La Esposa Ve El Recibo De Starbucks Del Marido Y Decide Hacer Una Visita A La Camarera
La enfadada madre estaba sentada en su coche, mirando por la ventanilla.
Llevaba veinte minutos aparcada en el aparcamiento de Starbucks. Estaba observando a alguien.
Observaba cómo la chica sonreía a cada coche que pasaba. “Una sonrisa y una persona falsas”, murmuró en voz baja. Le hervía la sangre y quería arrancarle esa bonita sonrisa de la cara.
Sin Tiempo Para Aquello
Cheri Markhams, de 30 años y madre de dos hijos en Miami (Florida), llevaba una vida ajetreada.
Su marido, Jason, trabajaba como contratista, mientras que ella realizaba tareas administrativas a tiempo parcial desde la comodidad de su hogar.
Aunque eran tiempos difíciles, se las arreglaban para llegar a fin de mes. Pero Cheri no sabía que su vida estaba a punto de dar un giro inesperado.
No Cuadra
Un día, mientras hacía la colada, Cheri descubrió un recibo en el bolsillo de Jason.
Era de Starbucks, lo cual no era raro, ya que a menudo se tomaba dos cafés de camino al trabajo.
Pero había algo extra en el precio del servicio que no le convencía. Tendría que compararlo con el extracto de la tarjeta de crédito más tarde.
El Café De La Mañana
Esta vez algo le llamó la atención y tuvo que volver a comprobarlo.
Vio que la tarjeta de crédito tenía un cargo separado para Starbucks junto al recibo inicial que había encontrado. Las fechas no coincidían.
La duda y la sospecha se apoderaron de la mente de Cheri y no pudo evitar preguntarse por qué su marido estaba siendo tan generoso de repente. ¿Estaba con alguien?
Con Mis Propios Ojos
Incapaz de deshacerse de esa sensación, Cheri decidió hacer una visita a la sucursal de Starbucks, donde Jason paraba a menudo.
Nada más entrar, sus ojos se posaron inmediatamente en Jenna, una joven y guapa camarera que trabajaba en la ventanilla de autoservicio.
La mente de Cheri empezó a pensar en el peor escenario posible: su marido flirteando con esa atractiva empleada.
Esto Es Para Ti
Al parecer, Jason había estado dando propinas extra a la camarera, Jenna.
La curiosidad y la preocupación abrumaron a Cheri mientras se preguntaba por qué su marido sería tan generoso.
Cheri quería confrontar a Jason sobre el recibo y las propinas. ¿Cuál era su relación con Jenna? ¿Por qué le daba a una desconocida el dinero que tanto le había costado ganar?
Sin Pruebas
Esa noche, cuando Jason regresó a casa, Cheri quiso hablar con él sobre el recibo y sus preocupaciones.
Pero no quería acusarle sin más de algo si no había pruebas.
Necesitaba averiguar más cosas sobre Jenna y lo que ella y su marido habían estado haciendo a sus espaldas.
¿Qué Está Tramando?
Decidida a descubrir la verdad, Cheri volvió al Starbucks y se acercó a la ventanilla de autoservicio donde trabajaba Jenna.
La observó primero. “¡Qué falsa!”, dijo y golpeó el volante.
¿Cómo podía causarle tantos problemas una desconocida? Se armó de valor para enfrentarse a la joven camarera por los cargos en la tarjeta de crédito.
Cheri estaba sentada en su coche, con las manos agarrando con fuerza el volante mientras miraba fijamente la sucursal de Starbucks que tenía delante.
El corazón le latía con fuerza en el pecho, una mezcla de ira y ansiedad le inundaba las venas.
No podía quitarse de la cabeza el recibo del bolsillo de Jason, el que revelaba un secreto que no esperaba. Sentía que ya no podía confiar en él.
Queriendo Respuestas
Respirando hondo, Cheri abrió la puerta del coche y salió, decidida a enfrentarse a Jenna y obtener las respuestas que necesitaba desesperadamente.
Mientras se acercaba a la ventanilla del autoservicio, su mente se agitaba con varios escenarios y posibilidades.
¿Y si Jason tenía una aventura con esa chica? ¿Y si estaba malgastando el dinero que tanto les había costado ganar en otra persona?
¿En Qué Puedo Ayudarle?
El sonido de sus pasos resonó en sus oídos mientras se acercaba al mostrador y su corazón latía con más fuerza cada segundo que pasaba.
Jenna se dio la vuelta, con una sonrisa cortés dibujada en el rostro, sin reconocer a la mujer que la había estado observando desde lejos.
“¿Puedo ayudarla, señora? preguntó Jenna, con una voz llena de calidez y profesionalidad.
Tenemos Que Hablar
Cheri luchó por mantener la compostura, su voz temblaba mientras hablaba.
“Necesito hablar contigo de algo”, consiguió decir, con los ojos fijos en los de Jenna.
La sonrisa de Jenna vaciló ligeramente, sintiendo la urgencia en la voz de Cheri. “Por supuesto. ¿Qué puedo hacer por ti? Ya no había vuelta atrás. Tenía a Jenna justo donde la quería.
La Hora De La Verdad
Cheri se inclinó más cerca, su voz bajó a un tono más bajo. “Me he dado cuenta de que mi marido te ha estado dando propinas excesivas. ¿Puedes explicarme por qué?”
Los ojos de Jenna se abrieron de sorpresa, claramente sorprendida por la acusación.
“Yo… lo siento, no lo entiendo. ¿Tu marido?” Ahora Cheri se estaba irritando ligeramente. Parecía que Jenna estaba haciéndose la tonta.
Sólo Una Empleada
La frustración de Cheri fue en aumento. “Sí, mi marido, Jason. Ha estado viniendo aquí todas las mañanas y dejándote generosas propinas. ¿Por qué?”
La expresión de Jenna pasó de la sorpresa a una mezcla de confusión y preocupación.
“Señora, recibo propinas de mucha gente, pero no tengo ni idea de por qué su marido haría eso. Sólo soy un empleado aquí, haciendo mi trabajo”.
¿Se Estaba Precipitando?
La mente de Cheri se agitó en busca de respuestas. ¿Podría Jenna estar diciendo la verdad? ¿Había otra explicación para las misteriosas propinas?
Estudió la cara de Jenna en busca de algún signo de engaño o culpabilidad, pero lo único que vio fue una expresión de vergüenza y enfado.
Al darse cuenta de que había sacado conclusiones precipitadas sin pruebas concretas, la ira de Cheri empezó a disiparse, sustituida por un sentimiento de duda y arrepentimiento que la hundía.
“Lo siento”, balbucea Cheri, con la voz teñida de una mezcla de vergüenza y arrepentimiento.
“No debería haberte acusado sin conocer los hechos. Es que… Encontré un recibo en el bolsillo de mi marido y pensé…”.
Jenna la miró y luego soltó: “Señora, estoy muy ocupada. Si no le importa, tengo clientes esperando. “Cheri acabó marchándose, pero seguía teniendo una sensación molesta en el fondo de su mente.
Vaga Y Evasiva
Para ella, Jenna estaba siendo muy vaga y evasiva. Tal vez estaba ocultando algo, y Cheri notó que los ojos de Jenna se abrieron de par en par cuando mencionó el nombre de Jason.
Debía de haberle tocado la fibra sensible. No era una reacción normal.
El trabajo de Cheri no había terminado. A continuación, iba a enfrentarse a su propio marido y escuchar lo que tenía que decir por sí mismo.
Emociones Contradictorias
Mientras Cheri conducía de vuelta a casa, su mente era un torbellino de emociones contradictorias.
Tenía que enfrentarse a Jason por lo del recibo y las misteriosas propinas. Necesitaba saber la verdad, por dolorosa que fuera.
Cuando llegó a casa, el silencio era inquietante. Los niños aún estaban en el colegio, lo que le dio a Cheri la oportunidad perfecta para tener una conversación privada con su marido.
Perdido En Sus Pensamientos
Encontró a Jason en su dormitorio, sentado en el borde de la cama, ensimismado.
Su cara se iluminó de sorpresa cuando la vio.
“Hola, nena, ¿qué pasa?”, le preguntó, con voz que disimulaba cualquier atisbo de culpabilidad. Cheri se preguntó por qué estaba tan pensativo. ¿En qué o en quién estaría pensando?
Cheri cerró la puerta tras de sí, proyectando una sombra sobre la habitación. Su voz era tranquila pero decidida.
“Jason, tenemos que hablar. Hoy he encontrado en tu bolsillo un recibo de Starbucks. Y hay algo extraño en él”.
Los ojos de Jason recorrieron la habitación y su expresión pasó de la sorpresa a la inquietud. Trató de serenarse, pero la culpa estaba escrita en su rostro.
Don’t Lie To Me
“What are you talking about, Cheri?” he replied, his voice faltering slightly.
Cheri took a step closer, her eyes locked onto his.
“Don’t lie to me, Jason. I saw that you’ve been tipping the waitress, Jenna, extra amounts. What’s going on? Why would you do that?” Jason’s face paled, and beads of sweat formed on his forehead.
Struggling To Find The Words
He stumbled for words, struggling to come up with an explanation that could appease Cheri’s suspicions.
She looked at him and could see him struggling.
And then he said, “Yes, it’s extra, but only because she’s a sweet, friendly girl, and it looks like she goes to college, so I thought the extra tips might come in handy for her.”
“Why is that something that you have to worry about? You have two kids of your own that you need to be taking care of.” Cheri was boiling with anger.
Jason sheepishly looked down and apologized. He promised that it wouldn’t happen again.
But Cheri wasn’t convinced that the matter was over. Something still didn’t add up.
Still Not Convinced
Cheri wasn’t so sure if she believed her husband. It did sound like a plausible explanation, but she couldn’t help but still feel uneasy and skeptical about this whole situation.
Just the way both of them seemed a bit too nervous when she brought up the issue.
Cheri wasn’t born yesterday, she could easily sense if something was going on.
I Don’t Know What You’re Talking About
Refusing to let the matter rest, Cheri made up her mind to return to Starbucks and confront the alleged culprit, Jenna.
As she pulled up to the drive-thru window, her heart raced with anticipation.
When Jenna appeared, Cheri confronted her directly, accusing her of stealing her credit card information and adding a $10 tip for herself each time Jason made his regular coffee run.
Face To Face
Taking a deep breath, Cheri pushed open the car door and marched towards the drive-thru window.
She could feel the tension building inside her as she approached.
Jenna, the young waitress she suspected of foul play, looked up from the cash register, a surprised expression on her face.
Who Are You
Cheri’s voice was steely as she confronted Jenna again. “Jenna?” Jenna nodded hesitantly, her eyes widening with recognition. “Y-yes?. Can I help you?”
Cheri leaned closer to the window, her voice laced with accusation. “I’m here to ask about that receipt in my husband’s pocket again.
I looked at it again and something just doesn’t make sense about it.”
I Know What You Did
Jenna’s eyes darted around nervously, her hands fidgeting with the cash register drawer. “I… I’m sorry, ma’am. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Cheri’s eyes narrowed, her frustration growing. “Don’t lie to me. I know what you’ve been doing. You’ve been stealing from us.”
Jenna’s face paled, and she stammered, “I-I didn’t mean to. It was just… extra tips. I thought no one would notice.”
Prove It
Cheri’s voice rose with indignation. “Extra tips? You were giving yourself a $10 tip every time my husband ordered his coffees, thinking he wouldn’t notice.
How dare you?”
Jenna’s voice trembled as she pleaded, “Please, ma’am, don’t take legal action against me. I was just trying to make ends meet. I didn’t think anyone would find out. Your husband is a great guy.”
How Dare You
Cheri’s anger surged, her sense of justice overpowering any sympathy she may have felt.
“You think stealing is justifiable because times are tough and how dare you mention my husband in this? You’ve crossed a line, Jenna. I won’t let you get away with it.”
To her shock and anger, Jenna confessed that she had been stealing from Cheri by adding a $10 tip to her own account every time Jason visited.
Angry Customer
Without another word, Cheri turned on her heels and stormed into the Starbucks, demanding to speak with the manager.
The manager, a middle-aged man named Mr. Anderson, appeared concerned as Cheri recounted her discovery and confronted Jenna’s deceitful actions.
“I am appalled by Jenna’s behavior,” Mr. Anderson said, his tone grave. “We will investigate this immediately, and if her actions are true as you’ve described, she will be terminated.”
That’s Not Right
Cheri nodded, her determination unwavering. “Thank you, Mr. Anderson. But this can’t end here.
People need to know that they can be robbed even while getting a simple cup of coffee. I want to post a warning online.”
Jenna was sobbing, “Please don’t. My mother is going to kill me! I promise I won’t do it to anyone else.” “You’ve done enough, Jenna. Please keep quiet,” Mr. Anderson told her.
To The Boss
Mr. Anderson understood the gravity of the situation and agreed to Cheri’s request.
Together, they compiled a detailed account of what had transpired, emphasizing the importance of staying vigilant while using credit cards.
Jenna sat there listening to what she had done. She had stolen $240 from them in the space of a month. She was full of regret; she didn’t think she would get caught for such small amounts.
They Have To Know
Cheri wanted to protect the same thing from happening to other people so she had to share the issue of that Starbucks branch. The customer is always right.
As the story was shared online, it quickly gained traction, serving as a cautionary tale for others.
Cheri’s bravery in confronting the dishonest waitress garnered praise and support from the online community.
Taking Action
Jenna was suspended from Starbucks, and the incident served as a stark reminder to others in similar positions of trust.
They checked surveillance footage, and she was found doing the same thing to another customer.
Cheri’s actions had consequences beyond her own personal situation. The Starbucks management took the incident seriously and implemented stricter protocols to prevent such thefts in the future.
Still Suspicious
But Cheri couldn’t help but still be suspicious of her husband, Jason.
Why had Jenna targeted him specifically, and was it just theft or something else entirely?
Was Jason hiding something from her after all? There was only one way to find out. She needed to make sure that there wasn’t something else going on.
Doubt and Darkness
Cheri couldn’t ignore the nagging feeling that something more sinister was at play.
Despite Jenna’s confession and the resolution at Starbucks, Cheri couldn’t shake off the sense of betrayal.
Late one night, after their children were asleep, Cheri mustered the courage to confront Jason. She found him sitting in their dimly lit living room, engrossed in his phone. His expression quickly shifted from surprise to concern as Cheri approached him.
We Need To Talk
“Jason, we need to talk,” she said, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and determination.
Jason looked up, his eyes filled with worry. “What’s wrong, Cheri? Is everything okay?”
Cheri took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. “I need to know the truth, Jason. About you and Jenna. She mentioned you.” Jason’s heart began to race.
More To The Story?
Jason’s eyes widened, and a flicker of guilt passed over his face.
“What are you talking about? There’s nothing between me and Jenna. I told you, she was just stealing from us.”
Cheri hesitated, her mind racing. Could she trust Jason’s words? Her intuition told her there was more to the story, that he was hiding something. She needed to uncover the truth.
Feeling Unsure
Cheri took a seat next to Jason, her gaze fixed on his face. “I’ve been feeling so unsure lately, Jason.
That Starbucks incident… it just doesn’t add up. Why did Jenna target you specifically? Why did she feel comfortable stealing from us?”
Jason’s eyes darted away, unable to meet Cheri’s unwavering gaze. “I honestly don’t know, Cheri. I had no idea she was doing that until you confronted her.”
The Truth Unveiled?
Cheri’s voice grew more desperate. “But why, Jason? Why did she choose you?
Did you have any kind of relationship with her, even if it was just emotional?”
Jason’s shoulders slumped, and he let out a defeated sigh. “Cheri, I have to be honest with you.” The moment Cheri heard those words, her heart began to beat very fast.
A Breach Of Trust
“I did have some conversations with Jenna at the drive-thru. They were innocent, just friendly exchanges while I waited for my coffee. But I swear, nothing more than that.”
The weight of his confession hung heavy in the air. Cheri felt a mixture of relief and sadness wash over her.
Her worst fears weren’t entirely realized, but there was still a breach of trust between them.
Is It The Whole Truth?
“I appreciate your honesty, Jason,” Cheri said, her voice trembling.
“But how can I be sure that you’re telling me the whole truth? I need to know if there’s anything else I should be aware of.”
Jason reached out, taking Cheri’s hand in his. “Cheri, I promise you, there’s nothing else. I never had an affair with Jenna or anyone else. I made a mistake by engaging in those conversations, and I regret it deeply. You and our children mean everything to me.”
She Wanted To Believe Him
Cheri stared into Jason’s eyes, searching for any signs of deceit.
She wanted desperately to believe him, to rebuild the trust that had been shattered. But doubt still lingered, and she knew it would take time and effort to heal their relationship.
“I want to believe you, Jason,” Cheri said, her voice filled with both vulnerability.
Lingering Doubts
But Cheri couldn’t ignore the lingering doubts that were still in her mind.
No matter how hard she tried to get rid of them, it stayed there.
Her whole world had been turned upside down because of this girl, and now she couldn’t even trust her husband anymore. How had everything turned out so bad for them?
Not Going To Stop
Cheri’s mind was racing with all kinds of thoughts. She didn’t know who to trust.
Her husband seemed like he was trying to make things right.
But the fact that he had lied to her in the first place didn’t sit well with Cheri. So there was only one thing left to do. She wasn’t going to stop until she found out the truth.
One More Thing To Do
But maybe there was one more thing to do. As soon as Jason fell asleep, she snatched his phone from the nightstand and went downstairs.
There, she went through all his contacts, messages, and call logs.
She didn’t find anything suspicious. It looked like he wasn’t cheating on her after all. Was he telling the truth?
Making Things Work
Cheri was left with more questions than answers.
But she knew that the only way to let go of the doubts is to believe her husband and work on their trust issues.
That would be one way to move forward from this mess. It would be a difficult process to regain someone’s trust, but Cheri was determined to make things work.
Cheri and Jason started going to couples therapy to try and work out the issues their marriage was facing.
It was difficult at first, but with regular appointments, things were starting to look up for them.
Jason admitted guilt and resolved to do better to make the marriage work. What happened was his fault, after all, and he put his family in harm’s way.
Before It Was Too Late
She was happy that she managed to uncover the truth about Jenna before it was too late.
Who knows, maybe she had planned on stealing bigger amounts of money.
It could’ve turned out so much worse for them. Hopefully, Jenna would learn her lesson and not try to steal from anyone again, and Cheri was going to see that it never happened again.
None Of That
The vigilant woman Cheri was sharp on her toes to prevent Jenna from stealing anymore from anyone.
Her husband was also embarrassed that he had been tricked by a teenager.
Through it all, Cheri remained resolute, her determination to safeguard her family’s well-being stronger than ever. She had confronted the dishonesty head-on and had made a difference, one cup of coffee.
Give Me A Chance
Jenna was visibly shaken and pleaded with Cheri not to involve the authorities. She admitted to her wrongdoing, begging for forgiveness.
She confessed that she had been stealing Cheri’s credit card information and taking advantage of Jason’s rush to notice the unauthorized charges.
Her actions were fueled by a desperate need for extra money, but she never intended for things to escalate to this extent.
Our Decision
Although empathetic, Cheri knew that she had to take action.
She approached Jenna’s manager with her husband and explained the situation, urging them to address the issue. Jason was angry and caused a scene inside the coffee shop.
Recognizing the gravity of the theft, the manager made the difficult decision to terminate Jenna’s employment. It had to be done.
Truth Is Harsh
Feeling a mixture of relief and sadness, Cheri left the Starbucks that day, her heart heavy with the weight of the situation.
She couldn’t shake the feeling that she had just witnessed the unraveling of someone’s life.
It was up to her; she knew she had the power to either give Jenna another chance or fire her.
A Second Chance
Jenna came to Cheris’s house the next day, begging for Mercy. Furious, Cheri listened as Jenna pleaded with her not to take legal action.
Tears streaming down her face, Jenna revealed her desperate situation and how she had fallen into a cycle of theft to make ends meet.
Cheri’s anger began to soften as she realized the circumstances that had driven Jenna to this point.
No Way Jose
Although Cheri’s anger and betrayal still burned within her, she took a deep breath and considered the situation.
Realizing that Jenna was young and perhaps misguided, Cheri decided not to press charges but demanded immediate action from the Starbucks management.
It was a tough decision as a woman. But she requested that they terminate Jenna’s employment to prevent her from victimizing others.
It’s Your Last Day Here
The Starbucks manager was shocked by the revelation and deeply apologetic.
They assured Cheri that the necessary steps would be taken, and Jenna would be dismissed immediately.
Grateful for Cheri’s understanding and empathy, the manager also agreed to post a warning about credit card theft and the importance of vigilance for all Starbucks customers.
Bad Name For All
Word of the incident began to spread through social media and local news outlets.
Cheri’s story served as a cautionary tale, reminding people to be cautious about their personal information and vigilant in protecting themselves from such fraudulent activities.
The online post gained traction, generating a significant response from people who shared similar experiences or expressed gratitude for the heads-up. But would it stop the desperate staff?
Keep Your Eyes Peeled
Though shaken by the incident, Cheri found solace in knowing that she had taken action and prevented Jenna from causing further harm.
She and Jason learned to communicate better, reassuring each other of their commitment to their family.
Over time, they rebuilt the trust that had been momentarily shattered. Cheri always checked her statements from then on. “Let’s just start having our coffee at home,” she suggested.
Delinquent Detention
As for naughty Jenna, the consequences of her actions served as a wake-up call. She faced the loss of her job, regret, and the understanding that her choices had serious repercussions.
Determined to turn her life around, she sought professional help so she could continue her studies and get back out into the working world. She is banned from Starbucks for life.
Disclaimer: In order to protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.