Wife Walks To Work Every Day, Husband Followers Her And Realized What She’s Really Up To


He Had To Know The Truth

Alan suspected for the longest time that his wife was up to something. He couldn’t understand why she insisted on walking to work every morning.

That day, he decided to follow her, but he had no idea what he would come across. From the moment she left the house, he was right behind her, desperate to see what was going on.

But when he saw what she was really getting up to, his heart dropped. He never would have guessed what she was really up to.

He Had A Plan


Alan Kent was concerned. For the last few weeks, his wife had been leaving the house earlier than usual, and he had no idea why.

“I just want to start my shift a little earlier than usual,” She would tell him whenever he asked about it. But he didn’t believe her.

The Starbucks she worked at only opened two hours after she left the house. But one morning, he decided to follow her.

No Sleep


That morning, Alan was exhausted. He’d spent all night wide awake, thinking about what he had planned for the next morning.

He was wide awake when his wife’s alarm clock went off just before four a.m. He hadn’t slept at all that night.

He pretended to be asleep as she slipped out of bed and quickly got dressed. She was desperate to leave as soon as possible.

Keeping His Distance


As soon as she left the bedroom and closed the door behind her, Alan hopped out of bed and got dressed as fast as possible.

He waited patiently with his ear pressed to their bedroom door. As soon as the front door shut behind his wife, Tammy, he left the room.

He knew how important it was to keep his distance as he followed his wife. He waited until she had walked to the end of their street before he left the house.

The Wrong Route


Alan followed his wife from a distance that morning. He took every turn a few minutes after she did. But he noticed something.

This certainly wasn’t the route to the Starbucks where she had been working for over a year. Where on earth was she going?

He would find out soon enough. He kept walking with his head hung low. But as he did, he suddenly noticed something.

Something Sinister


A frown tucked itself between his eyebrows when he noticed the patrol car right behind his wife. He couldn’t help but notice something.

The officer followed his wife, driving closely behind her the entire time, but Tammy barely acknowledged his presence.

Why was he following her? Did he know who she was? Alan couldn’t help but feel like something sinister was at play.

The Unexpected


After walking for over an hour, Alan no longer had any clue where they were. He had never walked this route before.

Where on earth was Tammy going? In the distance, he watched as the officer’s car slowly came to a halt.

A second later, he watched as the unexpected happened. The officer stepped out of the car and approached Tammy, and then he watched as something truly disturbing happened.

Growing Up


Born and raised in Louisville, Kentucky, Alan Kent has always been a hard-working man. His parents raised him that way.

Alan grew up in a household with a successful, working father and a loving stay-at-home mother. In his opinion, it was the perfect way to live.

His father gave him everything he needed for a successful life, while his mother taught him about love, friendship, and family.

He Had A Dream


As a young man, he always dreamed of being like his dad. He wanted to be able to give his future wife and children the life he had growing up.

Alan was a straight-A student in high school, and as soon as he was accepted into university, he spent all of his time working toward a successful future.

He studied mechanical engineering at the University of Kentucky, knowing that someday, his degree would give him the life he wanted.

His Future


Alan had always considered himself a hopeless romantic. When he thought about his future, he thought about a loving woman who would stick by his side through thick and thin.

Throughout the years, he often wondered what the love of his life would be like. He wondered if she would be smart and beautiful.

But at just twenty-two years old, he met her at a karaoke bar while he was out with a group of his best friends.

The Woman


The second Tammy and her group of friends walked up to the small stage, Alan’s eyes found her. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

Her long, blonde hair and bright smile caught his attention immediately. He just knew he had to find the opportunity to speak to her.

That night, Alan swallowed his pride and approached her, and before he knew it, they had talked for hours in the back of the bar.

Madly In Love


They were inseparable from that moment on. He asked for her number, and they began dating immediately.

As the weeks turned to months and the months turned into years, Alan grew increasingly certain that he had found the one.

Her name was Tammy. She was a gorgeous blonde with a deep love for animals and board games. He wanted to start a new life with her.

Starting Their Life Together


Just three years after they met in that wonderful karaoke bar, Tammy and Alan walked down the aisle together.

Their friends and family couldn’t be happier for them. Alan had told her about his dreams of starting a family, and she couldn’t wait.

They found a wonderful home in the suburbs, and they couldn’t wait to start their own little family.

Keeping Busy


Before Alan knew it, they were all settled into their new home together. And before too long, they received the wonderful news that Tammy was pregnant with their first child.

For a year, Tammy worked at a Starbucks close to their home despite the fact that her husband made more than enough money to support them.

Tammy knew she didn’t have to work, but she wanted to keep busy until the baby came along. Over that year, they had settled into a routine.

Three Months Pregnant


Every morning, Alan would leave half an hour early for work to drop Tammy off at the Starbucks. She would then get a lift home with one of her colleagues in the afternoon.

This routine worked perfectly for over a year, but something changed when Tammy was just three months pregnant.

Suddenly, she didn’t want her husband to drop her off at work every morning. “I want to leave a little earlier than usual, and it would be nice too,” She said.

He Didn’t Understand


Alan immediately thought this was strange. He couldn’t understand why Tammy wanted to leave for work two hours early.

After all, the Starbucks only opened at six a.m. But being a supportive husband, he didn’t ask too many questions.

He assumed she just needed some time to herself early in the morning. Suddenly, their routine changed.

An Upsetting Story


Tammy would wake up just before four in the morning and quickly get dressed. As soon as she had her morning coffee, she would leave the house.

Alan would wake up an hour and a half after his wife left for work. At first, he didn’t think much about it until he mentioned it at work.

“You know, my ex-wife would spend a few extra hours outside of the house after work. Four months later, she’s about to marry the man she was cheating with,” A colleague said.

He Decided To Talk To Her


Alan had always trusted his wife, but when he heard that story, his entire world came crashing down around him.

Suddenly, he found himself wondering why on earth his wife insisted on leaving so early every single morning.

He decided to ask her about it before he lost his mind over the entire situation. “I just like the fresh air, and I want to have the place to myself,” She said,

He Didn’t Trust It


But after speaking to his wife about it, he felt anything but at ease. He could tell that she wasn’t sure of her own reasons.

He instantly knew that something was up. That was when he began losing sleep over the entire situation.

But one night, he could sleep. Instead, he thought of ways that he could get to the bottom of the mystery.

He Planned It Out


That night, Alan thought of the perfect plan to finally get the truth out of his wife. He had it all planned out.

He was going to wake up early one morning and follow his wife. That way, he would be able to see where she really went every single morning.

He didn’t sleep that night, and when his wife’s alarm clock went off just before 4 a.m., he decided it was time to get up.

Following Her


Within seconds of her leaving the bedroom and closing the door behind her, Alan hopped out of bed and dressed.

With his ear pressed against their bedroom door, he waited patiently. As soon as the front door closed behind Tammy, he left the room.

He knew how important it was to keep his distance as he followed his wife. When she reached the end of their street, he left the house.

Not Going To Starbucks


That morning, Alan followed his wife from a distance. He took every turn a few minutes after she did. There was, however, something he noticed.

She certainly wasn’t headed toward Starbucks, where she claimed to go every morning. Where was she going?

It wouldn’t take long for him to find out. As he walked, he kept his head low. Suddenly, he noticed something.

Following Her


He frowned, worried when he noticed the patrol car behind his wife. Something caught his attention.

Tammy barely acknowledged the officer’s presence while he followed closely behind her. His stomach dropped.

What made him follow her? Did he know who she was? Something sinister seemed to be at work. Alan was sure of it.



After walking for over an hour, Alan no longer had any clue where they were. He had never walked this route before.

Where on earth was Tammy going? In the distance, he watched as the officer’s car slowly came to a halt.

A second later, he watched as the unexpected happened. The officer stepped out of the car and approached Tammy, and then he watched as something truly disturbing happened.

He Watched


He stood behind a tree, trying to act casual as his eyes followed the officer. The man and his wife were oblivious to his presence.

But he watched, holding his breath, as the officer stepped out of his car and approached Tammy. She stopped walking when she saw him.

Alan quickly noticed the smile on his wife’s face. Did she know the man? Had she been spending her mornings with him? But then, he watched it happen.

A Hug


Alan watched with wide eyes as the officer approached Tammy and quickly pulled her into a seemingly friendly hug.

The two then stood side by side, chatting about something. Alan was beyond confused. Who was this man, and how did he know her?

He couldn’t just stand by and watch. He had to confront his wife and ask her what was going on. He began approaching them.

Approaching Them


A million thoughts crossed his mind all at once as he approached them. Before long, he was close enough to hear what they were saying.

“It’s a lovely morning,” He could hear his wife say. But as he approached them, they noticed his presence and quickly turned toward him.

Tammy seemed surprised when she saw her husband’s face. He wanted answers. “What’s going on here?”

Who Is He?


But Tammy didn’t answer immediately, which only made him more upset. “Who is this guy?” he asked his wife.

That was when the officer got involved. “Do you know this man, Mrs. Kent?” The officer asked. Tammy nodded.

“He’s my husband. Alan, what are you doing here?” She asked, placing a hand on her hip. She was not happy that he had been following her.

Telling Her Everything


Wanting the truth, he decided to be honest and tell her everything, from his suspicions to his colleague’s terrible news about his cheating ex-wife.

“I want to know why you keep leaving so early when you’re clearly not going to work,” He said. But as those words left his mouth, Tammy and the officer laughed.

“Honey, I’m just going for a walk every morning. Officer Anderson follows me to ensure my safety,” she said.

The Truth


She explained the entire situation. Tammy opened up about the fact that she was scared to gain weight during the pregnancy.

She was trying to stay fit but walking around the suburbs every morning. The officer had noticed her and offered to keep her safe.

Alan was beyond embarrassed, but he didn’t have to be. Tammy was happy to see just how much he cared. In the end, they were happy.