Missing Dog Returns Home With A Note Around Her Neck 


No Sign Of Her

There was still no sign of the dog even after almost two weeks. Sam was filled with concern over her furbaby. Where could she have gone? She had already spoken to the police, so there wasn’t a lot more that could be done.

They weren’t too invested in looking for lost pets, but to Sam, she was so much more than that. The dog was her entire world. Some people had kids, and others adopted.

As far as she was concerned, the animal was her child.



Sam sat in her living room and held a framed photo in her hand. It was a picture of her and a beautiful pup. Her heart was still broken from what had happened just days before.

But she looked ahead. She needed to find out where she went.

But the dog mom had no idea what her pooch was actually up to and what she would return with.

Hearing A Noise


Sam was starting to lose hope that she would ever see her canine companion ever again. She sat in her own loneliness and cried. But that’s when she heard a noise outside of her house.

She felt a shiver up her spine. Could it really be her dog? Or was it something even more sinister?

She felt like she was in a horror movie with the audience telling her to stay inside.

Going Outside


But she had to risk it. It was dark and unsafe, but what if it was her dog? She knew that the risk was worth the payoff. She called out to her dog as she opened her front door and stepped outside.

It was dark and cold, and she couldn’t see anything. She used a dim flashlight to look around.

She scouted the perimeter of her house, but she had no idea what she was about to find.



After looking around for a few minutes, she couldn’t see anything. She decided to head back inside, disappointed that her dog wasn’t there.

But as she got back to her front door, she noticed that she had forgotten to close it.

But that wasn’t the weirdest thing. She also saw a set of wet prints leading into her house. She hadn’t made them.

Something Inside Her House


There was clearly something inside of her house. Now, she really did feel like she was in a horror movie.

She walked slowly inside, her eyes darting around. She saw the wet trail lead around the corner.

She followed it, but that’s when she saw something she couldn’t believe. She collapsed into tears.



Shira, her lost dog, was sitting like a good girl in her dog bed. Sam had left it right where it always was in the living room. She was about to embrace her, but that’s when she noticed something sinister.

There was something attached to her collar. She couldn’t tell what it was.

But once she got closer, she saw that it was some kind of paper. But what was written on it changed her life forever.

Sam Reed


Sam Reed was just an average twenty-five-year-old woman living in Indianapolis, Indiana. The first thing she did after moving out of her parent’s house was travel to the United States. 

She loved meeting new people and discovering new places.

But she finally settled in her new home after finding something worth settling down for. It was on a trip to visit her friend.

Her Job


Sam could afford to travel around a lot because of her job. She worked remotely as head of a marketing department in a video game company. 

She loved her job as it afforded her opportunities that many other people didn’t have.

But she was about to meet someone she’d love even more who would root her in place once and for all.

Meeting A Dog


One evening, while out on the town with one of her friends, an Indianapolis local, she saw something she couldn’t believe. They were driving home when they saw a flash of fur in their headlights.

Thankfully, they managed to break just in time. Sam jumped out of the car and rushed towards the shivering furball on the road. She scooped it up and calmed it down. Slowly, she opened her eyes and looked at Sam. 

They took her to her friend’s house, where they took care of the dog. Over the course of the next few days, Sam fell in love with the animal. She felt a bond that she had never felt before. That’s when she decided to do something crazy.

Settling Down


Sam had meant to find a place to finally settle down.

She had been saving up for a place while she crashed at friends’ houses all over the U.S. But now she knew she couldn’t move anywhere.

She decided that if there was going to be one thing to glue her feet to the ground, it might as well be the dog. She wanted to keep her safe from then on.

A Strong Bond


After finding an affordable house to rent on the market, Sam quickly moved in.

She settled into her new house and brought her affectionate puppy with her. She named her Shira after her grandmother.

A strong bond grew between them. Shira was grateful to be saved the way she was, and Sam was glad she had a companion to finally keep her company. But things wouldn’t always be so easy.

Years Later


Sam ended up liking staying in one place and even learned most of her neighbors by name. There was a small market close to her home that she also paid a visit to every weekend.

She’d buy locally butchered meat that was fresher than anything she’d ever experienced.

She’d even make sure to buy a piece of raw steak for Shira, who gobbled it down. Life was good, or so she thought.

A Day Like Any Other


It was a day like any other when things would take a serious turn. Sam had to go to the doctor for a check-up and couldn’t take her loyal pup with her.

Shira was always sad whenever Sam would leave the house.

She’d squeal and whine at the front door as she walked away. The inside of the front door had even been scratched up over time.

Coming Back


After a few hours, Sam finished up with her check-up and headed home. She expected to see an over-energetic dog waiting for her return.

But when she got to her front door, dread crept up her spine.

She collapsed onto her knees as her bag hit the ground. She couldn’t forget to leave the front door open, could she have?

Going Inside


Sam’s front door was wide open. Did she leave it open? Did Shira manage to get it open?

Or was it a more sinister reason? She slowly went inside and looked around. She called her dog by name, but there was only silence.

Tears slowly formed and rolled down Sam’s cheeks. She rushed through her house, looking for anything.

One Thing Missing


After running through her entire house, there was only one thing that was missing, but it was the most important thing. It was the only thing she cared about – her darling dog.

She screamed out Shira’s name and ran around the property, but there was no answer.

She was gone for good. She pulled out her phone and called a number through tears.

The Police


Sam was thinking irrationally as she called the number. “Yes, hello. I think my dog was kidnapped. It’s the only explanation I can think of.” After a few moments, the police finally agreed to come by.

When they arrived, they didn’t seem to take her too seriously.

They told her that missing animals generally wasn’t their problem. That’s when Sam had to think of something quickly.



“My house was broken into. The door was open when I got back home. The police seemed to take this claim a bit more seriously and started looking for evidence.

But she wouldn’t like their opinion when they had swept the area.

The cops told her that the door didn’t look to be forced. She must have left it open, or it swung open on its own. Either way, it was no robbery.



As the cops gave her their condolences and left, she thought of an idea. She grabbed Shira’s favorite treats and walked around town, calling her name. But after it got dark, she finally gave up.

She walked back home and lay in bed, but she couldn’t sleep. It would only get worse as hours turned into days and days into weeks.

Where could her Shira have gone? And was her disappearance sinister?

Ten Days Later


There was still no sign of the dog even after almost two weeks. Sam was filled with concern over her furbaby. Where could she have gone? She had already spoken to the police, so there wasn’t a lot more that could be done.

They weren’t too invested in looking for lost pets, but to Sam, she was so much more than that. The dog was her entire world. Some people had kids, and others adopted.

As far as she was concerned, the animal was her child.

No Idea Where She Was


Sam sat in her living room and held a framed photo in her hand. It was a picture of her and a beautiful pup. Her heart was still broken from what had happened just days before.

But she looked ahead. She needed to find out where she went.

But the dog mom had no idea what her pooch was actually up to and what she would return with.

Something Outside


Sam was starting to lose hope that she would ever see her canine companion ever again. She sat in her own loneliness and cried. But that’s when she heard a noise outside of her house.

She felt a shiver up her spine. Could it really be her dog? Or was it something even more sinister?

She felt like she was in a horror movie with the audience telling her to stay inside.

Checking It Out


But she had to risk it. It was dark and unsafe, but what if it was her dog? She knew that the risk was worth the payoff. She called out to her dog as she opened her front door and stepped outside.

It was dark and cold, and she couldn’t see anything. She used a dim flashlight to look around.

She scouted the perimeter of her house, but she had no idea what she was about to find.

Open Again


After looking around for a few minutes, she couldn’t see anything. She decided to head back inside, disappointed that her dog wasn’t there.

But as she got back to her front door, she noticed that she had forgotten to close it.

But that wasn’t the weirdest thing. She also saw a set of wet prints leading into her house. She hadn’t made them.

A Trail


There was clearly something inside of her house. Now, she really did feel like she was in a horror movie. She walked slowly inside, her eyes darting around.

She saw the wet trail lead around the corner.

She followed it, but that’s when she saw something she couldn’t believe. She collapsed into tears.

A Note


Shira, her lost dog, was sitting like a good girl in her dog bed. Sam had left it right where it always was in the living room. She was about to embrace her, but that’s when she noticed something sinister.

There was something attached to her collar. She couldn’t tell what it was.

But once she got closer, she saw that it was some kind of paper. But what was written on it changed her life forever.

Reading It


Sam slowly took the note from her dog’s collar and looked around. She ran back to the front door and locked it shut. She needed to get a deadbolt so it would never mysteriously be open again.

She drew her attention back to the envelope and opened it up.

She started reading, but she clasped her mouth the more she read. Was this really what had happened to her pooch?

 Message From The Market


The strange disappearance of her dog started to make more sense as she read the note.

It explained, at least in part, where Shira had been for so long. But she couldn’t understand why it had been a full ten days.

The note read, “This is a friendly message from your neighborhood butcher.” The note began, but by the end of it, Sam knew she was in hot water.

Coming Home With A Debt


The message continued, “This little dog has been hanging around my stall all week. I know she isn’t a stray because of her dog tags, but every time I get close, she bolts. The only reason she stays is because of the meat I’m butchering. I’ve been feeding her so she doesn’t starve, and I’m going to try and get her home. If the person reading this is her owner, she’s coming home with a debt. Five steaks worth of debt, to be exact! 

Sam sighed with relief as she understood what had happened. Her dog had followed the familiar scent of the raw steak to the butchery but had no idea how to get back. Sam did two things immediately. First, she went to a store to buy and install a deadbolt. Secondly, on the way back from the store, she stopped off at the butchery to give him a big thanks and to pay off her dog’s debt. All was well after that, and Sam didn’t have to worry; she had friends looking out for her.

This story was handcrafted with love by a creative novelist to thrill and entertain, mirroring real-life situations to awaken your imagination and evoke profound emotions. All events, places, and characters are products of the author’s imagination, and all images and videos are used for illustrative purposes only. We hope you enjoyed reading it just as much as we enjoyed writing it!