Men Reveal The Biggest Green Flags They’ve Found In Women


Green Flags

In today’s day and age, we often hear people talking about “red flags” and how we should avoid people who present with them.

But what about the opposite? If people can have “red flags,” then the opposite should also be true, right?

These men have listed some of the biggest green flags they hope to find in a new partner someday.

Healthy Conflicts


I think it’s a green flag if you can fight or approach conflict in a healthy manner. I learned this with my wife of 15 years.

Whenever we have an argument, and she’s still mad a few hours later, she’ll tell me honestly why she’s upset and let me process it before we talk it out.

There is no silent treatment or hiding emotions. We always talk it out and apologize to one another. It feels good.

The Big Spoon


This might sound weird, but any woman who is willing to be the big spoon is the perfect woman. You can’t change my mind.

My current girlfriend asked me if I wanted to be the little spoon the first time she slept over. I knew she was the one then and there.

We’ve been together for years, and she still lets me be the little spoon every night. I’m planning on proposing next month.

The Problem


In my relationship, we have an us against the problem mentality. It has saved our relationship multiple times.

Instead of blaming myself or her for issues that inevitably will arise, we communicate in a specific way.

We focus on what the issue is and how we can work together to solve it rather than blaming each other.

Exploring Hobbies


My wife has many green flags, but one stands out from the rest. She is always willing to try new things with me.

She is always willing to try something new with me because she knows it’s something I enjoy, even if she has no interest in it.

But this goes both ways. If there is anything she is interested in, I will try it with her. It’s made us closer.

Don’t Punish Each Other


Talking. If you can talk instead of playing mind games, manipulating, or gaslighting, you’re already winning.

I’ve been in so many relationships where I always had to guess what I had done wrong. If I didn’t know what the problem was, I’d get punished.

If you are able to sit down and discuss the problems with your partner and work on solving them together, you are a walking green flag.

Emotional Intelligence


I think being with someone who is emotionally intelligent is super important. This goes for men and women.

If you are able to take some time to wonder why you feel a certain way instead of acting out of instinct, you’re a winner.

I’ve been in a solid relationship for really long. We never have any huge fights because we talk about everything. It’s a game-changer.

Hobbies And Interests


I have a pretty basic but important one. She had to respect your hobbies and interests. Everyone likes a little respect.

She does not have to be into them herself, but it’s nice if she knows how important they are to you and allows you to engage with them.

I’m middle-aged, and my wife still lets me cool off every weekend with my weekly Dungeons and Dragons sessions with a few of my friends.

Bad Days


Someone who knows not to take their bad day out on others, no matter what. This is a really big one for me.

I had this girlfriend who would sometimes have these awful days, and when I would try to cheer her up, she would take it out on me.

My current wife is always super appreciative when I do small things like cooking dinner for us after she’s had a bad day.

Goes Without Saying


I guess this goes without saying, but I’ll say it anyway: Being kind and generally good is a pretty important green flag.

I met my wife eleven years ago, and I still remember how kind she was to the waitress on our first date. I’d never met someone so generous.

She’s always willing to help anyone she can, even if she doesn’t know the person. Every day, I strive to be more like her.

Ask Questions


One thing I always look out for on a first date is genuine questions. I think it’s important to get to know someone fully before you commit.

If she asks questions about you and genuinely understands who you are as a person instead of focusing on surface-level tops, I think that’s awesome.

My girlfriend asks me a thousand questions a day, and I know she knows me better than anyone else I’ve ever spoken to.



One thing I adore about my wife is her consideration for others. She’s always trying her hardest to make the people around her feel comfortable.

When I’m in bed reading a book, she grabs earphones and listens to her podcast. If I have a headache, she gives me pills and juice.

I’ve never met someone who is so caring of the people around her. I find her extremely attractive because of this.

Cleaning After Herself


This one might seem a little weird, but cleaning discipline is a big one for me. I need someone who can clean up after themselves.

My wife is like that. Every time we go to a hotel or an Airbnb, she makes the bed and takes out the trash on her last day.

Despite knowing that someone would come in later to clean whatever mess we made, she insisted on leaving the place as she found it.



I think this is pretty underrated. But a girl who likes to give hugs is the perfect girl. I could use a hug every now and then.

I had this girlfriend who loved to give hugs. Feeling sad? Here’s a hug. Feeling Excited? Here’s a hug.

I remember the day my cat died. I cried for hours while she just sat there, hugging me. It was the most comforting thing.



I think this one is kind of underrated. But a woman who makes smart financial decisions is such a green flag.

You don’t want someone who is constantly wasting their money on things they don’t need just to go hungry halfway through the month.

My wife is extremely good with her finances. She saves a huge portion of her salary every month, and it’s nice to have that security.



Thoughtfulness goes hand in hand with a lot of traits. My wife is the most thoughtful partner I’ve ever met.

I missed out on a job at my dream company, and she made me a “feeling blue” package full of blue snacks I like with a sweet card.

When a partner takes time to genuinely think about you and the things you like/dislike and thinks about things from your perspective, it’s about the greenest flag I can think of.



I love the thought of a woman who is actually okay with their partner being emotionally open, honest, and vulnerable.

So many women say they want that but then make fun of men when they dare show any signs of emotion. I hate it.

If you’re mature and healthy enough to realize that emotional honesty comes with awkward and difficult things that you probably don’t want to deal with but will deal with anyway, that’s great.



I’m sure this goes for most men, but there is nothing I adore more than a woman with a good sense of humor.

If I can joke with a woman and she laughs instead of getting offended by my jokes, she’s a winner.

But, despite having someone to laugh at my hilarious jokes, I want to be laughing at her jokes and quick wit.

Love And Care


Recently, I noticed something really attractive about my wife. She had always loved working in the garden, and I could never understand why I thought it was so cool.

But I figured it out a few months ago. I love the care and attention she puts into every single plant we have.

They reflect her nurturing and caring nature. I watch as she waters and trims every plant to perfection, and I think it’s awesome.

Someone To Talk To


I love talking to my wife; it’s something I look forward to every day while I’m at work. We usually eat around the dining room table and just talk.

I love the way she just listens to me talk about my passions and worries. She listens with genuine interest and empathy.

She understands me in every way possible, and she always makes me feel seen and appreciated.



I always considered myself adventurous, but then I met my wife, Lisa, and she is way more adventurous than I will ever be.

She’s always willing to try out new cuisines or embark on spontaneous road trips to the middle of nowhere.

I love her zest for life and her willingness to explore the unknown. I think it’s really attractive and exciting.



I love a girl who is open-minded and curious about the world. I find it really attractive when girls know a lot about history, for example.

I had this girlfriend who wanted to know everything about anything. She was always reading and telling me the most interesting things.

I always wanted to be more like her, but I feel like I don’t have the time to do all of the exploring and reading she did.



There is nothing I love more than an independent woman who has high goals and accomplishments set out for themself.

My wife is like that. She pursued her career goals with determination and confidence, and they have always inspired me.

She knows exactly what she wants, and she does everything she can to get it. I think it’s pretty awesome, and I want to be more like her.

A Good Time


It’s all about the banter for me. Life is short, and I don’t want to take it very seriously all the time. You know?

I want a partner who is smart and witty, who isn’t afraid of some fun back-and-forth, and who can make me laugh.

If you have someone who makes you feel better even on your toughest days, you are one lucky individual.

Kindness And Generosity


Generosity. I dated this girl in college who was super kind and helpful to everyone she came across. I think about her often.

I think about all the times we went to gas stations and bought bread and milk for the people begging on the side of the road.

She couldn’t stand the thought of someone going to be hungry when she had the ability to help them somehow.



I’ve been with my wife for 15 years, and there is one thing I’ve always been really grateful for. That is the way she respects me.

She has always respected my boundaries and has never pressured me into doing anything I wasn’t comfortable with.

Her understanding and consideration of my needs make me feel valued and respected in our relationship.



We’ve been together for years, and I am still captivated by how emotionally intelligent my girlfriend is.

She had a knack for understanding my feelings and communicating her own with empathy and clarity.

Over the years, we have created a deep emotional connection that I cherish every single day. I’m a lucky guy.



She’s always been passionate and dedicated to her hobbies and interests, and she spends a lot of her free time on them.

Over the years, I’ve watched her develop new hobbies and talents, and I can’t express how proud I am.

Her enthusiasm and commitment are inspirational and attractive. They make me want to pursue my own passions.

Stands Out


We’ve been together since high school, and over the years, we have had a lot to love. But one thing stands out from the rest.

I know how lucky I am to have her by my side, cheering me on while I pursue my dreams. She has always told me that I can do anything I want to do.

Her unwavering support and belief in my abilities motivated me to push myself further and achieve my goals.



She is so authentic and honest, and I love every second of it. She always speaks her mind and never sugar-coats anything.

Her transparency and integrity make me trust her, and I feel like it has deepened our connection.

She is my best friend, and we tell each other everything. I feel like I know every aspect of her, to be honest.