Widow Visits Husband’s Grave And Keeps Finding A Dog There


Visiting His Grave

Mary Cole stood before her husband’s grave, clutching a bouquet of flowers tightly to her chest. It had only been a few months since he passed away, but the pain still felt fresh, as if it happened yesterday.

Every Sunday, without fail, Mary would visit the cemetery, seeking solace in the memories of their life together.

She found comfort in talking to him, sharing her thoughts, and pouring out her heart. He meant everything to her.

Not Alone


As she knelt by the grave, tears streaming down her cheeks, Mary couldn’t shake the feeling of loneliness that consumed her. Without her husband by her side, life seemed empty and meaningless.

But one day, as Mary sat by the grave, lost in her grief, she felt a nudge against her hand.

Startled, she looked down to see a small dog sitting beside her, its eyes filled with compassion.

The Dog


Mary had the fright of her life as she looked at the dog. It must be the cemetery keeper’s dog.

Maybe it enjoyed walking around on the peaceful grounds of the cemetery. Mary enjoyed it, too. It brought a sense of calmness over her.

It made her feel so much closer to Derek, her beloved husband. Even though she spoke to him on a daily basis, just being at his gravesite made her feel like he was there with her.

Eerie Peace


Although Mary felt the peace and calmness of the cemetery, there were many times when she also felt a little scared. All cemeteries had an eerie feeling about it, and Mary couldn’t help but feel that, too.

She cautiously looked around her, convinced that she was going to see an apparition or something scary.

She always felt cold breezes when she was in the cemetery. It just felt different.

Out Of Nowhere


Mary looked at the shabby-looking dog. It had appeared out of nowhere, and yet there was something familiar about its presence.

It sat there quietly as if understanding her pain, offering silent companionship.

“Hey buddy, what brings you here? Did you also lose someone you love? This is my husband, Derek. He was my everything. I miss him so much.” The dog looked at her like it understood her pain. He let out a soft bark.

Kept Coming Back


Intrigued by the dog’s sudden appearance, Mary reached out tentatively, her fingers brushing against its fur.

“You shouldn’t be here too long, boy. It gets really creepy here. Go on back to your owner, I’m sure there’s a nice meal waiting for you. Go on.”

However, the more Mary tried to shoo the dog away, the more it just kept coming back. She decided it was time to leave. She gave one last look at her husband’s grave, not knowing what was about to transpire.

At The Grave Again


Mary didn’t think much about the dog again. It was only when she went back to the cemetery the following Sunday that she saw him there again.

This time, strangely, he was sleeping on her husband’s grave. Mary was taken aback. She didn’t know what to do.

Why was this dog specifically drawn to her husband’s grave?

Sleeping Peacefully


He was fast asleep. Mary thought he looked very peaceful, and she didn’t want to disturb him, but she needed to place fresh flowers on her husband’s grave.

The ruffling of the flower packet startled the pooch, and he instantly jumped up from his cozy spot.

“I’m sorry, little one, but I need to replace those flowers. What are you doing here anyhow?” The dog whimpered and slowly backed away.

Speaking To Him


Mary sat down as she prepared the flowers. She began to speak to her husband as she always did.

“I thought I’d get you some pretty yellow roses today. I know you loved roses, and you called me your sunshine. Oh, how I miss you, Derek. We didn’t have enough time together.”

Mary wept on her husband’s grave. Not far away, the dog was watching and waiting. Mary had no idea why the dog kept coming back to her husband’s grave.



As her tears fell, Mary looked up and saw the dog looking at her. At this point, she was getting a little annoyed with his presence.

“Stop staring at me. I’m trying to have a private moment with my husband. Why are you always here? Do you live here? Who looks after you?” she asked, hoping the dog could give her a response.

He just sat there looking at her. He gave out a small moan and cried. “What’s wrong with you? Who is your owner? Is it the cemetery groundsman? Should I call him for you?”

The Dog Follows


When Mary was ready to go, she got up and bid her husband goodbye. “Until next time, my love.” She started walking to the cemetery groundsman’s little cottage situated at the far end of the entrance.

When she looked behind her, the dog was following her. When she got to the cottage, she knocked on the door.

It eventually opened, and she was greeted by the groundsman. “Good morning, Ma’am. How can I help you?”

The Groundsman


Mary smiled. The man looked polite. “Good morning. I come here every Sunday to visit my husband’s grave and I’ve recently noticed this dog is always by his grave. Does he belong to you?”

The groundsman looked past Mary to have a look at the dog in question.

“No, Ma’am. Not my dog. I noticed him walking in the cemetery. I tried chasing it away, but he kept coming back. In the end, I let him be because he didn’t seem to be causing any harm. Maybe he just likes the peacefulness of the place.”

Being Watched


Mary felt a shiver run down her spine at the groundsman’s words. The dog’s persistent presence took on an almost eerie quality now that she knew it didn’t belong to anyone in the cemetery.

She thanked the groundsman and turned to leave, but the dog trailed behind her, its eyes never leaving her.

As she walked back towards her car, Mary couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched.

Following Her


Glancing over her shoulder, she saw the dog still following her, its steps quiet but purposeful. Her heart raced with a mixture of fear and curiosity. What did the dog want with her?

Despite her unease, Mary couldn’t bring herself to shout at the dog.

It seemed to have attached itself to her, and she couldn’t help but feel a strange connection to it as if it held some deeper meaning she couldn’t yet understand. What did the dog want from her?

A Strange Feeling


As soon as she got into her car, she watched the dog just sitting there. It then got up and proceeded to make its way back into the cemetery. There was something about this dog.

Mary just couldn’t put her finger on it. She kept thinking about the dog. She couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something strange about it.

Why was this dog always in the cemetery, and most of all, why was it always at her husband’s graveside?

Why Hang Around?


It looked pretty healthy besides its scruffy look. Perhaps he did have an owner somewhere. Someone that was taking good care of it.

But then why would it hang around in a cemetery, of all places? What would make this dog wander around the endless graves and then sleep on her husband’s grave?

Something didn’t add up. Mary was fascinated, and she wanted to know more. Little did she know that she was about to uncover the truth about the peculiar cemetery dog.

More Frequent Visits


Unable to shake off the nagging feeling, Mary found herself returning to the cemetery more frequently than before. Each time, the dog was there, faithfully waiting by her husband’s grave. It was as though it had become a fixture of her visits, an unexpected companion in her grief.

One chilly afternoon, as Mary sat beside the grave, the dog nestled close to her, its warmth a comforting presence against the biting wind.

In that moment, Mary felt a sudden surge of determination to unravel the mystery surrounding the dog’s presence.



She petted him, and he wagged his tail at her. He looked happy to see her. Mary had also brought some food along this time.

She felt sorry for the poor dog. He looked a bit hungry.

She carefully opened the package of meat sandwiches she had prepared and saw instantly how the dog licked its lips. He was very hungry indeed.

Wanting More


He gobbled up the sandwiches and then looked for more. He couldn’t contain himself when Mary pulled out another sandwich that was meant to be for her but she gave it up to the dog, who looked ravenous.

“Wow, boy. You sure are hungry. I thought you had a home. Do you? Where do you go at night, boy?” The dog just looked at her.

He seemed very content that he had eaten something.

Right Behind Her


After spending some time at the grave, it was time to go. However, this time, things would end a little differently. As Mary walked between the graves, as always, the dog was right behind her.

She jumped in her car, and this time, the dog followed all the way to the car. Before she could look again, the dog had jumped into the car.

Mary couldn’t believe that the dog had done that. What was she going to do now?

In The Car


Mary stared at the dog in disbelief as it settled into the backseat of her car, its eyes fixated on her with a strange intensity. She felt a mix of emotions swirling inside her—confusion, concern, and a tinge of fear. What had possessed the dog to follow her so persistently?

Trying to maintain her composure, Mary gently reached out and scratched behind the dog’s ears, eliciting a low rumble of contentment from the canine.

Despite her apprehension, she couldn’t deny the warmth that blossomed in her heart at the simple gesture of companionship.

Going Home


With a sigh, Mary resigned herself to the unexpected turn of events and started the engine.

As the car pulled out of the cemetery, the dog remained in the backseat, its presence a silent but undeniable presence.

“I guess you’re coming with me then,” she said, looking at him through the rearview mirror. The dog just gave a soft, content bark.

Uneasy Journey


The journey back home felt strangely uneasy with the dog accompanying her. Mary couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched, even though the dog made no sound or movement from the backseat.

It was as though it was waiting for something, but Mary couldn’t fathom what.

Arriving home, Mary hesitated before opening the car door. She glanced at the dog, its eyes locking with hers in an unwavering gaze. “Well, I suppose you’ll have to come inside for now,” she muttered, more to herself than to the dog.



With a resigned shrug, Mary opened the door, and the dog bounded out of the car, its tail wagging eagerly.

As they entered the house together, Mary couldn’t shake the feeling that her life was about to take an unexpected turn.

She was about to uncover something so strange that it would seem like she was meant to meet the dog.

Unexpected Companion


In the days that followed, Mary found herself growing accustomed to the presence of the dog in her home. It seemed to have adopted her as its new companion, following her around with unwavering loyalty.

Despite her initial reservations, Mary found herself enjoying the company of the dog. It brought a sense of comfort and warmth to her lonely existence, filling the void left by her husband’s passing in a way she hadn’t thought possible.

It was then that she found something unexpected.

A Photo


While looking at pictures of her husband on her phone. She came across a photo of him. It was a photo she had never seen before. It was Derek and the dog.

The very same dog that was now sitting on her couch in her living room. What were the chances of this? It seemed like the dog knew Derek.

Was this why he was at his grave all this time? Mary was amazing and touched at the same time.



Suddenly, everything clicked into place for Mary. The dog wasn’t just a random stray drawn to the cemetery; it was a connection to her late husband that she hadn’t realized existed. Derek must have had a bond with this dog, a bond strong enough for it to linger by his grave long after he was gone.

Tears welled up in Mary’s eyes as she looked at the dog with newfound understanding and gratitude.

It was as though Derek had sent this loyal companion to her, knowing that she needed someone to help her through her grief. She named him Dino.

Accepting Dino


With a sense of peace settling over her, Mary welcomed Dino into her life wholeheartedly. No longer did she feel alone in her sorrow; she had a faithful friend by her side, a link to her beloved Derek, that brought her comfort and solace.

From that day forward, Mary and Dino became inseparable. They would visit Derek’s grave together, sharing memories and finding solace in each other’s company.

As they walked through life side by side, Mary knew that her husband’s love would always be with her in the form of their unexpected canine companion.

A New Beginning


With Dino’s presence, Mary found the strength to move forward, to embrace life once again.

Together, they embarked on a new journey, filled with love, companionship, and the cherished memories of Derek that would forever live on in their hearts.

And as they faced the challenges and joys that life had in store for them, Mary knew that she would never truly be alone, for she had her husband’s enduring love and the unwavering loyalty of their faithful friend to guide her every step of the way.

Healing Two Hearts


As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Mary’s heart healed, not completely, but enough to know that she would be okay. And through it all, Dino remained by her side, a constant reminder of the love that never truly dies.

Together, they found peace in each other’s company, forging a bond that transcended time and space. And as they stood together at Derek’s grave, surrounded by the quiet serenity of the cemetery, Mary knew that love, in all its forms, would always prevail.

And with a smile on her face and tears in her eyes, she whispered to the wind, “Thank you, Derek, for sending me this unexpected gift. I will cherish it always.”