Mom Uses Pizza To Evade Assailant


A Suspicious Order

As she waited for her pizza, her husband was now asking her what she was doing. He was getting close to her. He was getting hot-headed, which made her fear for her safety – her pulse started racing – where was her order?

Things were boiling over as her husband grew suspicious now. But just then, they arrived, and Chloe knew there was no going back from this.

Chloe Barker

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Chloe Barker was a normal mother that raised her daughter on her own. Life wasn’t always easy, but her daughter always kept her going. She was in a loveless marriage with her husband that she was too afraid to get out of.

But one day, she would be saved, and it would all be thanks to a pizza.

High School Sweethearts


Chloe and her husband Mark were high school sweethearts. Chloe was a bookworm, while Mark was a talented athlete. It was a strange attraction, to say the least. The two couldn’t deny their feelings for each other and got together in their last year of high school.

The two couldn’t wait to start their lives together.



Just a year out of high school Mark and Chloe were married. They moved into a house together, and both started on their careers. But Mark always found it hard to keep a job while Chloe struggled to earn enough money.

But things would only get more challenging once Chloe got some unexpected news that was bittersweet.


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Chloe found out that she was pregnant. It would have been amazing news for any normal couple that had planned it. But as happy as Chloe was to be expecting a child, she didn’t know how she’d be able to afford them.

But she knew that she’d try and give her child the best possible chance in life and wouldn’t let them down.

Working Hard And Being A Mother

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After a successful birth and maternity leave, Chloe had to work hard to make sure they all stayed afloat. She took on two jobs while her husband could barely keep one. Life wasn’t ideal, but she had something to work for – her daughter.\

Mark was ecstatic with their newborn, but despite his support, he couldn’t financially sustain them.

Difficult Years

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Over the next three years, Chloe’s marriage only got worse. The two of them started to drift apart as tensions around money arose. Chloe’s daughter – Wendy, was a happy 3-year-old and the light of Chloe’s life.

Unfortunately, tensions around money would get to a boiling point, and things would get far worse.

Loveless Marriage


Chloe was now in a loveless marriage with Mark, and the two only stayed together for their daughter. As much as she wanted to get out of it, she didn’t want Wendy growing up with her daughter not seeing her father.

But she knew she had to for her own sake, but how would she get the courage necessary?


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Mark had recently gotten worse. He had lost his job yet again while Chloe was bringing in more money. Tensions rose as Chloe brought the issue up to Mark, but she would regret it once she saw how he reacted.

He started getting agitated when she brought it up. Soon Chloe didn’t even recognize the man in front of her. She decided to make a phone call, but her husband was surprised when he heard her say, “I’d like to order a pizza.”

Moving It Outside

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With her daughter safe in the house, Chloe decided to wait outside for her “pizza.” She knew her husband would come outside after her, which is exactly what she wanted. She knew that her pizza would have something special just for her husband.

But when it finally came, it would be clear what Chloe had done.

Boiling Over

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As she waited for her pizza, her husband was now asking her what she was doing. He was getting close to her. He was clearly getting hot-headed, which made her fear for her safety – her pulse started racing – where was her order?

Things were boiling over as her husband grew suspicious now. But just then, they arrived, and Chloe knew there was no going back from this.

A “Special” Delivery

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Her husband was surprised when her delivery arrived. But instead of a pizza guy, it was a police officer. Chloe had cleverly disguised her phone call as a pizza order. Mark knew he couldn’t defend himself now and had to accept the inevitable.

His “pizza guy” came with a pair of handcuffs and took him away.

Taken Away

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Chloe was relieved when her husband was taken into custody. She couldn’t bear the thought of her daughter getting hurt. She decided that this was the best option. She just wanted her daughter to be safe.

But what about others that are in similar situations to Chloe but never thought to use a code word?

6,000 Centers

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Across the USA, there are 6,000 911 centers. With so many operators, there can’t be a universal code word. Otherwise, everyone would know what it was, even the people committing the crime.

So operators recommend that people convey their tone to show the operator that they are in distress. As long as they can get their message across with their address, it’s good enough.

Chloe And Wendy


Chloe ended up getting a divorce from her husband now that she didn’t have to be scared of his reaction. It ended up being easier to support Chloe without having to support her husband as well.

And what Chloe feared the most was Wendy growing up without a father figure. But she ended up meeting an amazing man just two years after her divorce.