Man Sick Of Woman Blocking Gas Pump With Car Gets Even


Sick And Tired

Davin was sick and tired of waiting for her to finish up.

He had trusted the old lady, confident that she would only be a minute, as she had promised. But the more time that had passed, the less trusting he was.

It had been five minutes, and she hadn’t even gotten out of the car yet. He felt his patience wearing thin when, finally, her car door opened.

No Intention Of Making His Life Easier


The old lady slowly shuffled around her car. Finally, she was going to fill up her tank before being on her way.

But Davin had no idea how naive he was being. She had no intention of making his life any easier.

He watched as she walked straight past the pumps. Where was she going? Then it clicked as she approached the set of automatic sliding doors. He’d been lied to.



Watching the woman walk into the convenience store made his blood boil. He felt rage flood his body as he wondered what he would do now.

He should have blamed the gas station for only having one gas pump, but he focused his anger on the woman.

There were plenty of parking spots available if she wanted to just park. What was her end game? Davin decided to teach her a lesson.

Getting On The Phone


The woman had no idea who she was messing with. She had thought that she was messing with a regular working stiff, but he was involved with men that would make her regret everything.

Davin took out his phone and snapped a photo of the car before calling a number.

“Yeah, did you get the picture? You think you could come down and take care of it?” He said in a hushed voice.



After 20 minutes, the old woman was still leisurely shopping in the convenience store.

Davin had even noticed her order something from the bakery. He was glad she was taking her time. That meant he could make sure he could enact his vengeance.

Then he heard it. The sound of roaring engines coming from the road. The closer they got, the more the ground beneath him started shaking. Then, finally, his backup was there.

Coming Out


Meanwhile, the woman had finally finished her shopping and rang it up.

She walked out of the doors, finally ready to move her car away from the gas pump. But that’s when she noticed something strange.

Her car wasn’t there anymore. It had just disappeared, and in its place was the man she had cut off earlier.

An Expensive Lesson


The woman looked around for her car, but she couldn’t find it. Then she saw Davin smiling next to his car, filling it up with gas. “Where’s my car!?” She screamed at him.

Davin stared at her, almost wanting to leave her in the dark.

But he thought his revenge would be sweeter if she knew what he had done to her car. The old lady had just been taught an expensive lesson.

Davin Edwards


Davin Edwards used to have patience for strangers growing up.

His parents tried teaching him that if you give people respect, then they’ll give it right back. But after moving out of his house, he often found strangers giving him a hard time.

Most people seemed only out to help themselves. He didn’t want to believe that all people were bad, especially if they looked innocent enough.

Going About His Business


Straight out of school, Davin tried building a life for himself. He wanted to embark on a journey of self-discovery and feel independent. But he had no idea how cruel the world was.

He worked to earn his living on a construction site.

It wasn’t the most glamorous job, but it paid the bills and left him feeling satisfied that he had been doing something good for others.

A Day Like Any Other


Davin had no idea where his job would take him. There were construction sites all over the city, and he never knew which one they’d need him at next.

He would just have to wait for the call and get in his truck.

This week, he was called early on Monday morning. His boss had told him that he’d have to head to a construction site on the edge of the city, further than any before.

Getting Ready


Davin agreed to the request and put the phone down. He rubbed his eyes and hauled himself out of bed to face the day.

He took a shower and got dressed in his normal clothing. He threw his high visibility jacket and hard hat in his truck bed.

The only thing that alluded to his job was the boots he was wearing. He wore his steel-toed safety boots and climbed into his truck. He was ready to head out to his job.

Hitting The Road


Davin hit the road. He checked his GPS and saw that it would take an hour to get to work.

He was glad he woke up early, or he wouldn’t have made it in time. But then he realized something upsetting.

He had been on the road for 20 minutes when he glanced down at his dashboard. His eyes grew wide when he realized that his fuel was low.

Looking For A Gas Station


Davin started feeling a bit nervous. He was on a country road and hadn’t seen signs indicating that there’d be anything useful for him.

The last thing he needed was to get stranded out in the middle of nowhere.

Thankfully, after another ten minutes, he finally saw it in the distance. There was a gas station ahead of him. But he had no idea what was waiting for him there.



Davin let out a heavy sigh. He was relieved that he wasn’t going to get stranded in the middle of nowhere.

But as he got closer to the place, he started noticing something strange.

It didn’t look like the typical gas station he was used to. For some reason, it was a lot smaller than the ones on the main roads. But he needed gas, so he had no choice but to stop there.

Not Alone


Pulling into the gas station, Davin noticed that he wasn’t alone. A car had pulled into the station just before him.

It was a small city car. Why was it all the way out here? He saw the car stop at the gas pump.

He didn’t worry about it, assuming there were plenty of pumps. But as he looked around, he noticed something disheartening.

Only One Pump


The small gas station only had one gas pump. How did they manage to get any business with only one pump?

Then he realized that probably not a lot of people used the road.

Still, though, he couldn’t afford any hang-ups. In an ideal world, the person would fill up their tank in a few minutes and then be on their way. But it was going to be anything like that.

Confronting Her


After a few minutes, Daving decided to get out of his truck and knock on the window of the car.

He was surprised to see an old lady in the driver’s seat. She was putting on makeup of all things.

She was startled by the sound and didn’t look pleased. “Hello, ma’am. Could you please hurry up? I need to go to work.” He said in a kind tone.

Just A Minute


The woman scowled at him before winding down her window and saying, “That was quite rude. I’ll only be there for a minute, then you can fill up at the pump.”

Davin was satisfied by the reply and walked back to his truck.

But as he stared at the car, the woman still didn’t get out. He got ready to do something that he’d regret.

Waiting For Her


Davin was sick and tired of waiting for her to finish up.

He had trusted the old lady, confident that she would only be a minute, as she had promised. But the more time that had passed, the less trusting he was.

It had been five minutes, and she hadn’t even gotten out of the car yet. He felt his patience wearing thin when, finally, her car door opened.



The old lady slowly shuffled around her car. Finally, she was going to fill up her tank before being on her way.

But Davin had no idea how naive he was being. She had no intention of making his life any easier.

He watched as she walked straight past the pumps. Where was she going? Then it clicked as she approached the set of automatic sliding doors. He’d been lied to.

Blood Boiling


Watching the woman walk into the convenience store made his blood boil. He felt rage flood his body as he wondered what he would do now.

He should have blamed the gas station for only having one gas pump, but he focused his anger on the woman.

There were plenty of parking spots available if she wanted to just park. What was her end game? Davin decided to teach her a lesson.

Getting On The Phone


The woman had no idea who she was messing with. She had thought that she was messing with a regular working stiff, but he was involved with men who would make her regret everything.

Davin took out his phone and snapped a photo of the car before calling a number.

“Yeah, did you get the picture? You think you could come down and take care of it?” He said in a hushed voice.

Roaring Engines


After 20 minutes, the old woman was still leisurely shopping in the convenience store.

Davin had even noticed her order something from the bakery. He was glad she was taking her time. That meant he could make sure he could enact his vengeance.

Then he heard it. The sound of roaring engines coming from the road. The closer they got, the more the ground beneath him started shaking. Then, finally, his backup was there.

Finishing Her Shopping


Meanwhile, the woman had finally finished her shopping and rang it up.

She walked out of the doors, finally ready to move her car away from the gas pump. But that’s when she noticed something strange.

Her car wasn’t there anymore. It had just disappeared, and in its place was the man she had cut off earlier.

Looking Around


The woman looked around for her car, but she couldn’t find it. Then she saw Davin smiling next to his car, filling it up with gas. “Where’s my car!?” She screamed at him.

Davin stared at her, almost wanting to leave her in the dark.

But he thought his revenge would be sweeter if she knew what he had done to her car. The old lady had just been taught an expensive lesson.

Telling Her The Truth


“Well, I called up some of my buddies. They didn’t appreciate what you did to me. You were going to make me late for work, so my boss decided to make sure I wasn’t,” He explained.

The lady was confused. She didn’t see anyone else around Davin, but she didn’t see her car either.

Clearly, he was telling the truth. He definitely wouldn’t have managed to move it on his own.

Where Was It?


The woman was getting aggravated. She wanted to see where the man had put her car.

She said she’d call the police if he didn’t, but that just made him double over laughing.

That’s when he handed her a slip of paper that he had in his hand. The woman scowled at him before looking down at it. But when she saw what it was, she nearly broke down.



It seemed that she had underestimated Davin. She thought she could take advantage of him, but now she knew there was more to him than she suspected. He interrupted her train of thought with his explanation.

“You see. I work in construction and have quite a few friends who also have friends.

My boss, for instance – has a few connections, and when he heard you were blocking a gas station pump, he was more than happy to intervene.

Learning Her Lesson


The woman had a burning fire in her eyes. He was sure that she wouldn’t forgive him for this, but he didn’t care.

He needed to get to work at any cost. But the real question was, would she learn her lesson?

She saw the amount of money she had to pay on the slip of paper. But there was another big problem. How was she going to get to the impound?

Being The Bigger Person


Daven watched her anger turn to sorrow as she suddenly understood the pickle she was in.

He saw lamentation on her face and felt a little bad. Then he thought about how his parents wanted him to treat people.

He decided to be the bigger person. He paid for a cab to pick her up and take her to the impound. As she got into the cab, she said something to him, “I’m sorry.”


This story was handcrafted with love by a creative novelist to thrill and entertain, mirroring real-life situations to awaken your imagination and evoke profound emotions. All events, places, and characters are products of the author’s imagination, and all images and videos are used for illustrative purposes only. We hope you enjoyed reading it just as much as we enjoyed writing it!