Appalachian Trail Hiker Hears Baby Cry, Falls Right Into A Trap


His Longest Hike 

There was a burning sensation in his legs. This was the longest hike he had ever taken. Though he kept thinking he was near it, he could never find the end. Under his boots, the wet mulch scrunched.

Tired and miles from civilization, he began to worry. Should anything happen to him, he would not be able to be found.

There was no way to find him.

Slowing Down 


A week into his hike on the Appalachian trail, Ben Stone thought he had seen everything the trail had to offer.

His walk through the dense forest was interrupted by a sound that he could not ignore one day. 

Even though he had hiked the Appalachian trail many times, his age made it harder for him to handle the expert trails.

Strange Sounds 


He became nervous when leaves rustled and twigs snapped.

There was a distorted perception of sound in his mind, making everything seem louder than it actually was. 

It filled him with dread to think that he might encounter a bear or another wild animal in the area.

Setting Up Camp 


Having walked for days, his body was tiring as a result of the rugged terrain.

As the sun began to set, he decided it was time to set up his tent. 

The trees echoed with a mournful wail. His first thought was that it was a lost cub crying for its mother, but as he got closer, he realized that it was something entirely different.

Locating The Source 


It sounded like a baby crying. Trying to comprehend what he was hearing, Ben’s heart raced. 

As he listened, he believed that he was seeing things.

However, the cry continued, and Ben knew he must find the source.

He Was Curious 


Despite the encroaching darkness, he found a clearing to pitch his tent. In the end, he succumbed to his curiosity.

Following the sounds, he trudged through the underbrush, tripping over rocks and falling branches. Despite walking for what seemed like hours, there was no sign of the sound getting closer.

Though he thought he would find the creature behind the next tree, he was wrong.

He Had To Help 


After the sunset, Ben realized that he was lost. After straying from the trail, he was unsure how to return. The realization that he might have to spend the night alone in the woods set him into a state of panic.

Despite his best efforts, he could not escape the sound of a crying baby. It was his duty to find it, help it.

It was hard to push on, his legs aching, his throat parched. He tried to remain brave, even though he was scared.

An Experienced Hiker 


Finally, as the sun fell behind the horizon, Ben realized he had lost his way. His location was unknown, and he had no idea how to get back on the trail. Despite his best efforts, he couldn’t keep calm.

The Appalachian Trail had been traversed many times by Ben Stone, who was an accomplished hiker. Wilderness sounds, including rustling leaves and distant animal sounds, were familiar to him.

His senses were heightened as he walked through the dense forest, but he didn’t recognize the sound.

A Persistent Cry 


The sound was similar to the cries of a wounded animal or a cub searching for its mother. In response to the noise, he followed the sound with compassion for the poor creature. He quickly realized that the sound he heard was too high-pitched to be that of a cub. It sounded like a baby crying.

Trying to convince himself he didn’t hear things, he shook his head. He felt his heartstrings being pulled by the persistent cry.

Taking care of the baby and finding the source of the sound were his priorities.



After walking for what seemed like hours, Ben’s mind threw him for a loop. He jumped every time he heard rustling leaves or snapping twigs, believing something was following him. In case of an emergency, he would have his army knife at the ready.

He was beginning to think he had made the wrong decision. He kept looking behind his back.

His predictions were always wrong, however. Once, he even saw a coyote cub crying, but it wasn’t that one.

Somewhere To Stop


He knew he had set up camp somewhere close, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that he was being watched. He didn’t find anything, there was nobody to the voice.

He found a small clearing and quickly found his way back to his tent, trying to ignore the prickling sensation on the back of his neck.

What was there hiding in the woods?

In Your Head


As he lay in his tent, he heard a faint cry.  He thought it was his imagination, but the cry grew louder. It was the sound of a baby crying again. Ben was confused. 

It had been a long day. He convinced himself that the cry he heard was just the sound of the wind in the mountains.

He couldn’t understand why a baby would be out in the middle of nowhere.

It Is Real


As night fell, Ben’s nerves were on edge. He tried to distract himself by reading, but the sound of the crying baby kept echoing in his mind. 

It started again. A soft wailing of a small child. Ben was sure this time, it was definitely real.

Suddenly, something shook his tent, making him jump in his skin.

Nothing There


He sat frozen, listening intently. Another shake came, harder this time. He reached for his flashlight and unzipped the tent slowly.

Outside, he saw nothing but darkness. But then he heard it again, the sound of a baby crying.

He shone his light around, trying to see where it was coming from. His body was trembling in fear.

Imagining Things


He stepped outside his tent and searched the area with his flashlight. He followed the sound of the crying, and it led him to a bush. 

As he shone his flashlight on the bush, he saw a bundle of cloth. He wanted to pick it up but he was scared.

How did it get here in the middle of nowhere?

Phantom Child


Ben’s heart raced as he held the crying baby in his arms. He had no idea what to do.

He was miles away from civilization, and he had no way of contacting anyone. 

There was something supernatural going on. He decided to take the baby with him and see if he could find help somewhere.

Strange Beings


Then, he saw it. A figure, dark and shadowy, holding a bundle that was crying. Ben’s heart stopped. Was it a ghost? A hallucination?

He tried to back away, but the figure stepped closer, the crying got louder. Suddenly, he realized what he was seeing.

It wasn’t a ghost or a hallucination. It was a woman, reaching out for the baby.

Weird Feeling

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Ben’s mind raced. How could there be a woman and a baby out here in the middle of nowhere? Were they lost too? He rubbed his eyes.

He stepped closer, his heart pounding. The woman looked up, and for a moment, they just stared at each other.

Then she spoke, her voice soft and trembling. “Please,” she said, holding out the baby. “Help us.”

Paranormal Activity

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Ben felt a surge of emotion. He held the baby, cradling it carefully in his arms. The woman was shaking, tears streaming down her face.

They talked for a while, and Ben learned the woman’s story. She and her husband had been camping with their baby when a sudden storm hit.

They had been separated, and she had been wandering through the woods for hours, trying to find her way back to the campsite.

Savior Of The Night


Ben knew he had to help them. He led the woman back to his tent and gave her and the baby some food and water.

She ate very little and just wanted to rest.

They talked late into the night, and by the time they fell asleep, Ben knew he had made two new friends.

The Mountain Woman And Her Lost Family


In the morning, Ben led the woman and the baby back to the trail. They hiked together for a while, the baby cooing and giggling in Ben’s arms.

Ben thought that he was silly to think that there was something strange happening.

He should have known better. Sometimes people do get lost in the woods. There was a logical explanation.

End Of The Journey


As they reached the end of the trail, the woman turned to him, tears in her eyes.

“Thank you,” she said. Ben smiled at her and tried to keep his grip on the rocks.

Ben was struggling to climb up the steep cliff with a baby in his hands, and when he looked back down to help her up, the woman had mysteriously vanished.

It’s Your Mission Now


She was nowhere to be seen. It was impossible for her to be out of sight in just one second.

Where did the strange woman go? His eyes glazed over the mountainous area. She was gone.

Ben’s heart was pounding. The baby started screaming at the top of his lungs. Ben was stranded with a foreign baby.

Save The Baby


As he hiked through the forest with the baby in his arms, Ben’s mind raced. He couldn’t understand how a baby could be out in the middle of nowhere. What had just happened?

He wondered if the woman had abandoned the baby, or if the baby had been separated from its real parents.

He didn’t have any solid information.

On His Own


As the day wore on, Ben’s exhaustion began to catch up with him. He needed to find a safe place to rest, but he couldn’t risk leaving the baby alone. 

He continued to hike, looking for a safe spot to set up camp. He was exhausted and just wanted to go home.

He didn’t know that something was waiting for him in the night.

Not Alone Now


Suddenly, he heard a sound behind him. It was the sound of something moving through the forest. His hair stood up at the back of his neck. It was just like the night before.

Ben’s heart raced as he turned around, shining his flashlight into the darkness.

He saw nothing, but the sound continued. It was close, he could feel its overpowering presence.

No Escape


He quickened his pace, trying to put some distance between himself and whatever was following him. The sound grew louder, and he realized that something was chasing him. He broke into a run, desperate to find safety.

As he ran, he heard the sound of his tent being shaken. He knew that he was being pursued.

He pushed himself harder, his heart pounding in his chest. He had to keep running.

I See A Light


Finally, he saw a clearing up ahead. He sprinted towards it, hoping that he could find safety there.

As he entered the clearing, he saw a small cabin. It was just his luck. He ran towards it, hoping that someone was inside.

He burst through the door, gasping for breath. A man was sitting outside with a gun, looking up at him in surprise. “What’s going on?” he asked.

Will They Believe Him


Ben tried to explain, but he was out of breath. He handed the man the crying baby and collapsed onto a chair. The man looked at the baby in surprise. “Where did you find this?” he asked.

The man listened, his face growing grave. “You have to call the authorities,” he said. “This baby needs help.”

He tried again to explain the situation as best he could. “There was a woman, the mother, she’s gone!” The ranger tried to calm him down.

There Is Something Big Out There


Ben nodded, grateful for the man’s help. He pulled out his phone and dialed 911. As he spoke to the operator, he felt a wave of relief wash over him. He had done the right thing, and now the baby would be safe.

As he waited for the authorities to arrive, Ben felt a sense of gratitude towards the man who had helped him. He tried to tell the ranger that there was something out there in the woods.

To protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events, places, or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.