Man Suddenly Stops Ordering His Daily Pizza, Staff Calls 911


A Sudden Stop

A resident of Salem, Oregon, Kirk Alexander was a pizza lover. He lived alone and ordered his favorite food daily for over a decade. It seemed he couldn’t get enough of Domino’s pizza.

But, one day, the workers at Domino’s realized his orders had suddenly stopped. They had no idea why but they would soon discover the shocking truth.

Loyal Customer 


“He orders every day, every other day,” said Sarah Fuller, the general manager for the Domino’s shop, when interviewed by reporters.

“His order pops up on the screen because he orders online. So we see it come across the screen and we’re like, ‘Oh, Kirk’s order.’” When his orders stopped coming in for a few days, it gave them a bad feeling.

No Order In 11 Days

Danielle PetersonStatesman Journal

Initially, they thought he might have been out of town, maybe for work or visiting family. Then more time went by. Fuller was approached by her delivery drivers, who had noticed that Alexander’s order hadn’t popped up on their screens for a while.

So Fuller checked the system and saw he hadn’t ordered anything for 11 days straight. That’s when she knew something was wrong.

Friend Of The Staff

Domino’s Pizza

Alexander had been getting his food from that place for years. “He orders all the time, so we know him,” said Fuller. The staff knew him as a nice, quiet, and friendly guy. He was friends with them, and some even saw him as a family member.

They knew he never took trips that long. Could it be that he got sick of pizza and started ordering from a new place?

Loved The Whole Menu


“Kirk is a very well-known customer, but he doesn’t have a regular order – he’ll order anything from pasta or pizza to sandwiches or wings. It’s never the same thing every time.”

Clearly, Alexander was getting enough variety in his food from Domino’s, and he was a man of habit. Employees feared that the reason for his absent orders was something more unsavory.

Checking Up On Him

Good Morning AmericaABC

As her staff became more worried, Fuller decided to send an employee to check up on their loyal customer. The task fell upon delivery driver Tracey Hamblen.

As he approached the front door, he could see that the lights were on inside. He got closer, and could hear sounds coming from the television. Then he knocked on the door.

No Answer

Good Morning AmericaABC

There was no answer. Hamblen knocked again a few more times, but to no avail. He then called Alexander’s cell phone number, but it went straight to voicemail.

His gut told him something was wrong, so he decided to go back to the restaurant and talk to his colleagues. They’d know what to do.

Calling 911


After talking with the rest of the staff, Hamblen called 911. “Well, I need some help on what to do. It could be an emergency,” he began. “This is Domino’s Pizza, and we have a customer that usually orders like every night from us.

And he hasn’t ordered in 11 days.” After getting all the details from Hamblen, the operator contacted the Marion County sheriff’s department.

Found Him On The Ground


The sheriff dispatched his deputies to Alexander’s home, unsure of what they would find. When the police arrived at the house, they knocked on the door and tried calling out to him. Surprisingly, there was a response.

They could tell it was a man calling for help. So they broke into the house and found Alexander lying on the ground.

Lucky To Be Alive


The officers immediately called an ambulance, which picked up Alexander and transported him to a nearby hospital. It looked like he’d suffered a stroke, and paramedics were able to stabilize him.

But his fate was uncertain as there were no witnesses of the incident, and doctors weren’t able to determine how long it had been between then and when he was found.

Relieved By The Good News

Credits – Sarah Fuller

Luckily, after some life-saving care, it looked like he was going to make a full recovery. Domino’s staff was delighted to hear the news. “We’re like a family here, and we were glad we were able to do something to help.

We hope he’s able to fully recover from this,” said Fuller. Now you probably think these people are heroes, but they disagree.

Humble And Compassionate

Good Morning AmericaABC

“I think we were just doing our job checking in on someone we know who orders a lot. We felt like we needed to do something,” explained Fuller. Their humility is truly inspiring, but that didn’t stop the media from going crazy about the story. 

The news spread through town and local outlets, and eventually, it made it to nationwide media.

A Newsworthy Story

Good Morning AmericaABC

Good Morning America interviewed Fuller and her assistant manager, Jenny Seiber. The pair recounted the events of that evening, and the host congratulated them for following their instincts and doing the right thing.

She also asked them for updates on Alexander’s condition since they had been able to visit him in the hospital.

Still By His Side

Good Morning AmericaABC

Seiber told host Robin Roberts that she had been to see Alexander three times since he was admitted to the hospital. The first day he was “out of it” and could only answer yes or no questions.

On the second day, he looked better, and by the third day, he was well enough to be moved to the rehabilitation wing. Then Roberts gave Seiber and Fuller a big surprise.

Rewarded For Their Good Deed


“Since you guys are superheroes, we’re gonna send you to Captain America: Civil War,” said Roberts, announcing that the whole restaurant staff would be getting tickets. And that wasn’t all.

Domino’s corporate office would send Fuller, Seiber, and delivery man Tracey Hamblen to the Domino’s Worldwide Rally, a yearly convention of Domino’s members in Las Vegas. We think it’s the least they deserve for helping to save a man’s life.

More Than Restaurants


But Robert’s story wouldn’t be the only time such a story would take place. A similar incident occurred in New Jersey, where Subway delivery made a unique discovery, saving a woman’s life. 

The story would leave ripples all over the country, showing that some of these fast-food restaurants are more than just here to feed us. 

Molly And Troy


The protagonist of this story, Molly, is a twenty-three-year-old college student trying to make life less miserable for herself and her boyfriend, Troy. 

The two had been dating since Molly was in sophomore year, and as far as she was concerned, everything was going great. But what Subway delivery would uncover would change everything she thought she knew. 

A Two-Year Difference


Molly and Troy went to the same college but were not in the same year. Troy was a little older and two years above Molly, yet they made everything work.

Molly loved their dynamic, seeing Troy as more mature and experienced than her. He taught her most things and was her pillar whenever something in her life went wrong. But that incident would have her rushing to his house after a call from Subway. 

Where It All Started 


The root of the incident lay in a change that Molly and Troy knew was coming for months. Molly was in her third year of college, while Troy was in his fifth.   

As a requirement for his degree, Troy was to change towns to intern at one of the best law firms around New Jersey. Although the two hated this change, they knew it was necessary.  

Long Distance Relationships


Molly and Troy made the necessary changes in their lifestyle. They made plans to call each other every day and visit each other every weekend. Since the two would be three hours apart, the commute wouldn’t be as long and dreadful.

But although everything seemed well, one issue made Molly scared of leaving her boyfriend’s side. 

His Medical Condition 


Troy had been battling diabetes for the longest time, requiring him to take his insulin shots daily. Of course, he had no issue taking his medication since Molly was always there to help.

But now that he was going to be three hours away, Molly couldn’t help but worry. She trusted him to care for himself but couldn’t help but be on edge about the matter. It would be too late when she received that call.

Moving Out Of The City


As the semester came to an end, Troy made the move from their little apartment in New Jersey. Molly helped him with everything, and before the two knew it, Troy was happy in his new apartment away from school. 

The beginning of the new semester was difficult for the two, given that it was their first time apart. Still, the two made everything work. Molly had no idea that the terrible end was near. 

A Month Later 


A month after the start of the new semester, the harrowing incident occurred. Troy and Molly had been communicating the night before, and Troy relayed a message that would leave his girlfriend worried.   

Troy shared that his supervisor was to make a surprise visit that week, and he would have to put in more hours at his internship to impress his bosses and the supervisor. But although the message seemed harmless, Molly knew exactly what it meant. 

Please, Take Care Of Yourself 


Molly had been with Troy for three years, and she knew how he got whenever something overwhelmed him. He would forget to take care of himself, sometimes going for hours without as little as a snack. 

Although Molly tried not to worry about him, she couldn’t help but overthink. With Troy’s medical condition, he needed every ounce of nutrients. Knowing how busy he would be, Molly decided to step in. 

He Loves Subway


Troy loved Subway, so Molly ordered a sandwich and delivered it to his place. She called the fast-food restaurant and ordered his favorites, a big cheese stake, a supremo, and a side of salad. 

With everything set, Molly charged it to her card and had the food delivered. But before everything, she did something that would ensure her plan worked. 

He’s Home


Molly called Troy before ordering his food, asking if he would be home. She didn’t tell him she had Subway coming over as she wanted to surprise him. 

With that out of the way, she made the order and sat back, waiting for an energetic call from Troy telling her he got her surprise. She’d get a call, but it wouldn’t be from him.  

An Expected Call


A few minutes passed, and as expected, Molly’s phone rang. She hurriedly picked it up, surprised to see that it was a call from Subway.

The caller identified himself as Leila, the delivery person taking care of her order. But the question she would ask Molly would be too far from professional. Something terrible was happening on Troy’s end.

What’s Happening 


The first thing Leila did was ask Molly if she was romantically attached to Troy. After Molly agreed, Leila explained that it didn’t seem that way from where she was standing. She would explain what was happening. 

First of all, she stated that she found Troy’s door locked. After knocking for a few minutes, someone came and opened the door. But it wasn’t Molly’s boyfriend. 

A New Woman


Leila clearly described the woman, stating that she looked like she’d spent the night at the place because of how she was dressed. After taking the food and tipping Leila, the woman hurried back inside, asking a man if he’d ordered from Subway. 

Leila even snapped a photo of the two through the apartment’s large windows to show Molly what was happening. Looking at the picture, Molly jumped onto the first bus out of the city.  

The Aftermath


Molly sat still in her bus seat, wondering how everything had shifted so fast. She couldn’t believe what Troy was doing. How could he throw away three years of what they’d built like this?

She confronted him, breaking up with him shortly after. Although the aftermath was harrowing, Molly pulled through regardless. She’s forever grateful to Subway for helping her see the truth.

Disclaimer: To protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events, places, or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.