School Erupts In Flames And Principal Tells Kid To Stay Put


Right In Front Of Him

Mitchie felt his heart rate go up as the adrenaline pumped through his veins. It felt as if he had been set up for a prank or something. He nearly collapsed to the floor as he knees grew week and his hands shaky.

He could never have anticipated finding something like this, not in his school at least. But there it stood right in front of him. He had no idea what would come next.

Time Was Running Out

The Mirror

He thought about running as far away as he could or scream for help. But instead, he stood frozen in his tracks, the look of terror plastered on his face. He knew he had to do something. 

After seeing the object in front of him he knew he had to get everyone out of the school. Time wasn’t on his side so he had to move as fast as possible.

End Of An Era 

Stephen Lloyd – Youtube

For Mitchie Smith, every single high school memory had to be saved. The end of an era for him and his friends will soon arrive with graduation just around the horizon.

But as one chapter closes, another one begins, and Mitchie couldn’t help but be eager for what was ahead.

Good Memories

CBS News

As a result, as a new school week began, Mitchie took care to save every memory and time before having to say goodbye to his friends.

However, he could not have predicted what was going to occur. But he was unaware that his entire world was about to collapse.

Final Days Approaching

Stephen Lloyd – Youtube

Mitchie entered his high school with a new cup of coffee and his headphones. He waved to his students as he passed them in the corridor. He was going to miss them so much!

He had only positive recollections of his time spent in the high school, and with good cause.

The Popular Kid

Famous Birthdays

Mitchie was a well-liked child, but not just among his peers. His instructors also adored him. He was witty, intelligent, hilarious, and reasonable. Everyone could see that he was on the rise since he did so well in all of his subjects.

But despite being one of the brightest students in the class, Mitchie was unable to foresee what would occur next.

A New Day

Stephen Lloyd – Youtube

The day’s first lesson for Mitchie? History. Not his favorite lesson, but worse things have happened. He sighs and wipes his drained eyes as he sits at his desk.

He taps his pen as soon as the class begins and counts down the minutes until it is over by watching the clock tick away. Yes, Mitchie believed that today would be a typical, dull day. But he was unaware of how mistaken he was.


Stephen Lloyd – Youtube

Many folks were sobbing and cuddling while looking through each other’s yearbooks while wiping their eyes with tissues. Everyone was very emotional due to the upcoming graduation.

But they couldn’t have known that this wasn’t going to be the only thing that made people cry today. There was still so much to come.

Getting Emotional


While scanning through each other’s yearbooks, several individuals were sobbing and hugging, wiping the tears from their eyes. There was a palpable sense of emotion among everyone due to the impending graduation.

However, they were unable to foresee the fact that this wouldn’t be the only tearjerker of the day. Still to come was so much more.

Art Class

Stephen Lloyd – Youtube

After finishing their meal, Mitchie and his buddies went back inside to begin another session. This time, Art did it. In art class, Mitchie typically had a nice time.

He felt Mrs. Michele, his teacher, was wonderful, and the two of them got along beautifully. He just wasn’t aware of how different things would be that day.

Stern Look

Stephen Lloyd – Youtube

He sat at his table and smiled at his teacher. Usually, she gave back a cheery smile at the beginning of every class, but this time was different.

Instead, a stern look was plastered on her face. Suddenly, she started to make her way over to Mitchie. And a terrible feeling hit the pit of his stomach. 

Running An Errand

What did his teacher want to tell him? By the look on her face, it looked like it was something serious. Mitchie braced himself for what she had to say.

“Will you take these documents to the headteacher please Mitchie?” she asked. “Sure thing!” Mitchie responded, flashing his smile. He picked up the documents and made his way to the principal’s office. 

He Saw It

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At first, Mitchie thought it would be something more serious. But what was in those papers? Well, that was none of his business. As he walked down the eerily quiet hallway, memories of his school years came flooding back. 

But then suddenly, in the corner of his eye, he saw something outside. And what he saw made his stomach drop to his knees. 

Terror And Shock 

Stephen Lloyd – Youtube

This had to be some sort of joke. Mitchie’s mouth drops wide open as his eyes fixate on what he can see outside. Confusion, terror, and adrenaline burst through his body, and his breath quickens. 

Right then and there, he knew what to do. However, there was something blocking him from acting. He was paralyzed.


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He had to get help. He had to do something; he couldn’t just stand here. But for some reason, he couldn’t move one muscle of his body.

He was frozen in his tracks, filled with terror and anxiety. After a few seconds, he snapped out of it and raced to the principal. He had to get everyone out of here. 

Running For Help 

Stephen Lloyd – Youtube

Mitchie raced through the school hallways, his heartbeat in his throat. Finally, he reached the principal’s office and he bursted inside. 

“Sir, sir,” Mitchie yelled out. The principal was inside, however, he was speaking to someone else. “Just wait boy,” the principal said, his tone blunt. But Mitchie couldn’t wait any longer. Time was running out. 

You Need To See This! 

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“Sir, please you need to come here and see this!” Mitchie proclaimed. With each second that passed, Mitchie’s pulse beat faster and faster, to the point where it felt like his heart was about to jump out of his mouth.

What he saw outside still burned into the back of his mind, he had to make sure everyone was safe. 

“Sir, Please!”

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“Sir, please!” yelled Mitchie. But the principal turned around and gave Mitchie a look that could freeze ice. “What is all this yelling about? You better learn your manners, boy, and I’ll get back to you after,” he spat out. 

His words were bullets hitting straight at Mitchie. How could he not realize that what he had to say was urgent?

An Emergency 

Stephen Lloyd – Youtube

Mitchie knew that he couldn’t wait any longer, he yelled, “look outside sir, it’s an emergency!” Visibly annoyed, the principal muttered to himself and glanced over at Mitchie. 

For the first time, he saw the look of terror on Mitchie’s face and he instantly realized that he meant business. But still, he was puzzled. What could be so urgent?

Lost For Words

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Although slower than Mitchie would have wished, the principal then walked towards the window and peered outside. And what he saw left him lost for words. (  

Now he understood why Mitchie was so shaken and dismayed by what he had just seen in the hallway. How could he have been so foolish for letting this happen?  

Not What He Expected 


You see, a fire had broken out in one of the dustbins near the entrance. It wasn’t a rip-roaring fire, but it was still a pretty wildfire, and as soon as Mitchie saw it, he knew he was in trouble.

However, he had enough sense to realize that he wouldn’t be able to deal with it by himself. That’s why he ran to the school’s authorities.

“I Told You”

Youtube – KTNV Channel 13 Las Vegas

The principal’s mouth dropped as he saw the fire become even stronger and even bigger. He turned to Mitchie who just smirked at him, despite the seriousness of the situation. “I told you,” Mitchie said. 

The principal started to panic. Now, he had to think fast about how to deal with it. Because it wasn’t too late, was it? 

Pressing The Alarm 

Firezone – Youtube

There was only one thing they could do at that moment, and they both knew it: Mitchie raced down the hall and immediately smashed the fire alarm button. 

The piercing sound lingered in the air, and crowds of worried students and teachers left their classrooms and started to race through the hallway.

Leaving The Building

Farmers – Harvest

Mitchie rounded up a few students and told them where to leave. Suddenly, the principal appeared and he thanked Mitchie and apologized for dismissing him and taking his fear for rudeness. 

The fire department arrived 15 minutes later. Luckily for everyone, they managed to put out the fire in no time. However, things were about to get even worse for Mitchie. 

Who Started It? 

Firezone – Youtube

While the entire school (2,000 students to be exact) stood outside worried about their school, the fire department soon arrived. Within half an hour, they were able to put the fire out.  

As soon as they did, the students cheered and applauded the fire department. But when it came to figuring out how the fire was started, all fingers started to point in one direction. 



Everyone looked at Mitchie, and some hands in the crowd even pointed at him. Mitchie’s jaw dropped. He didn’t expect to be singled out like that. How could all those people believe he had been the one causing the fire?

Why would he even do something like that? There was no way he could be guilty. Or maybe there was? 

Blame Game 

Stephen Lloyd – Youtube

As Mitchie was the first to discover the fire outside, the fire department immediately blamed him for starting it. Offended and angry, Mitchie proclaimed his innocence. 

The principal stared at Mitchie, baffled. What if it all had been a dumb antic? But how could that be? After all, Mitchie was one of the top students in the school. And that wasn’t all. 

Model Student

Famous Birthdays

During all his years studying in that high school, Mitchie had never gotten himself in trouble. In short, Mitchie was the last person anyone could suspect of doing something like that.

But now, the principal had doubts. What if he had fooled them all along? So after thinking for a few seconds, he made a decision.


Famous Birthdays

Mitchie was temporarily suspended until the CCTV examined on the hallways could be examined to find out how the fire started. He was devastated to hear this. What if he missed his graduation?

In order to have access to the footage, however, the school would have to get authorization from the police department. So it would take a few days, if not weeks.


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Thankfully, the process didn’t last for longer than a couple of days, and Mitchy was proven not guilty after CCTV footage was reviewed. 

The footage showed that the fire was started by a cigarette. Mitchie was happy that the fire was resolved, now he could concentrate on the inevitable emotional next few months.

In order to protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.