Old Woman Can’t Retire Until Officers Check Manager’s Trunk



The last ten years had been happily spent working for Betty Coleman’s local grocery store. She was growing sick of sitting around idly, doing nothing at all, at the advanced age of 81.

Betty, who was incredibly physically active for her old age, excitedly responded to an ad in the local newspaper about a new opportunity as a grocery store clerk.

Favorite Among Many

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Meeting all the new people was by far her favorite aspect of working there. She became endearingly known as Aunt Betty by all the shop regulars. In Astoria, Oregon, she had built a well-known reputation for herself.

Betty was now already 91 years old and was getting ready to hang up her work clothes for good; there was just one thing standing in the way.


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Despite being beyond grateful for the extra income, it was still not sufficient to pay for her exorbitant housing expenses. Rather, she required the retirement funds to begin saving up for a down payment on her home.

In order to live near the Columbia River, she had applied to live in a lovely and well-recommended retirement community.

Waking up to the beautiful sight of the tranquil river each and every morning was her ultimate wish. There was only one thing stopping her.

Different Ideas


Betty’s boss, Mr. Collins, was extremely calculated and finance-driven. Despite Betty’s impeccable work ethic and the manner in which she interacted with the many customers, he was totally unwilling to lose such a reliable and beloved asset to his store. It would be near impossible for him to replace Betty if she were to retire.

She felt very overwhelmed by the fact that the intimidating Mr. Collins viewed her as so much more than just a valuable employee, but it felt like now was a good time to take things a little easier for the first time in her long life.



He expressed various concerns when Betty first mentioned her long-overdue retirement. His argument was that Betty would still be able to work and was be an invaluable addition to the store.

His belief was that both the community and the business would suffer a great loss they were totally unprepared for if she were to leave.

She understood but prayed that Mr. Collins would be willing to view the situation from her point of view as well.

The War Inside


She couldn’t ignore the gnawing feeling within her that it was finally time for a well-deserved break and some peace and quiet for her later years.

As she continued to age, her joints ached more and more by the day, and spending so much time on her feet was absolutely exhausting for her.

Every single day when she woke up, she wholeheartedly wished that, at long last, there was no work day to prepare for.



She found herself in a bind between her burning desire to retire and her unquestionable sense of loyalty to her job and customers.

There was no possible way she could bear the thought of letting down all those many people who had come to rely on her kindness and warmth.

But then she remembered the lovely retirement village home she was working towards and how refreshing the crisp air and lack of responsibility would be.

From A Place Of Kindness


Betty’s daughter, Emily, lived in a nearby town and gained word of her mother’s dire situation. Although Emily heavily praised her mother’s work ethic and dedication to the community, she couldn’t help but worry about her physical health.

When they spoke on the phone, it was beyond obvious how much of a physical toll the long hours on her feet were taking on her. There was a crippling fear in her heart that her mother would become ill one day.


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After being unable to bear the situation for too long, Emily decided to surprise her mother. Her mother and the store would both benefit from the solution she ingeniously came up with.

It was obvious from Emily’s eyes that she was totally determined when she initially arrived at the grocery store. In an attempt to discuss Betty’s retirement, she demanded to speak with Mr. Collins.



He agreed to meet her in his office reluctantly. While sitting across from her mother, Emily expressed concern for her health.

Her long hours had taken a toll on Betty’s health, and retirement would allow her to rest and enjoy life. There are, however, reservations on the part of Mr. Collins.

The Boss’s Dilemma


Mr. Collins listened attentively to Emily’s heartfelt plea. He understood the love and concern she had for her mother, but his mind was preoccupied with the potential loss of such a valuable employee.

What’s more, he confessed that Betty’s retirement money wouldn’t be as much as she had initially thought it would be. Emily looked at him in confusion.

Extra Funds


“I understand your concerns, Emily,” Mr. Collins began, his voice carrying a tinge of compassion. “Betty has been an integral part of this store for years, and her absence would be deeply felt. However, I don’t want to stand in the way of her happiness and well-being.”

“But it seems that through the years, Betty has been asking me to take money from her retirement to add to her salary. It seems she needed extra funds.”



Emily was saddened to hear that her mother struggled to make ends meet. But she had an idea to help her. She roped in her daughter Emma to help her start a GoFundMe page in order to help Betty get the retirement she deserved.

They posted pictures of Betty working at the store and started the fund at $40 000. The response was overwhelming.

Overcome With Emotion


In the end, the amount climbed to $75 000, far surpassing the initial amount of $40 000. Betty was overcome with emotion at how so many strangers had come together to help her.

“I’m speechless,” she said. “I didn’t think for a minute that people would be that generous. Even if it’s whatever they can afford, it’s amazing that they give it to me.”

A Compromise


In the end, a compromise was reached. Aunt Betty transitioned into a part-time role with shorter shifts and lighter duties. This way, she could enjoy some well-deserved rest while still being able to contribute to the community.

Emily’s face lit up with relief and gratitude. She knew her mother would appreciate the compromise. The thought of Betty being able to retire gradually and maintain her connection with the store brought a sense of comfort.

Disclaimer: In order to protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.