Bride Gives Birth A Day Before Wedding, Groom Takes One Look At Baby And Realizes Mistake


The Walk

Alex’s heart was racing in his chest as he ventured down the long corridors of the hospital. His palms were sweaty, and his knees felt like they could buckle out from under him at any second.

He was a man on a mission, but he feared what would happen as soon as he stepped into his fiance’s hospital room.

Was she lying to him all along? He was about to stumble across the terrible truth.

Planned Out


It was supposed to be the happiest day of Alex’s life. He had planned it all out.

It was going to be the perfect wedding. Friends and family had flown in from all over the country.

Alex was with his groomsmen, and he assumed Margot was with her bridesmaids, enjoying her final night as a bachelorette. How could he have known what was going on?

The Perfect Woman


Alex sat beside his soon-to-be brother-in-law, his stomach filled with butterflies. “I can’t believe you’re marrying my sister tomorrow,” Daniel chuckled, patting the younger man on the shoulder.

A smile tugged at the corners of his lips. He’d been waiting for this day for as long as he could remember.

He was about to get married to the perfect woman. Or so he thought.

The Last Night


A knock on the door sounded through the room, and a second later, a man poked his head into the room. “It’s time,” He declared. Alex got up from his seat, a proud grin on his face as he and Daniel stepped out of the room.

It was celebration time. The house was covered in party lights and decorations.

Drinks had been poured, and all of his friends were there. It was his last night as a bachelor, and he was spending it with the men he loved most.



A drink was placed in his hand, and the party instantly began. It was nothing too wild. It was just a couple of friends hanging out. Alex thought it was perfect, and he couldn’t be any happier. But that’s when he heard it.

“Stop!” Someone shouted over the noise. He didn’t think much of it at first until Daniel came rushing toward him.

“We have to go!” Daniel said. Alex was confused, but his life was about to change.

They Had To Talk


Daniel was trying to drag Alex to a quiet room. There was something he had to share with his soon-to-be brother-in-law, but the other men were refusing to let them leave. “It’s a party, come on,” One guy shouted.

But Alex could sense the tension on Daniel’s face. An uneasy feeling burned in his stomach.

Was Margot okay?

Four Words


Daniel tried to speak over the music, but Alex couldn’t hear a single word. But just then, as Daniel tried to speak again, the music stopped for just a second, and he was finally able to mutter out four words.

“Margot is in labor!” He shouted, which stopped everyone dead in their tracks.

They all turned to face Alex, whose face had gone pale. “S-she what?” He mumbled, dumbfounded. But that night would only get worse.

High Ambitions


Living in Atlanta, Georgia, Alex Miller always had high ambitions for himself.

He’d always said that someday, he would live the best life. He’d always dreamed of having the perfect wife and a successful career.

When he envisioned the future, he never saw any space for a child. Alex never wanted to become a father, and he made that clear to everyone he knew.



When he met Margot at a mutual friend’s dinner party one evening, he was completely smitten by her.

She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, and he instantly knew that she would be the one.

From the moment he saw her, he began pursuing her. Luckily for Alex, she liked him just as much.

The Luckiest Man Alive


Their first few dates were nothing short of amazing. Margot was everything he’d ever dreamed of.

She was intelligent and beautiful, and everyone wanted her. Alex knew he was the luckiest man on the planet when she agreed to be his girlfriend.

The first two years of their relationship were two of the best years of their lives. They were best friends, and they wanted to spend every second together.



Margot was well aware that Alex had no desire to become a father. They had spoken about it multiple times before.

Although she yearned to become a mother, she chose Alex over motherhood, or at least, so he thought.

Alex was completely unaware of the chaos that would unfold one fateful day. Their lives were about to fall apart.

The Big Question


When Alex finally got down on one knee and asked Margot to marry him, she jumped at the opportunity. They had already been living together for a year, and they were ready for the next step.

Alex was over the moon. A date was set, and they spent the next few months planning their wedding day.

But they never could have imagined how it would all end.

She Fell Ill


Just a few months after their engagement, something truly strange happened to Margot.

Suddenly, she fell ill. She would complain of nausea every morning, along with an odd sensation in the pit of her stomach.

When she spoke to Alex about these symptoms, they agreed that it was caused by anxiety surrounding their wedding. But there was far more to this story.

A Brutal Truth


Although Margot felt ill most days, they kept planning their wedding. Dates were set, and invitations were sent. Every day, Alex found himself daydreaming about their special day.

As the months flew by, Margot still complained about feeling ill, but nothing about her outward appearance ever changed.

But one weekend, Alex finally learned the brutal truth.

Nervous Excitement


It was the night before their wedding, and Margot and Alex were both spending their nights with friends and family.

Alex spent the night partying with friends, assuming that his soon-to-be bride was doing the same.

Everything seemed fine. Alex walked around with nervous excitement in the pit of his stomach. But he had no idea that his fiance was experiencing the worst pain of her life.

The Phone Call


Daniel, Margot’s brother, was at Alex’s party that night, unaware of how it would all end. While Alex was taking shots with his best friends, Daniel was outside, speaking to his mother on the phone.

“Mom, slow down. What’s going on?” He asked the panicked woman on the other end of the line.

That’s when she said the words he would never forget. He had to tell Alex.

A Serious Situation


After venturing into the house, Daniel tried to drag Alex to a quiet room.

There was something he had to share with his soon-to-be brother-in-law, but the other men were refusing to let them leave. “It’s a party, come on,” One guy shouted.

But Alex could sense the seriousness on Daniel’s face. An uneasy feeling burned in his stomach. Was Margot okay?

He Couldn’t Hear A Thing


Daniel tried to speak over the music, but Alex couldn’t hear a single word. But just then, as Daniel tried to speak, the music stopped for just a second, and he was finally able to mutter out four important words.

“Margot is in labor!” He shouted, which stopped everyone dead in their tracks.

They all turned to face Alex, whose face had gone pale. “S-she what?” He mumbled, dumbfounded. But that night would only get worse.



Everyone fell silent as Alex stood in the middle of the room, dumbfounded. “What do you mean? Margot is having a baby?” He asked, his eyes wide. He had no idea that a child had been growing inside of the woman he loved.

But they didn’t have time to talk about it. They had to get to the hospital right away.

But Alex couldn’t help but feel suspicious. Something wasn’t adding up.

Nothing Changed


Margot had always been stick thin, and in recent months, nothing about her body had changed.

She was as skinny as ever before. How could she have had a baby inside of her?

Daniel drove them to the hospital while Alex sat silently in the passenger seat, his mind racing with a thousand thoughts a second.

Did She Know?


He couldn’t help but wonder if she knew about this. Margot knew that he never wanted to become a father.

Did she know that this would happen? Did she hide this from him on purpose until it was too late?

He didn’t want to believe she could do something like that to him, but he felt a deep betrayal. How could this just happen?



Alex’s heart was racing in his chest as he ventured down the long corridors of the hospital. His palms were sweaty, and his knees felt like they could buckle out from under him at any second.

He was a man on a mission, but he feared what would happen as soon as he stepped into his fiance’s hospital room.

Was she lying to him all along? He was about to stumble across the terrible truth.

Fast Asleep


But as soon as Alex walked through the door, Margot was fast asleep in her bed. A second later, Daniel entered the room. “We’re too late,” Daniel said.

Tears burned behind Alex’s eyes as he stared down at the love of his life. His heart was filled with all kinds of emotions.

On one hand, he was furious, but on the other, his heart fluttered the second he saw the woman he loved.

The Doctor


“I just don’t understand how this could have happened,” He told Daniel. Daniel had a puzzled look on his face.

He too was confused. There was no sign of Margot even being pregnant.

But just a second later, a doctor stepped into the room. “Are you the father?” He asked. Alex was about to learn the terrible truth.

A Cryptic Pregnancy


“Yes, I believe I am the father,” Alex said, his voice thick with emotion as he turned to the doctor.

“Could you tell me how something like this could happen? I didn’t know Margot was pregnant. Did she know?” He questioned.

“Young man, have you ever heard of cryptic pregnancies?” The doctor asked, glancing at Alex over the brim of his glasses.

The Truth


“Your fiance had no idea that she was expecting a baby. Cryptic pregnancies are rare, but they’re not as rare as you might think,” The doctor went on to explain what had happened to Margot.

She did not have the traditional symptoms of a normal pregnancy.

She often complained about being bloated, but she had no idea that her stomach wasn’t bloated. She had a tiny baby bump.

Not Her Fault


Alex couldn’t believe his ears. He stood before the doctor and Daniel, completely dumbfounded.

He’d heard of these kinds of things happening before, but he never could have guessed that they would happen to Margot.

He couldn’t believe that he was so angry. It wasn’t her fault. Then, he remembered something. “Where is the baby?” He asked.

A Baby Girl


A second later, Margot’s mother and father stepped through the door, a tiny pile in her mother’s arms.

Alex could hear the slight sounds the baby was making. He was terrified as she brought the baby toward him.

The second she placed her in his arms, his eyes landed on his daughter’s face. His change of heart was instant.



He was overwhelmed by the feeling that crept into his heart as he took a seat beside Margot’s bed.

Tears trailed down his cheeks as he looked at the baby. He was stunned to find himself so in love with the newborn he never thought he wanted.

The room was silent. Alex was mesmerized by the tiny girl in his arms. But just then, he felt the hand on his shoulder.

A New Life


When he turned to Margot, she had a tired smile on her face as she stared down at him.

They didn’t say a word as they looked at each other. But it was a look of love. The unexpected had happened, but they couldn’t deny the overwhelming love they felt.

The following day, they still went through with the wedding. And they couldn’t wait to go home and live life with their family of three.