Abuela Recibe A 4 Chicos Por Patio Trasero A Diario, Vecino Investiga



Acaba de recibir la noticia de que tendría que comparecer ante los tribunales. Abrumada, se sentó en el sillón del salón, intentando desesperadamente pensar en una solución. 

De repente, oyó un fuerte golpe. Miró por la ventana y volvió a ver a esos cuatro chicos. Su corazón latía con fuerza mientras se acercaban a su puerta. 

La Abuela Gerry

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Gerry Suttle, una mujer tejana de 75 años, vivía su jubilación en sus tierras tan tranquilamente como podía. Había comprado una propiedad de dos acres hacía tiempo.

Era un terreno precioso, pero con la edad llegan muchos contratiempos. Ya no era tan activa como antes y le suponía un esfuerzo conservar la finca en buen estado. La gente empezó a darse cuenta. 

Una Víctima Fácil

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Gerry vivía en Riesel, Texas, completamente sola. Cuando compró la finca, creyó que había dado con la casa de sus sueños. Pero ahora sólo veía problemas. 

Con toda su familia viviendo fuera del estado, y su difunto marido ausente desde hacía varios años, Gerry no tenía a nadie a su alrededor. Era un blanco fácil para cualquiera que pudiera pretender aprovecharse de ella.

Finca Siniestra

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Con el paso de los años, el césped que a Gerry le encantaba contemplar se convirtió en una fuente de miedo y ansiedad. Ahora era un vasto y siniestro espacio lleno de maleza, con arbustos y árboles demasiado crecidos. Cualquiera que se lo propusiera podría esconderse entre los hierbajos sin que ella se diera ni cuenta.

Con tanto espacio y tanta maleza a su alrededor, los problemas no podían tardar en llegar. 

Un Ruido Extraño


Cuando Gerry escuchó por primera vez el extraño ruido procedente de su patio trasero, trató de ignorarlo, esperando que fuera sólo un tejón o un zorro de paso. Pero cuando el ruido continuó y empezó a oír voces, el miedo se apoderó de su cuerpo. 

Se quedó paralizada en el salón, sin saber qué hacer. Cuando finalmente se armó de valor para asomarse a la ventana, su corazón latía con fuerza. 

Cuatro Chicos

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Detrás de los arbustos, vio a cuatro chicos jóvenes. No podía ver lo que estaban haciendo, pero sabía que, fuera lo que fuera, no debía ser bueno. Estaban invadiendo descaradamente su propiedad. 

Gerry estaba demasiado asustada para enfrentarse a ellos y no quería involucrar a la policía. De hecho, lo último que quería era tener que hablar con la policía. ¿Pero por qué?

Leyes Absurdas

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Hace poco, Gerry tuvo un encontronazo con la policía. Sin comerlo ni beberlo, recibió una notificación oficial en la que se le ordenaba acudir a los tribunales por “incumplimiento de las leyes de propiedad”. 

Querían que pagara una gran multa por no haber cortado el césped. Texas es uno de los pocos estados en los que es ilegal dejar que el césped crezca más de 45 centímetros. Si lo haces, te multan. Pero había un problema más. 

Aviso Del Tribunal


Gerry no tenía ni idea de la existencia de esta ley y nunca recibió la notificación inicial ni la multa. La primera vez que se pusieron en contacto con ella, la amonestaron por no haber pagado la multa y le ordenaron que se presentara en el juzgado.

Conocían su edad y sus circunstancias y aun así la amenazaron con la cárcel por su infracción. 

Ordenanza Municipal


El jefe de policía de Riesel, Danny Krumnow, dijo que Gerry había dejado crecer demasiado la hierba y que eso constituía una infracción de la ordenanza municipal. Cuando la policía se presentó en su puerta y le dijo que sus delitos eran graves, Gerry se quedó desconcertada. 

Desde entonces, intentó evitarlos. Se estaba quedando sin opciones, así que decidió hacer algo que llamara la atención de su vecino.

Vecino Vigilante

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Gerry siguió dejando que los chicos entraran en su propiedad. Mientras no se acercaran a su casa, no le importaba. Pero no todo el mundo era del mismo parecer. 

El vecino de Gerry, Tom, era un hombre tranquilo que intentaba cuidar de Gerry siempre que podía. Pero al ser él mismo un anciano, no siempre podía ser de mucha ayuda… hasta ahora.

Cámara De Seguridad

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Mientras Gerry permanecía ajena a todo, Tom se dio cuenta de que los chicos entraban y salían sigilosamente del patio trasero de Gerry e inmediatamente empezó a preocuparse por su seguridad. Eran jóvenes pero sigilosos, y entraban y salían constantemente con bolsas de su patio. Tom decidió que ya era suficiente. 

Cogió su cámara de seguridad y la instaló con vistas al patio trasero de Gerry. Lo que encontró fue más allá de la imaginación. 

Gran Descubrimiento

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Mientras Gerry estaba sentada en su salón, fingiendo que no se daba cuenta de la conmoción que había en su patio trasero, Tom se puso manos a la obra. 

Encendió su pantalla y se fijó en la retransmisión en directo. Los chicos no tenían ni idea de que alguien les estaba observando. Tom se quedó boquiabierto al darse cuenta de lo que habían sacado de sus bolsas. 

Los Rumores Vuelan

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Los chicos habían traído herramientas de jardinería. Todos los días, los jóvenes trabajaban en el jardín de Gerry, zona por zona. Gerry no tenía ni idea de que la noticia de su posible arresto había corrido por el vecindario como la pólvora. La noticia provocó horror y conmoción en todos los que la escucharon. 

¿Cómo era posible que arrestaran a una anciana por unos hierbajos demasiado crecidos? Los chicos querían hacer algo al respecto. 

Orden De Arresto

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Cuando Gerry no se presentó ante el tribunal, se emitió una orden de arresto contra ella. Ella reflexionó sobre sus opciones. Gerry era demasiado vieja y débil para hacer el trabajo por sí misma y tenía poco dinero para pagar a otra persona para que lo hiciera. Tom no podía creer lo que estaba sucediendo. 

Y Gerry nunca habría podido predecir lo que sucedería a continuación.

Una Opción

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En el límite del extenso terreno de Gerry, Tom pudo ver a cuatro chicos que se acercaban a su casa, ya dentro de su patio. Se puso nervioso y observó cómo llamaban a la puerta de Gerry.

Cuando Gerry abrió la puerta, Tom pudo ver su expresión nerviosa mientras se preparaba para lo que le fueran a decir.

Chicos Jóvenes

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Los chicos eran jóvenes. Muy jóvenes, de hecho. El mayor podría tener tal vez quince años. Aun así, Gerry se sintió incómoda al saber que esos chicos llevaban días invadiendo su propiedad. Fue entonces cuando los vio claramente, estos chicos tenían barro y suciedad por toda la ropa.

Finalmente, comenzaron a hablar. 

Herramientas Y Más Herramientas

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Dos de los chicos saludaron y desaparecieron mientras los otros dos se quedaron ahí. Los chicos que se quedaron tenían en sus manos herramientas de jardinería: una desbrozadora, unas tijeras y otras cosas. Gerry se quedó helado, ¿qué demonios estaban haciendo estos chicos?

Pero entonces vio a los otros dos chicos que se acercaban por la esquina, uno de ellos empujaba un cortacésped.


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Poco después, los chicos empezaron a cortar el césped tras explicar que ya habían arrancado toda la maleza que había crecido en exceso. Gerry no podía creer lo que estaba presenciando, el esfuerzo de los chicos hizo que se le saltaran las lágrimas.

Tras haber vivido ahí durante 59 años, se quedó sin palabras después de ver la buena acción. Estaba infinitamente agradecida por su ayuda.

Ayudando Al Prójimo

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Los cuatro chicos, que son hermanos, contaron a los medios de comunicación por qué habían querido ayudarla. “Es un día de verano, todavía no tenemos entradas para las cataratas Warren. ¿Qué otra cosa podíamos hacer? Decidimos salir y echar una mano a quien pudiéramos”.

El esfuerzo de estos jóvenes fue mucho más que cortar la hierba. No sabían que habían salvado a Gerry de la cárcel.

“Lo Menos Que Podíamos Hacer”

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“Tiene 75 años y necesita ayuda para cortar el césped”, dijo Blaine Reynolds, uno de los chicos. “Es lo menos que podíamos hacer”.

Otro hermano, Brandon Reynolds, también añadió: “No me gustaría que ella tuviera que hacerlo ella misma o que pagar a otra persona cuando podríamos haberlo hecho gratis”.

Hot Day

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As the sun shone brightly that day, neighbors couldn’t help but witness these incredible boys’ actions.

Gerry ran over to the boys and gave them cold drinks, but then out of the corner of her eye, she spotted five more men coming towards her yard – one of which was Tom.

A Plan

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As they began getting closer, she could tell that the neighbors who were approaching her also had gardening tools on them. The neighbors had huddled together and come up with a plan.

Half of the team would take one side of the yard and the other half the other side.

Community Help

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The neighbors of Gerry Sutter also pitched in with the four boys. They brought their lawnmowers and started going to work without any dispute. Even in 90-degree weather, the Reynolds brothers and neighbors of the elderly woman came together to help her out.

Gerry looked out onto her lawn and could not believe what was happening. A whole community was coming together for her.


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“I cannot believe this. I’m very seldom without words. But this is one time, you mark it down in history, that I didn’t have something to say,” Gerry said. She was wholly shocked that all the work had been done in under two hours!

She couldn’t believe what the young boys and the community had done, and it left her completely speechless.

Virtue And Kindness

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When the boys finally heard about the court warrant for Gerry, they couldn’t contain themselves. “I’d do it for her a second time, or a third time,” Blaine Reynolds said. “Anything to keep that lady from having to go to court.”

What an incredible act of human virtue and kindness, and all coming from boys of such a young age!

All Done


After the grass had been cut down and the yard was all cleaned up, Gerry was told she needed to go to court and sign documents indicating that she never received the original notice to appear in court. She wanted to get the charges dropped. 

But still, the court had other ideas.

Legal Battle


“It is very heartbreaking to see that someone that I didn’t even know came out and spent two hours in the sun doing what we thought the city wanted to be done and then they turn around and say ‘no,'” Gerry said.

Their decision angered the entire community, and they were ready to fight.

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The city still stood by Gerry’s violation, and they wanted this poor woman to appear in court because of her infraction. But her community couldn’t let that happen. KWTX news went to Facebook and other media to cover this incredible story and show how when a community comes together, anything is possible.

Gerry didn’t have to go to court, and her warrant was dismissed. All thanks to these four incredible boys. And acts of kindness aren’t in short supply in Texas…

An Unforgettable Sight


He joined the police force to serve and protect. Over the years, he was a witness to the best and the worst events. He wiped the sweat from his brow. He just had to deliver some bad news–not a great start to the day. 

Half an hour in, and he was already tired. He always drove the long way back to the precinct to visit the housing estates. But before he could get there, his foot lowered on the break. What was that woman doing?

Trying To Help

Penfield Building Blocks

As a child, John Crawford didn’t know what he wanted to be. But he knew he had to help others. Every day he saw homeless on the street, children hungry, and mothers struggling to support their families. 

It struck a chord in him. He always made sure to give sandwiches, money, or randomly pay for a stranger’s shopping. Every Sunday, he volunteered at his local soup kitchen for a few hours. Unfortunately, he was familiar with the struggles of life.

Bad Memories


His earliest memory wasn’t a birthday party, a trip to the beach, or a warm summer evening. His earliest memory was one of his father’s episodes. 

He would wake to glass breaking, doors slamming, and screams. He wet the bed until he was 14 years old. Then one day, he was woken up in the middle of the night.



He was dressed and outside their house of horrors before he was fully awake. His mother placed his bag on his back and took his hand. It was still dark, and they were both terrified, but she knew her 8-year-old deserved better. 

The essentials were packed into a single luggage bag which she dragged to the bus stop. They got a one-way ticket to Madison, Alabama. John’s father always said he would never amount to much, but over the years, he proved him wrong.

A Career On The Force

Facebook – Rachael Godsey Brindley

John joined the police academy the moment he finished school. And he managed to hold down a job to help support his mother. They lived in a tiny 2-bedroom flat. They scrubbed mildew from the walls once a month. 

They were poor, but they were safe. And when he finally became a sheriff, he made sure to take care of her. He refused to let any woman or child go through similar struggles. Sheriff Crawford knew he couldn’t save everyone, but when he saw Rachael, he knew he had to do something.

Young Love

Facebook – Ryan Brindley

Rachael Godley Brindley was just 20 years old when she met Ryan. He was a few years older, but she was drawn to him like a magnet. 

He quickly became her whole world. She canceled plans with friends and family just to spend more time with him. She couldn’t get enough of his company. But things moved quicker than either of them ever expected.


Facebook – Ryan Brindley

After the first year, they were married. However, things quickly changed. Rachel gave birth to their first child a few months after becoming newlyweds. Ryan was under more pressure than ever to provide for them. 

He took every available shift at work, and she was lucky to see him for one hour a day. And they fought for the majority of that hour. He was successful in his career, but the stress was taking a toll on his relationship with Rachel. But she always went along with his choices because she could never say no to him.

Feeling Alone

Facebook – Ryan Brindley

Rachael always believed her husband had good intentions. That’s why when he suggested that she leave work to stay at home with their two kids, she agreed. And even when he missed their plans to stay at the office, she forgave him. 

He worked hard to provide for them. He promised to buy her dream home, and eventually, he did. But what use was home for a family that was never together? And when the time came for him to keep a promise, he did the unthinkable.

Absent Father

By Buzz Bishop

Rachael managed to redecorate their entire new home during her third pregnancy. Her back ached, and her ankles swelled, but she still painted every wall of the house herself. She wanted her children to have fond memories of their childhood. 

And after 36 hours of labor, she brought her baby boy home to meet the family. The first four months flew by. Ryan was always home for breakfast and dinner, and he made sure to help more with the kids. Then, he did something that made her question her choices.



When Sheriff John Crawford saw Rachael on her lawn, he took a double-take. He pulled over and ran to her side as she struggled with her baby strapped to her chest. She was weak and tired. 

“Everything okay, ma’am?” he asked kindly as he helped her up from the grass. “Yes, officer. I just need to sit down for a while. It’s not easy working in this heat.” The child began to cry. The officer couldn’t stand by and watch her suffer.

Was She In Trouble?


He took off his hat and reached for the handle of the lawnmower. “Y’all, I thought I was about to get in trouble or something….” Rachael later shared. 

But this officer just wanted to lend a hand to a mother in need of some help! Ryan had returned to work a few weeks prior, and Rachael was struggling to manage three kids while running a house alone. The pressure was taking its toll.

She Decided To Do It Herself

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“He has been working hard on a work project and hasn’t had time to cut it,” Rachael said. “It was a nice day out, and so I thought I’d help my husband out and cut it myself. I enjoy cutting the grass.” 

But Rachael underestimated the difficulty of doing tasks while her body was still healing. And little baby Michael wasn’t in the best of form that day.

Surprise Visit

Facebook – Rachael Godley Brindley

Rachael explained that when the officer passed, the “sweet” man “stopped and insisted” on mowing the lawn for her. At the time, Rachael was worried. 

She was alone with the kids, and a police officer had never approached her before. As if she wasn’t stressed enough that day, seeing a squad car pull up outside her home made her panic. But now, she’s delighted with her surprise visitor.

A Huge Help

Facebook – Rachael Godley Brindley

Ryan later found out about Rachael’s helper for the day. “It’s small in nature but was a huge help to my wife today.” 

The incident has opened Ryan’s eyes, reminding him of the importance of family. Since the incident, he’s made sure to leave work at work and spend extra time with his family. But why didn’t the officer just keep driving?

Serving The Community

The Indian Express

Although he joined the force to protect and serve, Sheriff Crawford also makes it his mission to be kind and helpful. And after completing the job, Rachael thanked him with a well-deserved tall glass of lemonade. 

And understandably, her experience has gained plenty of online attention. It’s not often you meet a stranger willing to help. Someone definitely deserves a special award for kindness!