Neighbor Refuses To Turn Down Music, Mom’s Response Goes Viral



He wasn’t a fan of the note, but his mouth watered when he saw the cake. He quickly grabbed the items from her but surprised her still when he said she could move somewhere else if she didn’t like the loud music.

Jennifer was shaking with anger raging inside of her. But she knew that he would get the payback he deserved once he started on the cake.

Single Mother


Jennifer Garvey, the mother to her son James, had moved away from the busy city. She was struggling to put her toddler to bed at night and decided to move to a quiet and safe-looking neighborhood.

She was a single mother who wanted to make life as easy as possible, but she had no idea what this neighborhood had in store for her.

Finding Something Modest

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Despite moving away from the city, she didn’t have the means to buy a house and had to find something modest for them to live in. The divorce hadn’t been difficult for just her – it had also taken its toll on James.

Although things were proving difficult, she needed to remain strong for her son.

Introducing Herself


Jennifer loved people and usually got along well with her neighbors, but amidst her recent difficulties, she had forgotten to introduce herself. She usually baked a cake for her neighbors upon their first meeting and felt terrible that it had slipped her mind this time.

She would soon start baking a cake for her neighbor, but she never thought she would change the recipe.

Loud Music


When her neighbor started playing loud music immediately after arriving home, Jennifer could have kicked herself for not introducing herself sooner. She had no way of knowing if they were young and living alone or if they just loved to party.

Jennifer was genuinely curious, but her curiosity would soon morph into frustration.

Late Into The Night


While she cooked dinner, she found herself enjoying the music. She still enjoyed it when she got her things ready for the following day. Eight o’clock soon rolled around when Jennifer tried putting her son to sleep. This was when she started getting annoyed.

The music died down later into the night, and she could fall asleep. But little did she know, there was more to come.

Two Days Later

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Nothing happened over the next two days, and Jennifer didn’t think much of it. However, she was surprised when the music started up again that afternoon, and she prayed it would die down before she had to put her son to sleep.

But then she spotted a line of people making their way inside the house. Was he hosting a party on a weekday?

Constant Noise


Usually, she was all for people hosting get-togethers, but she was stunned by how her neighbor didn’t seem to care about the surrounding residents. She couldn’t stand the booming music.

Jennifer grew more upset as time went by. She had spent the entire night listening to the constant noise that didn’t stop until 4 AM the following day. She was exhausted from being kept up all night and decided her neighbor needed to be taught a lesson.

Cake For Her Neighbor


She baked her neighbor’s cake while she couldn’t fall asleep and felt low on energy the next day.

She had typed out a note during the early hours to go along with her special cake and was looking forward to surprising her neighbor with her thoughtful gift. It was time she got her payback.

Marching Over

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She marched to her neighbor’s house along with the cake and note and rang the doorbell. She contemplated smashing the cake into the face of whoever opened the door but decided to keep a level head. She would wait it out.

The door finally opened, revealing a man. She smiled at him, feeling giddy. He had no idea how special this cake was.


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The man didn’t take her note too kindly, although his greedy eyes sparkled at the sight of the cake. He snatched both from her before telling her that if she didn’t like the loud music, then she could move elsewhere.

This made Jennifer’s blood boil, but she knew that she would have the last laugh after he ate her “special” cake.

The Cake

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Once Jennifer got back to her house, she smiled. She knew that for at least the next evening, he wouldn’t be able to be loud. The cake she had given him was made with cake mix she had found in the cupboard when she moved there. She was sure it was expired and even seemed to have evidence of moths.

The cake wouldn’t hurt him but would be sure to have his stomach upset for at least the evening.

A Double Whammy


Because her neighbor wouldn’t be considerate, she decided to take her actions further than just the cake. She decided to make a phone call that would make sure he would stop one way or another.

Now she just had to wait for the next time he was loud, and he would finally get what was coming to him.

Another Loud Evening

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Another two days passed, and just like before the loud music started up. She knew he was doing it out of spite, but she had her last plan up her sleeve that he wouldn’t see comingone that would finally shut him up.

She smugly called the number on her phone and a few moments later, police swarmed his house.

Noise Complaint

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Jennifer had called the police for a classic noise complaint. She knew it would do the trick and watched the man have to explain himself. The best part was that he couldn’t.

After the police knocked on his door, he never played his loud music past 7:00 PM. And he never bothered Jennifer again. But Jennifer isn’t the only one to get epic revenge on a bad neighbor.

Exactly As Planned

Youtube _ Doorbell News-2

The floodlights were on 24/7. They shone through their bedroom window preventing them from getting sleep. He waited two weeks for things to change but now, he had enough. Now, it was blatant disrespect. 

His new neighbor stood in front of him, holding a pair of pliers in his hand. He looked angry. It was exactly what Jack wanted.

Jack And Holly

Youtube _ Peterson Electric

Jack and Holly had three young children and lived in a nice neighborhood. Holly worked as a teacher and Jack worked as a cop. 

They kept a busy routine and cherished their rest and downtime. So when new neighbors moved in and threatened their routined life, Jack wasn’t going to go down without a fight. 

New Neighbors

Youtube _ Peterson Electric

Their new neighbors were a quiet middle-aged couple with no kids. When they first moved in, they seemed like lovely, genuine people. 

But soon, their nonsense shenanigans would leave Jack no choice. He would have to mix business with pleasure and teach his unassuming neighbors why you shouldn’t mess with a cop.

No Sleep

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Jack and Holly suffered through two weeks of their new neighbor’s floodlights being on 24/7. They hoped they’d remember to turn them off but now, they had to say something. 

The floodlights were positioned just outside their bedroom window and their curtains failed to block them out. They couldn’t sleep. But when Jack finally asked them to turn them off, he was shocked by their response. 

Acting Irrational

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They refused to accommodate them. Jack learned that the man’s wife seemed to be afraid of just about everything. 

She left the floodlights on over their garage door to combat her fear of the dark. But Jack knew that the floodlights couldn’t be seen from inside their house. He wouldn’t take no for an answer. 

Hitting Breaking Point

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Another week passed before Jack tried again. This time he even offered to pay for a timer so that it would turn on and off at a more agreeable hour and they wouldn’t have to do anything. 

When that failed, Jack took matters into his own hands. He was done with tiptoeing around these irrational people. What he did next took guts.

Taking Action 

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Jack waited until they were both gone. Being mindful to avoid suspicion, he moved the security cameras around their house and waited until nightfall. 

As a cop, he knew what to look for and how to cover his tracks. The last thing he needed was for them to discover that he was the one behind this elaborate scheme. 

Loosening The Lights

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Jack grabbed a ladder and loosened the lights just enough so as they wouldn’t turn on. Six months passed before the neighbors even realized they weren’t working. 

Jack watched as his neighbor fixed the lights again. Then he waited two more weeks before he did the exact same thing. But this time, it would end differently.

Figuring It Out

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Another 3 months passed before the neighbors noticed the lights weren’t working again. Jack watched as his neighbor grabbed a ladder and tightened them once more. But this time, he could sense something was off. 

Suddenly, Jack heard someone banging on his front door. 


Youtube _ Eyes on the Sky

It was him. He still had a pair of pliers in his hands. He asked Jack if he ever had any problems with his outdoor lights. 

Thinking quickly, Jack responded, “Yes, as a matter of fact, I do. They loosen up occasionally and I have to retighten them. I blame it on the vibration from the traffic on our street”. But he wasn’t buying it.


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The neighbor’s eyes narrowed. “Really? Vibration from the street? Do you really expect me to believe that?”. He became visibly angry. 

“It’s funny how all this has unfolded. You really wanted those lights to go and now, I find out that there’s actually a problem with all outdoor lights?”. Things were reaching a boiling point.

Playing The Cop Card

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“Listen man”, Jack said. He took his belt and handcuffs that hung on the coat rack beside him. “I’m a cop. If you’re accusing me of something here, I’ll be happy to take you down to the precinct and we can talk this out”.

The man hesitated. He had no idea Jack was a cop. Suddenly, his demeanor changed. 

Changing Demeanor 

Youtube _ Homesteading Off The Grid

He switched from angry and confrontational to calm and understanding in the blink of an eye. He told Jack that he wasn’t accusing him at all and it was just a misunderstanding. 

Jack continued “I eventually stopped tightening my lights and just left them off. They became a real nuisance”. Jack smiled and waved the man off. But was the ordeal finally over?

A Party Piece

Youtube _ Homesteading Off The Grid

Eventually, the man did the exact same thing and left the lights off. Jack wondered how heated the situation would have gotten if he didn’t play his cop card.

Overall, he was happy with how the situation played out and had quite the story to tell to his family and friends at dinner parties. 

Peaceful Ever After

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They managed to avoid disrupting the peace in the neighborhood and learned to live with each other thereafter in peace. 

The new neighbors never bothered them again but remained civil and would say hi and wave any time they passed each other. Thankfully, no one needed to get the cops involved because Jack already was one!

In order to protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events or places or persons, living or dead are entirely coincidental