Geologist Strikes Back At Rude Neighbors


Blocking Her Way

It was a normal day like any other when Emily saw something she couldn’t believe. There it was, sitting in her driveway, blocking her car. She was more confused than anything else.

She wondered how it had gotten there. By her calculations, it must have weighed a ton, at least. Then she looked towards where it sat for years in her neighbor’s yard.

Knew Who Did It


There, she saw her neighbor smirking through the window; he had accidentally given himself up. She now knew who was responsible for this, but how would she make them pay?

She plotted her revenge as she maneuvered her car past the boulder and went off to work. But while she was there, she saw something that would help her get her revenge.

Had Enough


Emily had enough of the arrogance and insensitivity. This time, they had gone too far. She knew she needed a way to make them regret what they had done and never cross her again.

She got back home and looked at the large boulder in her driveway, then it clicked. She knew a thing or two about rocks, and she’d get the last laugh.

A Peculiar Profession


It was a coincidence, but Emily’s job meant that she knew a lot more about rocks than her neighbors thought she did. It also meant she had access to the tools that would help her get her revenge.

She just needed to sweetheart one of her colleagues into letting her borrow it. Once she had done that, she just had to bide her time to ruin their night.

A Party


The night came just a few days after they’d put the massive boulder there. They were having a house party with loud music. It was the perfect time for her to enact her revenge.

She pulled out the equipment and stood on the boulder. It whirled to life, and the grinding noise overpowered the music in the house. As they looked out of the window, she smiled at them.

Emily White


Emily White always had a fascination with the world around her. She loved looking at the stones in her back garden and wondering how old they were.

They were formed over the course of the earth’s evolution. This is what fascinated Emily. But the real passion came in when her father took her to look at polished precious stones.



An adolescent Emily couldn’t believe that things like this existed. She saw beautiful amethysts and emeralds. Looking at their beauty, she knew what she was going to do when she grew up.

She studied hard in high school and excelled in social sciences. This meant that when she graduated high school, she was ready to start her degree in geology.

A Road To Victory


After three years of studying the world around her, Emily finally felt like she was on the road to victory. After getting her degree, she found a company looking for a team to study the local quarries for what kinds of minerals people are exposed to.

Emily jumped at the opportunity and found colleagues that were just as excited about their job as she was. With her new job, new opportunities opened up as well.

A House


Emily had been studying on Campus and never actually had a home before. That stopped being the case when she found a modest yet beautiful house to rent. She could afford it, so why not?

Emily quickly moved in and found other hobbies she loved. There was even something she hadn’t noticed before – there was a boulder on her neighbor’s property.

Making It A Home


She decided to buy some plants and even a small rock garden for her backyard. Over the course of the first few weeks living there, she really made her house into a home.

But there was something that she wasn’t aware of that would cause her a lot of trouble. She had no idea what kind of neighbors were right next door to her.

Getting Home Late


Emily worked from 9 to 5 and sometimes even worked late into the evening if her job demanded it. It was worth it, though, although she had no idea what she was going to come home to.

One evening, tired out of her mind, Emily drove home at midnight. She knew she’d still have to get to work by 9 A.M. She was okay with that, looking forward to her bed. But something stopped her.



As she drove down her street, she started to hear music faintly. She didn’t pay much attention to it, but as she got closer to her home, it got louder and louder.

Dread filled her body as she pulled into her driveway. The music was now louder than ever, and it was clear where it was coming from – the neighbors next door.

Rowdy Neighbors


Emily couldn’t believe that they were having some kind of party on a weeknight with music that loud. Why had no one else tried to put a stop to it? She lay in bed, annoyed.

She closed her eyes and tried falling asleep, but the occasional rhythm of the music kept her awake. She knew that if no one else would stop it, then she would have to.

Making A Call


Emily grabbed her phone and dialed the only number she knew could help her. She desperately needed sleep and didn’t care what anyone else’s opinion of her decision was.

After waiting for a moment, someone answered her call. “Yes, I’d like to report a disturbance in a suburban area,” She told the operator. But she had no idea that she would regret it.

A Cop


Not twenty minutes later, Emily heard the sound of sirens approaching her street. She looked out of her window and watched as a cop walked up to her neighbor’s front door and knocked loudly.

Emily watched as the neighbor came out and looked surprised to see a cop. After a moment, the cop walked back to his patrol car and left. The music stopped.

Peaceful Sleep


Emily slept soundly after that and even managed to get to work on time. She had a productive day and came home, but she noticed something concerning.

As she came into her driveway, she saw her neighbor staring at her through the window. From the look on his face, he didn’t look happy. Was he projecting his anger at her?

No Idea What Was Coming


She tried moving past it and parked her car in her driveway. She couldn’t shake the feeling he knew she had called the cops on him. Despite that, she slept soundly for work the next day.

But when she woke up the next morning, she had no idea that her neighbors had tried their best to make her life a living hell. She’d find out when she tried getting to work.

Getting Ready For Work


It was a normal day like any other when Emily saw something she couldn’t believe. There it was, sitting in her driveway, blocking her car. She was more confused than anything else.

She wondered how it had gotten there. By her calculations, it must have weighed a ton, at least. Then she looked towards where it sat for years in her neighbor’s yard.

His Smirk


There, she saw her neighbor smirking through the window; he had accidentally given himself up. She now knew who was responsible for this, but how would she make them pay?

She plotted her revenge as she maneuvered her car past the boulder and went off to work. But while she was there, she saw something that would help her get her revenge.

They’d Gone Too Far


Emily had enough of the arrogance and insensitivity. This time, they had gone too far. She knew she needed a way to make them regret what they had done and never cross her again.

She got back home and looked at the large boulder in her driveway, then it clicked. She knew a thing or two about rocks, and she’d get the last laugh.

Knowing More Than She Should


It was a coincidence, but Emily’s job meant that she knew a lot more about rocks than her neighbors thought she did. It also meant she had access to the tools that would help her get her revenge.

She just needed to sweetheart one of her colleagues into letting her borrow it. Once she had done that, she just had to bide her time to ruin their night.

Her Colleague


Emily had parked her car on the pavement, so she didn’t have to deal with the boulder for now. She drove to work, and once she was there, she knew she’d have to ask for a big favor.

One of her colleagues, John, was in charge of all the equipment they used when they were onsite. They had always had a good working relationship, but she was worried she was about to strain it.

Asking For A Favor


Emily was about to ask for a big favor, something that she knew wasn’t technically allowed. She asked John if she could borrow the industrial drill from their storage.

John didn’t like the idea at all. He told her it wasn’t allowed. But Emily knew of a way that would convince him. She pulled out her phone and showed him a photo of the boulder.

Hauling It Home


Fast forward to the end of the work day, and Emily had what she needed. It was locked securely in her trunk as she approached the eyesore in her driveway.

She could have started immediately and gotten rid of the thing, but that would be too easy. She wanted to make sure it inconvenienced her neighbors as much as possible.

Being Patient


Emily knew that she could afford to be a bit patient. She wanted to wait for the perfect moment to strike. After all, they had inconvenienced her. Why couldn’t she do the same to them?

After a few days, she finally heard it – they were throwing another party. This time it was on a weekend, but she didn’t care. She was about to ruin their whole evening.

Equipment In Hand


Equipment in hand. Emily walked to the massive boulder in her backyard and got on top of it. They probably had no idea she even knew how to use something like this.

She started it up, and the machine whirled to life. The noise was loud enough, but the real ear-shattering sound came when she dug it into the boulder. It was sure to catch attention.

Ruining Their Night


Emily had ear protection in, so she couldn’t hear just how loud it was. But she did notice that the rhythm of the music stopped just next door. She looked over to the window.

That’s when she saw that same neighbor staring at her with yet another angry face. She looked back at him and smiled, knowing her revenge was sealed in stone.

An Understanding


Emily was thorough and decided to break the whole boulder up into small pieces. It took hours, but she knew she’d be able to repurpose them in her rock garden in her back garden.

As for the neighbors, they couldn’t party with the loud crashing noise the entire night. After that night, she knew that they would have some kind of understanding; she’d make sure of it.

A Note


Emily decided to write a note and stick it to their door. The note read, “Hi neighbor, sorry about the noise the other night. I had to get rid of that boulder SOMEONE put in my driveway. I hope we can have an understanding and stay out of each other’s business, okay?”

With the note read, Emily sometimes heard faint music at night, but it was never loud, and it never played past midnight. She knew she’d won.



Emily’s neighbors learned to live in humility and never tried anything ever again. Emily also decided it best not to start anything and left them alone. They did decide to help her carry the largest bits of boulder away from her driveway.

Sometimes she’d make eye contact with her neighbor when she got home, but neither of them frowned. They just nodded to each other; they had that understanding.

In order to protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events, places, or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.