School Fires Teacher After Seeing Photo Of Fiancé


Over One Photo

She looked down at the statement the parent had said. She couldn’t believe the reasoning behind the complaint. The principal said she had no choice to suspend her for it over a silly photo of her with her fiance.

This wasn’t right, and Diana knew it. She felt her stomach twist into a knot, but she had to be brave. She had to fight for what she believed in.

Diana Atkinson

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Diana Atkinson was a regular woman that had a passion for teaching. She prided herself on being one of the best teachers in her school district. She loved nothing more than molding the young minds of the future.

But Diana was still a normal human being outside of her job. So when it all started with a parent taking issue with her personal life, she knew there would be hell to pay.

Loving Fiancee

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Even though teaching was her number one passion, the second most important thing to her was her fiancee. She was engaged to a beautiful woman named Lisa. Her sexual orientation never bothered anyone before.

She counted herself lucky since most people didn’t have it so easy. But she never thought that the duality of her life would cause any trouble. She would soon find out that she was mistaken.

Loved By All

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Diana didn’t think she was the best teacher for no reason. She upheld a high standard in her teaching and got a lot of attention from it. Parents and students alike loved the care and compassion that she put into every lesson.

But not all of the attention she got would be good. She had no idea that one person would take notice of her and try their best to make her life miserable. Her life was about to be turned upside down.


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It was the start of the school year, and Diana had set up a presentation for her class. It was orientation, and she liked to make her students feel comfortable. If she showed them a little bit of her life, her kids would be more open to sharing things about themselves.

She decided to introduce herself with a slideshow. It included her name, how long she had been a teacher, and some of her favorite things. She thought that one of her slides would entertain the children, but it wouldn’t impress one of their parents.

Her And Her Fiance

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Diana decided to show her children a photo of her and her fiancee dressed as Nemo and Dory from Finding Nemo. When the children asked her who Lisa was, she naturally replied with “my fiance.”

The children seemed excited to get to know Diana. The feeling was mutual, and Diana looked forward to getting to know each individual child. But she was unaware of what she had set in motion all because of an innocent picture.

Principal’s Office

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After a week of teaching, the principal told Diana that she had to meet with her. It was a little strange since the school year had barely started. She finished up her classes for the day and made her way to the principal’s office.

She got to the door and stepped in. The principal waited there but clearly wasn’t happy about something. Diana asked her what was going on, but she wasn’t ready for what the principal was about to tell her.

A Complaint

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The principal informed Diana that there was a complaint about her. It was from one of the parents. She informed her that she would have to be more careful with what she showed her children when teaching.

But she didn’t understand what had happened? She didn’t show them anything that could have been misinterpreted. But she didn’t understand the gravity of the situation.

Worse Than She Thought

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Diana thought that she would get a verbal warning or a written one at most. She hated having something in writing against her, but it would be the end of the world. She asked the principal if she could go.

But the principal shook her head and frowned. She explained that it wasn’t that simple. Further actions had to be taken.


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The principal told her that after consideration and what the allegations were against her that they’d have no choice but to suspend her pending an investigation. Diana couldn’t believe what the principal was saying.

She had done nothing wrong. But then the principal showed her the official statement that the parent had left. It struck her like a punch to the gut.

Real Reason

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She looked down at the statement the parent had said. She couldn’t believe the reasoning behind the complaint. The principal said she had no choice to suspend her for it over a silly photo of her with her fiance.

This wasn’t right, and Diana knew it. She felt her stomach twist into a knot, but she had to be brave. She had to fight for what she believed in.

Homosexual Agenda

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The complaint detailed how Diana was pushing a “homosexual agenda” all because of that one photo in her slideshow. It was clear that she was being discriminated against. She just couldn’t believe that the school didn’t have her back.

She knew that she’d have to get them back. She needed to undo the wrongs that were done to her. And with the support of her fiance, she would be able to.

Hatching A Plan

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Diana couldn’t believe that she was suspended. She decided she’d have to fight but had to make sure she had a good plan first. Lisa would stick by her. They decided to go a legal route that, if pulled off correctly, would make them regret their decision.

It would be the only way to truly clear her name and show the world that people need to be treated right and not discriminated against. But first, She needed a lawyer.

Seeking Legal Action

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Diana had been suspended for months and looked for legal aid. She knew she needed to take action rather than sit around and feel sorry for herself. It was a difficult few weeks for her, but there wasn’t anything else she could do.

She found a good lawyer willing to help her, and the long process started. She just hoped that justice would win and she would be able to go back to teaching.

The Final Verdict

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After months of unhappiness and stress, Diana finally got the verdict of her messy legal battle. She couldn’t believe it. She won! She was compensated with $100,000 by her ex-school and quickly got hired by another school in the district.

Now that she had proven she was in the right and was also a good teacher, she looked forward to the rest of her life.