Manager Sends Young Woman Home Because Of Haircut Unaware Who Dad Is



Rochelle couldn’t believe the cruelty that had been directed at her for seemingly no reason.

She tried to rationalize what her manager had said to her, but nothing made sense.

Was he really that delusional? Or was he just insensitive to her way of life? Either way, it didn’t excuse what he had done to the young woman. She was going to make sure he paid for it.

Plotting Her Revenge


At first, she closed up from the world and stopped reacting to everything around her.

She didn’t want to believe that there were still people like her manager, but now that she had seen his true colors, she knew that she couldn’t just let it go.

That’s when she stopped hiding away. She decided that she wasn’t going to run away from her problems anymore. She started plotting her revenge.

Telling Her Father


Rochelle knew she couldn’t hide it any longer. Her father saw the sadness in her eyes.

She could only avoid his questions for so long. She understood what would happen when she told him.

Her dad wasn’t like other men. She knew what he would do when he found out what the manager did. He had no idea what he was.

Hearing About It


Rochelle walked up to her father. He was sitting in the lounge, half asleep with a glass of whiskey precariously balancing on the arm of the couch.

Maybe it wasn’t the time to tell him, but she had no other choice.

She grabbed his attention away from the sport he was watching and said, “Hi, Dad. I know I’ve been acting weirdly. It’s time to tell you the truth.”

Telling Him Everything


“It’s work. I’ve been getting a hard time from my manager because of my hair. He said the color and style were unprofessional and sent me home.” She nervously told her father.

He was immobile on the couch, zombified in front of the TV.

But as soon as he heard those words leave his daughter’s mouth, something inside of him woke up. Something he hadn’t felt in a long time.

Raining Down Fire


His eyes snapped open at the mention of being mistreated by the manager.

His rage wouldn’t be contained, especially with the alcohol in his system. He was a tornado of anger and fury.

He told his daughter that he was going to make her manager pay. Now that her father was out of his cage, there was no containing him. Rochelle had no idea what she had just done.

Rochelle Hebert


Things in Rochelle’s life weren’t always perfect. She grew up in New Orleans and only had her father, Derek, to look after her.

It wasn’t always easy making ends meet. It was when she turned sixteen that she decided to change things.

She couldn’t bear to see the sad look on his face as he tried subtly opening the warning mail from the bank. He was always close to losing the house, but he never told her.

Making A Change


Rochelle was a clever girl, just like her mother, as she was often told by her dad. She found out everything eventually.

That’s why she made a promise to herself when she turned sixteen.

She wasn’t going to let her dad suffer quietly, trying to keep her in school and pay all the bills. She was going to make a change that would be a way of giving back.

Getting A Job


After weeks of contemplating, Rochelle finally did it. She walked to the closest fast food place and walked up to the counter.

The woman behind the counter asked what her order would be, but she wouldn’t be buying anything.

“I’d actually like to speak to the manager,” She said with a broad smile. But she had no idea that he was going to take advantage of her naivety.

The Manager


The manager came out to speak with her. But after realizing that instead of a customer complaint, she was asking for a job, he knew what he was going to do.

“Well, you look a little underqualified,” He said with a smirk.

He could tell that she was young and naive, and he’d make sure to use it to his benefit.



“But I can tell that you really want some pocket money, so I’m sure we can find something for you to do.” He told Rochelle. The teenager was grateful for any opportunity to earn some money.

No one understood what she was putting it towards, but it was why she was so desperate.

She needed the money to surprise her dad and help him make ends meet, but she had no idea what she was getting into.

Starting Immediately


Rochelle was thrilled to get the job. The manager told her she could start working immediately. But she’d have to work around her father and make sure he never noticed when she was gone.

That was going to be the difficult part. But through her shrewdness, she was sure she’d be able to make it work.

She was excited to finally be giving back, but soon, things would spiral out of control.

A Day Like Any Other


After a week of working for her new boss, Rochelle was learning the ropes quickly despite her “inexperience.”

The clever girl was already asked to work the deep fryer and the counter when they were understaffed.

She assumed that her manager would have been proud of his new employee filling the gaps and being where she was needed. But she was dead wrong.

Problems Started


Rochelle was doing everything by the book. She had a hairnet on in the back when she was cooking and assumed that would be it. But that’s when her manager walked in.

He had come to inspect how she was doing. So far, he had barely paid attention to her efforts.

But she hoped it was about to change. But she would get the wrong kind of attention with what he said next.’

Something Wrong


“What’re you doing?” She heard an elevated voice behind her. She jumped and turned around to see her manager watching her.

“I’m just doing my job!” She said in a nervous tone. But the manager wouldn’t see it that way.

Clearly, something was wrong based on the way he was staring at her. His expression was all she needed to see to know that he wasn’t happy in the slightest.

His Office


“We seem to have a problem here. You need to come with me.” He said, beckoning her to his office.

The young girl had no idea what he was going to do. But she was about to find out.

She sat in front of his desk as he leaned back in his chair. Rochelle had no idea why she was in trouble. But then he said, “You need to go home now.”

Her Hair


“What, why?” A confused Rochelle asked. She couldn’t understand what she had done wrong. But he was about to explain everything. He sighed heavily and finally opened his mouth.

He said, “It’s your hair. I didn’t take a good look at it before, but I just noticed something about it now.

Something I don’t like in my restaurant.” Rochelle couldn’t believe what she was hearing.



“It’s unprofessional, and I don’t like it,” The words rang cold in Rochelle’s ears. How could he have just said that? Rochelle felt every fiber of her being offended just by his words.

She wanted to cry, but no tears came out. She just froze up before getting up to leave his office.

She didn’t want to be a part of the situation anymore. She was going to go home, but then she thought of something to say.

Two Words


Suddenly, A fire roared inside of her. She turned around to stare at her manager before saying, “I quit.”

His eyes grew wide. She had called his bluff and had just lost a good employee.

But what neither of them knew was that this was only the beginning. Rochelle would end up unleashing fury upon the rude manager who’d taken her for granted.

Going Home


Rochelle went home. Her father immediately could tell that she was upset. “What’s wrong, honey?” He asked.

But she had to make up a good excuse. “Remember I said I was going to soccer practice? Well, I fell and hurt myself.” She told her dad.

He seemed to believe her, at least for now. But as the days carried on, she still felt bad. She knew she couldn’t keep it in forever.



Rochelle couldn’t believe the cruelty that had been directed at her for seemingly no reason.

She tried to rationalize what her manager had said to her, but nothing made sense.

Was he really that delusional? Or was he just insensitive to her way of life? Either way, it didn’t excuse what he had done to the young woman. She was going to make sure he paid for it.

Hiding Away


At first, she closed up from the world and stopped reacting to everything around her.

She didn’t want to believe that there were still people like her manager, but now that she had seen his true colors, she knew that she couldn’t just let it go.

That’s when she stopped hiding away. She decided that she wasn’t going to run away from her problems anymore. She started plotting her revenge.

Truth Comes Out


Rochelle knew she couldn’t hide it any longer. Her father saw the sadness in her eyes.

She could only avoid his questions for so long. She understood what would happen when she told him.

Her dad wasn’t like other men. She knew what he would do when he found out what the manager did. He had no idea what he was.

The Time To Tell Him


Rochelle walked up to her father. He was sitting in the lounge, half asleep with a glass of whiskey precariously balancing on the arm of the couch.

Maybe it wasn’t the time to tell him, but she had no other choice.

She grabbed his attention away from the sport he was watching and said, “Hi, Dad. I know I’ve been acting weirdly. It’s time to tell you the truth.”

Something Inside Him Woke Up


“It’s work. I’ve been getting a hard time from my manager because of my hair. He said the color and style were unprofessional and sent me home.” She nervously told her father.

He was immobile on the couch, zombified in front of the TV.

But as soon as he heard those words leave his daughter’s mouth, something inside of him woke up. Something he hadn’t felt in a long time.

Eyes Snapping Open


His eyes snapped open at the mention of being mistreated by the manager. His rage wouldn’t be contained, especially with the alcohol in his system. He was a tornado of anger and fury.

He told his daughter that he was going to make her manager pay.

Now that her father was out of his cage, there was no containing him. Rochelle had no idea what she had just done.



Her father was surprised by the truth. First, she was secretly working behind his back.

But what bothered him most of all was that someone had been discriminatory towards her.

Rochelle couldn’t stop her father now. But it was the only thing she could do to feel better. She had to confide in her father. But the next day, she didn’t expect him to do something so brash.

Confronting Him


The next day, the manager heard someone walk into his restaurant. He was standing behind the counter playing on his phone when he heard someone shout, “I want the manager right now!”

He fumbled his phone and looked up. It was a man in his late forties, but that wasn’t what scared him.

It was what the man was wearing that really made him feel nervous. Why was a man like that in his restaurant?

Police Uniform


The man was wearing a police uniform. “That’s me,” The manager said nervously. “What can I do for you, officer?” But the man wasn’t there to mess around. “I know what you did to my daughter!” He retorted.

Then it all clicked: he was Rochelle’s father. “It was discrimination. Do you know that her hair is part of her culture? Furthermore, no one else thinks it’s a problem.”

The officer shoved the words down the manager’s throat. But how would everything be solved?



The manager was begging the officer not to do anything. It was clear he knew how much trouble he could get into. But Rochelle’s father wasn’t technically there on police business.

He smiled at the man who looked like he was ready to wet himself. That was good enough for him. He made him promise that he’d never exploit or be rude to another employee.

He’d be keeping an eye on the man for the foreseeable future, and his darling daughter would be safe.


This story was handcrafted with love by a creative novelist to thrill and entertain, mirroring real-life situations to awaken your imagination and evoke profound emotions. All events, places, and characters are products of the author’s imagination, and all images and videos are used for illustrative purposes only. We hope you enjoyed reading it just as much as we enjoyed writing it!