Mother In Law Says Female Grandchild Can’t Be Husbands, Regrets It Later



When Carrie’s mother-in-law, Doris, made a completely outlandish assumption about her, the excitement over her pregnancy quickly morphed into a strong sense of discouragement.

Not only did she make the outrageous remark in front of Carrie’s son and Luke, her husband, but also in front of an entire room filled with people.

The extent of Doris’s behavior was far beyond Carrie’s comprehension.

Newest Member


Like most soon-to-be parents, Carrie and Luke began diligently and excitedly readying their home and nursery for the birth of their first child.

The couple decorated the nursery in gender-neutral colors as they wished to keep the baby’s gender a surprise.

Despite stating no preference, for Carrie, there was a deep hope for their firstborn to be a girl.

Picture Of Health


While Luke didn’t think much of it, he was just grateful to finally be a father. A strong, healthy baby was all he wished for.

Throughout her pregnancy, he made dead sure that she had anything and everything she could possibly ask for.

Having an intimate party was just one of their plentiful schemes for celebrating the birth of their little miracle.



Perhaps it was time for Carrie to learn the baby’s gender. Eventually, she had to give in. The anticipation was just too much.

Having the announcement made at the party would be nothing short of perfectly fitting.

A small gathering would be held along with a gender reveal. As Carrie approached the OBGYN, she could not contain her enthusiasm.

Answers At Last


Upon learning the gender, Luke immediately gave her the go-ahead.

As soon as Carrie knew, she immediately began planning every aspect of the gathering.

Carrie didn’t want an extravagant celebration as she was in the thick of her final trimester, and loads of extra stress was the last thing the couple needed.

The Big Moment


Carrie suddenly became overwhelmingly nervous on the day of the long-anticipated reveal. It was of absolute importance to her that everything went without a hitch.

Once again, neutral colors were chosen to maintain their long and well-kept secret.

Upon arriving, Luke’s mother, Doris, was the very first to greet them. The woman, too, anticipated becoming a grandmother once more and was somehow completely confident in her prediction of their unborn baby’s gender.

The Verdict


Carrie and Luke sat proudly at the head of the huge table adorned with treats and bites, anxiously awaiting the arrival of their honored guests.

Thrilled with delight, Carrie was bursting with glee to finally share the big news with her loved ones.

Doris’ face wore the slightest of smirks, but she was totally dumbfounded as to the reason behind it.

Hidden Answers


As the pinnacle of the celebration, she had a beautiful cake made, and when it was cut, it would, at long last, reveal the unknown and highly speculated gender. Anticipation filled the air surrounding the joyous event as time seemingly slowed down to a halt.

There was no escape from the peaking suspense. Taking the knife in their embracing hands, they slowly sliced into the cake. The whole party screamed with pure joy as they lifted up the first slice for all to see.

The delicate center of the cake finally put an end to their long, endured curiosity. It was baby pink, signaling that their newborn would be their first daughter.


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As Luke tenderly embraced Carrie, tears of joy streamed down her seemingly glowing face. There was no end in sight for their exuberant happiness.

As everyone talked about the baby girl’s arrival, Doris unsolicitedly chirped in.

“It can’t be true. I believe there was a mistake at the doctor’s office.” Everyone looked at Doris with widening eyes. Both Carrie and Luke were totally perplexed.


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“Mom, there’s no mistake. Everything is confirmed,” Luke instantly began reasoning with her.

Doris, however, was unshaken. “No, Luke. There’s no way this baby is a girl. In well over a century, the Shaw family had never birthed a girl. It is common knowledge that Shaw men cannot produce girls.”

The claims Doris had made took Carrie by total surprise.

What Did She Say?

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Sure, she had known about the legendary tales about the Shaw men that only produced boys, but she didn’t know that Doris had taken it that seriously.

But Carrie wasn’t ready for what Doris would say next.

“Luke, I suggest you take a paternity test. If this is a girl child, you are not the father.” There were audible gasps at the accusations, and Carrie stood with rage burning in her body.

The Tension Rises

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Carrie couldn’t believe the audacity of her mother-in-law. She was accusing her husband of not being the father of their unborn child. The tension in the room was palpable.

Luke was shocked and hurt by his mother’s accusations. He couldn’t believe that she would even suggest something like that. The once-happy atmosphere had turned sour, and Carrie was seething with anger.

The Fallout

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Luke tried to diffuse the situation, but it was too late. The damage had been done. The fallout from Doris’s outrageous accusation had caused a rift in the family that would surely take a long time to heal.

Carrie couldn’t believe that she had to deal with this drama during what was supposed to be the happiest time in her life.

She was hurt and angry and felt betrayed by her mother-in-law.

Boys Only

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Doris stood with a proud look on her face. There was no way Luke was taking a paternity test. They knew the truth, and they weren’t going to do it because of some “family legend.”

Luke assured Carrie that everything would be all right. He pulled his mother aside to talk to her.

“I’m telling you, Luke. This is no joke. There are only boys born in this family.”

Happy Moments Ruined

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And with that, Luke had had enough of his mother’s conspiracies and beliefs. He politely asked her to leave the party. When she left, she gave Carrie a particularly suspicious look as she walked out.

She had just ruined what was supposed to be a joyous and happy family moment. Carrie wondered if she could ever trust her mother-in-law again after what she accused her of.

Disclaimer: In order to protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.