Rowing Machine vs. Elliptical Machine:  Which is Better

Explore the benefits of rowing vs. elliptical machines for fitness goals, including full-body workouts, low-impact exercises, and space considerations.

In the quest to achieve personal fitness goals, the debate between rowing machines and elliptical machines often arises, leaving many wondering which equipment offers the most efficient path to health and wellness. Both machines have carved out significant roles within home gyms and fitness centers alike, known for their low-impact workouts that cater to a wide array of individuals, including those with joint sensitivities. This article delves into the nuanced distinctions between these two fitness staples, exploring the mechanics of their operation, their unique benefits, and how they compare in terms of engaging different muscle groups, space requirements, and cost considerations. By understanding the basics of elliptical and rowing machine workouts, as well as their perks and key differences, you can make an informed decision on which is the best fit for your fitness journey, whether your focus is on cardiovascular health, muscle toning, calorie burning, or overall physical fitness.

Understanding The Basics Of Elliptical And Rowing Machine Workouts

Elliptical machines and rowing machines are often seen as the backbone of home gym setups. They offer low-impact workouts, making them a great option for those with joint pain or injuries.

Elliptical Machines

Elliptical machines, also known as cross trainers, simulate the motions of walking, jogging, or stair climbing without causing excessive pressure on the joints. This is due to the fact that your feet never leave the pedals, reducing the impact on your knees, ankles, and hips.

See: Best Elliptical Machines for Home Use

Rowing Machines

Rowing machines, on the other hand, simulate the action of rowing a boat. The sliding seat, handle, and chain work together to provide a full-body workout. This machine engages both your upper and lower body, providing a balanced workout.

See: Top Rated Rowing Machines on Amazon

The Perks Of Rowing Machines Vs. Ellipticals

Both rowing machines and ellipticals have their own unique sets of benefits. Let’s explore these benefits in detail.

Cardiovascular System Domination

Rowing machines are known for their ability to provide an intense cardiovascular workout. Each stroke engages your entire body, requiring more oxygen and blood flow to fuel your muscles. This results in an increased heart rate and improved cardiovascular health.

Full-Body Workouts

Unlike many other cardio machines, rowing machines target both your upper and lower body. This leads to a balanced workout and enhanced muscle strength and endurance.

Calorie-Burning Potential

Due to the full-body engagement and intense cardiovascular workout, rowing machines are excellent for burning calories. This makes them a great choice for those looking to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.

Versatility and Variability

Rowing machines offer diverse workout options. You can adjust the resistance levels to suit your fitness levels and goals. This ensures your workouts remain challenging and engaging.

Core Strength and Posture Improvement

Rowing requires a strong core and promotes proper posture throughout the exercise. This helps to develop a stronger core and improve your overall posture.

The Benefits Of Ellipticals Vs. Rowing Machines

Now, let’s explore the unique benefits of elliptical machines.

Customizable Intensity

Elliptical workouts give you the power to control your intensity with adjustable resistance levels. This allows you to tailor your workouts to your fitness levels and goals.

Lower Barrier To Entry

Ellipticals are relatively straightforward to use. This makes them suitable for beginners or those who prefer a simple, easy-to-follow workout.

Potential Space Savings

Depending on the model you choose, an elliptical machine may take up less space than a rowing machine. This is particularly beneficial if you have a small workout space at home.

Elliptical Machine Vs. Rowing Machine: The Key Differences

While both elliptical and rowing machines provide low-impact, full-body workouts, there are some key differences to consider.

Muscles Worked

While both machines target major muscle groups, they do so in different ways. Rowing primarily engages the upper back muscles, hamstrings, and glutes, while elliptical training primarily targets the quads, deltoids, and calves.

Space Considerations

Rowing machines generally require more floor space than ellipticals. Therefore, if you’re limited on space, an elliptical trainer might be a better option for you.


There’s also a difference in price between a rowing machine and an elliptical. While you can get entry-level machines for a reasonable price, higher-end models can be quite expensive.

Elliptical Machine Vs. Rowing Machine: Final Verdict

Deciding between a rowing machine and an elliptical machine ultimately boils down to personal preference, fitness objectives, and physical considerations. Both machines offer compelling benefits that can lead to improved cardiovascular health, muscle strengthening, and weight loss, albeit through different movement patterns and muscle engagements. While rowing machines excel in providing a comprehensive full-body workout that emphasizes upper body strength and core stability, ellipticals offer a more joint-friendly option with customizable intensity levels, making them ideal for those new to exercise or with specific space constraints. As we’ve explored, the choice between these machines should consider factors like the desired intensity of workouts, the space available for equipment, and individual health concerns such as knee or back pain. At the end of the day, the best machine is the one that aligns with your fitness goals, keeps you engaged in your workouts, and supports your long-term health journey. Whether you opt for the dynamic challenge of a rowing workout or the adaptable ease of an elliptical, both paths can lead to great cardiovascular health, enhanced muscular endurance, and a happier, healthier you.


Which Burns More Calories: A Rowing Machine Or An Elliptical?

Calorie burn depends on a lot of factors, including your body size, body composition, fitness level, and the level of effort you’re putting into exercising. According to the Compendium of Physical Activities, a moderate-intensity workout on a rowing machine or an elliptical can burn a similar number of calories.

Is A Rowing Machine Or An Elliptical Better For Bad Knees?

Both machines provide low-impact workouts, which are gentler on your joints than high-impact activities like running or jumping. However, ellipticals generally require less flexion in the knee joint, which can be beneficial for those with knee issues.

Is A Rowing Machine Or An Elliptical Better For Weight Loss?

Both machines can facilitate successful, long-term weight loss. The key is consistency. Choose the machine that you enjoy using, and you’re more likely to stick with your workouts.

Is An Elliptical Machine Or Rower Better For Back Pain?

Most people with back pain will likely find an elliptical to be the better choice. Elliptical machines require an upright position, which can place less pressure on the lower back.