Mujer Embarazada Va Andando Al Trabajo Durante 10 Meses Hasta Que Un Agente Le Dice Que Se Detenga



La joven gritaba con todas sus fuerzas. “¡Suéltame! Suéltame”. Tiró de su chaqueta. Arañaba al agente, con el pelo seco y alborotado por el viento. Parecía un gato salvaje enfadado.

“Por favor, señora, deje de resistirse. Estoy intentando ayudarla”. La agente no iba a rendirse tan fácilmente. Ella tenía un presentimiento, y por lo general, tenía razón en cosas como esta. 

Sólo Nosotros Dos


Mila y Michael eran una joven pareja que vivía en la pequeña ciudad de Gifford, Florida. Llevaban varios años juntos y estaban profundamente enamorados.  

Mila estaba obsesionada con Michael desde el instituto. Haría cualquier cosa por él. Llevaban mucho tiempo juntos y querían hacer las cosas por su cuenta. No dependían de sus padres.

Trabajar Para Vivir


Mila era una mujer de 26 años con una cálida sonrisa y un buen corazón. Trabajaba en una cafetería local y a menudo hacía turnos dobles para llegar a fin de mes. 

Algunas personas la conocían en su comunidad, pero por lo general estaba sola. Todos los días iba andando al trabajo, cruzando la bulliciosa autopista que atravesaba su pueblo.

Alguien Te Vigila


Mila estaba de mal humor. “No veo la hora de dejar de hacer esto”, le dijo a Michael una mañana mientras se preparaba para ir a trabajar. Michael se limitó a sonreírla y le dijo: “Pronto, amor, las cosas irán mejor”, y le pasó el delantal.

La mujer, cansada, emprendió su ruta diaria. Era un caluroso día de verano. Sin que Mila lo supiera, su rutina había llamado la atención del agente Parkins, un diligente policía de tráfico. 

Un Ojo En Ti


La agente Parkins era una oficial muy respetada en la zona. Llevaba más de veinte años en el cuerpo. Creía conocer bien su distrito y a menudo charlaba con la gente en público para dar a conocer su presencia y su autoridad. 

Cuando vio a Mila por primera vez, lo primero que pensó fue en lo fuerte que era para caminar estando embarazada. Sintió auténtica empatía hacia ella, ya que ella misma había sido madre.

Todos Los Días Lo Mismo


Mila siempre hacía el mismo camino. Tenía que caminar por una carretera muy transitada. Otros coches le pitaban o se ofrecían a llevarla. Pero ella nunca aceptaba.

La agente Parkins se había dado cuenta de la presencia constante de Mila en la carretera, que se había convertido en un peligro para los demás conductores. Sintió curiosidad y empezó a prestar más atención a la joven.

Parece Sospechosa


Mila no había hecho nada fuera de lo normal, así que técnicamente la agente Parkins no tenía motivos para acercarse a ella. Pero quería hablar con ella. Quería saber más sobre la vida de la mujer, quiénes eran sus padres. 

¿Por qué no utilizaba el transporte público? Le habló de la mujer a su compañero, que también la encontró intrigante. ¿De dónde era?

Algo No Va Bien


A medida que las semanas se convertían en meses, el agente Parkins empezó a sospechar que algo iba mal. Mila parecía llevar embarazada un tiempo inusualmente largo, y la agente Parkins no podía quitarse de la cabeza la sensación de que había algo más en esta historia. 

Decidida a llegar al fondo del asunto, decidió acercarse a Mila un día mientras volvía del trabajo. ¿Encontraría las respuestas que buscaba?

Aprovecha El Momento


Una mañana, la agente Parkins vio la oportunidad perfecta. Hacía viento y la chaqueta de Mila había volado. El agente Parkins, que estaba cerca, la cogió rápidamente y se la devolvió a la niña.

“Gracias”, murmuró la chica y se dio la vuelta. “Tienes que tener cuidado en tu estado”, dijo el agente Parkins. La chica se detuvo y el oficial Parkins pudo mirarla a la cara.

Ser Entrometido


La oficial Parkins y su compañero se acercaron suavemente a Mila y le hicieron algunas preguntas sobre su fecha de parto.  “¿Cuándo sales de cuentas? ¿Llevas mucho tiempo embarazada? ¿Va todo bien con tu bebé?”.

La chica se cerró la chaqueta y se puso la mano sobre el vientre. Miró al suelo: “Sí, llego tarde al trabajo”, dijo. Se estaba sintiendo intimidada. No le gustaban los enfrentamientos.

Estuvo Cerca


Confundida y desconcertada, Mila trató de ordenar sus pensamientos, pero se encontró a sí misma apresurándose, incapaz de dar respuestas satisfactorias.

Casi estaba corriendo. Le costaba recuperar el aliento. Su mente estaba llena de preguntas. ¿Policías? ¿Estaban ahí? Nunca los había visto tan pronto; ¿cómo podía estar tan ciega? Sabía que parecía nerviosa, pero esperaba que no notaran nada extraño en ella.

Un Paso Adelante


Al día siguiente, la agente Parkins y su compañero decidieron esperar a Mila en su lugar habitual. “¿Crees que seguirá caminando por aquí después de lo que pasó ayer?”. preguntó su compañero, el agente Bradley. 

La agente Parkins estaba cansada. “No son tan brillantes, nuestros jóvenes de hoy. Probablemente ya lo haya olvidado”, dijo Parkins. “Oye, creo que te vas a enterar antes de lo que piensas”, se rió Bradley y señaló.

Justo A Tiempo


Tal como había sospechado, la chica utilizó su ruta habitual. Pero pensó que sería inteligente cruzando al otro lado. No vio a los agentes parados detrás de un árbol al otro lado de la carretera.

Tuvieron que cortarle el paso. El agente Bradley corrió hacia delante para detenerla. Cuando Mila cruzó la autopista, los agentes volvieron a enfrentarse a ella



“Señora, no debería pasear por una carretera tan transitada en su estado. Llevamos más de diez meses vigilándola”, dijo Parkins. “De acuerdo, no caminaré más por aquí”, dijo nerviosa la joven.

Mila, sintiéndose ansiosa y acorralada, soltó que estaba tratando de inducir el parto porque estaba atrasada. “Este bebé no sale, ¡eh! ¡Es grande!”. rió nerviosa.  Sin embargo, los agentes permanecieron escépticos, intuyendo que había algo más en su historia.

Fuera De Lugar


“Me parece extraño que aún no hayas dado a luz, mi compañero y yo revisamos esta ruta a diario y nos dimos cuenta de que caminabas sola”. Mila intentó caminar, pero Bradley se puso delante de ella: “¿Quiere que la ayudemos, señora?”.

Sus sospechas aumentaron, y la agente Parkins y su compañero insistieron en registrar a Mila. Temerosa de las consecuencias, Mila se negó, esperando desesperadamente escapar de la situación. 

No Me Hagas Caso


Mila puso excusas. “Agente, mire, está lloviendo. Déjeme llegar a casa con mi marido”. Mila suplicó al agente. Presa del pánico, intentó huir, tropezó con la acera y perdió pie. Casi se cae al suelo.

El agente Parkins, que era una persona compasiva, no quiso arriesgarse a hacer daño a una mujer potencialmente embarazada. Extendió la mano y agarró a Mila por la chaqueta, con la esperanza de evitar que se cayera.

Algo Extraño


Al agarrarle la chaqueta, dejó al descubierto parte de su barriga de embarazada. Mila trató de reajustarse la ropa de la casi caída. Se apresuraba y se agarraba el vientre nerviosamente.

Parkins se dio cuenta de que Mila era inusualmente ligera y ágil para estar embarazada. ¿Podría ser que simplemente estuviera en forma y equilibrada? ¿O había algo más?

Todo Excusas


Aparecieron las nubes. “Odio la lluvia. Siempre lo estropea todo”, dijo Mila, tratando de alejarse. “Eres un rayo de sol, ¿verdad?”, dijo Parkins mientras observaba a la nerviosa señorita.

“Cuídese, señorita”, dijo la agente Parkins. Palmeó la chaqueta de la señora en un gesto amistoso, pero estaba en estado de shock. Mientras tiraba de la chaqueta de Mila, sintió algo extraño. 

Algo Suelto


Mila sabía que algo iba mal. Se agarró el vientre con fuerza. Parkins vio que algo se movía bajo su ropa, y fue entonces cuando se dio cuenta de que algo iba increíblemente mal. 

“¡Oh, no!” Mila murmuró en voz baja. Tuvo que doblar las piernas e intentó alejarse de los agentes. Pero era imposible que la dejaran escapar, sobre todo después de lo que ocurrió a continuación.

Respiraciones Cortas


Mila sabía exactamente lo que estaba pasando, y sabía que estaba a punto de meterse en un mundo de problemas. Cuando los agentes descubrieran lo que ocultaba, su vida habría terminado.

Y eso era algo que no podía permitirse. Así que se aferró todo lo que pudo y rezó para que la dejaran marchar. Pero estaba claro que no iba a ser así. Y por eso, no podía respirar.

Entering Panic Mode


Mila had entered full-blown panic mode. For months she had managed to get away with what she was doing. But she didn’t expect things to end so abruptly.

If she knew she was being watched, she would’ve taken another route. She would’ve done whatever it took to keep her secret hidden. What was she hiding? 

This Couldn’t Be Happening


“This can’t be happening,” Mila mumbled as she looked up at the officers with big pleading eyes. She would do whatever it took. She’d tell them anything they wanted to hear if they just let her go on with her life.

But her mistake wasn’t something she could walk away from. And the attentiveness of two diligent officers would blow her cover completely.

She Needed A Way Out


Mila knew exactly what was about to happen. She knew that the cuffs that were hanging at the officer’s side would be slamming around her wrist the second she let go.

And she couldn’t let that happen. She needed to find a way out, and she needed to do it incredibly fast. But what would she do? And would her actions expose her secret?

No Other Choice


In a split-second decision, not wanting to cause harm, she let go, and Mila’s stomach fell down, revealing a fake pregnancy belly. The scene that unfolded left everyone around in utter disbelief. 

The fake belly wasn’t the only thing that fell down when Mila let go. There was something else as well, and it would land her in a world of trouble.

It Was Too Late


Everyone who witnessed the officers’ encounter with the young girl had seen the evidence slamming into the ground. They had all seen what the young woman they were trying to help was really hiding.

And everyone knew that it was too late for her to get away now. Officer Parkins scowled at Mila, letting her know that she wouldn’t be walking away from this any time soon. Was she right?

Now Or Never


As the officers bent down to pick up the evidence, Mila decided to take a chance. She sprinted in the opposite direction, knowing that it would be the only chance she’d get to escape.

Would she be lucky enough to get away? Or would the officers use everything in their arsenal to capture the woman they had been suspicious of for the last few months?

The Only Way Out


Without looking back, Mila headed toward the detour that would take her home. Her game was up, and running was her only way out.

But she knew that she couldn’t run forever. Now that they knew what she looked like and what she was doing, it was a matter of time before she was found.

She Did What She Had To


Mila did what she had to in the heat of the moment. But it wouldn’t be enough. First, she’d need to outrun the police officers for good, and then she’d have to skip town.

She could only hope that things would cool down after that. Because if they didn’t, she’d be serving a lengthy prison sentence, and her clear record would be ruined.

Not Letting Go


What Mila didn’t know was that the officers were hot on her heels. She had now become a pawn in their game, and there was no way they were going to let her slip through their fingers.

If they wanted to paint a bigger picture, they were going to need her help. And after that, she’d be punished for her actions.

Situation Exposed


Mila’s heart raced as she darted down the street, her adrenaline fueling her desperate attempt to escape the clutches of Officer Parkins. 

Fear gripped her chest, overshadowing the chaos that had erupted around them. She knew getting caught would land her in deep trouble. She wouldn’t let that happen as long as she had air in her lungs.

Flashing Lights 


The once peaceful streets of Gifford now buzzed with gasps, murmurs, and the clicking of cell phone cameras capturing the shocking scene.

Mila raced through the streets, pumping her arms as she wound through the speechless crowds. She’d never run so fast in her life. But she’d never had a reason as dear as she had today. 

No Believable Explanation


Mila knew that it didn’t matter what she said. She’d be going to jail. Her reasons might’ve been good enough for her, but they wouldn’t justify her actions to the police or the judge.

In their eyes, there would be no logical explanation for doing what she did. But what exactly did she do to cause so much trouble?

No Way Out


They wouldn’t care about the fact that she had no other option. And they would come up with something else that could’ve provided her with what she needed. That was what everyone else had done.

So she had no choice but to run for it. It was either that or losing her future which was something that she wasn’t willing to give up.

There Was Only One Conclusion


Mila knew the consequences right from the beginning. That’s why she was so careful about what she did. She knew that if she ever got caught, there would be consequences.

And as she ran, she knew that there would be only one conclusion if she got caught. If that happened, she’d be going to jail, and there would be no escaping that.

She Wasn’t Ready


That was the one and only thing in her life that she wasn’t ready for. She was still so young, and she had so many hopes and dreams about the future.

She couldn’t give that up because she was forced to make a stupid decision to ensure her livelihood. She couldn’t give that up for anything.

She’d Just Have To Keep Going


That meant that she had only one thing left to do. She had to keep running no matter what. The cops would give up eventually, and then she would have a chance.

If only she knew who she was dealing with. Maybe then she would know that there was no hope for her anymore. The officers would find her one way or another.

Pregnant Pursuit


Officer Parkins, determined not to let her slip through her fingers, pursued her with unwavering determination. She’d never seen anyone run this fast before. 

She could almost taste Mila’s desperation to escape, which made her wonder why the girl was so keen on running. What was she hiding in the fake belly that had made her react this way? 



Officer Parkins’s training kicked in as she sprinted after the fleeing woman, her eyes locked on Mila’s disappearing figure. The officer couldn’t lose her. Not now when she and her partner were about to blow this case open. 

She closed the gap between them with each stride, her voice ringing out with authority. “Mila, stop! It’s over. There’s nowhere left to run!”

Stuck In A Corner


Mila’s breath came in ragged gasps as she weaved through the labyrinthine alleys, her mind racing for an escape route. Panic and desperation fueled her actions, blinding her to the consequences of her choices.

She darted around a corner, hoping to lose Officer Parkins in the maze of buildings surrounding them. But she wouldn’t get far.  

Doing Her Duty


Officer Parkins was relentless. She refused to let Mila vanish into the darkness of the night. She knew that capturing her was not only a duty but also a responsibility for the safety of her community. 

She summoned every ounce of strength, pushing herself to her limits, closing in on her target. But as she came out of the alley Mila had disappeared into, she braked, eating back a frustrated scream. 

She’s Gone 


The officer looked around, her hands on her hips as she struggled to regulate her breathing. She couldn’t see Mila. She walked around a car parked directly in front of the alley, even checking under it. 

But the girl was gone. She took out her radio and told Bradley what happened. “She just disappeared,” she reported. But she knew Mila was just around here somewhere.

In Plain Sight


Officer Parkins was convinced that Mila was hiding in plain sight. She couldn’t have run that far. She had looked weary as she cut into the dark alley.

The officer started her search. She moved from one parked vehicle to the next, her narrowed eyes taking in everything. This was getting interesting by the minute. 

She’s Fast 


Officer Bradley showed up after a few minutes. He stood on the end of a different alley adjacent to the one Officer Parkins came out of.

“No sign of her,” he panted before clearing his throat. He took a deep breath and checked his belt. “She’s fast. I’ll give her that.” “Yeah,” Officer Parkins agreed. “She’s fast, but not fast enough!”

Behind The Trash


She pulled back a trash can with a heave, exposing Mila, who had crouched behind it. “Nowhere to run,” the officer said, but Mila took that as an invitation to test Officer Parkins’s theory. 

She tore off in the opposite direction, leaving a baffled yet grinning Officer Bradley standing. “Well, don’t just stand there,” the officer yelled to her partner. “After her!”

Back On The Road


The two officers darted after Mila, Officer Bradley leading the charge. His boots thumped against the tarmac as he sped after her. 

Officer Parkins could see Mila mapping out routes as she ran. She needed to outmaneuver her. Taking a leap of faith, she took a detour into a dark alley, hoping her plan would work. 

Keep Going 


Mila continued running. She couldn’t think straight, only knew she needed to get away. She thought she’d lost the cops when she hid behind the garbage can, but here they were, chasing her down another alley. 

She could hear their heavy footfalls behind her. Then all of a sudden, the sound cut in half. She couldn’t dare look back but knew one of the officers had taken a different route to cut her off. 

It Takes A Toll On Her


Mila’s lungs surged as fatigue burned through her. Her footsteps faltered by the second, and her legs hurt from exertion. Even though the weight of her actions pressed heavily upon her, she wouldn’t stop.

But out of nowhere, Officer Parkins slid into the path in front of her. Mila couldn’t turn away in time. A sense of defeat washed over her as she skidded to a stop.

She’s Cornered


Mila’s chest heaved. Her lungs scorched her, and her throat was dry. She locked eyes with Officer Parkins, who was approaching with an air of triumph around her.

“I told you, Mila,” the officer panted, her voice laced with both exhaustion and determination. She stopped for dramatic effect, extending her arms out. “There’s no running from the truth.”

It’s All Over Now


Mila’s gaze dropped to the ground, shame and regret etched across her face. The once confident facade crumbled, revealing a vulnerable woman burdened by the weight of her choices. 

At that moment, the reality of her actions came crashing down, and she knew there was no turning back. She had to face the officer; she had no other choice.

You Can Talk To Me


Officer Parkins slowly approached Mila, her gaze filled with empathy and disappointment. She knew the confrontation had taken an unexpected turn, revealing a far more complex story than anticipated. She reached out to Mila with a steady hand, offering solace amidst the chaos.

“Mila, I don’t condone what you’ve done,” Officer Parkins began, her voice softer now, tinged with compassion. “But I want to understand. I want to know why.”

A Human Story


Tears welled in Mila’s eyes as she looked up at the officer, her voice quivering with guilt and remorse. “I didn’t want this life, Officer Parkins. 

I was desperate, trapped, and thought this was my only way out. I never wanted to hurt anyone.” She wiped her eyes. “Please. You have to believe me. I never wanted to hurt anyone.” 

A Listening Ear 


Officer Parkins listened, her eyes locked on Mila’s face, recognizing the pain and desperation within her words. She had seen people driven to extreme measures by circumstances beyond their control.

She knew how cruel the world could be. Some people never really had a choice in the hand fate dealt them. Such individuals always found themselves on the wrong side of the law while trying to make ends meet. Mila was no exception.

Let You Off Easy


“Mila, you made a grave mistake,” Officer Parkins replied gently, her grip on Mila’s arms loosening. “But there’s still a chance for redemption.” 

She looked at Officer Bradley, who was now catching up to them. “If you let me help you, then maybe you can survive this. Let justice take its course; you might find a way to rebuild your life.”

Heavy Words


The weight of Officer Parkins’ words sank deep into Mila’s heart. She’d never seen someone be so compassionate before, especially considering the little adventure she’d just taken the officer and his partner on. 

She knew she had to face the consequences of her actions, but perhaps this was an opportunity to break free from the cycle that had ensnared her.

Pregnancy Packaging


Breaking out of the hamster wheel had been of Mila’s top priorities for a long while. But each time she took significant steps to get out, unfortunate circumstances would pull her back in. 

When Parkins had saved Mila from falling, she had unhinged something important. Amidst the commotion, the fake pregnancy belly had opened up, and what fell out was not a baby but packets of cocaine! 

A Lot Of Money


$2000 worth of the illegal substance scattered across the street. Civilians who had witnessed the unfolding events quickly took out their phones, capturing videos and snapping pictures, their curiosity getting the better of them.

That’s why Mila bolted as hard and desperate as she did. She still had her whole life in front of her, and getting caught would see her forget about her dreams and aspirations. But now that the officers had gotten to her, what could she do?

Hiding Inside


Mila’s true identity had been exposed, and her secret life as a drug trafficker was unveiled. There was no way she’d return home and survive the week. That was the reality of things. 

The shockwaves reverberated through the town, leaving its residents stunned. Officer Parkins wasted no time handcuffing Mila, ensuring she faced the consequences of her actions.



News of the incident spread like wildfire, reaching the local police station and making headlines in the local newspapers. Every TV station covered the report, each civilian talking about it whenever they could.

Mila’s arrest became the talk of the town, leaving the community in disbelief and prompting discussions about hidden secrets and the unforeseen depths people could descend to.

A Secret Cover


As the legal process unfolded, Mila’s true motives and the extent of her involvement in the drug trade were brought to light. She was given a sentence, but she had a great female lawyer who offered to help her pro bono. 

She was a shark in circumstances such as these. The case became a symbol of how appearances can be deceiving and how even those closest to us may harbor unimaginable secrets.

A Small-Time Gangster


Michael, devastated and blindsided by the revelation, grappled with his emotions. He couldn’t fathom that the woman he loved had led a double life. 

The town rallied around him, offering support and solace during this tumultuous time. But Officer Parkins knew that he was just a coward, a small-time gangster, letting his wife take the wrap for his illegal business.

Disclaimer: To protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events, places, or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.