Baby Finally Sleeps Through The Night, Then Dog Starts Licking Paws


Finding Answers

The instany Glen Joseph turned the monitor on, he began to feel anxious. He didn’t know what to expect, he had no clue what he would see. He had a gut feeling that the answer was on the monitor.

He soon realized that his instincts were correct. He watched in horror as his baby boy approached the dog. Something was boiling up in the pit of his stomach, it was an intense emotion that he had never felt before.

Glen And Georgia Joseph

Youtube – Hunter _ Devin Cordle

Glen and Georgia Joseph had made a significant change when they moved to Wisconsin. The 28-year-old married couple were not used to life in the Midwest. They knew it would take a lot of getting used to.

Glen worked as a CPA while Georgia worked as a fifth-grade teacher. They missed Florida’s warm weather, especially when they compared it to the frigid temperatures in Wisnonsin. But the cold weather wasn’t the only surprise awaiting them.

The ‘Big Four’

For his entire life, Glen dreamed of working for one of the “big four” CPA firms. When he finally got offered a senior associate position at one of them, he knew he couldn’t refuse. His dream was finally coming true!

The position was extremely far from his home with Georgia, but they always supported one another. He knew Georgia would support his decision. But neither of them expected the big news they would get once they moved to Wisconsin.

Caesar The Boxer


Just after Glen and Georgia had gotten married, they adopted a rescue dog which they named Caesar. Caesar was a white Boxers with dark streaks of fur. They had adopted him from a local rescue shelter, and they loved how obedient he was.

His docile personality made them wonder if he had been traumatized as a former street dog. But shortly after they adopted him, Georgia fell pregnant and the Josephs knew their little family was finally complete.

The Big Day

Youtube – Hunter _ Devin Cordle

They struggled to settle into their new lives. They weren’t used to the customs and places that Milwaukee had to offer. Everything differed from what they were used to, but despite this, they adjusted well.

Time passed and with each passing month, the Josephs grew to love their new home more and more. It was January of 2020 and the big day they had been waiting for finally arrived.

Mick Joseph

Youtube – Mount Sinai Parenting Center

When Mickel was born, he weighed six-pounds and nine-ounces. Glen and Georgia were beyond grateful to have their beautiful and healthy baby with them. They felt completely and truly blessed. But soon, this all changed.

The evening after Mick was born, Georgia knew that something was wrong. This was confirmed after doctors gave her and Glen some bad news.

Bad News

Youtube – Mount Sinai Parenting Center

They told them that Mick had a rare heart defect. When they first got the news, Glen and Georgia were highly distressed and scared. They expected the worst.

But they felt a lot better when the doctors told them that it was treatable, as long as they followed their directions. They were relieved but there was one issue. Mick couldn’t leave the hospital just yet.

Getting Along

Youtube – Wonderbot Animals

Two weeks passed before Mick was healthy enough to be discharged. They were excited to bring their baby boy home, but they were nervous about how Caesar would react to the infant. Luckily, Caesar immediately took to Mick.

Caesar seemed more excited than ever once Mick was around. They were like brothers! But now there was a new problem.

Giving In

Youtube – Dogtooth Media

Caesar was fully grown and strong, Mick was a delicate baby. Glen and Georgia tried to keep them separated, but Caesar didn’t want to leave Mick’s side. But eventually, the Josephs gave in, and Mick’s crib was set up right next to Caesar’s doggy bed.

They were touched watching Caesar looked over Mick every day and night. But little did they know that trouble was around the corner.

Something Was Wrong

Youtube – Wonderbot Animals

In order to give Mick the treatment he needed, Glen and Georgia had to rub nitroglycerine gel on his chest before bed every night. Beside that, Mick lived as carefree as any other young child. A year passed, and Mick and Caesar became inseparable.

As Mick grew up, he wanted to spend more and more time with his “brother”. That was when Glen first realized that something was wrong with Caesar.

Caesar’s Paws


Glen noticed that Caesar would frantically lick his paws every morning. Checking them, Glen found they were red, gave off a weird scent, and seemed to be having some sort of allergic reaction.

Glen’s instincts told him to check Mick’s room since the pair both slept there each night. Glen had installed a baby camera in the room. As he studied it now, his jaw dropped.

Mystery Solved

Youtube – Dogtooth Media

Now that Mick was old enough to walk, it seemed each night, after tossing and turning and not being able to sleep, Mick would climb out of his crib.

Snuggling himself next to Caesar and sleeping with the dog’s paws around him had become a routine. Glen finally realized what the weird smell on Caesar’s paws was; it was Mick’s nitroglycerine ointment.

It Was A Relief

Youtube – Wonderbot Animals

Now that the mystery was solved, Mick and Georgia were relieved. A quick trip to the vet fixed Caesar’s allergy to Mick’s ointment. Now that the couple knew that Mick had outgrown his crib, they had to make a decision.

After reviewing the footage together and watching the adorable scene over and over, the couple knew what they had to do.

The New Arrangement

Youtube – Wonderbot Animals

It was clear that Mick and Caesar were not separating, so the couple decided to make them more comfortable instead.

With the crib removed, a brand new double bed was put in so Mick and Caesar could now sleep beside each other every night. The new arrangement was adorable, but there was just one thing missing.

The New Sign

The Dodo

When Glen and Georgia first chose their new house, they never imagined that the “baby room” would end up having two occupants so soon.

Since it was clear Caesar would not be moving out, there was just one change left to make. Taking down the first sign that hung on the door, Glen replaced it with one that now read, “Mick and Caesar’s Room.”