after a short recovery and that he’d end up being okay.

A Long Recovery


The first miracle was Brian surviving the surgery, and the second was him having no complications.

But that didn’t mean he didn’t have a long road ahead.

He would have to stay in hospital for a month to recover. He feared what would happen to his family and his job while he was gone, but he was reassured.

A Kind Heart After All


Two days into his recovery, Brian got a call from his boss. He congratulated him on the successful procedure and told him something that made the grown man cry.

“I’m going to cover your wage while you’re gone so that your family is alright.”

His boss said. Tears streamed down his face; his boss had a kind heart, after all.

Fine Again


A Month passed, and Brian got to walk out of the hospital on his own two, albeit shaky, feet. The doctors told him they’d research what they had cut out of him for the next few years, but he didn’t care.

It was an intriguing story, but Brian was only focused on the simple things in life. He stopped thinking about what had happened to him and looked to the only thing that mattered – his family.

In order to protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events, places, or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.