Niña De 10 Años Dice Vender Limonada Hasta Que Policía Toma Un Sorbo
La Horma De Su Zapato
Cuando el agente vio a su padre entrar en la sala, se quedó boquiabierto.
Lo único que había hecho era responder a una queja. Le dijo a la niña que cerrara su puesto de limonada y la denunció al ayuntamiento.
No esperaba llegar tan lejos. Pero pronto descubrió que se había encontrado con la horma de su zapato. Y tendría suerte si salía de esta con su trabajo.
Todo El Mundo La Conocía
Janice Polder era una niña despreocupada de diez años que lo único que quería era ayudar a la gente de su barrio.
Y fue su determinación por ser una buena persona lo que la convirtió en una de las personas más conocidas de su barrio.
Todo empezó cuando tenía siete años. Y desde entonces, la niña se ha convertido en un pilar de la comunidad. Pero, ¿cómo lo ha conseguido?
Empezó Por Una Buena Razón
Todo empezó cuando empezó a ir a la escuela.
Janice procedía de una familia acomodada, pero eso no significaba que no tuviera corazón.
Vio que en su clase había niños con dificultades. Muchos de ellos no podían permitirse lo necesario para asistir a clase o pasar de curso. Y eso preocupaba a la joven.
Sólo Quería Ayudar A Sus Amigos
Esa noche se sentó con su madre, la señora Polder, y le dijo que quería hacer algo para ayudar a sus amigos a conseguir lo que necesitaban.
La señora Polder se sintió conmovida por la forma de pensar de su hija y aceptó ayudarla.
Pero no iba a limitarse a regalar cosas. Así que sugirió a su hija que hiciera algo para ganar el dinero de las cosas que quería donar.
Poner De Su Parte
Janice decidió abrir un puesto de limonada.
Durante los meses de verano, montó su puesto y consiguió que todos sus vecinos le compraran.
Cada vez que alguien le preguntaba qué estaba haciendo, ella les decía que su dinero serviría para comprar material escolar que se donaría cuando empezara de nuevo el colegio.
Todo El Mundo Colaboró
Después de escuchar la historia y correr la voz, todos en la comunidad comenzaron a arrimar el hombro.
Sabían que la limonada no era la mejor de la ciudad, pero aun así compraron jarras.
Todos los que conocían a Janice querían contribuir a su causa. Querían ayudar a los niños menos afortunados y aportar su granito de arena. No sabían que las cosas acabarían tan mal.
Iba Bien
Durante años, la operación de Janice fue bien. Empezó despacio, y durante el verano sólo acudían sus vecinos más cercanos.
Pero la gente empezó a difundir su historia en Internet y fue entonces cuando todo empezó a cambiar. De sus seis vecinos más cercanos, la clientela pasó a ser de diez.
Y de repente se produjo un boom. Diez se convirtieron en veinte. Veinte se convirtieron en treinta.
Creciendo Rápidamente
En cuestión de semanas, había cola hasta donde alcanzaba la vista. Y no era un hecho aislado. Ocurría a diario.
La mañana empezaba con diez jarras de cada uno de los tres sabores, y en menos de una hora estaban vacías.
La señora Polder pasaba la mayor parte del tiempo en la cocina, removiendo los nuevos lotes que se venderían antes de que pudieran asentarse.
Mucho Dinero
Al poco tiempo, Janice ganaba 10.000 dólares al día. Esa era la fe que la gente tenía en ella.
Y no utilizaba ni un céntimo de su dinero en sí misma.
Cuanto más dinero ganaba, más material escolar compraba y más niños conseguía ayudar. Había crecido tanto que su escuela empezó a donar material a otras escuelas de la zona.
A Todo El Mundo Le Encantaba
Cada vez que Janice hacía una donación, su madre ponía un vídeo en Internet y a la gente le encantaba.
Gracias a ello, podían ver que el dinero que gastaban se destinaba a una buena obra, y lo adoraban.
Eso espoleó aún más su negocio y, en poco tiempo, no solo acudía la comunidad.
Venía Gente De Todas Partes
La gente había visto las historias en Internet. Habían oído hablar de la chica de Wisconsin que vendía limonada para ayudar a los demás. Y querían contribuir.
Eso significaba que venía gente de todo el estado.
La gente compraba limonada y se hacía una foto con Janice para publicarla en las redes sociales, sin saber que eso la metería en problemas.
Se Hizo Un Nombre
Janice se hizo un nombre muy rápidamente, y se había ganado a gente de todo el país.
En ese momento, todo iba muy bien, pero no duraría para siempre.
Todas las buenas acciones que Janice estaba haciendo se evaporarían en el momento en que su familia tuviera nuevos vecinos. Pero, ¿por qué? ¿Y qué hacían sus vecinos?
Un Nuevo Vecino
Acababa de empezar el invierno cuando los Thompson se mudaron a la casa de al lado.
La familia no tardó en presentarse y los Polder pensaron que era el comienzo de una floreciente amistad.
Pero no tenían ni idea de lo que les esperaba. No buscaban amistad, y pronto lo revelarían.
Un Obstáculo
No había pasado ni un mes cuando la Sra. Thompson empezó a causar problemas a los Polders. Se quejaba de todo lo que se le ocurría.
Empezó con un comentario cortés de vez en cuando.
Pero rápidamente se convirtió en una espiral de quejas diarias que eran más groseras de lo que deberían haber sido. Se estaba convirtiendo en un problema, y todo el mundo podía verlo.
Buscando Problemas
Al ver el camino que la Sra. Thompson intentaba tomar, la Sra. Polder tuvo la oportunidad de prepararse. Su respuesta fue sencilla. Simplemente ignoró a su nueva vecina.
Pero fue entonces cuando las cosas empezaron a empeorar. En el momento en que la señora Thompson se dio cuenta de que se estaba topando con un muro de ladrillo, subió de tono.
Sus quejas se hicieron más grandes, más ruidosas y mucho más peligrosas.
Llegó El Verano
Los Polder pudieron ignorar a la Sra. Thompson durante el invierno. Pero cuando llegó el verano, sus problemas alcanzaron un nivel que no sabían que existía.
La señora Thompson había hecho algo que nadie esperaba.
Pero esta vez los Polders no se conformarían con lo que les echaran. Esta vez se defenderían, y todos los implicados acabarían arrepintiéndose.
Preparando Su Puesto
La primera mañana del verano, la joven Janice se levantó temprano para montar su puesto de limonada.
Ella y su madre estuvieron trabajando hasta tarde la noche anterior mientras preparaban los primeros lotes de limonada que querían vender.
No tenían ni idea de que ese día se convertiría en un desastre. No podían imaginar que Janice irrumpiría en casa con los ojos llenos de lágrimas.
Nada Inusual
A las 7 de la mañana empezaron las rebajas. A las 8 ya iban por el segundo lote. Pero no había nada en el día que pareciera inusual.
Poco sabían que alguien les estaba observando. Y esa persona no estaba nada contenta con la situación.
¿Hasta dónde estaba dispuesto a llegar esta persona para salirse con la suya? ¿De verdad atacarían a un niño?
Larga Cola
Cuanto más tiempo pasaba, más larga se hacía la cola. Pero eso tampoco era raro. Janice se había acostumbrado a ver tanta gente durante sus días de verano, y le encantaba el espectáculo.
Más gente significaba más material escolar, y eso era todo lo que ella quería al final del día.
Pero las cosas estaban a punto de empeorar. Y la niña de diez años no tenía ni idea de lo que se le venía encima. ¿Encontraría una salida?
Siguiendo Como Siempre
Janet seguía como siempre, sin saber que su mundo estaba a punto de ponerse patas arriba.
Pero, ¿cómo podía sospechar la niña de diez años que algo que le iba a cambiar la vida estaba a punto de sucederle?
Pensaba que sólo estaba haciendo lo de siempre. Pero, por desgracia, su rutina habitual molestaba a algunos y querían cortarla de raíz.
Nothing To Suspect
Janet would never be able to suspect someone of doing something so heinous.
She never would’ve guessed that she would become the subject of that person’s revenge.
She never could’ve imagined that this person wanted their way so badly that they couldn’t begin to care about how it would affect the lives of others. But sadly, that was exactly what was happening.
No Idea
Janet was just trying to do a good deed, but this person didn’t know about it.
She had no idea what kind of trouble the ten-year-old went through to get where she was that day.
But she didn’t care either. She wanted revenge for what was done to her, and she didn’t bother about who suffered in the process. If only she knew what she was getting herself into.
Behind Closed Doors
Behind closed doors, Mrs. Thompson was fuming. She was furious about the way her neighbors just brushed her off.
And she wanted to let them know that she was a force that would be reckoned with.
But she had no idea who she was going up against. Or how her actions would affect her future.
She Wanted To Get Even
All Mrs. Thompson could think about was getting even. She thought about it day in and day out.
It had consumed her and affected every part of her being.
What the Poulders had done wasn’t something that could just be forgotten. But what did the Poulders do that was so bad? Why did Mrs. Thompson feel the need to get revenge?
Mrs. Thompson felt humiliated because her neighbors had been ignoring the endless list of complaints she had.
Every time she brought something up, she felt like she was being brushed off.
That really irked her, and it only became worse over time. Why weren’t these people taking her seriously? And what could she do about it?
What Could She Do?
That was exactly what Mrs. Thompson was thinking about as she looked out her window.
At first, she was just staring off into the distance, but then she saw the lemonade stand being set up.
A million and one thoughts crossed her mind as she watched little Janice get ready for her busy day. But would it be wise for her to act on any of them?
Was It Beyond Her?
Mrs. Thompson stood there and wondered if hurting a child was beyond her.
Of course, she wouldn’t do anything physical. That wasn’t something she was capable of doing.
But maybe, just maybe, the Poulders would act if their child was affected in some way or another. However, Mrs. Thompson wouldn’t know if that was the case until she tried it.
Not Thinking It Through
The problem was that Mrs. Thompson didn’t pay much attention to her actions.
She just leaped into action without thinking about what the consequences might be.
What Mrs. Thompson didn’t know was that she and everyone else that got involved in her scheme would suffer severe consequences because of what she had done. But did she really care?
A Phone Call
As she looked at the young girl setting up her stand, Mrs. Thompson pulled out her phone and made her biggest mistake yet.
Without giving it a second thought, she dialed the number and complained until her heart felt content.
If only she knew what she had gotten herself into. This would not be as easy as she thought it would be.
Out In The Garden
Meanwhile, Janice was getting ready for another big day.
She was a little concerned, considering how busy she was the previous day. But it didn’t phase her.
The busier she was, the more money she made, and that wasn’t anything to scoff at. More money meant more supplies, and that meant that more children would be helped.
Only One Concern
At that point in time, Janice had only one concern on her innocent young mind.
And it was helping as many children as she could.
But it wasn’t the easiest of things to do, either. In order to achieve her goals, she had to do a lot of work. And it really got to her sometimes. But nothing was ever as bad as the situation would be on that day.
Customer Satisfaction
Janice knew that the cornerstone of every good business was customer satisfaction. And up until that day, she had nailed it.
But then again, in all the years she had run her stand, no customer was ever unsatisfied with the product or service they had received.
That was about to change. Could the young girl deal with an unhappy customer?
Her Main Goal
In all the years of running her stand, Janice only ever had one goal in mind, helping the less fortunate.
And over those years, she learned that she needed to take steps to ensure it happened.
But Janice never faced the bad side of owning a business. She only ever knew the good. So she had no knowledge of what was required when something bad arose.
Lurking In The Shadows
What Janice didn’t know was that problems were on the horizon.
Her neighbor was lurking in the shadows, looking for the opportune moment to strike, and she had just found it.
Janice had started her day completely unaware of the trouble she was about to face, but her day had just begun. And it would be unlike any other.
Endless Jugs
This day was busier than the rest. It was so busy that people actually had to wait for the next batches of lemonade to be made.
Empty jugs were scattered across the kitchen table as Mrs. Polder tried her best to keep up with the demand.
She doubled the size of her batches, and that still wasn’t enough. But the hard work was about to come to an abrupt end.
Two Police Officers
When the queue started moving once more, Janice saw two police officers waiting in the line.
This was something new, as the local police department had never bought from her before.
But Janice didn’t see it as a bad thing, which is something she might’ve wanted to consider because those officers weren’t there with good intentions.
Incredibly Nervous
For the first time since she started her stand, Janice was nervous.
She didn’t know why, but she knew it had something to do with the officers.
The closer they got, the more nervous she became. But why? What did the officers want? And why did their presence make her feel the way she did?
He Took A Sip
At first, the officers were friendly. They bought two lemonades, which delighted Janice.
But they didn’t just take the drinks and leave, as she expected them to.
Instead, the one officer looked her right in the eyes and took a big sip. That was where the problems began, and the officer’s intentions were made clear.
Startling Accusation
“This isn’t real lemonade,” the one officer said, smacking his lips together. His words startled Janice, as everyone knew it wasn’t real lemonade.
But that was just the beginning of the officer’s onslaught.
What followed would have the young girl reeling, and it would ultimately have her running into the house with tears streaming down her cheeks.
A Line Of Questions
The officer started asking Janice a bunch of questions about licensing and taxes and other things she had no idea about.
She had no idea what to say or do.
But she took the inquisition in her stride and tried her best to answer the officer’s questions. What she didn’t know was that there simply wasn’t a way out.
Trying To Explain
After an incredibly lengthy discussion, Janice tried to explain what it was that she was actually doing there during the summer months.
She explained that everyone knew that the lemonade was just a pre-prepared mix that her mother converted into what she was selling.
And she told the officers her operation was fully legal. That was her biggest mistake yet.
Shut Down
The officer wasn’t backing down, and from the looks of it, Janice’s response simply irritated him.
He clearly didn’t like the fact that the ten-year-old actually knew what she was doing.
With a stern look, he knelt down in front of Janice and said, “I’m shutting you down.” His voice was firm and authoritative, leaving no room for argument.
The Next Morning
Janice ran into her home with tears streaming down her cheeks. But that was just the beginning.
Later that night, Mrs. Thompson arrived, looking as smug as ever.
However, it was the letter the Polders received the next morning that changed everything. It was from the city council, and they had revoked all of the Polder’s licenses.
Janice was devastated by the news. She couldn’t believe that someone would be so cruel to a young girl who was only trying to help her friends.
She spent the entire morning crying in her mom’s loving arms.
But it did nothing to soothe the pain she felt. What she didn’t know was that her mom had a plan.
What Was Happening?
That night, Mrs. Polder sat down with her husband and told him what had happened the day before. Mr. Polder was furious and swore to get even.
He knew exactly who was behind this, and he would ensure that Mrs. Thompson paid the ultimate price for what she did to his daughter. If only she knew who he really was.
In order to protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.