Empleado Echa A Anciano De 92 Años Del Banco, La Policía Lo Lleva De Vuelta Para Que Haga Su Trabajo



El Sr. Jones no sabía lo que estaba ocurriendo a su alrededor. En un momento estaba haciendo cola en el banco y al siguiente le escoltaban hasta un coche patrulla de la policía.

Todo sucedió tan rápido que perdió la noción del tiempo. Pero oyó que alguien le acusaba de causar disturbios. ¿Qué había hecho para merecer esto?

Todo Lo Que Quería


El pobre Sr. Jones sólo quería sacar dinero. Y a sus 92 años, no tenía ni idea de cómo utilizar las nuevas máquinas que se pusieron en circulación.

Así que decidió hacer las cosas a la antigua usanza. Si hubiera sabido que acabaría sentado en el asiento trasero de un coche de policía. Quizá entonces habría pedido ayuda a alguno de los jóvenes.

Tenía Que Pagar A Los Chicos


Había llegado el final del mes y tenía que pagar a los chicos lo que les debía. Esa fue la única razón por la que fue al banco.

No tenía ni idea de que algo tan sencillo se convertiría en semejante misión. Ni se imaginaba que su presencia o su tarjeta iban a causar tanto alboroto.

Ni Siquiera Lo Sabía


Ni siquiera sabía que aquello podía caducar. Nadie le había dicho que tales cosas habían sucedido. Pensaba que eran válidas de por vida, ya que nunca antes había tenido que renovar una.

Pero estaba claro que no era así. Fue un simple malentendido que habría rectificado inmediatamente. Pero necesitaba ese dinero antes de poder marcharse, y simplemente no querían dárselo.

¿Era Realmente Tan Grave?


Eso era lo que el Sr. Jones no podía entender. Estaba claro que tenía la tarjeta y que seguía siendo él quien aparecía en la foto. ¿Cuál era el problema?

¿Por qué no le daban lo que había venido a buscar y le dejaban seguir su camino? Así todos estarían contentos y la policía no tendría que intervenir.

Leonard Jones


Leonard Jones era un veterano de 92 años con ganas de vivir. Adoraba la jardinería y cocinar para su amada esposa.

Pero desde que ella falleció hace tres años, las cosas empezaron a cambiar. Sentía que la vida le alcanzaba. Y las cosas que antes adoraba se convirtieron en recuerdos lejanos. Así que tuvo que idear otro plan.

La Edad Le Estaba Alcanzando


La edad estaba alcanzando al Sr. Jones, y eso le ponía las cosas increíblemente difíciles. Su cadera había cedido, lo que significaba que necesitaba un bastón, y eso afectaba también a todos los demás aspectos de su vida.

Como no podía estar de pie mucho tiempo, el Sr. Jones tuvo que renunciar a cosas como la jardinería y la cocina. Pero no podía renunciar del todo porque seguía necesitando comer.

Depender De Los Demás


Por eso, el Sr. Jones empezó a depender en gran medida de la amabilidad de los demás. Y como todos los vecinos le conocían, estaban encantados de ayudarle.

Pero sólo podían hacer ciertas cosas y sólo a ciertas horas. Sin embargo, el Sr. Jones necesitaba ayuda a tiempo completo, y así fue como se le ocurrió esta brillante idea.

Tres Adolescentes


Un día, el Sr. Jones se encontró con tres adolescentes y les preguntó si querían ganar un dinero extra.

Los adolescentes se sintieron intrigados al instante y le preguntaron al Sr. Jones qué necesitaba que hicieran. El Sr. Jones les explicó la situación y les ofreció 100 dólares a la semana. Encantados, los adolescentes aceptaron.

De Compras


El joven David se encargó de hacer la compra semanal para el señor Jones. Así que todos los sábados por la mañana pasaba a recoger el dinero y la lista de la compra. Luego se iba.

Regresaba unas horas más tarde con todo lo que el señor Jones le pedía, y luego ayudaba al anciano a preparar las comidas de la semana.



El pequeño Sam se encargaba de la jardinería. Se aseguraba de que el enorme patio trasero estuviera bien podado y de que todas las flores para la siguiente temporada estuvieran plantadas.

También se aseguraba de que las verduras estuvieran bien cuidadas y de que se cosecharan siempre a tiempo. Era un trabajo ajetreado, pero el joven parecía disfrutarlo.

Limpieza De La Casa


Luego estaba la joven Anna. Se aseguraba de que la casa estuviera siempre lista para los huéspedes ocasionales. Hacía toda la limpieza y devolvía ese toque femenino al hogar.

Contar con la ayuda de los tres jóvenes era más de lo que el Sr. Jones podría haber pedido. Siempre se esforzaban al máximo y él intentaba hacer lo mismo a cambio.

Pagaba Bien


Esa era una de las razones por las que les pagaba tan bien. Eran los principales contribuyentes a su sustento, y no sabía dónde estaría sin ellos.

Así que siempre pagaba a tiempo y, siempre que podía, intentaba darles un poco más para mostrarles su agradecimiento. Pero este mes, las cosas no querían funcionar.

Fin De Mes


Era el último día del mes y el Sr. Jones tenía que retirar el dinero que debía a los niños. Llevaba días planeando esta salida e incluso había organizado un Uber para asegurarse de que podría hacerlo todo a tiempo.

Pero la cajera del banco tenía otras ideas. Intentaba hacerle la vida lo más difícil posible.

De Camino Al Banco


Era temprano cuando el Sr. Jones se subió al Uber y se dirigió al banco. Pensó que si llegaba con suficiente antelación, se perdería las colas.

Pero, por desgracia, se encontró con un atasco y no llegó al banco hasta pasadas las 9 de la mañana. Sin embargo, no se inmutó. Tenía todo el día por delante. Si supiera lo que le esperaba.

Sólo Un Retiro


Al fin y al cabo, lo único que quería era sacar dinero. Sólo tenía que rellenar un impreso, entregárselo al cajero y seguir su camino. ¿Tan difícil podía ser?

Al parecer, iba a ser mucho más difícil de lo que el Sr. Jones jamás hubiera imaginado. Y todo porque la cajera no escuchaba ni una palabra de lo que decía.

Una Larga Espera


La espera fue larga, más de lo que el Sr. Jones pensaba que sería. Sólo había cinco personas en la cola delante de él. Pero con sólo dos cajeros trabajando, tardaban una eternidad en ser atendidos.

Y para un hombre de su edad, eso no era bueno. Pero eso era sólo el principio.

Necesitaba Sentarse


Después de 20 agotadores minutos, el Sr. Jones empezaba a sentir la presión. Le empezaba a doler la cadera y sabía que tenía que sentarse si quería que dejara de dolerle.

Pero si abandonaba la cola ahora, tendría que empezar el proceso de nuevo. Lo único que podía hacer en ese momento era luchar contra el dolor y esperar que el proceso se acelerara.

Un Veterano


Lo que mucha gente no sabía de aquel hombre a simple vista era que era un veterano de guerra. Aunque había sido hacía muchas décadas, eso seguía reflejando algo de su carácter.

Pero una repercusión de su pasado militar sería cuando se enfrentara a uno de los guardias. No podría evitar que su cuerpo reaccionara ante una amenaza que tenía delante.

No Darse Cuenta De Algo


El anciano se impacientaba por momentos, pero había algo en lo que no había reparado y que le perjudicaría. Eran las medidas de seguridad.

Lo que no sabía era que el banco había sido atracado por ladrones sólo unos meses antes de que él intentara sacar dinero. Eso significaba que todos estaban nerviosos.

High Alert


The staff were on high alert, verging on paranoid. But this was something that the poor old man didn’t know about. 

This meant that he would easily be a victim of the system without even knowing it. He would do nothing wrong, but to the faculty, it wouldn’t appear so innocent when he was dragged out of the store.

Itchy Fingers


Even though it appeared normal on the surface, the bank was hysterical on the inside. The polite cashier had an itchy finger for the panic button under her desk.

And though the security guard politely greeted people by the door, he was ready to pull out his pistol at the slightest hint of danger. This was not the environment that Mr. Jones had anticipated.

Inching Closer


One person got served, and then another. Mr. Jones was getting closer to his goal by the minute. If only they would open another teller, then he could be on his way.

But the old man still stood in the line, grumbling on the inside. If he knew what kind of mishap there would be at the counter, he would have spun on his heel and headed back out the door.

Another Teller Opened


By 10:30 am, another teller opened, and luckily, things did indeed start speeding up. But Mr. Jones had no idea what he was in for.

The old man had seen plenty of hardships in life and didn’t need any more. Between the long-term effects of the war and his wife’s passing, his tolerance for grievances was low.

Looking In The Wrong Place


His mind started to wander as he stood in line. He looked around and made the mistake of staring at the security guard. It was a harmless action, but he didn’t know what he was doing.

His gaze glanced at the security guard’s Beretta pistol in its leather holster. It made him think back to when he was a soldier. But the guard didn’t see what he was reminiscing inside his mind.

Suspicious Action


The innocent reminiscing and gazing looked very different from the perspective of the security guard. Mr. Jones had no idea what he was doing to the overworked and stressed guard.

He was already on edge from the holdout a few months prior and was looking for the slightest bit of suspicion, and the old man was becoming a prime candidate. 

Sizing Him Up


It looked to him like poor Mr. Jones was sizing him up the way he was looking at his gun. This put him at the top of his list in terms of suspicious actions. 

All he wanted to do was make a withdrawal, but he was inadvertently making his own life a lot harder by accident. Mr. Jones had no idea what was coming to him.

Front Of The Line


With all of the daydreaming, before he knew it, Mr. Jones was at the front of the line waiting to be called by the next available teller. 

He could feel his excitement growing, and as he was called, it doubled. He could finally get the visit to the bank over with. But things wouldn’t work out the way he wanted them to.

Presenting The Documents


Mr. Jones presented his documents to the young lady who was waiting to serve him. And that was when his problems truly began.

He had made sure he had all of the necessary documents on his person when he left for the bank. But there was something he had overlooked that would cost him more than just his time.

Security Arrived


The next thing Mr. Jones recalled was that the lady behind the counter was arguing with him. And before he knew it, there were two security guards standing behind him.

One of them had already felt like Mr. Jones could pose a problem from earlier and was eager to step up and see what was going on. But the poor man hadn’t intentionally done anything wrong.

A Blur


Just having the guards behind him caused a monumental amount of pressure on his ability to make a stand for himself. The old man wasn’t equipped for stress like this.

He didn’t know what happened. All he remembered was that the woman said that his social security card had expired. What happened after that was nothing more than a blur.

Told To Leave


The security guard that had seen the old man look at his pistol earlier was all too eager and grabbed onto Mr. Jones’ arm, painfully squeezing as he tried to drag the old man away from the counter.

That’s when dozens of thoughts raced through his mind as his survival instincts kicked in. But what he did next would only cause him more grief than he had bargained for.



Mr. Jones protested because he needed to get the money for the kids who were anxiously awaiting his return. Why were none of these people listening to him? 

As Mr. Jones opened his mouth to speak, the security guard told him to shut it and leave.That’s when the old man’s military training from forty years ago kicked in.

A Real Threat


The guard was manhandling the old man, and in his desperation to get free, a switch turned on in his brain. He felt his military training and experience from nearly a half-century ago spark to life.

He grabbed the guard’s hand that was gripped painfully tight on his forearm and used a reversal to get out of it. The guard was shocked by his speed. Clearly, he hadn’t taken the old man seriously. Now he was a real threat.

Drawing His Gun


The guard had seen this as an attack and reached for his pistol. But just as he was about to draw it, he heard the cashier scream, “Stop it! He’s just an old man!” This seemed to knock some sense into the guard.

He kept his hand on the holster but didn’t escalate the situation yet. Now Mr. Jones was in a standoff. Would he be able to explain his way out of this?

He Tried To Explain


Mr. Jones was desperate for the cash and tried to explain his situation nonetheless. He stared down the guard and when he felt comfortable enough to turn away, he faced the cashier.

He’d have to try and sell the reason why he was there. For a 92-year-old man to go out and wait in line was a strenuous task. Surely she’d understand that?

His Reasoning


He tried to tell the woman about the children and why he was there, but she called the security once more and threatened to call the police if he didn’t leave.

It seemed that she saved him once from the guards by getting them to lower their guns, but she wouldn’t save him a second time. What was he going to do now?

They Wouldn’t Listen


Mr. Jones pleaded with anyone that would listen. He didn’t know social security cards could expire. 

It seemed the world was a cruel one when people didn’t care to understand his innocent mistake. But now that he knew cards expired, he’d have it renewed immediately.

Deaf Ears


All he needed was for them to help him this once, and he swore he’d never make the same mistake again. 

He even crumbled to his knees, his hip not being able to support him anymore. But his pleas fell on deaf ears. No one wanted to hear what an old and irrelevant man had to say.

Police Arrive


A few minutes later, the police arrived at the bank. Three cars had blocked the entrance, and all the officers were armed to their teeth. Mr. Jones was shocked by the sight. Did they really need that for a man as old and frail as him?

“It’s him! He’s the man causing the disturbance!” the cashier yelled, pointing a finger at Mr. Jones.

Trying Again


“Please, officer. I didn’t mean for all this to happen,” Mr. Jones said as his tears stung his eyes. “All I wanted to do was draw money for the children who help me make my way through life.”

The officer led Mr. Jones to a chair and sat down next to him. “Why don’t you tell me what happened here today?” the officer asked politely.



Mr. Jones explained the whole situation to the young officer who was sitting beside him. And he could see the disbelief that was etched on the officer’s face.

“How could they do something like that?” the officer asked, even though he was mainly talking to himself. After that, he got up and approached one of the other officers.

Asking Questions


The officers on the scene started questioning everyone who was in the bank at the time Mr. Jones reached the teller. And they quickly discovered what the problem really was.

The teller had told Mr. Jones that his social security card had expired and that they couldn’t help him until he had it renewed. That was the bank’s policy, and they couldn’t change it.

Explaining His Situation


After questioning everyone involved, the officer explained the situation to Mr. Jones, who informed the officer that he didn’t know such things had happened.

His wife had always taken care of all the paperwork. And he promised the kids that he would be back with their money in two hours. All he wanted was some leniency.

Escorted Out


The officer nodded before helping Mr. Jones to his feet. He escorted the old man to his cruiser and helped him into the back seat. Was he being arrested?

No, the officers had come up with a plan. If the bank didn’t want to help the retired veteran, they would. And there was nothing anyone could do to stop them.

In order to protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.