18-Year-Old Learns His Sister Is Actually His Biological Mom And Everyone Else Knew


Shocking Revelation

He listened to his friend telling him the truth, but inside it felt like his world was falling apart. A few minutes ago, he was looking forward to a bright future, but that all changed in a heartbeat. That bright future he envisioned became clouded with uncertainty. They lied to him his entire life, and he didn’t understand why. Was it to protect his father?

But now that the lies came crashing down like a house of cards, he wondered what he had done.

Coming Clean

Steve Lickteig/Open Secret

It was the night before graduation, and Steve Lickteig felt like he had his whole life ahead of him. With just a few weeks until he left the sleepy town of Kansas to become a Marine, he was making the most of the time he still had with his friends and family. 

But his friends waited until the last possible moment before they decided that it was finally time to come clean. It was a secret so awful that everyone in town had caught wind of it. Everyone knew except Steve.


Steve Lickteig/Open Secret

Steve had eight siblings. Although there was a large age gap between Steve and his big sister, Joanie, he never thought much about it. Mary and Don Lickteig had told him that they had wanted another son, and that was that. He never thought to question them.

After all, he thought that if there was anyone he could trust to tell him the truth, it would be the people who had raised him. But just how far were they willing to go to protect the people involved?

It Felt Wrong

Steve Lickteig/Open Secret

Mary and Don did the best they could to make sure that Steve never found out what had happened – and they succeeded, to some extent. But all his life, he had an inexplicable feeling that something wasn’t quite right. When he reached adolescence, he chalked the feeling of unease down to simple teenage angst.

But no matter how hard he tried to reason with himself, the feeling just wouldn’t go away. Something just didn’t add up.


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Meanwhile, everyone in the close-knit community knew. His friends, siblings, peers, teachers, and even his high school girlfriend knew about Steve’s real father. Whispers and gossip followed him wherever he went, but the sordid secret stayed locked tight behind closed doors. The Lieckteig scandal was kept under wraps for 18 years.

Mary and Don tried their best to keep the truth from him. But, as secrets do, it eventually came out. But Steve hadn’t been ready to hear it.


Steve Lickteig/Open Secret

On the day before his high school graduation, Steve was still blissfully unaware of his family’s dark secret. He was spending time with his best friends, Vance and Alan, when they decided that the lies had gone on for long enough.

Even though they had been sworn to secrecy by their parents, they knew it was time. If they didn’t tell Steve the ugly truth, who would? It was time he knew what his father had done all those years ago.

Time To Tell

Steve Lickteig/Open Secret

Vance exchanged a look with Alan and tried to approach the subject carefully. He had thought long and hard about how the bombshell he was about to drop on Steve would affect him. 

He knew Steve’s “parents” had no intention of ever telling him the truth and would be mortified when the family name was ruined. But Steve would be joining the Marines soon. It was their last chance. “Steve… We have something we want to tell you,” he said quietly.

The Bombshell

Steve Lickteig/Open Secret

At first, Steve couldn’t quite comprehend what his friend was trying to tell him. Alan shot Vance a look, but he waved him off and exclaimed, “No… he needs to know!” What did he have to know?

Vance continued. “Your sister, Joanie… well…” And just like that, Steve felt the world as he knew it shatter into a million pieces as Vance spilled every detail. There was no stopping him now.

They Had Always Known

Steve Lickteig/Open Secret

“I was just silent, and they filled the silence with what they knew. They told me who my mother was, and they told me that they had known for basically their entire lives,” Steve recounts.

“And that everybody I had grown up with had known for their entire lives, and they felt that this was the time that I needed to know.” But then… who was Steve’s father?

Taking It In

Steve Lickteig/Open Secret

Vance explained that Steve’s sister, Joanie, was actually his biological mother. Steve listened, dumbstruck. If Joanie was his mother, then who were the people he had called his parents for eighteen years?

He didn’t even know who he was after this revelation, let alone what it all meant. But when Vance had finished explaining, he only had one question.


Steve Lickteig/Open Secret

“Who else knows?” Steve asked with wide eyes. Alan replied gently, “Everyone.” Steve couldn’t believe that the entire town had been keeping the truth from him. He felt betrayed, and then the feeling of betrayal became rage. His real father had abandoned him.

His very identity and everything he knew had disappeared in a puff of smoke, revealing the ugly secret behind it all. He did the only thing he could.

Playing Along

Steve Lickteig/Open Secret

Steve held onto the secret for another six weeks before confronting his “parents.” They attended his graduation with huge smiles, and Steve played along. But it was all a farce. 

“I didn’t say anything to anybody after I found out,” Steve remembers, “This was the middle of May 1987. I had a high school graduation the next night, went to it, actually spoke at the graduation, went to all the parties, did everything.” But it was only a matter of time before the ticking time bomb went off.


Steve Lickteig/Open Secret

“I held it in for another month and a half, and then I confronted my parents — my grandparents — about it,” Steve explained. 

“Then, being an 18-year-old and angry, I ran away. I got into a car and drove to the nearest town, which was 20 miles away, rented a motel room… with my friends.” Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.


Steve Lickteig/Open Secret

Steve opened the door, and there stood Joanie – the woman he had thought of as his older sister for his entire life. She had tracked him down to confess. “We had a moment of, ‘Yes, this happened. I’m sorry.’ I was mostly silent,” he explained.

But now that the secret was finally out in the open, would Steve’s grandparents and biological mother tell him why they had lied for so long?

Keeping Mum

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“Part of it was the time of this, which was the early ’70s, and also (it was a) small town, a tight-knit community,” Steve said. 

“The community members who knew, who didn’t say anything, were just trying to be good neighbors.” It turns out that Joanie had fallen pregnant out of wedlock, and her parents decided to raise Steve as their own to protect the family name. But this situation isn’t as unusual as you may think.

An Epidemic

Scott Barrow

Dani Shapiro, who interviewed Steve on her podcast “Family Secrets,” says that more and more people in this day and age are discovering their true lineage, especially with the growing popularity of home DNA kits. 

She went as far as to say that it is an “epidemic.” But is it right for a family to keep such secrets about their members’ personal identities?

A Right To Know

Steve Lickteig/Open Secret

“Ultimately, people do have a right to know, and I think also feel liberated by knowing the truth,” Dani said in an interview with TODAY. 

“The secret-keepers are carrying a burden, but the question is not so much whether they should share that secret, but when.” After Steve found out his personal truth, was he ready to confront it?

Getting On With Life

ABC News

Shortly after Steve found out that his sister was his biological mother, he joined the Marines. When he had served his time, he married and settled down. 

He landed a successful career as a journalist at NBC News, but his relationship didn’t end well, and the couple filed for divorce. Joanie, Don, and Mary Jane never spoke about his true lineage again… Until fifteen years later.

Seeking Catharsis

Steve Lickteig/Open Secret

In 2013, Steve decided to make a documentary about his experiences, titled “Open Secret.” In the film, he interviews his grandparents, childhood friends, and siblings. 

He hoped to try and shed more light on what was such a murky subject throughout his life. He needed to take a journey of self-discovery to try and find out the missing details.

Driving A Wedge

Steve Lickteig/Open Secret

In an interview with KRWG, Steve explains how that earth-shattering revelation changed him forever: “It was never spoken of again after that day, you know, not until fifteen years later,” he said. “We just didn’t talk about it. And it sounds melodramatic to me, but I changed that day.”

The family secret, now that it was finally out had driven a wedge in Steve’s relationship with his family.

Something Changed

Steve Lickteig/Open Secret

“I was a really happy-go-lucky guy in high school, and something kind of shut off in me, and the relationship sort of just became nothing,” he explained. 

“It was just obligatory, and it was that way with the whole family. You know, I have a large [family] — six sisters, two brothers. I felt like they all were sort of in on it, so I just separated myself.” But would the Lickteig family reconcile?

In Her Shoes

Steve Lickteig/Open Secret

Steve tried to imagine what his mother had gone through. She had given her child up and then had to live a lie.

“I was trying to understand what she must have gone through to have had a baby, and then see your own parents take the baby, and then tell you that the story is going to be that you have to tell this baby that you’re his sister — not his actual mother — and you have to live that for basically the rest of your life.” But had Joanie wanted to give him up?


Steve Lickteig/Open Secret

“… She says she did not want to give me up. My parents say that’s not true, that she needed the help. I think, as with most things, it falls somewhere in the middle,” Steve said. 

“And I do believe that she was told this is the story: If we’re going to go down this road, this is the story that we’re going to use, and you’re going to stick to it. And that’s when all the family members were told.” But what would they think of the film?

Wanted Nothing To Do With It


Don and Mary Jane, Steve’s biological grandparents, seemed happy to finally talk about the truth, but Joanie wasn’t prepared to sit down and discuss the finer details. She has since married and has other children.

Steve couldn’t help but feel disappointed. She wanted nothing to do with his journey of self-discovery or his documentary.

Not What He Expected


“She just said to me, she said, ‘I saw your film. I understand why you did it,’” Steve said. “‘I don’t want anything more to do with it going forward, so please don’t ask me to be involved in it.’” 

“We’ve emailed a few times, but we haven’t had any conversation in a long while, and it’s not the outcome that I had expected.” But there is a silver lining…

Full Circle

Steve Lickteig/Open Secret

After filming, Steve felt as if a burden had been lifted from his shoulders. “I got to have these conversations,” he said.

The film gave me and them permission to have a conversation that just would not have happened otherwise. So yeah, in the end, I can walk away from this and say this did what it was supposed to do.”

Just Joanie


Steve is happily married and plans to have children of his own someday. Now that he has made peace with what had happened, he had another burning question. 

The question of how involved Joanie wants to be had to be asked. Steve wanted to know what his children will know her as – their grandmother or aunt. Joanie, visibly excited, replied with a smile: “Joanie. Just Joanie.”

Sharing The Story

Jacobs Media Strategies

Since Steve released the documentary, his story has become known around the world. Media outlets picked it up, wrote dozens of articles and interviews, and shared it across social media platforms like Facebook.

Users everywhere began to share similar stories in the comment section. What’s surprising is that Steve’s situation is not as uncommon as you might think. 

Similar Situations


“This situation happened to my uncle (actually my cousin), everyone knew except him. When he was 17 or 18, my other cousin (actually his brother) told him because he thought he already knew,” one woman wrote. 

“He was very mad at everyone for a long time, and it was definitely a mistake to keep that from him for so many years.” While some Facebook users shared their own stories, others also had some advice for parents.

“Please Tell Them”


“I was adopted as an infant but not told until I was 23. PLEASE tell them when they are young! There is no good reason to lie and hide a person’s true history from them,” one user implored.

“It’s a terrible act of selfishness, and all it does is create much bigger problems. Honesty is always the best policy.”


The Knot

“Having found out that I was adopted when I was 20, I went through so much anger and hurt, and it took years to forgive because I felt so deceived,” another woman wrote.

“Although, I’m in my 30’s now and feel blessed to have such a great family, I don’t think it’s a good idea to wait to let your kids know that they’re adopted. Then again, I don’t know what the proper age would be. Thank you for this story.”

Has Society Changed?


“Happens all the time…especially more “back in the day,” another women commented. “Nowadays, it is more accepted in society to have single parent households headed by a woman who chose LIFE.” 

“I am not going to judge this woman or Steve either. You just never know what someone is going through, or what someone HAS been through. To each his/her own. Different strokes for different folks.”

More Accepting

Brookings Institution

A recent Gallup poll shows that society is much more accepting of women having children out-of-wedlock than it was in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s – and Americans become more accepting of women having children outside marriage every year.

In 2012, 54 out of 100 of the people surveyed said that having a baby when you’re unmarried is morally acceptable. In 2022, that number rose to 60 out of 100 (60%). But why?

Implications Of The Study


The Gallup poll indicates that people are increasingly becoming more liberal in their views of what is morally acceptable and what is not. 

The debate about the morality of having children out-of-wedlock is one of the biggest changes in moral attitudes during the last 15 years. Another big change in society is its tolerance toward same-sex marriage.

But What About The Children?


While people are generally more accepting of people having a child out-of-wedlock, this doesn’t mean that’s what’s best for the child. 

On the contrary, a growing body of research suggests that children in two-parent households are more likely to have better academic and emotional outcomes than children raised in a single-parent home. But what about children like Steve, who were lied to for their entire lives?

Emotional Damage

Steve Lickteig/Open Secret

“To me, this story shows how much the vaunted “traditional values” that some politicians and others call for us to return to were based on appearance and outright hypocrisy, not actual morality,” one Facebook user observed. 

“I just cannot fathom the mindset that thinks it’s better to lie to a kid for 18 years than it is to admit that his mother had him out of wedlock.” However, a few other users disagreed and defended Steve’s mother.

Different Opinions

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“1969 was a very different time when dealing with teen pregnancy or being an unwed mother. People used to keep this and many other things secret. This family made, what they thought, was the best decision for him. He wouldn’t have understood if he had been told when he was a child,” one user argued.

“Joanie needed to be protected as well, which is what her parents were trying to do. They were trying to protect their entire family from the shame that would have been felt in 1969. As far as “real mom”, no one can speak to what the term means to him except him so let it go, people.” What do you think?


In order to protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.