Man Follows Elderly Lady Home, Doesn’t Realize She Spent Years In The Military


Stumbling Back

Etta couldn’t believe that her kind-hearted nature had put her in such a terrible situation.

Her heart raced as she stumbled backward into her own home before trying to get deeper into her own home.

She needed to find somewhere safe as the silhouette stepped over the threshold and into her home.



The older woman couldn’t believe what evil had been waiting outside her home. She looked anywhere that she could get away from him. She ran into her bedroom door and locked it shut.

That’s when she realized that she had made a grave mistake. One that could cost her her life.

The only lifeline she had was sitting in the other room.

No Phone


Etta felt terror take over her body as she instinctively reached for her phone. But she went pale when she realized that it was sitting on her living room table.

It was the only way to reach out for help.

Without it, she knew that it would only be a matter of time until the intruder made his way to her door. She prayed it would hold.



Etta wondered what the man’s true intentions were. She heard him trashing the place.

She just hoped he would find something valuable and then leave, but she knew that she was being naive.

After a few moments, she heard heavy footsteps approaching her bedroom door. Her trade would only end after he got his hands on her.



After a moment of silence, it finally started. The intruder started banging on her door furiously.

“Let me in!” she heard an inhuman voice shout. They sounded angry and desperate, but what did he want?

Etta decided that she wouldn’t go down without a fight. With her experience, maybe she had a chance. Either way, she had to try.

Confronting her Attacker


Etta took a deep breath and readied herself for what she was about to do. She reflected on all of her years in the military.

She tried remembering her old training, hoping her muscle memory would do the rest.

Now, she was as ready as she would ever be. She grabbed the door handle and flung the door open, ready to confront her attacker.



The next few moments were a blur. With adrenaline coursing through her body, she went on autopilot, her old training kicking in. But there was something wrong about what had happened.

When the dust settled and she regained a sense of who she was, she noticed a horrific sight.

All she could see was crimson.

Etta Walburg


Etta Walburg had seen a lot in her life. She had enough experience for at least two other people. The man had gone down a variety of different career paths in her youth. She had been a door-to-door salesman, a butcher, and lastly, a soldier.

The last path clicked well, and she knew that it was for him.

She knew that she was defending her country, and that was all she needed.

Military Career


When Etta turned twenty-one, she had one goal in mind. She wanted to join the United States Military.

She quit her job and got drafted a month later. She soared through the physical exams with flying colors.

Soon, she was equipped with a full military kit and a rifle. She was sent to different military camps around the country to train even further.



Etta thrived in the military and quickly got promoted. After thirty years of devoting her life to the military, she found herself as a lieutenant. She never thought she’d get such a prestigious position when she was a common private.

But her time in the military wouldn’t last forever. She had seen a lot in her years, including campaigns of anti-terrorism.

But she didn’t get out without scars.

Life As A Civilian


Etta was honorably discharged after failing a psychological evaluation. A mission had gone wrong, and Etta lost most of her unit. She was one of few survivors and suffered for it.

Racked with guilt and shame, she would never fully recover from the incident.

She left the military with her eyes set on the horizon. But it wouldn’t be that easy.



Etta had become so accustomed to military life that it would take him some time to adjust back as a civilian. But there was something that she didn’t realize: veterans weren’t treated with respect.

He thought that there would be a support system for people like him.

She still felt the effects of her military service and had difficulty doing day-to-day things.

Getting Support


The best thing that she could find was a support group that she went to once a week. There were other ex-soldiers who had been scarred by their service in one way or another.

The weekly meetings helped Etta. But after getting a job working for a steel mill, she felt the crushing weight of anxiety again.

She felt guilt and shame and didn’t know if she would cope.

Her Life Went On


As Etta got used to her life back home as a civilian, life started to fly by. The fifty-one-year-old bought a house and settled down, but she’d never forget her military career.

As she grew older, she reflected deeper within herself. She came to the conclusion that she preferred living alone over the company of others.

But the old woman had no idea what was waiting for her in her safe neighborhood.

Someone Watching Her


Etta had no idea that in her safe neighborhood, there was a set of eyes on her. They had first noticed her a few months back, but they never forgot the sight. An elderly woman who looked fit as an ox.

Still, though, she was getting in her twilight years. How hard would it be to take advantage of her age?

She was about to find out.

A Walk In The Dark


Etta decided to walk to the store one evening. She forgot that she didn’t have any cream and needed it for her pasta, and stores were closing soon.

She embarked on a journey to the nearby supermarket. But on her way back, she could barely see anything.

Her eyesight wasn’t what it used to be, and someone else was going to take advantage of that.

A Sound


Etta was nearly home, where she would be shielded from the darkness and other denizens of the dark streets. Her house was in view, but that’s when she heard a faint “crack.”

She whipped her head around. It sounded like someone had stepped on a twig near her.

The old woman didn’t see anything, but that was her biggest mistake.



She decided to keep walking. She assumed that an animal was responsible for the strange sound, but she was very wrong.

Digging around in her bag, she was unaware of the figure looming closely behind her.

As she snatched the keys from her bag, her house was only a few feet away. But in a matter of seconds, she found herself in a terrifying situation.

The First Time 


She had walked this route many times before, and nothing strange ever happened. But there is a first time for everything.

She was completely oblivious to what was happening behind her, but as she reached her yard, she heard another unfamiliar sound.

This time, she decided to take a closer look, but she didn’t have to.



As soon as she turned around, the man was standing right behind her. He didn’t even try to hide behind a nearby tree, nor did he try to keep his distance any longer.

He knew that an old woman like Etta would be helpless against a strong, young man like himself. She was at a great disadvantage.

Etta’s breath caught in her throat when she saw the shiny black object in his hand. She was in danger.

Not Threatened 


The man paused in his footsteps when he noticed the old woman’s eyes on him. He wasn’t threatened in the slightest.

With a weapon in his hand, he was certain that the old woman would fall to her knees and beg for mercy.

Etta could barely breathe. Her heart was pounding in her chest as the shadowy figure took one step closer. Who was he?

A Silhouette 


She tried to get a look at his face, but it was impossible as a cap sat atop his head, perfectly blocking his eyes from her vision.

At first, Etta wasn’t sure if he was following her, but by the looks of his intimidating stance, she could only guess that he was.

With it being dark out, it was impossible for her to make out what the man actually looked like. All she could really see was his silhouette.



For just a moment, Etta tried to rationalize the situation.

She told herself that he was probably just a neighbor on his way home from an evening stroll around the neighborhood, but she knew that it was all cope.

Etta’s instincts told her that she was in trouble and that she had to act before it was all too late.

What Could She Do?


For just a moment longer, the old woman stood frozen on the sidewalk. She wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do next. Was she supposed to scream for help?

What if help didn’t come in time?

What would he do if she expressed how terrified she truly was? It was a moment of weakness, but she couldn’t show it. She thought of her next best option.

A Challenge 


If she could run fast enough, she could be through her front door before he even had the chance to catch up to her. But Etta knew what a challenge that would be, but it wasn’t impossible.

The man was certain that he had her right where he needed her. She was old and frail, how on earth was she supposed to outrun the young man?

It was a moment of desperation, and Etta had to act fast.

Taunting Her


She watched helplessly as the man slowly took another step forward. It was like he was taunting her.

He was giving her more than enough time to get away because he was certain that she wouldn’t be able to.

But he was messing with the wrong woman. Etta couldn’t just stand there and give up. She had to be smart about this.



In her old age and dwindling eyesight, Etta knew that she didn’t have the upper hand. The disadvantaged woman needed to get to safety quickly. The man was hot on her heels. She didn’t have much time.

Still, she had kept up her physical training and calculated the distance to her front door.

She was certain that she could get there before the shadowy figure. Even if they were just a friendly neighbor, she couldn’t take any chances.

Coming Closer 


She clutched her house keys tightly and decided to drop the small bag of groceries on the pavement.

They would only slow her down. They were no longer important, not when her life was on the line.

The man was only getting closer, and she was standing in the middle of the sidewalk, frozen. She had to act immediately.

Making It Home


Etta knew she could get home in one quick burst. If the figure was indeed after her and they were a young, fit male, she didn’t stand a chance.

She knew that they could still beat her there.

She decided to make a mad dash for it anyway. Hoping for the best. She didn’t look back – that would only slow her down.

Off Guard


The man was caught off guard as soon as she started running. He clearly thought she was older and weaker than she truly was.

He was surprised to see how fast she was moving down the sidewalk.

He decided to make a run for it too, and before Etta knew it, he was chasing her down the street and toward her house.

Just In Time


Her legs moved faster than they had ever moved before. Adrenaline was coursing through her veins as she sprinted for her front door.

Her life was valuable, and she couldn’t afford to lose it.

She got to the door and fiddled with the lock before the light of her entryway flushed out the darkness around her. She made it just in time.

She Thought It Was Over


Etta slammed the door behind her and took a second to breathe. She ensured that the door was locked and even hooked the chain.

For just a moment, she thought she was finally safe.

She thought the man would leave it at that and find another victim, but when she heard the footsteps outside her front door, she knew she was wrong.

Who Was It?


Once she composed herself, she walked to her living room window and looked out at the neighborhood.

She could see the figure still walking towards the house.

She felt her anxiety rise as she stood stiff and frozen. But Etta had no idea what the shadowy figure was going to do next.



The man stood on her front porch, glaring at the door. He tried to open it but huffed when he realized it was locked.

Etta’s heart was pounding in her chest. Would he just leave now, or would he force his way in?

Etta remained by the window, her heart dropping when the man turned and looked right at her.

Oddly Familiar


He was aware that she was staring at him. She couldn’t see his face, but she could hear the smirk that tugged at his thin lips. The stubble on his chin seemed oddly familiar.

Etta didn’t realize that she was holding her breath until she suddenly gasped for air.

The man turned on his heels and slowly began walking back down the driveway. But was he truly leaving?

What Could She Do?


Etta stood there for a few more minutes, watching as the man walked further from her house, but every few minutes, he would stop in his tracks and look back at her.

Her stomach twisted uncomfortably. She somehow knew that it was far from over.

Etta was supposed to prepare dinner now, but her appetite had vanished.



Etta didn’t want to resume her cooking until she was sure that the figure had walked past her home. She watched him as he got to the end of the street.

Now, the moment of truth, where was he going? But she wouldn’t like the answer to that question as the figure stopped in his tracks.

What was he doing?



The figure stopped just across the street from Etta’s home. They were looking in her direction. Could they see her? The old woman felt fear grip her. She had toured in military campaigns, but she was frightened.

What business did he want with her? Then the unthinkable happened.

He started walking directly towards her front door.

Picking Something Up


The man crossed the street and walked directly to Etta’s house. She had a failsafe in case anyone tried breaking into her home, but she didn’t want to have to use it in case it was completely necessary.

But on his way to the front door, he stopped. He looked down and bent over.

He picked something up.

Carrying Something


Etta’s old and tired eyes couldn’t make out what he had picked up in the darkness, but she didn’t want to find out. He kept pursuing her, and now the only thing between them was her front door.

She prayed that there was some explanation for everything.

But then she heard an unexpected sound.

A Ring


She could never have expected the doorbell to ring at that moment. Was it a courteous stalker? They didn’t ring a second time and promptly turned around to head back down the street.

What was going on? Etta’s terror was now mixed with confusion. Was it some trap?

But they were so far from the door now it was safe to check out what they had done.

Opening The Door


Against all reason, Etta opened her front door. Morbid curiosity got the better of her as she let her entryway light up her porch. That’s when she saw what the man had dropped in front of her door.

It was a single carton of cream. It was the one she had bought from the store. She must have dropped it in her hurry to get home. Was he a good samaritan?

Or something more sinister? This was only the beginning.

A Day Like Any Other


Etta’s sixtieth birthday was around the corner. It was a day like any other. The old woman was trying to stay active and would go on regular runs. Her neighborhood was safe, so she was never scared.

But one day, as she was on her way home from a run, she noticed something strange.

There was a figure following behind her.



Surely it was just a coincidence? She thought to herself. She turned left and then, a block later, turned right. But when she glanced behind her, the figure was still trailing behind her.

It was no coincidence. She was being followed.

She had a bit of a lead on the man and felt confident that she could get to her home before he caught up.

Same Person


Etta was less afraid than the previous night. She had daylight on her side and could see much clearer than the night before. But one question still rattled her. Was this the same shadowy figure?

Were they stalking her? She felt her heart start to race at the possibility.

The thought of someone waiting outside of her house scared her to death.

Coming Back To Reality


Etta quickly snapped out of it. It didn’t matter if this was the same man. She needed to focus all of her energy and get out of the situation she was in. Deja vu flooded her brain as she would once again have to race the man to her front door.

After that, she would have to call the authorities and tell them about the stalker. She now had a plan and felt confident she could get it done.

But she had no idea how they would prey on her good nature.

Slamming Her Door


She picked up the pace and headed down the road faster towards her front door, then jumped onto the pavement and cut through the grass to her front door. When she got there and fiddled with her keychain.

Finally, after turning the key, she slammed the door behind her.

Although she was finally safe, she had no idea what was going to happen next.

Soothing Sounds


Etta was a bit rattled but otherwise felt safe. She knew that the man couldn’t get in now that she had locked her door. She walked to the kitchen to make herself a cup of tea. It had just started to rain.

She heard the soothing sound of rain against her roof and her windows.

But then she heard something else.

A Bang


At first, it was subtle and hard to make out among the drops of water, but it was there. She heard a soft bang. But in time, it only got louder. Soon, it was apparent where it was coming from – her door.

Someone was banging on her front door. Was it the man that was following her?

She wasn’t gullible enough to let anyone in.

Cry For Help


“Please, call an ambulance. I’ve just been hurt.” A voice cried out on the other side of her door. The cry for help sent Etta spiraling into a cocktail of mixed emotions and PTSD. Then she remembered her squad and the many men decades ago who cried out for help before her.

She didn’t know what came over her, but she felt like she had to help someone if they needed it.

She turned the door and opened it up, but it was a huge mistake.

A Trick


The door opened, and Etta saw a figure towering over her. In her old age, she was tiny, but this person was at least six feet tall. He stumbled towards her, brandishing something in his hand.

She’d fallen for his trick. It was the same person that was following her. Now, she was going to pay for her naivety.

There was only one way out of this.

A Terrible Situation


Etta couldn’t believe that her kind-hearted nature had put her in such a terrible situation.

Her heart raced as she stumbled backward into her own home before trying to get deeper into her own home.

She needed to find somewhere safe as the silhouette stepped over the threshold and into her home.

Running Away


The old woman couldn’t believe what evil had been waiting outside of her home. She looked anywhere that she could get away from him. She ran into her bedroom door and locked it shut.

That’s when she realized that she had made a grave mistake. One that could cost her her life.

The only lifeline she had was sitting in the other room.

No Lifeline


Etta felt terror take over her body as she instinctively reached for her phone. But she went pale when she realized that it was sitting on her sitting room table. It was the only way to reach out for help.

Without it, she knew that it would only be a matter of time until the intruder made her way to her door.

She prayed it would hold.

Trashing The Place


Etta wondered what the man’s true intentions were. She heard him trashing the place. She just hoped she would find something valuable and then leave, but she knew that she was being naïve.

After a few moments, she heard heavy footsteps approaching her bedroom door.

Her trade would only end after she got her hands on her.



After a moment of silence, it finally started. The intruder started banging on her door furiously. “Let me in!” she heard an inhuman voice shout. They sounded angry and desperate, but what did she want?

Etta decided that she wouldn’t go down there. With her experience, maybe she had a chance.

Either way, she had to try.

Opening The Door


Etta took a deep breath and readied herself for what she was about to do. She reflected on all of her years in the military.

She tried remembering her old training, hoping her muscle memory would do the rest.

Now, she was as ready as she would ever be. She grabbed the door handle and flung the door open, ready to confront her attacker.

A Blur


The next few moments were a blur. With adrenaline coursing through her body, she went on autopilot, her old training kicking in. But there was something wrong about what had happened.

When the dust settled and she regained a sense of who she was, she noticed a horrific sight.

All she could see was crimson.

A Man In Need Of Aid


Etta saw the shell of a man slumped against her wall. There was red on her white paint. The man was in dire need of medical attention.

But then she recalled that she hadn’t even done this to him.

He was like that when she opened the door. There were even red handprints on the door to prove it. She called 911 immediately.

The Truth


It was only a week later that Etta learned the full truth about what had happened that day. The man inside of her home told the truth when he said he needed medical attention. He explained that he had been en route to deliver a package to a client but had fallen and hurt himself.

He saw Etta as the only person around and tried calling for her help. When she didn’t hear him, he had no choice but to follow her. With everyone wrapped up, Etta understood that even though she had to be safe, she shouldn’t let others suffer because of it.

The two stayed in touch and even became good friends after his recovery.