Kim Kardashian Breaks Up With Pete Davidson, Sources Disclose The Reasons


Pete And Kim

For the past year, the media was obsessed with the relationship between Pete Davidson and Kim Kardashian. The pair seemed perfect for one another, and according to sources close to the couple, they were completely smitten with one another.

But recently, the news broke that the couple were no longer together. But why did they break up? Some seem to think that Pete was just another rebound, but is there more to it than meets the eye? How are they handling the breakup? Are either of them dating someone new?

Never Saw It Coming


The news of their breakup surprised many, from casual people who “shipped” their relationship, to each of their individual fans.

It appears that Pete and Kim are going through a rough time right now, but fans have been wondering one thing: which of them is handling it the worst? Fans from all around the world are burning to know who initiated the breakup.

Sources Revealed


People closest to Kim have revealed that she is extremely sad after the breakup, and apparently, the last few days have been hard for her. This comes as no surprise to the general public. It was obvious that she was beyond smitten with Pete.

But sources have also revealed that Pete is the one having a harder time dealing with the recent breakup. According to them, he’s going through a really, really hard time.

Undergoing Trauma Therapy

Daily Mail

It was recently revealed that Davidson has been undergoing trauma therapy. This has caused fans to believe that the relationship meant a lot more to him than it ever did to Kim.

But, there seems to be a further reason why the SNL star is so affected by the events that have been taking place for the last few months.

Another Factor

El Nacional

Many seem to believe that there is another major factor why Pete would have to recover from trauma. One, very public thing has caused him a great deal of stress and anguish ever since he started dating Kim.

The man behind this has constantly, for better or worse, been associated with the couple during the last months.

Kanye West Feud


It was alleged that the real reason why Pete has been undergoing trauma therapy is Kanye West’s constant intrusion into his relationship with Kim.

Many were surprised by this rumor because for the last few months, Pete has been quite open about Kanye’s feud with him. He has even made a few jokes about it at comedy shows. But it seems that things were a lot more serious than the public initially thought.

Obsessive Behavior


In recent months, Kayne has spammed Instagram with posts targeting Pete. He made a song featuring The Game, a rapper from Los Angeles who claims to have been connected to a gang, and in this song, he seems to threated Pete.

Many observed Kanye’s obsessive behavior to be harassments, and it’s not surprising that this has affected Pete.  But hoe serious are things?

Making Light Of It

Pete has been trying to make light of the issue in an attempt to avoid getting caught up in that type of drama

“Pete is trying to make out like he finds Kanye’s pranks hilarious, but nobody really believes him,” a close friend told the media some time ago. “He actually feels sorry for the guy, but at the same time, he just wishes he could be left alone.”

More To It

Fans are surprised by the news, it’s hard to think that after all this time, Kanye’s behavior was impacting Pete’s life and mental health so negatively.

It’s easy to see why Kanye’s behavior has been a source of stress for Pete. But it seems like there might be yet another reason for why he’s undergoing trauma therapy at the moment.

They Knew

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Understandable, Pete is gutted by the end of his relationship with Kim. But according to sources, neither of them were taken by surprise. It was something that both of them could see coming.

“Pete knew it wasn’t going to work,” a friend revealed. “He’d been saying it for a while. And Kim knew it, too.” But this leads us to the really big question about the story.

What Was The Problem?


Why were they anticipating the breakup? Why has it been so sudden, especially considering how smitten with each other the two seemed to be over the last few months?

Was it all, as some have suggested, a ready-made relationship designed as a ploy to attract media attention or “clout”? Some have suggested something even more sinister than that.



Some have suggested that the whole relationship might have started out of one specific whim by Kim; some have said that because of this whim, Pete was chosen, used, and then discarded by the fashion mogul.

These rumors say that Kim was only using Pete to make Kanye jealous all along. But is it true? Is she really that cunning?

Is It Just Gossip?

News WWC

This type of rumor might be on the extreme end of gossip. After all, there seemed to be genuine affection between the two; in all their pictures and footage together, they seem truly enamored with each other.

This still holds even if, as the sources tell, they saw the breakup coming. But why was that? What went wrong?

What Went Wrong?

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Maybe Pete and Kim knew what was going to happen. But for the rest of the world, the news has taken many people by surprise. We have all been left wondering what exactly went wrong between the pair.

Many suggest that there might be one particular event that served as a catalyst for the breakup and shattered their relationship into pieces.

A Trip To Australia

Us Weekly

Apparently, the crux of the question would be Kim’s recent trip to Australia. Recently, just a few days before their breakup, she traveled there to visit Pete while he had some days off from filming Wizards.

It seems like something happened during Kim’s days in Australia, or there was something she saw there that might be crucial in order to understand the couple’s breakup. But what was it?

No Pictures

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One thing is known for sure: Kim didn’t post any pictures or videos of her trip to Australia on her social media. And apparently, that’s not all.

During the whole trip, the couple was extremely secretive. This contrasts heavily with their previous behavior and their tendency to go viral every chance they got. Reading about how they acted during their time in Australia, one could just feel that there was already something wrong.

Were They Hiding Something?

ET Canada

“This is the 1% of the time she doesn’t want to have to worry about getting glammed up and just wants to switch off,” an anonymous insider told the media.

Apparently, Kim did everything in her power to avoid being seen by the media, which seems like something extremely off-character coming from the fashion mogul. But why was that?

What Was Going On?

The Sun

But why could that be? Why didn’t they want to be seen by the media? Perhaps they had something to hide? Were Pete and Kim arguing during their time in Australia? (Ambien)

Or was it just that they knew it was going to be their last time together, and they wanted to be alone and finish their relationship on a high note?

Insider’s Words

“She’s just here to spend time with Pete and has no plans on leaving the hotel. It’s a very low-key trip, and she doesn’t want to be bothered.”

“Kim is happy to say ‘hi’ to you if you bump into her, but she definitely doesn’t want to get her photograph taken on this trip.” And apparently, that’s not all.


Daily Mail

The hotel staff members were also ordered not to ask Pete or Kim for selfies and not to post anything to their social media accounts.

Every time Kim left the hotel, she used decoy cars to avoid being seen. She would also enter and exit through the hotel’s back door, not accessible to resort guests. But why all the secrecy? What was going on? What were they trying to hide?

Problems In Paradise

Some say that this secrecy and search for clandestinity may have been a sign of problems in paradise, especially considering the couple’s previous behavior regarding the media and attention from the public.

Others suggest that the trip may have been a last-ditch effort to save a relationship that was already on its way out. But what were the real reasons for the breakup?



Apparently, one of the most important reasons may have been Pete’s “immaturity and young age”, according to an insider. “Pete is 28 and Kim is 41 — they are just in very different places at the moment,” the source adds.

“Pete is totally spontaneous and impulsive and wants her to fly to New York or wherever he is on a moment’s notice. But Kim has four kids, and it isn’t that easy. She needs to focus on the kids.” But it seems like that’s not all there is to it.

Maybe It Wasn’t Meant To Last

Hollywood Life

Some may think that there are reasons to believe that Kim was never that serious about Pete in the first place. Admittedly, she didn’t seriously entertain the possibility of a real relationship when they first met.

“I wasn’t even thinking, ‘Oh my god, I’m gonna be in a relationship with him.’ I was just thinking like, ‘heard about this BDE, need to get out there.’ I was just basically DTF.” So is that it? Was Davidson just a rebound meant to be a fun time, not a long time?

“Super Bummed”


If that is so, it seems like it might have taken him off guard. “Pete is still super bummed, though, about the breakup,” says an insider. “They really hit it off and had a ton of fun together, but it feels like it ran its course.”

But is that necessarily a bad thing? Why is Pete so bummed right now if that is all there was to it?

It Is What It Is

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After all, that’s what happens to a lot of relationships, and it doesn’t need to be something to be upset about. As long as the two of them get out of the relationship with good memories together, that’s all that matters.

But to be honest, they made a great couple together. Many people are wondering if there is any chance of them getting back together in the future. This is what they have said about it:


YouTube/Entertainment Tonight

Reconciliation doesn’t seem very likely. “It was an amicable split. They had discussed ending their relationship for a bit. It wasn’t sudden,” explains an insider source.

“And it was a mutual decision. Getting back together is not in the cards right now.” Ah, well. What are you gonna do? But this leads us to the following question: what’s next?

Are They Dating Someone?

Entertainment Tonight

Are any of the two former sweethearts dating someone else at the moment? Have they been able to move on that fast?

Kim has recently been asked about this issue, and she has given a few hints about what’s going on in her dating life at the moment. This is what she said when prompted about it:

“Absolutely No One”

Entertainment Tonight

Recently, Kelly Rippa and Ryan Seacrest, from “Live With Kelly And Ryan,” asked the superstar who she sees herself dating next. Everyone was surprised by what Kim replied.

“Absolutely no one,” she said. “I’m not looking for anything,” she reiterated. “I think I really just need to be by myself and focus and finish school and focus on my kids.” However, it seems like she has been receiving several tempting offers from very illustrious characters.

Doctors And Scientists

James Devany – GC Images

“You know what I did say before? Maybe I should try to date a doctor or a scientist or something, so a bunch of attorneys and scientists and doctors all reached out. I’m just not ready,” the influencer said.

Will we see Kim stepping back from show business when it comes to her dating life in the near future? Will she date a white-collar professional next? This is the original quote she references above:

The Future

“Clearly, it’s not working, whatever I’m doing. So I don’t know. Maybe, like, a hospital and meet a doctor. A law firm. I think it’s gonna be, like, scientist, neuroscientist, biochemist, doctor, attorney. That’s maybe what I envision in the future.”

As far as Pete Davidson, not much is known about his dating life nowadays. But who knows what the future might look like?

In order to protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events or places or persons, living or dead are entirely coincidental.