Manager Refuses To Serve Homeless Man At Diner, The Next Day He Returns As A Cop


Coming Back With A Vengeance

Paul couldn’t believe how he had been treated. He was used to the social ridicule from the public, but in a restaurant where he was a patron, he expected better.

They didn’t have a clue as to what was really going on, and it irritated the ragged man.

They made all kinds of assumptions just because of his appearance. He would come back with a vengeance.

Plotting His Scheme


If there was one thing that Paul hated, it was people who made assumptions about others.

He would have normally let the manager off the hook, but it was about doing the right thing.

He couldn’t let him get away with what he had done. He had to make sure the manager never did that to anyone ever again. He knew one way to scare the daylights out of him, but would it be too far?

Finding His Stash


Paul left the restaurant, anger coursing through his body. He already knew what he was going to do.

But he needed time. He walked a few blocks down the New York streets until he found what he had been looking for.

Hidden underneath a bridge, he found his secret stash. He opened the lid of the container and pulled out what he was looking for. It would come in handy the following day.

Coming Back


Paul slept soundly that night, knowing what he’d be able to do the next day. Once he woke up, a smile formed on his face.

He went back to his stash and dressed in the pristine clothes that still sat there.

The transformation was clear as day. He went from looking like a ragged homeless man to a man in uniform. Now, he was ready.

Thinking On The Way


During his walk to the diner, he thought more about how he had been treated the previous day. It made him feel useless and ashamed.

He already got enough scrutiny from people passing him on the street, but this was ridiculous.

He was going to do what most others would be too afraid to do. He was going to stand up for others.

The Badge


He felt the badge attached to his chest and knew all too well what it stood for.

He would make sure that as long as it was pinned to his chest, he would defend the weak, including himself from yesterday.

Finally, he stood outside of the diner. The manager wasn’t ready for him to come dressed up as a police officer. Let alone wondering how he got his hands on the uniform.

Recognizing Him


As he came through the doors, he looked over at the manager, who immediately recognized him.

He ran up to tell him to leave, but as he did, he noticed the badge. Then it clicked.

He suddenly wasn’t treating him so badly, but he also wanted the truth. How had Paul come across the badge? Then he let him in on the heartbreaking truth that was Paul’s past.

Paul Johnson


Paul Johnson had just as many aspirations as most children growing up.

He watched his father come home every evening and hang his belt on the mantle. He then put his badge and his gun on his bedside table.

His dad would tussle his hair and smile at him. That was something that Paul wanted to do to his son one day. That was when he made up his mind.

Wanting To Be A Cop


Watching his father, Paul wanted to be just like him. This passion never left him, and all through school, he kept his aspirations high.

With the dream of becoming a police officer, he kept his grades up and knew he’d be rewarded, but he had no idea what would happen.

Paul thought that everything would turn out alright, but he had no idea that his dreams were going to be shattered further down the road.

Going Through The Academy


The day finally came for Paul to say goodbye to high school and look to greater things.

He was excited to start training, and his father even had connections to give him a bit of help.

It seemed like nothing could prevent him from becoming just like his father. But if Paul knew what would end up happening, he would have never become a police officer.

Soaring Through Everything


Every test that Paul went through, he soared through with flying colors. Nothing the police academy threw at him seemed to be a hard task for the young man.

It seemed like he was on track to become a detective or a police chief one day.

He had high hopes, but his prospects wouldn’t stay the same forever. He’d learn that the hard way.

Playing Cop


Finally, Paul graduated and became the cop he wanted to be. He walked the beat on the streets of New York and tried his best to serve justice where he could.

But he had no idea how difficult it would be to stay clean.

Soon, he would be exposed to the crime and corruption that was all over the city. He’d find it hard to do his job when so many things were on the line.

Standing Up For Himself


After five years dedicated to serving justice, Paul finally could bear it no longer.

He hated the corruption he saw and foolishly decided to try and do something about it.

He decided that he wouldn’t stand for it anymore, but he was making a grave mistake. He had no idea what would happen to him when he spoke out against what was going on.

Going To The Chief


Paul couldn’t stand it any longer. He decided to go straight to his chief and confront him about all of the violence and corruption in the city. But he had no idea that it was a big mistake.

He should have thought about it more rationally, but he couldn’t when it felt so personal.

He was so angry and wanted to do something about it. But the chief did the unthinkable.

Losing Everything


The chief tried sympathizing with Paul, especially after everything he’d been through.

But he told him he couldn’t do anymore to stop it. He’d just have to walk the beat and keep his head down.

But that wasn’t good enough for Paul. He put his foot down and told his chief that he wasn’t going to adhere to his request. That’s when he did the unthinkable – he fired him.

Years Pass


After losing his job, Paul felt unmotivated and lost. He had no one to go to and felt like a waste of space.

He slinked back into the shadows and now saw the corruption and violence from the perspective of a citizen.

He still couldn’t do anything to stop it and resigned himself to his fate. But after years passed, he struggled and even ended up homeless.

Struggling To Make It By


Paul struggled to make it after losing his job. He ended up losing his home and had to go through odd jobs just to be able to pay for food to eat.

The only way he could keep himself from starving was to do small-time jobs from time to time.

Sometimes, a kind stranger gave him a morsel or some money, but for the most part, he was on his own.

Looking For A Bite To Eat


Paul had been on the streets for nearly a decade trying to just get by. He was always in a terrible mood and felt cheated by an unfair system. But he was about to be shown cruelty once again.

He was looking for something to eat. He’d managed to make enough money during the week to be able to treat himself.

He went to a dinner he’d never gone before. But he wasn’t ready for what the manager would do.

Walking In


Paul walked in through the door of the diner and looked for a table to sit at.

But just as he made his way across the restaurant, he heard a voice calling to him. “Sorry, sir. But we can’t serve you. It’s part of our policy.”

Paul felt like a tonne of bricks had just landed on him. How dare he say that to him. He had no idea who he was dealing with.

Storming Out


“I have the money,” He said before being cut off by the manager, “I still can’t serve you.” Paul frowned, disappointed in the discrimination at the diner. He stormed out of the diner, appalled.

The man had no idea what kind of hardships he had endured.

He decided that he would make sure that he taught the manager a lesson, no matter how far it took him.

Heading Back


Paul couldn’t believe how he had been treated. He was used to the social ridicule from the public, but in a restaurant where he was a patron, he expected better.

They didn’t have a clue as to what was really going on, and it irritated the ragged man.

They made all kinds of assumptions just because of his appearance. He would come back with a vengeance.

Doing The Right Thing


If there was one thing that Paul hated, it was people who made assumptions about others.

He would have normally let the manager off the hook, but it was about doing the right thing.

He couldn’t let him get away with what he had done. He had to make sure the manager never did that to anyone ever again. He knew one way to scare the daylights out of him, but would it be too far?

Getting Something


Paul left the restaurant, anger coursing through his body. He already knew what he was going to do. But he needed time.

He walked a few blocks down the New York streets until he found what he had been looking for.

Hidden underneath a bridge, he found his secret stash. He opened the lid of the container and pulled out what he was looking for. It would come in handy the following day.

Waking Up


Paul slept soundly that night, knowing what he’d be able to do the next day. Once he woke up, a smile formed on his face.

He went back to his stash and dressed in the pristine clothes that still sat there.

The transformation was clear as day. He went from looking like a ragged homeless man to a man in uniform. Now, he was ready.

Standing Up For Others


During his walk to the diner, he thought more about how he had been treated the previous day. It made him feel useless and ashamed.

He already got enough scrutiny from people passing him on the street, but this was ridiculous.

He was going to do what most others would be too afraid to do. He was going to stand up for others.

Defend The Weak


He felt the badge attached to his chest and knew all too well what it stood for.

He would make sure that as long as it was pinned to his chest, he would defend the weak, including himself from yesterday.

Finally, he stood outside of the diner. The manager wasn’t ready for him to come dressed up as a police officer. Let alone wondering how he got his hands on the uniform.

The Truth


As he came through the doors, he looked over at the manager, who immediately recognized him.

He ran up to tell him to leave, but as he did, he noticed the badge. Then it clicked.

He suddenly wasn’t treating him so badly, but he also wanted the truth. How had Paul come across the badge? Then he let him in on the heartbreaking truth that was Paul’s past.

His Dad


Paul started explaining what had happened to him. He had become too obsessed with corruption.

This was all because of how personal it became after his father was killed in the line of duty.

Paul had always suspected that something strange happened, but the precinct told him he was crazy. He could never let it go.



The manager couldn’t believe what he had heard. He apologized to Paul for what he had done the previous day and told him to sit down at the diner.

He would serve him now that he understood everything.

Paul sat down, feeling terrible after revisiting the past. But a hot meal did him good. After finishing a stack of flapjacks, he pulled out his money to pay. But the unexpected happened.



Paul counted his bills and laid the right amount of money on the counter. He also tipped the waitress generously. But the manager was the one to come back and clear his plate.

“Oh no. You don’t have to pay for food here,” He said with a smile.

Paul couldn’t believe the kindness the man showed him. He’d never forget it and even started having a more positive outlook on life.


This story was handcrafted with love by a creative novelist to thrill and entertain, mirroring real-life situations to awaken your imagination and evoke profound emotions. All events, places, and characters are products of the author’s imagination, and all images and videos are used for illustrative purposes only. We hope you enjoyed reading it just as much as we enjoyed writing it!