Man Finds Elderly Relative’s Cat Under The Bed, Realizes What He’s Done


Supposed To Get His Items

Adam’s heartbeat tripled as he saw it race across the room for the second time. He was clutching his flashlight like some kind of ward against evil.

He swallowed loudly before convincing himself to soldier on. Is that what his uncle meant when he told him to go and fetch something “special?”

Turning On The Power


Before anything else, Adam stumbled down the creaky stairs that led to the basement. He had to muster up enough courage to turn on the breaker so he didn’t rely on his dodgy flashlight.

After finally reaching the board, he thought all of his superstitions would recede into the shadows and be flushed out by the light, but he was wrong.

Underneath The Bed


Adam had now cornered it underneath the bed. His knees were shaking; this was the lost dark spot in the house, and the creature, whatever it was, decided to hide there.

He kneeled down underneath the bed and forced himself to look straight into its eyes. He froze as if being turned to stone by a basilisk. But things were only just getting started for him.

Knew What Had To Be Done


Adam knew what he had to do. He promised his uncle he wouldn’t return empty-handed, but he never signed up for anything like this.

He had to be brave and reach a hand out while he closed his eyes. Whatever it was, it was terrified from years of neglect, but that was only scratching the surface.

Couldn’t Believe It


After Adam picked the creature up, he wrapped it in a blanket he had brought with him and took it to the only place he knew he could – the vet.

The veterinarian hospital wouldn’t have the answers he thought they would. But after taking scissors to the animal, he couldn’t believe what was hiding underneath.

Adam Scorsese


Adam Scorsese was a normal 34-year-old man who lived by himself. The only living family member he had left was his uncle. But he wasn’t getting any younger at the age of 71.

Adam had a soft spot for the old man, doing chores like picking up groceries for him. He was desperately hanging onto the last living Scorsese family member other than him.

Tragically Unlucky


It seemed Adam was tragically unlucky. Over the course of his life, he had lost the rest of his family. His mother died during his birth, and his father could never deal with her death properly.

His father’s health steadily declined over the years, and by the time Adam was sixteen, he had passed away from lung cancer. But there was a glimmer of hope.

Uncle Ian


Uncle Ian, Adam’s father’s older brother, was more than happy to look after him for the last two years until he gained his independence.

Ian was a lot older than Adam’s dad but still did his best to look after the teenager. But now the roles were reversed. Adam had learned that his uncle’s health had recently deteriorated.

Age Catching Up With Him


It seemed that age was catching up with Ian, and even though when he was 53 when he took care of Adam, now he was 71 and didn’t look after himself properly.

Upon hearing this, Adam went straight to his house, but his uncle was hiding a dark secret inside the house that he wouldn’t let Adam near.

Never Letting Him In


Adam was surprised that his uncle would never actually let him inside his home. It was the house that Adam had spent four years until he moved out at the age of 20.

They spoke in his doorway, or they’d go out to a coffee shop. Adam thought it was strange but didn’t want to make his uncle uncomfortable. That was until he saw the horrors inside his house.



Adam started doing favors for his uncle, trying to repay him for the generosity he had shown him as a teenager. He’d do weekly shopping for him and check in on his health.

He’d even drive Ian to the hospital when he was feeling particularly ill. But unfortunately, things would escalate in the blink of an eye, and Adam would have a difficult choice.

The House Wasn’t Good For Him


Adam knew that the house wasn’t good for Ian; he had guessed that it had been a long time since anyone had cleaned inside the house.

When Adam offered to pay for a cleaning lady, Ian got defensive. He said he didn’t want anyone touching his “stuff.” But Adam didn’t quite understand the gravity of the situation.

Meeting For Coffee


Adam had a proposal for his uncle. He drove him to a nice coffee shop, and the two spoke for a while, catching up. That’s when Adam put his coffee cup down and, with a serious tone, offered his proposal.

He knew his uncle would be a lot more open to it now that he was breathing fresh air and not the sinister smog inside of his home. Adam put his foot down. He told his uncle that he had a good stable job and a spare room that he could convert into a bedroom.

He insisted that his uncle come and live with him. Ian was a stubborn man; Adam saw a lot of the same things in him as he used to see in his father. But he finally got the old man to comply.

Bamboozle Him


Adam knew that if he let Ian go back to his house after agreeing to finally be free of its sinister clutches, he would be wreathed in its darkness once more. He needed to bamboozle him.

He couldn’t let him go back to that place, so he drove him straight from the coffee shop to his apartment. Ian didn’t seem pleased at all, insisting they go back for one thing in particular.

Something Inside The House


Adam listened to his uncle’s pleas, and once they got to his apartment, he agreed to go and fetch a few things for him.

He’d rather burn the entire house down and buy him new clothes, but that wasn’t realistic. That house had a history, and Adam needed to at least fetch what his uncle asked for.

Clothes, And Something Else…


His uncle asked him, “Fetch me some clothes.” And after hesitating, “And something else.” What did he mean by something else?

“You need to fetch my Cerberus. He must be scared and alone, with me being gone for so long. What was the old man talking about? But Adam had no idea what he was signing up for.

His “Pet”


“He’s my… pet,” Ian said after more hesitation. “He’s one of a kind. I rescued him as a baby from an underground breeding ring.”

Adam felt more confused but decided to go ahead and fetch the animal and the clothes. It was just a cat or a dog, right? Adam didn’t know what kind of mistake he was making.

Going To The Old House


Adam agreed and left for the house. He didn’t really want to go back into that place after seeing what it did to his uncle.

It warped him into something that he wasn’t. He knew half of it was superstition, but he didn’t like the way his uncle’s health had dropped and couldn’t explain it otherwise.

Arriving At The Place


Adam arrived at the old house and unlocked the door with Ian’s key. But when he walked in, the smell instantly hit him. It was sulfuric. His eyes water, and he braced himself against the rotting door frame.

Before trudging any deeper into the house, he tried turning on the entrance light. He heard a horrible buzz, and the bulb burst; in fact, the whole house tripped. He needed his flashlight.

Going Deeper


Adam returned to his car and fetched a small flashlight he kept in the glove box. Now armed with angelic light, he felt a little less on edge.

The beam cut through the darkness, although it didn’t help with the smell. He trudged further into the decaying building, his goal? He had to turn the power back on.

Not Alone


As Adam got close to the hallway, where he remembered the basement stairs, he realized that he wasn’t alone. Something was watching him; he was sure of it.

And just like clockwork, he saw a dark shadow move from one side of the corridor to the other. He jumped back before shining his light, but it was already gone. It must have been Cerberus, right?

Heart Beat Tripled


Adam’s heartbeat tripled as he saw it race across the corridor again. He held his flashlight like some kind of ward against evil.

His hands were shaking, but he convinced himself to keep going. Is that what his uncle meant when he told him that Cerberus was “one of a kind?” But he had no idea how dark the truth actually was.

The Basement


Adam finally got to the top of the creaky stairs that led to the basement. He had to muster up enough courage to turn on the breaker so he didn’t rely on his dodgy flashlight. Creak after agonizing creak, he finally made it to the bottom.

After finally reaching the board, he thought all of his superstitions would go away, along with all the shadows the light would flush out. But he was dead wrong.

Getting Cerberus


Adam saw the creature run underneath the bed. His knees were shaking because he knew that he had to try and get it from the dark corner.

He kneeled down underneath the bed and forced himself to look straight into its eyes. His body froze a survival instinct. But things were only just getting started for him.

Only One Choice


Adam only had one choice. He knew his uncle would be devastated if he returned empty-handed, but he never signed up for anything like this.

He had to be brave and reach out a hand while he closed his eyes. Whatever it was, it was terrifying, but Adam didn’t know what kind of mistake he was making.

Going To The Vet


After Adam picked the creature up, he wrapped it in a blanket he had brought with him and took it to the only place he knew he could – the vet.

Ian caught wind of what Adam was doing and got a cab to the veterinary hospital. But when he came crashing through the examination room doors, his mouth hung wide open.

Not My Cat


“That’s not my cat,” He said with tears streaming down his face. “Where’s my cat?” The confused man asked Adam.

The veterinarian hospital wouldn’t have the answers he thought they would. Adam had no idea that he had made a mistake, but now it was too late. The veterinarian was about to figure out what this animal was once and for all.

Something Else Entirely


After taking scissors to the animal, he couldn’t believe what was hiding underneath the matted layers. It was a cat. But it wasn’t the cat his uncle was looking for.

“That’s the stray that keeps eating my cat’s food! I haven’t seen it in months!” He said with disdain. But Adam just felt sorry for the animal.

Making Amends


Adam promised to make amends. He went back to his uncle’s house and managed to find Cerberus shaking underneath the sink. He scooped up the cat and brought him home along with some of Ian’s clothing.

Finally, his uncle was satisfied with his new home now that he had his cat with him. But what happened to the cat that Adam thought was a monster hiding in the dark?



Since Cerberus and the stray cat had already been living in Ian’s house together, Adam decided to adopt the poor animal. After a few weeks of feeding it properly, it looked much healthier.

And to polarize Cerberus, Adam named the stray cat Orthrus. The two are brothers in Greek mythology. Everyone was satisfied, and they could finally live happily ever after.

In order to protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events, places, or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.