Niña No Para De Hacer Saltar La Alarma De La Tienda, El Médico Le Dice A La Madrastra Que No Es Una Niña


Un Fuerte Chirrido 

La alarma volvió a sonar, el estridente sonido le hizo rechinar los dientes mientras entrecerraba los ojos. “Otra vez no”, susurró en voz baja. 

Se acercó rápidamente a su hija y la miró directamente a los ojos.

La gente ya la observaba, preguntándose qué clase de madre era. Si supieran por lo que estaba pasando. 

Una Perspectiva Sombría

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Melissa Harding pensaba que sería una buena madre. Siempre había soñado con el día en que traería un hijo al mundo, un alma hermosa a la que amar, cuidar y criar.

Pero hasta ahora, el camino no había sido fácil.

Aunque nunca se lo había confesado a nadie, ser madre era una de las cosas que más le costaba hacer. Pero Melissa tenía su razón para tener una perspectiva tan sombría. 

Una Visita A La Tienda 


Todo empezó con una visita al Walmart local. Melissa había llevado a su hija de tres años, Hailey, a comprar algunos artículos para la cocina. 

Rara vez sacaba así a su hija al público y normalmente la dejaba con su marido, Tom, o con una niñera.

Pero hoy, Tom no estaba y Melissa no podía conseguir una niñera. No tenía ni idea de lo que pasaría cuando llegara a la tienda.

Todos Los Ojos Fijos En Ella


Todos los ojos estaban puestos en Melissa en el momento en que ella y Hailey entraron en Walmart.

Melissa nunca había tenido tanta atención sobre ella y no pudo evitar sentirse fuera de lugar. 

Se alisó el vestido y acarició el pelo de Hailey, sabiendo que la atención permanecería sobre ellas hasta que salieran de la tienda. No tenía ni idea de que acabaría rompiendo internet, y no por las razones correctas. 

De Compras


 Como cualquier comprador que lleva a su hijo a una tienda, Melissa estaba atenta. Cogió un carrito, metió a su hija dentro y se apresuró hacia la sección de comestibles. 

La tienda estaba abarrotada de compradores, así que Melissa tuvo que apretujarse entre ellos para llegar a los pasillos que quería.

Pero mientras elegía manzanas y naranjas para los batidos, se dio cuenta de algo que la hizo detenerse. 



Tres mujeres se habían apiñado en un rincón, cuchicheando mientras levantaban la barbilla directamente hacia Melissa y su bebé.

Se reían mientras hablaban, claramente divertidas por lo que fuera que estuvieran discutiendo. 

Melissa no se inmutó. Cogió lo que necesitaba del pasillo y se marchó rápidamente. Pero sus problemas no habían hecho más que empezar.  

Puro Desdén


Mientras empujaba su carrito por los pasillos, se dio cuenta de que más mujeres la miraban.

Pero no sonreían ni se reían. 

No, llevaban las caras pintadas de puro desdén. Algunas incluso ponían los ojos en blanco, otras carraspeaban al verla pasar. Ella no entendía lo que estaba pasando. Pero lo entendería en cuanto llegara a su coche.

Un Poco Aprensivas 


Melissa y Hailey habían pasado veinte minutos en Walmart antes de que Melissa las llevara a toda prisa a la sección de cajas.

La madre estaba cubierta de sudor y miraba con aprensión por encima del hombro. 

Los ojos que la habían observado mientras compraba seguían clavados en cada uno de sus movimientos. Pero había más. Cada una de aquellas desdeñosas madres había sacado sus teléfonos, haciendo fotos y vídeos de Melissa. Pero, ¿por qué lo hacían?

¿Qué Había Hecho Mal?


Melissa no sabía qué hacer. Se dio la vuelta y presentó sus compras al cajero.

Pero él también la miró como si hubiera cometido el crimen de guerra más atroz de la historia de la humanidad. 

“Lo siento”, dijo preocupada. “No puedo evitar fijarme en todas las miradas que recibo. Hay algo que haya hecho mal?”.

Disforia Corporal


Se miró el vestido. Durante mucho tiempo se había sentido insegura de su aspecto. Sus inseguridades habían ganado aparentemente sensibilidad y crecido después de tener a Hailey. 

Pasaba horas en clases de yoga y en el gimnasio siempre que podía. Aunque ahora se sentía un poco cómoda, la disforia corporal que la había perseguido antes no había desaparecido por completo.

Necesitaba saber si esa era la razón por la que esas mujeres la miraban fijamente y la grababan. 

¿Era Por Su Aspecto?


Pero el cajero no contestó. Con una mirada privilegiada, le entregó a Melissa sus artículos y se dio la vuelta, dispuesta a atender al siguiente cliente. 

Melissa cogió a Hailey y se alejó rápidamente. Algo la había convencido de que era su vestido, su pelo o su aspecto.

Pero la razón sería mucho más diferente y desgarradora de lo que ella pensaba. 

El Timbre


Melissa se dirigió a las puertas de la tienda, deseosa de volver a casa, donde nadie la juzgaría ni grabaría. Pero un ruido estridente sonó cuando atravesó el umbral de la tienda. 

Melissa se detuvo en su sitio, mirando a su alrededor. Dio un paso atrás y el timbre cesó. Seguramente ella no podía ser la causante.

Ese sonido sólo se producía cuando alguien estaba robando en la tienda. Melissa pagó por todo lo que había cogido de las estanterías. ¿O no?

Su Merecido


Volvió al mostrador y colocó sus artículos sobre la superficie de cerámica.

“Lo siento mucho”, dijo. Pudo ver a dos guardias de seguridad corriendo hacia ella. 

Toda la tienda se había detenido en sus movimientos, y las mujeres que habían estado mirando a Melissa cuando entró se reían y sonreían. ¿Qué estaba pasando aquí?

¿Eres Una Ladrona?


Melissa vació todos los artículos de sus bolsas y preguntó al cajero si podía pasarlos por la máquina para asegurarse de que los había pagado. 

“Esto no funciona así, señora”, dijo el cajero, dándole a un chicle que acababa de abrir.

“¿Por casualidad se ha metido algo en el bolsillo?”, preguntó, bajando lentamente la mirada hacia Hailey.

¿Qué Significa Esto?


“¿Qué?” preguntó Melissa. “¿Qué intenta insinuar?”, preguntó a la cajera con las cejas fruncidas.

Su bebé nunca había tenido las manos largas. Era excelente y estaba bien entrenada. 

Pero aun así Melissa se acercó a ella, palpándola rápidamente para asegurarse de que no había llevado nada en la ropa. La preocupada mamá no notaba nada. 

Un Paso Adelante


La hija de Melissa no había cogido nada de los estantes. Melissa odiaba que la cajera hubiera insinuado que Hailey era una ladrona. 

Para colmo, Melissa había pasado todo el tiempo que llevaba aquí bajo el escrutinio de las otras mujeres.

No había firmado para que la acosaran así cuando se fue de casa. Les demostraría quién era realmente. 

Al Gerente 


Con una mueca, se volvió hacia los guardias de seguridad que estaban llegando a sus inmediaciones. “Su encargado, ahora”, exigió y levantó a Hailey. 

Su descaro les cogió por sorpresa. Pero la acompañaron a la oficina de la tienda y la presentaron al encargado, que estaba dispuesto a escuchar su historia.

Pero su rostro se ensombreció en cuanto puso los ojos en Melissa y Hailey. 

Está Enfadada


“Acabo de cruzar la puerta y ha saltado la alarma”, siseó Melissa.

Meciendo a Hailey en brazos, exigió saber por qué había ocurrido aquello. 

“Pagué todo lo que había en mis maletas”, dijo. “Su cajera dice que mi hija podría haber cogido algo. Le aseguro que no”. Pero aquello era sólo la mitad de la historia. 

Las Cámaras 


“¡Pero esto no me molesta tanto como el grupo de mujeres que no dejaban de mirarme y grabarme mientras compraba!

No he venido aquí para que me graben, señor”.

El hombre palideció ante los comentarios. Miró a Melissa durante unos segundos antes de reclinarse en su asiento. Su solución al asunto la dejaría sin palabras. 

¿Está Bien Su Hija?


Aparentemente preocupado por la imagen de la tienda en la comunidad, el hombre dijo que la alarma que había saltado debía de ser un fallo del sistema.

“A veces nos pasa”, añadió. Se levantó de su asiento, miró directamente a Hailey y preguntó a Melissa si la niña estaba bien.

“Sí”, respondió Melissa con las cejas fruncidas. “¿Por qué lo preguntas?”



“Nothing,” the manager answered in a dismissive tone. “Just making small talk.”

He walked to the door and called one of the guards in. “Please escort our customer here to her car. Help with her bags, okay?”

The guard nodded and pointed Melissa to the store exit. Melissa couldn’t help but wonder what was going on. But she didn’t want to be here a minute longer than needed. 

More Insinuations


She hated this. The manager had just thrown out another insinuation at the expense of her child.

She knew it wasn’t small talk, but what did he really mean?

Melissa wouldn’t let anyone make fun of her child. But she should have taken the question seriously. She had no clue that her life as she knew it would be over by the end of the day. 

It Goes Off Again


The guard walked her to the exit, helping with her bags as Melissa held Hailey. The guard was the first to pass through the door with Melissa’s items. 

But the minute the mom and her daughter walked through, the alarm blared off. Melissa cursed, stepping back as fast as she could.

She looked up at the guard, who had also frozen in place. Something was definitely wrong. But she had no idea that she’d be questioned as a mother in a matter of moments.

Best Not To Panic


Melissa tried her best not to panic. But her daughter started getting antsy from all the commotion.

She didn’t want people getting the wrong idea. The last thing she needed was people finding out her secret.

She told Hailey to be well behaved, if she lost control now, things would escalate. But the mother had no idea she was going down that road one way or another.

A Loud Sound


A cold sensation washed over Melissa as the alarm kept blaring. Caught in a web of accusations as the goring sound echoed through the store’s entrance, the crippling feeling morphed into pure panic. 

The once plain look the guard gave Melissa turned to a suspicious glance that made her feel the full weight of the situation she was in. Shoppers turned their heads; their eyes fixated on her and Hailey.

The guard’s expression shifted from mild annoyance to suspicion. It was as if the weight of the world had crashed down upon Melissa’s shoulders. Everything that Melissa did next would have a consequence.

Hailey’s Secret


Melissa felt sweat dripping down her face. She was understandably nervous.

But there was something she didn’t see. Her daughter had a secret that no one else knew.

It would have everyone up in arms but they wouldn’t understand the unique condition her daughter had. She’d never got any complaints before, why was it a problem now?  But Hailey would do something her mother never thought possible.

Something They didn’t Know


Melissa couldn’t believe how they were being treated. There was something about Hailey that others didn’t know about.

It was something Melissa tried not bringing attention to, but it seems now it had.

She remembered when she gave birth to her years ago and how the doctors reacted. They gave her baby girl the same attention. 

Something Off About Her


The doctors told the concerned mother that there was something off about her child.

They couldn’t tell her what the problem was and it went undiagnosed for years.

But after the altercation, she would finally understand and make the public understand what was going on. It would all explain the stares she was getting in the end.



Amid the chaos, one of the women shouted, “Thief! She’s a thief!”

The accusation cut through the tense air like a sharp knife, instantly snaring the attention of the surrounding crowd both outside and inside the store. 

Things were escalating and getting out of hand. She knew she was innocent. How could a mob form against her? But she had no idea what her daughter had done.

Rooted In Place


It amplified Melissa’s panic, rooting her in place. Whispers of judgment and condemnation started swirling around her, drowning out reason and understanding.

She trusted her daughter more than anything. She knew she would never steal anything.

But when the dust settled, she would be angry not because of her actions, but because of what the public did to her daughter.

You Have To Believe Me 


Melissa felt the ground turn hot beneath her feet, crumbling as the guard before her hesitated. She could tell he was torn between duty and doubt. 

It looked like he wanted to do the right thing, but he had a job he had to do.

Melissa closed her eyes and feared the worst. She thought her daughter was a good girl, she was about to learn the truth behind everything.



Desperation and tears welled up in her eyes as she realized just how bad all of this looked.

She pleaded, “Please, you have to believe me. I haven’t stolen anything.”

She thought she was in hot water with the store, but she had no idea that the public was about to get involved, harsh words about her daughter would be thrown around that made her blood boil.

Unjust Consequences 


But the tide of public opinion had already turned the guard against her.

Whatever she’d say now wouldn’t help when everyone was seemingly out to get her. 

The store manager, alerted by the commotion, hurried over. His face was etched with mistrust, even though he already told Melissa the alarm might have had issues. 

Ignoring Her Please


Ignoring Melissa’s pleas, he gestured to the guard, who reluctantly detained her.

This was the beginning of the end for her. She couldn’t have a criminal record, but she was innocent, right?

She could never have imagined actually getting into trouble since she didn’t do anything wrong. But it wasn’t her that they were concerned about.

A Criminal 


With Hailey crying in her arms, Melissa followed the guard back to the manager’s office.

Her heart shattered into a million pieces as she looked at her daughter. No child was meant to go through this much trauma. 

But the girl had a secret that no one else knew about that caused all of the stares. Melissa just hadn’t noticed it.

Giving Her A Reputation


The world had cast Melissa as a criminal, unjustly tarnishing her reputation and subjecting her to the merciless grip of humiliation. 

Her soul ached as she realized the depth of the sorrow awaiting her and her innocent daughter.

But that’s when she realized something strange about the situation. Something wasn’t right.

Tainted In The Eyes Of Society 

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News of Melissa’s alleged theft spread like wildfire through social media.

Her name became synonymous with shame and guilt even before she got out of the manager’s office. 

Unknown to her, the video recordings taken by those judgmental shoppers were going viral, provoking an onslaught of harsh comments and condemnation from faceless online users. But this was only the first half of her nightmare. 

A Barrage Of Negativity 


The truth, however, remained obscured by the relentless barrage of negativity.

It was even worse that Melissa had no idea what was going on. 

She couldn’t defend herself when she didn’t know she was under attack. The cyberbullying and assumptions dragged her name through the mud. But something worse was barreling her way.

Making A Stand


That’s when Melissa decided that enough was enough. She needed to defend her daughter.

She told them to stop videoing her. It was upsetting for her daughter. 

But Melissa was missing the point. There was a reason why people were recording. They had their attention on something that she hadn’t considered.

Shattered Bonds 


In the wake of the scandal, the manager was the only one to see through the unfair lynching Melissa was going through.

He didn’t tell her what was happening online, only asked that she follow a guard out of the store. 

He asked her not to look at the other shoppers. There was no need to focus her energy on them when all they wanted to do was see her suffer. He had no clue what they would do to Melissa. 

A Kind Face 


The manager called another security guard, telling him to ensure Melissa made it to her car.

The guard had a kind face, kinder than the last guard. 

He was big and burly, towering over Melissa and the manager.  He would protect her from the crowd, but he didn’t see anything wrong with the little girl, something the crowd did.

Thankful For His Kindness


He offered to carry Melissa’s bag, even saying he could help her with little Hailey.

But Melissa would let go of her kid. Still, she was thankful for the man’s kindness. 

She should have known that even he wouldn’t protect her from what was coming. Her daughter was about to expose what was really going on, and she wouldn’t be able to stop her.

It’s Not Over Yet 


As she had done with the last guard, Melissa followed this new one to the store exit.

Everyone had stopped shopping and stared at her and Hailey with bated breaths. 

Others were already recording while others hurled mean words and cursed her. They all froze as Melissa neared the door. Would the alarm go off again?

Finally Outside 


“It’s okay,” the guard smiled and motioned to Melissa. “Just walk through.” Melissa closed her eyes, walking past the store’s threshold. The alarms screeched in her ears, but she didn’t listen. 

She was finally out of the building and wouldn’t return anytime soon.

Buyers inside the store started calling her names, others rushing after her. Why were they treating her this badly?

There Is Something Else 


Melissa knew something was wrong the moment she stepped into the store.

The other women had been glaring at her the minute she walked in. 

The alarms going off were just something else to add to the real problem. But Melissa was ready to put all this behind her. Little did she know what was truly happening behind the scenes.

A Short Walk


The walk was short since she’d parked her car just outside the store’s door.

She quickly placed Hailey into her seat and hurried to load her items into the back. 

But unbeknownst to her, the war against her had taken a different turn. What had started as an online lynching of a thief had devolved into something worse? As if that wasn’t enough, something else was happening right behind Melissa’s back.  

She Rushes Back In!


After she placed her daughter in her seat, the three-year-old hurriedly climbed down, opened the car door, and ran back into the store. 

Neither Melissa nor the guard saw her do it until it was too late.

“Mommy, mommy,” she screamed from the other side of the store’s door. “Mommy, look at me!” Melissa’s heartbeat paused.

Come To Mommy 


“No,” Melissa cried as she ran toward the store door. “Come here, Hailey,” she beckoned. “Come to mommy.”

Hailey ran away from the safety of the security guard and closer to the angry mob. Melissa screamed out in panic.

What were they going to do to the little girl they’d had their eyes on for so long? She heard people shouting at the girl, trying to communicate something.



A grinning Hailey waved at her, dancing around in her pink dress.

The ugly look that everyone was giving Melissa earlier had morphed into smiles. 

“Come to me,” Melissa called. Hailey ran to her, but the store alarm screeched as she passed the door.  She couldn’t believe that the sound came from her daughter. That’s when the truth finally came to light.

Echoes From The Crowd


That’s when the roar from the crowd became even louder. Among the voices, she could make out some of what they were saying.

She heard people saying things like “Her socks!” What did they mean?

Melissa would soon learn exactly why the crowd was so angry and what they had seen that she had missed. They didn’t understand her unique condition, but Melissa would shed light on that soon enough.

It’s Her 


Melissa looked at her with wide eyes. What was happening? She hugged Hailey, lifting her into the air.

As she carried her, she quickly checked her clothes, ensuring she wasn’t holding anything from the store. 

She heard the crowd scream again. She heard a clear voice telling her to look at her sock. Melissa couldn’t understand what they meant, until she looked.

She Saw It


It was then that Melissa saw it. A miniature doll that must’ve fallen into the cart while she was perusing toys at the store.

It now hung from Hailey’s sock. 

But the toy still didn’t explain the dirty looks Melissa had gotten from everyone else at the store. There was something else going on, but the mother didn’t focus on that, she just wanted to get home safely.

Driving Away


Melissa didn’t want to find out why. At least not here and after everything they’d gone through.

She gave the guard the doll and strapped her child into the backseat before driving away. 

She wanted the whole ordeal to be over with. But the mother didn’t know that it wasn’t over just yet. She was about to be ridiculed for the weirdest reason.

The Phone Rang


As the store disappeared into her rearview mirror, she smiled.

This was all behind her now, an unfortunate ordeal the universe had decided to pit her and Hailey against each other. 

But she wasn’t even on the interstate before her phone started ringing.  She looked down at ther phone, but didn’t expect to see her husband ringing. It all had to do with what had just happened.

Her Husband 


Melissa answered the call through her car before pulling to the side of the road.

Her husband, Tom, asked her if she’d taken their daughter to Walmart. 

Melissa said she was on her way from the store right now. Did her husband want her to pick something up on the way home? No. Tom’s reason for calling was a completely different one. 



He informed Melissa that she was trending on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. The reason had first centered on her, calling her a thief, before moving on to their daughter Hailey.

The mother couldn’t believe the accusations directed at her. But it would be nothing next to what they did to Hailey.

People were mocking Hailey’s health, saying she was too big for her assumed age. Some were fat-shaming the baby, claiming that Melissa was a bad mom for feeding her so much. But they had no idea what they were talking about.

Burning Anger


Melissa had always been a sensitive person. She usually tore down whenever people judged her too harshly.

But today, the emotion didn’t evoke tears but burning anger. 

None of the people judging her knew that for the past two years, little Hailey had been struggling with Prader-Willi syndrome, a rare genetic condition that affected her metabolism as an infant. 

Her Early Years


She couldn’t eat in her early years and had spent months in the hospital because of being underweight.

It got so bad that Melissa wasn’t sure she’d make it through.

As a new mom, this was all new to her. She used to cry every night, praying to God to save her kid. She even took months away from work, driving to the hospital to spend her days with Hailey. 

A Massive Appetite 

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It was only now that Hailey was finally getting her appetite back.

She was experiencing food for the first time and loved every bit of it. 

With this newfound love came an insatiable appetite. Although Melissa was glad her baby was finally eating, she was alarmed about the rate at which Hailey was wolving her food.

A Little Werewolf

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Of course, she took her to the pediatrician. With a humble laugh, he said, “She’s not a baby anymore. She’s your little werewolf!”  

Melissa sat in silence as she read the comments in her car. “Mommy, mommy, look,” Hailey called behind her, pointing at a pink car. “It’s pink!” Melissa smiled as her eyes grew wet. No mean comments about her or her daughter would ever remove her gratitude.   

Disclaimer: To protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events, places, or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.