Médico Se Niega A Atender A Adolescente Embarazada Sin Saber Quién Es En Realidad


Sala De Urgencias

La joven entró jadeando. Temía no llegar a tiempo.

“¡Por favor, ayúdenme a mí y a mi bebé!”, gritó. Las enfermeras se apresuraron a traer una silla de ruedas.

“¡Salven a mi bebé, por favor!” La enfermera intentó calmar a la frenética adolescente: “¿Cómo se llama, señorita?”. ¿Hay alguien con quien podamos contactar?

Que Alguien Me Agarre


Sarah Michaels, de 19 años, entró a trompicones por las puertas del hospital, agarrándose el estómago por el dolor.

Llevaba semanas sintiéndose mal, pero lo había ignorado hasta ahora. Avanzó a trompicones y se desplomó en el suelo.

¿Podría ayudarla el personal? No estaba en condiciones de hablar. Parecía delirar.

En Una Situación Desesperada


La joven entró en el hospital sintiéndose débil y mareada.

Sabía que le ocurría algo, pero no podía precisarlo. “¿Puede alguien…?”, dice en voz baja.

Una enfermera se fijó en ella y pensó que parecía necesitar ayuda. Cuando se acercó a la recepcionista, tropezó y se desmayó.

Médico De Guardia


El Dr. Henry Sebastian estaba de guardia ese día y se apresuró a ver qué había pasado.

Enseguida se dio cuenta de que Sarah estaba embarazada y necesitaba atención médica urgente debido a una rara enfermedad de la sangre. 

“Veo que no tiene antecedentes médicos en ningún hospital”, dijo mirando por encima de sus gafas. Quería ayudarla, pero cuando le preguntó por su seguro y forma de pago, ella le dijo que no tenía ninguno.



Los médicos la llevaron rápidamente a urgencias, donde descubrieron que ya estaba embarazada de 8 meses.

Sarah estaba asustada y sola. No tenía seguro ni dinero para pagar las facturas médicas. 

Los médicos le dijeron que tenían que hacerle unas pruebas y una ecografía, pero Sarah no sabía cómo podía permitírselo. Le daba vergüenza hablar.

La Vida Es Así


El Dr. Sebastian era un hombre amable y compasivo que dedicaba su vida a ayudar a los demás.

Cuando se enteró de la situación de Sarah, sugirió inmediatamente utilizar el fondo de emergencia para pacientes pobres para tratarla.

El Dr. Sebastian sabía que tenía que actuar con rapidez, ya que la vida de Sarah y la de su hijo nonato corrían peligro. Pero, ¿estarían de acuerdo los demás miembros del consejo?

¿Vale La Pena?


La junta dijo que utilizarían el fondo de emergencia del hospital para pacientes pobres para tratarla.

El Dr. Sebastian tenía que demostrar que Sarah lo merecía.

Sarah estaba agradecida por la amabilidad del Dr. Sebastian. Sabía que no podría recibir los cuidados que necesitaba sin su ayuda. El Dr. Sebastian la siguió de cerca durante todo el embarazo y se aseguró de que recibiera el mejor tratamiento médico posible.

Madre Agradecida


Sarah dio las gracias al médico; ahora era como su ángel de la guarda.

Durante las siguientes semanas, el Dr. Sebastian supervisó su tratamiento y cuidó muy bien de ella. 

Empezaron a relacionarse, pues estaba impresionado por su resistencia y fortaleza. Sarah le caía especialmente bien, era diferente y sentía lástima por ella.

Una Conexión Más Fuerte


A medida que se acercaba la fecha del parto, el Dr. Sebastian se encariñaba cada vez más con Sarah.

Admiraba su paciencia y su actitud humilde ante la adversidad. 

Sentía una profunda conexión con ella que no podía explicar. Ella siempre fue muy educada con el doctor, así que él sabía que ella también debía de sentirlo.

Llegó La Hora


Cuando se acercaba la fecha del parto, el Dr. Sebastian acompañó a Sarah durante el trabajo de parto y el alumbramiento.

Fue un parto largo y Sarah seguía inconsciente por la epidural.

Se alegró mucho cuando dio a luz a una niña sana y pudo ver el amor que Sarah sentía por su recién nacida. Le recordó a su mujer y a sus hijos en casa.

Como En Familia


Sarah dio a luz a una preciosa niña. El Dr. Sebastian estaba encantado con la llegada de la nueva vida.

Sostuvo al bebé en sus brazos y supo que ese momento cambiaría su vida para siempre.

“Siento como si te conociera de algún sitio”, le dijo a Sarah. “Sarah le miró y sonrió: “Me pregunto por qué”, sonrió. ¿Sabía algo que el médico ignoraba?

Una Historia Familiar


Al día siguiente, el Dr. Sebastian fue a visitar a Sarah y a su bebé a la habitación del hospital.

Mientras hablaban, Sarah le contó que estaba distanciada de su padre y que necesitaba una figura paterna en su vida. “Mi padre nos dejó hace unos años, ha sido duro para mi madre”.

Ella esperaba conectar con él y aprender más sobre su familia. El Doctor sintió que Sarah estaba pasando por una gran angustia emocional y la escuchó.

Algo Más


A medida que pasaban los días, el Dr. Sebastian no podía evitar la sensación de que conocía a Sarah de algo.

No podía precisarlo, pero sentía que tenían una conexión que iba más allá de la relación entre médico y paciente. 

Por desgracia, Sarah no tenía familia ni amigos con los que mantuviera un contacto estrecho. Nadie podía confirmar sus afirmaciones. Tenía que hacer algo.

Una Corazonada


Un día, mientras revisaba el historial médico de Sarah, vio un nombre que le llamó la atención.

Se llamaba Michaels. Sabía quiénes eran sus padres. El Dr. Sebastian no podía creerlo. 

Llevaba años buscando información, pero habían perdido el contacto tras una disputa familiar. Sabía que la chica tenía algo especial.



El Dr. Sebastian estaba intrigado y le preguntó más cosas sobre su padre.

A medida que Sarah hablaba, el Dr. Sebastian se dio cuenta de que su padre era alguien importante. ¿Lo sabía la chica?

Estaba conmocionado y abrumado por la emoción. ¿Debía contarle a la chica lo de su padre? ¿Le creería? Era una situación delicada, tenía que andarse con cuidado para revelar la verdad.

Historias Similares


Se acercó a Sarah y le preguntó por su familia.

Ella le contó que llevaba muchos años alejada de su padre y que había perdido el contacto con la mayor parte de su familia.

Pero tenía un tío que había desaparecido hacía muchos años. Tras investigar un poco, confirmaron su relación y el Dr. Sebastian se convirtió en tío del bebé de Sarah.

La Familia Lo Sabe


El Dr. Sebastian sabía que Sarah tenía que ser su sobrina. La información cuadraba.

No podía creer la coincidencia. Llevaba años buscando a su hermano y ahora había encontrado a su sobrina por un giro inesperado del destino. 

Todo parecía demasiado bueno para ser verdad. ¿Debería ir a buscar a su hermano y preguntarle cara a cara? ¿O era demasiado pronto para abrir viejas heridas?

Quiero Detalles


El Dr. Sebastian sintió que era una señal. Quería hablar más con Sarah sobre su familia y su historia.

Sabía que su hermano aún podía estar enfadado con él, así que quizá no mereciera la pena viajar hasta allí.

El buen doctor quería hacer lo correcto por su sobrina. Sabía que tenía que hacer todo lo posible para recuperar el tiempo perdido y asegurarse de que Sarah y su hija tuvieran todo lo que necesitaran.



El doctor le contó a Sarah lo que sospechaba y ella se quedó de piedra.

No podía creer que el médico que le había salvado la vida y la había ayudado a dar a luz fuera realmente su tío. Se abrazaron y lloraron de alegría al reencontrarse después de tantos años. 

Ella le gritó por haberse peleado con su padre durante tantos años. “No entiendes lo que pasó”, le dijo el cariñoso doctor, “estaba siendo injusto y robó dinero del negocio de nuestro padre”. El Dr. Sebastian se quedó estupefacto, esta chica sí que sabía de él.

Demasiado Joven


Sarah dijo que recordaba a su padre hablando de la pelea cuando era niña.

También confirmó que seguía siendo igual de terco y arrogante hoy en día. Le costaría mucho llegar hasta él.

El Dr. Sebastian le aseguró que lo intentaría. Se ofreció a ayudarla a encontrar un lugar donde vivir y recuperarse. También le presentó a su mujer y a sus hijos, que la recibieron con los brazos abiertos. ¿O su mujer estaba fingiendo?

Help Me Too


Over time, Sarah and Dr. Sebastian’s bond grew stronger, and he became a mentor and father figure to her daughter.

He loved watching her grow up and seeing the strong, independent woman that Sarah had become. 

He wanted to gain her trust. But she still wouldn’t divulge her father’s address, she was still playing games. How could he get her to open up? She was playing games.

Fine, I’ll Talk


One day, Sarah called Dr. Sebastian aside, “I’m ready to tell you now,” she said sweetly.

“Yes, anything, I just want to make things right again,” he said. 

 “My father doesn’t want to meet with you, he has never forgiven you for stealing my grandfather’s wealth.” Dr. Sebastian was furious, he hated being called a thief. “That’s a lie!” he said.

I Was Told


Sarah looked scared. As though somebody had told her to say that. “Is that what he told you?” he shouted back. “Would a thief do what I’ve done for you? What are you playing at girl? I felt sorry for you!” he shouted.

“I’m still a child, I don’t even know why my father has a grudge against you, I never even met my grandfather,” she was rambling.

Dr Sebastian grabbed her by her shoulders and tried to shake some sense into her, “What are you saying Sarah? Where is my brother?” he fumed. “What happened to them?”

Things Are Bad


Sarah burst into tears, “I wasn’t supposed to tell you, he told me not to say, he’s sick, he needs money.” Her snot was falling all over the ward floor.

The Dr. was in shock, he couldn’t believe it. All this time Sarah had been lying. She always knew that he was her uncle, she was just manipulating him.

She knew exactly what she was doing, “I could lose my job for this. If you’re related to me and they find out I was biased towards you, they will fire me,” he said.

It’s Just Money


The doctor was a kind and understanding man, and he knew what he needed to do to solve his family drama.

He told Sarah that he was willing to financially assist them, but he wanted to give his brother, her father, the money in person. Maybe he could meet his brother, that’s what he thought.

Sarah agreed and their relationship continued to grow stronger as they spent more time together. He became a doting uncle to her, and they all became a family once again. But for how long would the peace last?

More To Life


They never spoke about their relationship as doctor and patient, as they had formed a deeper connection that went beyond that.

However, Dr. Sebastian was grateful that he had been there to help Sarah when she needed it the most.

As time passed, Sarah recovered from her illness and was stable in her pregnancy. But she still didn’t disclose the secrets of her family. What was she waiting for?

A Better Generation


The time was drawing for Sarah to give birth. Dr Sebastian had hinted a few times that he wanted to meet his brother.

She was always grateful for the support and love that her uncle had given her, but she was afraid.

Eventually, Sarah gave in. She said that she would take Dr Sebastian to her home. But would Dr. Sebastian be able to keep his cool with his cowboy brother?

Family Fits


Dr. Sebastian was always the bigger man.

He knew that he had been blessed to have found his long-lost brother and his family but he knew the reunion wouldn’t be easy

Spending time with his brother reminded him of his parents, Michael didn’t even bother to show up to their mother’s funeral many years ago. Would he have a different attitude?

The Best Things


As they traveled on their journey together to Sarah’s home, Dr. Sebastian realized that sometimes the most unexpected connections can become the strongest bonds.

His work as a doctor had taught him the complexities of human nature.

He always made another generous donation to the hospital fund. He was grateful for the chance to have been a part of Sarah’s life and for the love and family that they had found together.

Family Kindness


Sarah and Dr. Sebastian’s relationship remained a secret to everyone else.

They both knew that it was their own special bond, and they didn’t want to complicate things by revealing the truth to others.

 They had arrived at Sarah’s house. The house was dilapidated and falling apart. Dr. Sebastian squeezed Sarah’s shoulder and said, “Come my child.”

Going Back


Sarah held her heavily pregnant belly and looked at her house. “It’s strange to be back here,” she said.

“But this has to be done, let’s go meet your brother,” she said.

Dr. Sebastian looked at the old house and immediately felt sorry for his niece and brother. They must have had some hard times. If only he knew, then maybe he could have helped.

It’s Time


Sarah stood outside the door of her father’s house, her heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and nervousness.

It had been years since she had seen her long-lost brother, Dr. Sebastian, but circumstances had led her to seek his help. 

She took a deep breath and pushed open the door. Would Michael be happy to see his brother Dr. Sebastian?

My Home


Inside, the house was bustling with activity. Sarah spotted her father, his face lined with the weight of years gone by, attending to a patient.

He glanced up and his eyes widened in surprise as he recognized her. 

With a warm smile, he excused himself from his work and rushed towards Sarah, enveloping her in a long overdue embrace. He didn’t see that she wasn’t alone.

Blast From The Past


Michael recognized his brother and his face went pale. “Come inside,” he said.

As they sat in the lounge, catching up on lost time, Sarah couldn’t help but notice the tension that lingered in the air. 

It didn’t take long for her to learn about the deep-rooted animosity between her father, Sebastian Michael, and Dr. Sebastian. Her father accused him of stealing their grandfather’s hard-earned money, tearing their family apart.

The Truth Comes Out


Dr. Sebastian looked into Sarah’s eyes; his voice filled with sadness. “Sarah, I swear on our grandfather’s grave that I never stole anything from him.

He paid for my medical school education and supported me willingly. When we were young, he even helped me set up my practice.” 

Sarah replied, “Dad, you can trust Uncle Sebastian, he helped me, it’s true.” Her father’s eyes filled with tears.

What To Do


Sarah’s heart ached, torn between her loyalty to her father and her newfound connection with her uncle.

She pleaded with Dr. Sebastian to understand her father’s perspective. “He always felt overshadowed by our grandfather’s favoritism towards you. He never felt seen or valued.”

Dr. Sebastian took his brother’s hand. It’s been over twenty years Michael, let it go. I have money, let me help you and your family, please,” he begged.

All That Time


Michael looked at his brother, “It was hard Sebastian, you went to med school and never looked back.”

“Michael when I came back, you already left for the city,” the doctor said.

Dr. Sebastian sighed, a mix of sorrow and understanding in his eyes. “I never wanted this rift between us, Sarah. I miss the days when we were just kids, dreaming of the future together.”

Closing Wounds


An idea struck Sarah, and she proposed they visit their mother’s grave.

“Let’s go get some fresh air, ” she suggested. She believed that in the presence of their mother’s memory, they might find solace and a way to heal the wounds of the past. 

Reluctantly, Dr. Sebastian agreed, hoping it might bring some resolution to their fractured relationship. They walked outside in silence.

Brothers In Arms


As they stood before their mother’s tombstone, memories flooded their minds.

The laughter, the tears, the shared moments that only siblings could understand. 

Sarah looked at her father, who seemed lost in his own thoughts. She took a step towards him, her voice trembling with emotion. Could Sarah break down the shackles of her father’s heart?

Let It Go


“Father, we have lost so much time and love because of this feud.

Can we not find it in our hearts to forgive and move forward? Our grandmother would have wanted us to be a family.”

Michael was lost in his own world. Dr. Sebastian put his arm around his brother. It was the first time he went to his mother’s grave. He cried, he remembered who he used to be.

You Are Right


Michael’s eyes glistened with unshed tears as he looked at his daughter and then at his long-lost brother.

He drew his daughter close to him and looked at his brother.

The weight of resentment slowly began to lift from his shoulders, and he nodded, his voice choked with emotion. “I forgive you, Sebastian. Let’s rebuild what we have lost.”

Happy Ending


The sunset on that memorable day cast its warm golden glow upon the siblings, now united by the hope of a brighter future. 

Their reconciliation was a balm for their wounded hearts, and they vowed to never let bitterness and misunderstandings separate them again.

They had a new life to look forward to.

New Birth


Months passed, and Sarah’s pregnancy blossomed.

The impending arrival of a new life became a beacon of joy and renewed love for the family. 

They eagerly anticipated the birth of Sarah’s baby, a symbol of a fresh beginning and the ties that bound them together. She was going to give birth to the first grandchild in their family.

Fresh Start


Finally, the day arrived when Sarah went into labor. Dr. Sebastian, with a mixture of excitement and nerves, assisted his sister during the delivery.

As the cries of a newborn baby filled the room, tears of happiness streamed down their faces.

It was a baby boy, and they named him Phillip Sebastian, in honor of the grandfather who had played such a pivotal role in their lives.

A Good Man


Dr. Sebastian had arranged that Sarah receive the best medical care at his hospital. He took care of all the bills. He helped his brother get back on his feet.

It was a proud moment for the new family. Although there are disagreements, the family should stick together. And so, the circle of life continues for future generations.

To protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events, places, or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.