Girl Sleeps With Pitbull Every Night Until Vet Notices Why


Change In Behavior

Ben didn’t understand why his daughter was having trouble sleeping lately. He knew that it had something to do with the dog, but other than that, he wasn’t sure.

But After a drastic change in behavior, Ben knew that he only had one option. He’d have to invest in monitoring software. He hated breaking his daughter’s trust, but he had to figure out what was going on.

Cameras In Place


With Jenna suddenly starting to wake up early, her parents knew something had to be up. Their daughter had never been like this before. That’s when Ben did something he didn’t want to do.

Ben secretly set up a camera in his daughter’s room. He didn’t like the idea, but he would never find out the truth if he didn’t do it. His wife was on board, so everything was ready to go.

The Footage


Ben and Anne rushed to the computer to uncover the secret behind their daughter and dog’s behavior. In real-time on the monitor, Silva seemed to sleep soundly in his bed in the kitchen where they had left him.

Anney noted that the door to the kitchen was closed, and they watched as Jenna fell asleep relatively quickly. But she didn’t stay asleep for long.

Middle Of The Night


Her parents watched their little girl toss and turn in her bed. She was clearly having a tough time sleeping; that’s when she suddenly sprang upright and blankly stared ahead of herself.

They wanted to bust down her door and console her, but they knew they couldn’t. They had to see the footage through and finally figure out what was going on, for better or for worse.

Something Wrong


Something was wrong, and it all had to do with the dog. They needed to find out the truth. Ben and Anne watched with morbid curiosity while their daughter struggled against some unknown entity.

But what they saw next gave them the answers they never wanted to dare were real. This changed everything, and there was no going back now.

A Normal Family


Ben Jones lived in Kansas and was very happy with the life he lived. Growing up, he felt neglected and unloved. His mother was barely around, and his stepfather was always so cold towards him.

That’s why he moved out of the house as soon as he turned eighteen. He vowed to make his own family and give them the love he was starved of.

Perfect Woman


Ben met the perfect woman while he was out at a bar one night. She was the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen, and time flew by quickly.

Fast forward a year, and the two were going steady. Ben mustered up the courage to propose, and the two never looked back. Things finally looked like they were going to work out for him.

A Daughter


Ben thought that the happiest day of his life would be when he married Anne. But he was wrong. The happiest day of his life would be when he welcomed his daughter into the world.

She instantly fell in love with the little girl and knew he’d do anything to protect her. But that would prove to be difficult when she turned five.

Perfect Life


Now with a beautiful wife, daughter, and house, Ben felt like he had accomplished everything he had ever dreamed of. He lived in Kansas City and worked for a good company.

But that’s when things changed; suddenly, he felt like he needed one more family member to round up everything perfectly. But he should have thought twice before making the decision that would affect his daughter.

Trouble Sleeping


It all started when his daughter, Jenna, started having trouble sleeping. She had never had problems at all, but suddenly, everything changed.

Ben and Anne assumed it was just being afraid of the dark – a common fear in children. But then it ramped up, and she couldn’t even be alone during the day. Ben thought he was doing the right thing.



Anne’s daughter had never had any problems sleeping alone before. Three years ago, she loved sleeping in her own bed when they transitioned her to her own room, but now something was different.

Jenna would run into her parents’ bedroom whenever it got dark, and she got scared. This was a big problem, and it would only get worse as time went on.

A Clever Kid


Unknown to Ben and Anne, Jenna had found a way to pull herself to the car window. Thankfully, she didn’t roll the window down, only jumped up and down with her gaze stuck outside the car.

Ben and Anne were deep in conversation when they heard the little angel shout, “Mommy, doggy, doggy!” They both turned to her, shocked to find her close to the window. They followed Jenna’s eyes, their mouths falling open at what they saw outside their car.

Doing The Right Thing


Right next to their car was a pet shelter. Several puppies and kittens were inside, and Jenna wanted to pet them. Ben was still debating whether to go to the hospital or take his family into the shop since he and Anne had already talked about rescuing a dog when his phone rang.

He quickly picked up the call, finding it was their doctor informing them they’d have to reschedule their appointment. Taking it as a sign from above, Ben pulled his car to a parking spot, and they all got into the pet store.

Good Dog


The dog that chose the Pritchett family was a handsome two-year-old pitbull named Silva. Although Anne had reservations, he was the perfect dog as far as Ben was concerned.

Silva seemed to love his new home. As soon as he left the shelter, the dog became comfortable as a new member of the family. But he had a habit that stunned and scared his new owners, and he only showed this flaw at night.

Settling In


Ben and Anne set up the brand-new bed and water bowl for Silva in the kitchen and left him there to sleep. He inspected the new bed and turned around a few times before settling in. They closed the door.

They returned to the lounge to continue watching TV for a few hours before going to bed themselves. It was only when Anne got up for a glass of water from the kitchen that she noticed Silva wasn’t in his bed.



Anne was perplexed – they had closed the kitchen door; she was sure of it. Although Ben had suggested that Silva stay in Jenna’s room, she hadn’t been comfortable with an unknown dog roaming around the house at night.

How did Silva get out? And where was he? Panicking now, Anne began to search the house room by room.



After going through the lounge, dining room, and hallway, she still couldn’t find Silva. It was only when she checked Jenna’s room for the second time that he startled her. He was hiding underneath her little girl’s bed.

Although her husband had grown up with pit bulls, Anne felt uneasy. She shooed Silva out from under the bed and locked him back in the kitchen. But Silva’s strange habit was just beginning.

Escape Artist


Even though Anne locked Silva in the kitchen every night, he kept escaping. Anne would panic each time she woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t find him.

And every time, she found him under Jenna’s bed. This continued for weeks. Anne told her husband, but he, frustratingly, didn’t seem concerned at all.

Old Habits


Although Ben and Anne let Silva into Jenna’s bedroom during the day, Anne continued to shut him out at night.

Having had dogs before, Anne knew that it was important to teach their dog obedience by not letting him have free reign of the house at night. What had happened in his previous home that made him refuse to sleep in his bed?

An Accident


Anne had made a habit of getting up every night to take Silva back to the kitchen, but this couldn’t go on forever. She had tried to train him to stay in his bed during the night, but he was insistent.

The only other option she had was to keep him outside from now on – but she couldn’t bring herself to do that. Then, after a particularly exhausting day, she accidentally slept through the night.

Trouble Sleeping


Ben didn’t understand why his daughter was having trouble sleeping lately. He knew that it had something to do with the dog, but other than that, he wasn’t sure.

But After a drastic change in behavior, Ben knew that he only had one option. He’d have to invest in monitoring software. He hated breaking his daughter’s trust, but he had to figure out what was going on.



With Jenna suddenly starting to wake up early, her parents knew something had to be up. Their daughter had never been like this before. That’s when Ben did something he didn’t want to do.

Ben secretly set up a camera in his daughter’s room. He didn’t like the idea, but he would never find out the truth if he didn’t do it. His wife was on board, so everything was ready to go.

The Computer Screen


Ben and Anne rushed to the computer to uncover the secret behind their daughter and dog’s behavior. In real-time on the monitor, Silva seemed to sleep soundly in his bed in the kitchen where they had left him.

Anney noted that the door to the kitchen was closed, and they watched as Jenna fell asleep relatively quickly. But she didn’t stay asleep for long.

Tossing And Turning


Her parents watched their little girl toss and turn in her bed. She was clearly having a tough time sleeping; that’s when she suddenly sprang upright and blankly stared ahead of herself.

They wanted to bust down her door and console her, but they knew they couldn’t. They had to see the footage through and finally figure out what was going on, for better or for worse.

What Was She Doing?


Jenna carefully slid out of the covers and got on her knees to look underneath the bed. She was doing something Anne always did for her to reassure her before she tucked her in at night – she was checking for monsters under the bed.

After checking, Jenna toddled to the open door. Anne thought she was coming to their room like she usually did, but she walked down the hallway instead.

Going To Silva


With her parents watching her on the camera, Jenna toddled into the kitchen and quietly opened the door. Silva’s head rose immediately as if he had been waiting for the little girl.

When they realized what was happening, Ben let out a little chuckle, and Anne began to smile. They watched as Jenna led Silva back to her room.

Their Nighttime Routine


Silva followed Jenna to her room and climbed onto her bed, carefully laying next to the girl. Jenna cuddled into the dog in the cutest way possible and fell asleep within minutes.

Although buying the cameras had been expensive for Ben, he was glad he’d done it to witness such a beautiful thing. He was about to turn off his computer when something else happened.

See It To Believe It


Jenna woke up with a start, and so did Silva. She looked around her room with drowsy eyes, her brows furrowing as she realized her parents were nowhere to be seen. Her lips began trembling as her eyes grew wide, but Silva whined at her and licked her face, pawing her lovingly until she lay back down.

The dog licked her again and lay next to her. Ben and Anne watched with their mouths open as everything unfolded. Jenna smiled, petting Silva until her eyes became heavy, and she slept.

Ben and Anne couldn’t believe it. In the morning, they found Silva sleeping in his own bed. He was trying to be obedient, so he must have learned to sneak back into the kitchen early in the morning.

A Strong Bond


When they finally took Jenna to her pediatrician, the Pritchetts learned that their daughter had a case of monophobia, the fear of being alone, which Silva was helping her get over.

Although Jenna would soon outgrow this fear, her bond with Silva would only grow stronger. Anne was worried about the sleeping arrangement in the beginning, but she soon learned that sleeping with a four-legged friend has many benefits.



There have been numerous studies on how pets can relieve their owners’ stress and anxiety. When Jenna felt the presence of Silva next to her, her cortisol levels, heart rate, and blood pressure decreased.

Pit bulls are seen as the most dangerous breed because of their wide jaws and powerful bodies, but these dogs can also be lovable, caring, and loyal – it all depends on the way they were trained and raised. While any unsocialized dog can be dangerous, Anne grew to trust her daughter’s loyal companion with her daughter’s life.

In order to protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events, places, or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.