Mother-In-Law Kicks Out Old Man From Wedding, Next Day Couple File For Divorce


The Next Day

She felt beyond hopeless as she sat on the floor in the bathroom with her head in her hands. She had been crying all night, wondering how something like this could have happened.

Her new husband was in the bedroom, speaking to a divorce attorney over the phone.

They had gotten married the day before, and now, they were filing for divorce. What was supposed to be the best day of her life had turned into a living nightmare, and it was all thanks to her mother-in-law.

Her Dream


That day started perfectly. When Bethany woke up, she was over the moon. For the last few years, she had been waiting for this day to come.

Alex was the man of her dreams, and she was finally going to be his wife.

She spent that day surrounded by family and friends as she got ready to marry her best friend. How could she have known that in just a few hours, she would want a divorce?

The Big Day


The ceremony went perfectly. Guests cried and cheered as the couple said their vows and shared their first kiss as a married couple.

Everyone was over the moon for Bethany and Alex. They had always seemed like the perfect couple.

It wasn’t until the reception that everything went downhill. Before Bethany knew it, she was standing in front of her new husband and mother-in-law as tears poured down her cheeks.

The Groom


“I want your mother to apologize for what she’s done,” She told Alex who was fuming.

He shook his head, anger bubbling within him at his wife’s insistence. He hadn’t seen what had happened, but he was insisting that his mother was not at fault.

Bethany’s gorgeous white gown was now stained with red wine, her cheeks covered in streaks of dark makeup. How could this have happened?



The older woman stood before her, her arms crossed over her chest as she glared at the bride. As far as she was concerned, Bethany had disrespected her.

The bride expected her husband to back her up, but instead, he was on his mother’s side.

“It is not my mother’s fault. Now apologize for disrespecting her! You will not speak to her like that!” He shouted in her face. That was the first time she saw her husband’s true colors.

True Colors


She felt hopeless and emotional, but she wasn’t going to let Alex or Helen get away with this.

“Your mother had no right to do that! I want an apology now,” Her hands shook with anger.

But her heart dropped when her husband let out a sarcastic laugh and shook his head. He had always been so understanding and reasonable, but now, she was seeing him in a new light.

The Biggest Mistake


Bethany couldn’t believe it. It was supposed to be her special day, and her mother-in-law had decided that it was appropriate to kick one of her guests out of the reception.

But this wasn’t just any guest, this was someone very special to the bride.

Bethany’s eyes were burning with tears. Her husband wasn’t defending her, and she felt powerless as she stood before him and his mother. That was when she realized that she had just made the biggest mistake of her life.

Bethany Urie


Growing up in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Bethany Urie had always been a girl with wild and magical dreams.

She was a hopeless romantic, and when she met Alex Craig at the age of 19, she dreamed of someday being his wife.

The pair were hopelessly in love for seven years before Alex finally put a ring on Bethany’s finger. She couldn’t believe her luck. She was finally going to marry the man of her dreams.



Throughout the years, she had grown close to Alex’s family. She absolutely loved his two sisters and father, but she had always struggled to connect with his mother, Helen.

She was snobbish and rude, and she never approved of their relationship.

For this reason, Bethany never really opened up to Helen about her life. In fact, she knew almost nothing about the woman her son was getting married to.



For months, Bethany and Alex sat together and planned the perfect wedding.

They wanted to have the ceremony at a local church that Alex used to attend with his family. The reception would then be held at a gorgeous venue right next door.

All in all, they were beside themselves with excitement for their wedding day. Bethany never questioned her decision to marry Alex. Other than the occasional issue with his mother, their relationship was perfect.

A Special Day


Before they knew it, their special day had finally arrived. Bethany spent the morning with her family and friends while they helped her get ready. She looked beyond stunning in her white gown, and she couldn’t wait for Alex to see her.

The ceremony went perfectly. Guests cried and cheered as the couple said their vows and shared their first kiss as a married couple.

Everyone was so happy for them. They had always seemed like the perfect couple. But before long, everything went downhill.

A Commotion


Bethany was enjoying a glass of champagne with one of her bridesmaids when she heard the commotion.

Looking to the side, she could see Helen towering over a man as she shouted at him, demanding that he leave immediately.

Guests were slowly gathering around them as Bethany placed her drink down and excused herself from her conversation. She wanted to see what was going on. As she got closer, she realized what was going on.

Who Did She Think She Was?


“Sir, if you do not leave right this second, I will have you escorted out of here by security,” Helen proceeded to shout at the man who was quietly sitting at his table, minding his own business.

When Bethany got closer and finally saw who her mother-in-law was speaking to, her blood began to boil. Who did she think she was telling Bethany’s guests to leave?

The man stood up from his seat and began heading toward an exit. Bethany had to do something about this.

Looking Suspicious


“Hey! What’s going on?” She had a frown on her face as she increased her speed, trying to stop the man from leaving.

“I am telling this man to leave. No one knows who he is and he has been sitting here all night, looking suspicious!” Helen spoke harshly, folding her arms across her chest.

The man turned around when he heard Bethany’s voice. “Please don’t leave,” She told him. The man was a special guest, and it meant a lot to Bethany that he was there. She tried to explain the situation to Helen, but the woman shouted over her.

Cutting Her Off


“No! I am telling you to get out of here, you creep! Leave!” Helen shouted at the man as Bethany tried to get him to sit back down. “No, Helen, please-” But she cut her off once again.

“Bethany, I do not feel comfortable with this man around, I want him to leave right now,” Helen insisted.

This angered the bride. Who did this woman think she was? She had no right telling any of their guests to leave.

Standing Up For Her


“Hey! You give her a chance to speak, lady,” The man said as he took a step closer to Bethany, offended that the older woman would speak to her like that.

But there was one thing Helen hated more than anything else on earth. She did not like being spoken back to.

Offended by the man’s tone of voice, Helen raised her glass of red wine and tossed it at him. But unfortunately, the wine hit more than just the old man. Bethany gasped aloud as she looked down at her gown which was now covered in maroon stains.

The Horror


“Oh no! What have you done?” Bethany called as tears instantly began forming behind her eyes. The old man took a step back, his face twisted in horror as he stared at the scene before him.

“Honey?” Bethany heard Alex’s voice. He too had noticed the crowd forming around them and decided to check it out.

Helen showed no regret as she continued to attack the man, telling him to leave, but he stayed put.

What Happened?


When Alex got close enough to see the state Bethany was in, he quickly rushed to her side. “What happened?” He asked, trying to comfort her as tears spilled down her cheeks.

“Your mother! She was trying to kick my dad out of our wedding, and when I tried to stop her, she did this!” She cried, gesturing at her dress.

She was desperate for her husband to comfort her. Bethany couldn’t believe what Helen had done. But things were about to get a lot worse.

George Urie


Bethany had never been all that close to George, her father. But when he heard that his first daughter was getting married, he made an effort to be there for the wedding. He sent a bouquet of flowers and congratulated her, hoping that she would invite him to the wedding.

George Urie had never been the tidiest man, but when his daughter sent him the invite, he put on his best suit, even if it only made him look slightly less scruffy.

Helen thought that the man looked rather suspicious with his unkempt hair and unruly beard, which was why she decided to attack him.

A Scene


Helen rolled her eyes. “How was I supposed to know that the man was your father? For all I knew, he was some freak,” She said rather than apologizing for what she had done.

This angered Bethany even more. She would not let her get away with this.

“You had no right to do that! This is my wedding, have some common decency!” Bethany snapped. Not only had her mother-in-law been disrespectful to her father and ruined her dress, but she had also caused a massive scene.

His Response


Everyone was staring at them now, but what really surprised them was when Alex let go of his wife and lowered his eyes, glaring down at her.

He had a stern look on his face as he spoke.

“Don’t speak to my mother like that,” He said lowly, “She didn’t know that he was your father. Apologize for being rude to her, now,” She was completely caught off guard by her husband’s words.

No Empathy


She stared at him in disbelief as Helen watched with a smirk on her face. She felt no empathy for the situation, and that was when Bethany realized how awful her mother-in-law truly was.

But she had always believed in sticking up for herself. She knew that Helen was in the wrong, and she refused to do as her husband said.

At first, she excused her husband’s response. He clearly didn’t have the full story.



“I’m not apologizing. I want your mother to say sorry for what she’s done,” She told Alex who was now fuming at the situation. He shook his head, anger bubbling within him at his wife’s insistence.

He couldn’t understand why Bethany was being difficult. In his eyes, she was clearly in the wrong for speaking to his mother like that.

He hadn’t seen what happened, but he was insisting that his mother was not at fault.



Bethany couldn’t believe it. He kept saying that his mother had done nothing wrong.

She felt like her entire wedding day had been ruined by the woman, and her husband wasn’t even trying to support or comfort her.

She felt utterly humiliated as guests stared and whispered amongst themselves. Did they all think that Helen was in the right too? Surely not, right?

Her Fault


The older woman stood before her, her arms crossed over her chest as she glared at the bride.

As far as she was concerned, Bethany had disrespected her. Bethany expected her husband to back her up, but instead, he was on his mother’s side.

“Maybe if you weren’t being so rude, this could’ve been sorted out without a fight. This is your fault!” He shouted in her face. That was the first time she saw her husband’s true colors.

They Can’t Get Away With This


She felt hopeless and emotional, but she wasn’t going to let Alex or Helen get away with this. “This is not my fault. I tried to explain but she wouldn’t let me speak,” Her hands shook with anger.

But her heart dropped when her husband let out a sarcastic laugh and shook his head.

He had always been so understanding and reasonable, but now, she was seeing him in a new light.



“Whatever, Bethany,” He chuckled sarcastically. Her father watched her with sad eyes as she lowered her head. She felt defeated.

Her eyes were burning, and her entire night was ruined. Alex wasn’t defending her, and she felt powerless as she stood before him and his mother.

That was when she realized that she had just made the biggest mistake of her life.

If Only


If she had seen this side of Alex before, she never would have agreed to be his wife. “Can I speak to you in private, please?” She asked in a soft voice.

He huffed and rolled his eyes before following her away from their guests.

Once they were alone, a fresh set of tears began pouring down her face. She knew what she had to do.



“I wish I had seen this side of you before we’d said our vows out there,” She confessed. He looked at her in confusion, not sure what her next move would be. But when he saw her slip the ring from her finger, his heart dropped.

“I have always dreamed of marrying the love of my life, but tonight, I realized that you are not him. You do not respect me, nor does your mother, and I deserve better than that,” She said.

That’s when tears began pouring down his face too. He begged her not to do this, but it was too late.

The Right Thing To Do


The next day, she felt beyond hopeless as she sat on the floor in the bathroom with her head in her hands. She had been crying all night, wondering how something like this could have happened.

Alex was in the bedroom, speaking to a divorce attorney over the phone. He was finding out what their best option for divorce was.

Although her heart was torn to shreds, she now knew that this was necessary. He was not worthy of her love. What was supposed to be the best day of her life had turned into a living nightmare, and it was all thanks to her mother-in-law. What she didn’t know at the time was that she was just months away from meeting the real love of her life.


This story was handcrafted with love by a creative novelist to thrill and entertain, mirroring real-life situations to awaken your imagination and evoke profound emotions. All events, places, and characters are products of the author’s imagination, and all images and videos are used for illustrative purposes only. We hope you enjoyed reading it just as much as we enjoyed writing it!