Twin Baby Keeps On Pointing To Sisters Head Until Doctor Tells Mom They’re Not Twins


It Was Unheard Of

Seeing Joe’s shock as well, Lena looked over at him.

Neither of them had ever heard of the condition the doctor described.

Their minds were filled with questions as a result. The most important thing they were concerned about was the well-being of their baby.

A Happy Life


It would be fair to say that the Klein family lived a fairy tale life.

While they had been together for years, they were happy, and they moved at a pace most of their friends could only dream of.

Medical personnel were the only ones who could resolve certain issues behind closed doors. Their daughter was at the center of those issues.



As high school sweethearts, Lena and Joe had a lot in common.

Because they got together so young, many people thought their relationship wouldn’t last.

The rule was not absolute, of course. It wasn’t long before the doubters learned that Lena and Joe were exceptions.

Things Were Good


Five years after getting married at age twenty, the couple was stronger than ever.

They were both college graduates working at high levels.

They also had one of the strongest marriages you could find. But the couple still wanted one thing, and it seemed they would never achieve it.

A Problem


As much as they wanted a baby, Lena and Joe faced a problem. It was not possible for them to produce a child on their own.

Joe was unable to reproduce because of the trauma he experienced as a child.

Consequently, they only had two options. It was either adoption or IVF they could choose from.

Losing Hope


As an alternative to IVF, the couple decided to try ICSI, but it was not as successful as they had hoped.

Four failed attempts later, they were starting to lose hope after being so hopeful at the beginning.

They had been trying to have a child for three years and were starting to doubt whether they were meant to have one. However, things were about to change quickly.

Good News


The cells seemed to take on the fifth and final attempt.

Lena learned she was pregnant a few weeks after the doctor’s visit, and the couple were thrilled.

The couple’s journey had only just begun. Baby-related ups and downs would occur earlier than expected, and they would need to deal with a lot of things at once.

More Than What They Asked For


Their first doctor’s appointment revealed that Lena and Joe would be expecting twins. When they learned it was a possibility, they were overjoyed.

The pregnancy was characterized by only one high point.

In the aftermath, the couple became confused and heartbroken as things started to spiral downward.

Something Was Wrong


Lena’s pregnancy was extremely difficult from the beginning, which indicated that something was wrong.

It began with morning sickness, which was 100 times worse than any other woman would experience.

In the following nine months, she endured everything from cramps to stabbing pains that left her breathless.



Lena was hospitalized several times during the nine months. When she was seven months pregnant, she encountered the last of those issues.

In light of all the complications Lena faced, her doctor decided to put her on bed rest.

There was a fear that she would give birth prematurely. There might be more serious consequences if this were to happen.

Easy Delivery


The doctors calculated the dates perfectly, and on the 7th of March 2017, Lena received a cesarean so the babies could be born without any more complications.

The delivery was an easy one, and within an hour of arriving at the hospital, Lena was holding her two sons, Toby and Matthew.

The couple was delighted about finally having the babies they had always wanted, but their problems didn’t end there.

An Odd Thing To Do


Soon after arriving home, Joe noticed that little Matthew was doing something whenever he was near his brother. He’d always point at his brother’s head.

At first, the couple thought it was just a cute thing that twins did.

But they would soon learn that the baby was actually trying to tell them something incredibly important.

Getting Worse


As the weeks flew by, Matthew’s odd behavior started getting worse. He was constantly pointing at his brother’s head as if he were talking in code.

And when he wasn’t pointing, he was caressing Toby’s skull. That was when Lena and Joe started getting concerned.

Were they missing something? Was there really something wrong with their child?

Noticing Something


After a few weeks, Lena realized that Toby’s skull was larger than Matthew’s. At that point, they were starting to get incredibly concerned.

They now knew that their baby was trying to tell them that something was wrong with his brother. And from the looks of it, things were serious.

They needed to get the baby to a doctor, and they had to do it right away.

Dreading The Call


Lena called the pediatrician immediately, but her receptionist had some bad news.

Even though she agreed that the situation was dire, there was nothing she could do.

The pediatrician was on holiday, and she would only return the next morning. Could the couple wait? Would their son be okay? Or would it be too late?

No Other Choice


Knowing that they had no other choice but to wait, the couple booked the first appointment that was available the next morning.

That night was an anxious one. Neither Lena nor Joe could get any sleep. They were incredibly concerned about their children, and they dreaded what they might hear once they visited the doctor.

Were their fears valid? Or were they misplaced?

Sitting In The Office


Lena, held her twin boys and sat nervously on the edge of her seat in the small, sunlit pediatrician’s office. She held Toby tightly in her arms.

She was feeling the warmth of his tiny body against hers. His fingers were wrapped around hers as if seeking reassurance from his mother’s touch.

Meanwhile, Matthew was babbling in his carrier, reaching out with his small hands and occasionally pointing at his brother’s head.

Heavy With Worry


Lena’s heart was heavy with worry, and the atmosphere was thick with tension, creating a stark contrast to the playful elephant decals on the walls.

Despite the cheerful decor, all Lena could think about was the reason for her visit to the doctor, hoping that her boys were in good health.

Lena’s heart pounded wildly in her chest as she stared at the pediatrician, her eyes brimming with tears. Her voice shook with fear and anxiety as she asked something she never wanted to.

Asking Questions


“What’s going on with my baby?” Dr. Samuels, a seasoned professional with a warm and compassionate demeanor, met Lena’s gaze with a solemn expression.

Despite the kindness in her eyes, there was a hint of gravity that conveyed the seriousness of the situation. Dr. Samuels took a deep breath before speaking, her voice low and measured.

“I need to bring something to your attention, Lena,” she said, her gaze fixed firmly on Lena’s face. Lena’s heart skipped a beat, suddenly aware that something was wrong.



“It’s about your son,” Dr. Samuels continued, her tone cautious. Lena felt a wave of panic wash over her. What could be wrong with her child?

“I have some suspicions,” Dr. Samuels went on, her words slow and deliberate. “About his development.” Lena’s mind raced as she tried to process what Dr. Samuels was saying.

What kind of suspicions? Was her son in danger? “You see,” Dr. Samuels continued, “there are some noticeable differences between your two sons.”

A Sinking Feeling


Lena felt a sinking feeling in her stomach as Dr. Samuels trailed off, leaving the sentence unfinished. What differences?

Lena had always known that Matthew and Toby were different in many ways, but she had never thought it was anything to worry about.

Matthew was bigger, stronger, and more outgoing than Toby, who was quieter and smaller except for his head.

Something Else Going On


But now, as Dr. Samuels spoke, Lena realized that there was something else going on. Something she had missed. Something that could be very serious.

Dr. Samuels paused for a moment as he took a deep breath, trying to find the right words to explain his diagnosis to Alex’s parents.

After a brief moment of silence, he began, “From my observations and the initial tests, it appears that Alex might be suffering from a condition known as hydrocephalus.

A Condition


This is a medical condition that causes a buildup of fluid within the cavities deep within the brain. As a result, the excess fluid causes these cavities to enlarge and can lead to an increase in pressure inside the skull.”

She continued, “This condition is why Toby’s head appears to be larger than normal.” Lena’s heart raced as she struggled to come to terms with the news that her son had received.

Her hands shook as she tried to process the information, her mind racing with a million questions and fears for her child’s well-being.



Her voice barely rose above a whisper as she managed to ask the doctor, “Is… is there any treatment available?”

Dr. Samuels replied with a comforting tone, assuring that there is a treatment available for hydrocephalus, which typically involves a surgical procedure to drain the accumulated fluid.

This procedure is known as a shunt placement, and it can effectively manage the condition. With appropriate medical care, children diagnosed with hydrocephalus can continue to lead a fulfilling and productive life.

A Life Saving Procedure


With great care and expertise, Dr. Samuels began to explain the intricate details of Alex’s condition, the surgical procedure required to treat it.

She explained the meticulous follow-up care that would be necessary. Lena listened intently, her heart pounding in her chest as she tried to absorb every word the doctor said.

But then, to Lena’s surprise, the doctor realized something that even she and her husband hadn’t noticed before. Toby had one last secret compared to his twin brother.

A New Question


The secret would be critical to his treatment. The pediatrician was caught off guard when Lena, the concerned mother, asked a seemingly innocuous question about her son.

With a puzzled look on her face, Lena asked, “Why does his brother point at him and stare at his head?” The pediatrician’s expression changed, and her face went pale.

She seemed to be deep in thought for a moment before she asked, “Why didn’t you tell me this earlier?” Lena and her husband exchanged worried glances, unsure of what the pediatrician was trying to say.

A Change In Demeanor


Dr. Samuels had been maintaining her composure throughout the consultation, but suddenly, her demeanor changed. In the blink of an eye, she seemed to lose her cool.

She wiped the sweat from her brow and muttered, “One-second thought: I need to run some more tests.”

The tension in the room was palpable as the couple wondered what had gotten under her skin. They couldn’t help but worry about their son and what this all had to do with him.

Had To Leave Them Behind


Dr. Samuels informed them that they needed to leave their son behind for a night. The couple was taken aback and struggled to comprehend the gravity of the situation.

Lena’s heart was heavy with fear and desperation as she pleaded with the doctor. “Please don’t take my baby away from me,” she begged.

But she knew deep down that it was for the sake of her son. She longed to keep her little one by her side.

A Difficult Decision


But she knew that if she wanted to uncover the truth, she would have to follow the doctor’s advice.

The weight of the situation only grew heavier as the doctor explained that she needed to keep both of her twins. Every fiber of Lena’s being wanted to hold her children close and protect them from harm.

But the reality of the situation was that she had to make a difficult choice for the greater good. It was a heart-wrenching decision, but she knew it was the only one she could make.

A Difficult Night


Lena’s heart ached as she left her beloved children behind and headed towards her hard drive home. She knew that it was for their own good.

Still, the thought of being separated from them was unbearable. When she finally arrived, she tried to distract herself and enjoy her evening.

But the emptiness of her home only served as a reminder of her children’s absence. She knew that it would be a difficult night.

Doubting herself


As Lena sat up in bed that night, she missed the crying of her babies. She couldn’t help but wonder why they had to keep both of them.

The question lingered in her mind, haunting her thoughts. She had heard horror stories about things like this.

As soon as she woke up, she couldn’t wait any longer. The couple got into their car and headed straight for the hospital. But they had no idea what they’d find.

Expert Advice


The very next morning, the couple was sitting in the pediatrician’s office. They were nervous, and that only became worse when she invited them in.

The couple told her what they had been experiencing since the babies were born.

She was incredibly concerned by what she heard and told the scared parents that she needed to take their son for an MRI right away. What was she suspecting?



Little Toby was placed on the large bed, which moved into the massive machine. He was whimpering, and all his parents wanted to do was comfort him. But he needed to remain still.

A few moments later, the picture started appearing on the screen before them.

The doctor snatched the screen away before turning to face the couple. “You need to leave,” the doctor said.

What Was Going On?


Lena managed to hold her tears back until she stepped out of the room. But then she collapsed into her husband’s arms and cried her heart out.

She didn’t know what was going on with her baby, but she could tell that it wasn’t good.

She saw how the blood drained from the doctor’s face. And Lena saw her swallowing the lump in her throat.

Endless Wait


Lena and Joe sat in the waiting room for what felt like an eternity. The minutes that ticked by felt like hours, and with each one that passed, they became more anxious.

What did the doctor see on the scan? Why was the test taking so long? Was their son okay?

Those were only some of the questions that were passing through her mind at the time.



An hour later, the doctor returned to her office, but she didn’t have Toby with her.

Before his parents could ask any questions, the doctor motioned to her door.

She had a disheartened look on her face, and the couple couldn’t help but wonder what that was about. But their biggest concern was their son, and they wanted to know where he was.

Little Matthew


The doctor didn’t say a word about Toby, but she did ask Lena and Joe if she could run some tests on little Matthew. The couple was shocked, but they agreed.

Little did they know that those tests could save their son’s life.

They held a key piece of information that could help the doctors uncover what was wrong with him.

Doing The Tests


The doctor ran a bunch of tests on little Matthew, and when she was done, her brows furrowed in confusion.

She sat down at her desk and started questioning the couple about the way they conceived.

Lena and Joe were open about the fertility treatments and told the doctor everything she wanted to know. But Joe was starting to get irritated. He wanted to know where his son was.

Where Was Toby?


When Joe started raising his voice, the doctor decided it was time for her to tell them what was really going on.

She informed Joe and Lena that Toby had been admitted to the hospital because he had a serious medical condition.

But she didn’t elaborate on what that condition was. Instead, she pulled out the baby’s file and presented the couple with her findings.

Shocking News


Lena looked down at the piece of paper that could only contain the results of a DNA test, and she was incredibly confused. That was until the receptionist arrived with another set of DNA test results.

“Toby and Matthew don’t have the same father,” the doctor said, comparing the results.

“I think Toby was conceived during one of the first rounds of treatment you received. But something seems to have gone wrong with the batch.”



“How is that even possible?” Lena asked as she struggled to comprehend what she just heard.

“It seems like there was a problem with defrosting the cell. That’s why it took so long for him to be fertilized. He was in a state of hibernation.”

“What does that mean?” Joe asked. “At this point… It could be what caused his condition,” the doctor said.

The Whole Story


The doctor went on to say that Toby needed emergency surgery as he had a mass on his brain.

At that point, they weren’t too sure what it was, but the doctor suspected it had something to do with the “hibernation.”

It was a big blow for the couple, especially since Toby was still so young. Would he make it through this ordeal?

What To Do


Lena and Joe didn’t know what to do. They knew that brain surgery came with a lot of risks, especially for someone that young.

But the doctor assured them they had nothing to worry about.

It didn’t seem like the mass was causing any issues, and that meant it wasn’t attached to anything vital. Was she right?

Their Decision


Knowing that they would only increase the risk if they waited, Lena and Joe agreed to do the surgery.

Toby was booked in for the next morning, and the couple was finally allowed to see their son.

They looked down at the baby with a sense of admiration and dread. Would this be the last time they see him?

The Result


By lunchtime the next day, Toby was out of the theater, and the doctor reported that the operation was a success. They had removed the mass and faced no complications while doing so.

A few days later, Lena had both their babies at home, and Toby’s recovery was going along swiftly.

He was smiling and babbling with his brother, which was more than his parents could’ve asked for.