Cat Brings Man Dollar Bills Daily Until He Follows


Cat Burglar

If there had merely been a few lost banknotes, there would have been no need for an explanation. Maybe they’d all tripped and ended up on the floor? But no, it wasn’t just a few banknotes.

He couldn’t shake the feeling that the money was coming from his cat… The pile grew larger by the day. Was his little furry friend a cat burglar?

Another Adoption

Credit: YouTube / Explore Tulsa

Stewart was passionate about animals, cats in particular. He loved his animals way more than his wife did.

Together the couple had adopted three animals. A dog and two cats. They were all strays but soon Stewart felt that they were missing something. Then a beautiful American Curl appeared on his porch.

Let’s Keep It!

Credit: Public Domain

After much begging, he managed to convince his wife to let him keep the furry feline. The sad stray soon had a new home.

He wasn’t allowed to keep any more strays in the house, so he kept the new cat in his office. He was like a staff member at the place and that would ring true when the cat started turning a profit.

What’s This?


One morning when he got to the office he noticed some banknotes on the ground in front of the glass door. They were just one dollar bills but where had they come from?

They must have been dropped so Steward picked them up and put them on a neat pile on the desk at the front and continued his day. But his cat would continue their habit that no one expected.

New Employee

Credit: Public Domain

Everyone at the office loved the little stray. He’d snooze on the desks while people worked and look over at the monitors during the day. He’d step on keyboards and send emails that weren’t ready.

Just a few days later he found some more notes on the ground exactly where the others were a few days prior. He couldn’t understand where they were coming from.

Getting Weird

Credit: YouTube / Explore Tulsa

Steward was now eyeing the cat, could it have been him? Nothing else was out of the ordinary though.

It wasn’t going through purses or breaking into the petty cash box. But still, new money would arrive at the front door every week. Soon they had $50 that they didn’t know what to do with. There must have been a reason why this was happening.

Watching Closely

Credit: Public Domain

The office was in the busy part of town where there was lots of traffic every day. So when they asked to get a camera installed they approved it.

After viewing the cameras, Stewart just watched the catwalk around as normal. Nothing was out of the ordinary during the day. But when the evening rolled around, it was a different story.

Money Game

Credit: YouTube / Explore Tulsa

The feline sat at the entrance to the door. Stewart then saw a man walk past the door and notice the cat trying to get his attention.

The man uncrinkled a dollar from his wallet and slipped it through the crack in the door. The cat greedily grabbed the money with its paw.


Credit: YouTube / Explore Tulsa

The money was then tugged through the door by the cat.

Now the cat was one dollar up and the man was one dollar down. The man grinned at the feline and went on his way. Stewart scratched his head, but things would get even stranger.

Gaining An Audience

Credit: Public Domain

Stewart had no idea how the game had started, neither did the rest of the staff.

Who had first shoved in the money to play with the bored kitty? It didn’t matter – word of the unique interaction had spread. He soon found people would intentionally come to their office to see if they could be more clever than their purring mascot.

Sneaky Kitty

Credit: YouTube / Explore Tulsa

The kitty would sit there, “uninterested” until he saw a chance to get the bill.

Then he would swipe at it and claim his reward. People would giggle and take videos. One day, there was even a lone line of people waiting to take their turn. Soon, the mischievous cat was sitting on a pile of cash. It was then Stewart realized they had a problem.

For A Good Cause

Credit: Public Domain

It would be difficult, or nigh impossible, to give back the money.

And it wouldn’t be fair to keep it for themselves. So, their team gathered together and made an important decision. They were going to donate all money made from the cat to homeless and animal shelters. But that wasn’t all.


Credit: YouTube / Explore Tulsa

Stewart pulled out their office supplies and made a flashy sign explaining all about the cat and where the money would go.

The little guy’s fame skyrocketed thanks to the internet. Soon, they found their company emails and inboxes with a new kind of mail.

Hustle For A Cause

Credit: Public Domain

“There’s only one fitting name,” Stewart said. “Cashnip.”

At the time, it felt perfect, but the response was nothing like they had anticipated. It wasn’t just singles bills here and there, Stewart walked in one day to see his digital and physical inbox overflowing with unthinkable comments.

Getting Famous

Credit: Public Domain

There were so many “thank yous” and well-wishes.

But the most astounding thing was there were many greeting cards with cash donations inside! Cashnip wasn’t just pulling in money from the locals, his little hustler had now gone international! There was, however, one onlooker that watched everything with clear disapproval.

Unhappy Camper

Facebook / CASHnip Kitty

Facebook / CASHnip Kitty

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Facebook / CASHnip Kitty

Facebook / CASHnip Kitty

Facebook / CASHnip Kitty

Facebook / CASHnip Kitty

Facebook / CASHnip Kitty

Facebook / CASHnip Kitty

Facebook / CASHnip Kitty

Stewart and the team noticed one middle-aged woman would regularly walk down their sidewalk. Perhaps she also worked in their area? The tight-curled woman stood apart from the enthusiastic crowd, watching as the cat would wander from his favorite sleeping spot on the floor to the door and back.

Watching Closely

Facebook / CASHnip Kitty

The downward turn of her lips made her look like she was sucking on a lemon. Everyone in the work team started to feel uncomfortable. There were so many stories of people “stepping in and taking action” when they felt something was wrong. Was this lady going to do the same?

Slightly Stalkery

Facebook / CASHnip Kitty

Every day she was stroll down the street, pause at their office, look for the cat, and then frown before wandering away. Stewart’s mind couldn’t help but race with crazy scenarios. Was she going to claim they were using the cat? Didn’t she realize he was so much better off than on the streets?

Getting Weird

Facebook / CASHnip Kitty

It only got worse when, one day, she stopped right in front of the window. She pulled out her camera, snapped a photo of Cashnip relaxing on one of their displays, and then reached into her purse. What she pulled out next had the entire office slack-jawed and confused.

Odd Details

Facebook / CASHnip Kitty

It was a measuring tape. The woman proceeded to measure the width of the window and jot something down on a piece of paper. She then leaned in, nearly face-to-face with the kitty, and then suddenly walked away. Stewart sat at his desk, mid-sip of his coffee, and wondering what in the world had just happened.

Huge Box

Facebook / CASHnip Kitty

But just when they thought things couldn’t get any crazier, something arrived at their office. It was a large box with a handwritten note attached. It was from the woman. It said, “Cats shouldn’t have to sleep on a cold floor. If he’s going to be ‘working’ at least he should be comfortable.” Stewart ripped open the box and let out a loud laugh.

Unexpected Gift

Facebook / CASHnip Kitty

It turned out the stern woman was not only a cat-lover, but she also worked at a furniture company. The measurements and close photos were all for a good reason. She had made a little sofa for the cat to sleep on! It could sit at the front window. But that wasn’t all.

Custom Made

Facebook / CASHnip Kitty

She had looked closely at the cat because she wanted to match the color of the upholstery to the color of Cashnip’s eyes. Everyone in the office giggled as they rearranged the front part of the office for the new sofa. Even Caship loved it. It also gave them a marvelous idea. They could take this entire thing so much further!

Taking It Further

Facebook / CASHnip Kitty

It was for charity, so why not go the extra mile? Over the next few weeks, they all went nuts with excitement. They made a dedicated website, all social media accounts, and even got some t-shirts and mugs made to sell – with the proceeds going to the shelters, of course.

Best Pet Ever

Facebook / CASHnip Kitty

Soon, their media sites had thousands of followers. The team could snap photos of all the gifts and cards and post them online to say thank you. Their little guy continued to snatch money at the door and make everyone smile.