Indigente Echa A Una Anciana Del Banco De Un Parque Y Se Arrepiente



Maggie Ashcott visitaba con frecuencia el parque Echo Lake.

Pero cuando un vagabundo empezó a molestarla, decidió hacer algo al respecto.

Cada vez que iba al parque, allí estaba él. No la dejaba en paz, y llegó un momento en que empezó a sentirse insegura en su querido parque. Sólo le quedaba una cosa por hacer.

Parque Echo Lake


A Maggie le encantaba ir al parque. Era un pasatiempo que compartía con su difunto marido, Tom.

Solían sentarse junto al lago y dar de comer a los patos.

Pero desde el prematuro fallecimiento de Tom, Maggie se encargó de continuar con la tradición de visitar regularmente el parque y dar de comer a los patos. Pero las cosas ya no eran lo mismo sin Tom.

Mantenerse Activo


A la avanzada edad de 76 años, Maggie seguía dando paseos. Era lo que Tom había querido para ellos, que se mantuvieran activos pasara lo que pasara.

Aunque Maggie lo entendía, había días en los que no se sentía con fuerzas para caminar durante todo el día y echaba mucho de menos a Tom.

Pero ese no era el único problema que Maggie tenía.



Tom y Maggie llevaban juntos más de 50 años. Nunca tuvieron hijos propios.

Siempre se tuvieron el uno al otro. Pero cuando Tom falleció, Maggie empezó a sentirse sola.

Pero pronto, con la ayuda de sus vecinos, Maggie recibió un gato al que llamó Oliver. Ya no se sentía sola y cuidaba de Oliver hasta la saciedad.



Pero era cuando iba al parque cuando volvía a sentir la soledad.

Mientras estaba sentada en el banco del parque dando de comer a los patos, pensaba en su querido Tom.

Se quedó mirando el lago centelleante recordando los momentos que habían pasado juntos en el parque. Se le llenaron los ojos de lágrimas.



Pero mientras estaba sentada en el banco, Maggie pronto sería abordada por alguien a quien nunca había visto antes.

Siempre se sentaba en ese banco y nunca la habían molestado.

Pero ese día, un hombre extraño se le acercó de forma muy agresiva. Maggie no sabía qué hacer.



La presencia del desconocido provocó un escalofrío en Maggie. Su aspecto desaliñado y sus ojos desorbitados la inquietaron.

Se acercó a ella con una postura agresiva, bloqueándole el paso y reclamando su atención.

“¡Eh, señora! Deme dinero”, le ladró, con la voz cargada de ira. A Maggie se le aceleró el corazón. ¿Por qué la molestaba ese hombre?



El corazón de Maggie latía con fuerza en su pecho mientras rebuscaba en su bolso, con la esperanza de apaciguar al desconocido y evitar cualquier enfrentamiento posterior.

Le dio unos dólares, temblando de miedo. Pero en lugar de marcharse, se quedó mirando sus pertenencias.

Aterrorizada, Maggie se armó de valor y le dijo: “Por favor, le he dado lo que tengo. Ahora, por favor, váyase”.



Los ojos del hombre se entrecerraron y una sonrisa siniestra se dibujó en su rostro. “¿Crees que es suficiente? Sé que tienes más”, se burló, inclinándose más cerca.

La mente de Maggie se agitó, buscando desesperadamente una salida. No podía dejar que ese hombre la siguiera hasta su casa, sin saber lo que podría hacer.

Con un subidón de adrenalina, consiguió ponerse en pie y se alejó apresuradamente, dejando atrás al desconocido.

Observador Adolescente


Sin que Maggie lo supiera, un adolescente llamado Jake había estado sentado en un banco cercano, presenciando todo el inquietante encuentro.

Jake también era un visitante habitual del parque Echo Lake, y a menudo disfrutaba del sereno entorno para su propia soledad y reflexión.

Había visto a Maggie visitando el parque con frecuencia, y siempre pensó que le recordaba a su nana.



La preocupación se dibujó en su rostro cuando vio al vagabundo observando la figura de Maggie que se retiraba.

En el fondo, Jake sintió un fuerte impulso de ayudar a la anciana. Decidió seguirla discretamente, garantizando su seguridad desde la distancia.

Iba a entrar en acción si algo le ocurría a Maggie. No le gustaba que las personas mayores sufrieran ningún tipo de daño.



Manteniendo una distancia prudente, Jake observó cómo Maggie caminaba a paso ligero hacia su casa, con su frágil cuerpo luchando por mantener el ritmo. 

Cuando el vagabundo se quedó un momento mirando a su alrededor, las sospechas de Jake aumentaron. Había algo más en las intenciones de este hombre, y no podía dejar que Maggie sufriera ningún daño sola.

Pero, por suerte, vio que el hombre se retiraba y caminaba de vuelta al parque.

La Persecución


Con pasos decididos, Jake siguió a Maggie por las sinuosas calles, con el corazón latiéndole al ritmo de sus apresurados pasos.

Sabía que tenía que permanecer alerta, preparado para intervenir si la situación iba a más.

Maggie, ajena a la presencia de su joven ángel de la guarda, llegó a su modesta casa al final de una tranquila calle sin salida. Se apresuró a abrir la puerta principal y entró, cerrándola con un suspiro de alivio.

Alivio Y Gratitud


Maggie se apoyó en la puerta, agradecida por estar en casa y a salvo del inquietante encuentro en el parque.

Su corazón seguía acelerado por la adrenalina mientras repasaba el incidente en su mente. 

No podía deshacerse de la sensación de que las intenciones del vagabundo eran más siniestras que una simple petición de dinero. Ahora se estaba replanteando seriamente volver al parque.

¿Quién La Observaba?


Mientras recuperaba el aliento, miró por la ventana y se fijó en la tenue figura del adolescente que la había estado observando. 

Jake estaba al otro lado de la calle y su presencia la reconfortaba y la dejaba perpleja. Nunca lo había visto antes, pero su preocupación por su bienestar le llegó al corazón.

Pero, ¿estaba Maggie siendo demasiado confiada con este tipo? ¿Quién era el nuevo desconocido que vigilaba su casa?

Aún Más Desconfiada


Maggie empezó a sospechar aún más porque ahora alguien estaba vigilando su casa.

¿Podría el vagabundo haber enviado a alguien a seguirla hasta su casa?

Cerró las puertas y las cortinas rápidamente. Llamó a Oliver y se aferró a él. Nunca había sentido tanto miedo como hoy. ¿Por qué había tanta gente molestándola?

La Visita Inesperada


Mientras Maggie intentaba calmar sus nervios, sonó el timbre de la puerta, sobresaltándola. Su corazón dio un vuelco, temiendo que fuera el extraño hombre del parque o alguien con malas intenciones.

Con cautela, se acercó a la puerta y miró por la mirilla.

El tipo que vigilaba su casa estaba ahora en su puerta. Maggie entró en una espiral de pánico. ¿Qué quería? ¿Saldría ilesa?

¿Qué Quieres?


Las manos de Maggie temblaban mientras agarraba con fuerza a Oliver. Se planteó no abrir la puerta, temiéndose lo peor. ¿Quién podría ser ese joven y por qué estaba aquí? se preguntó.

El timbre persistente continuó y Maggie no pudo ignorarlo por más tiempo.

Respiró hondo, tratando de serenarse, y finalmente se armó de valor para hablar a través de la puerta cerrada. “¿Quién es usted? ¿Qué quieres?”, preguntó, pero no obtuvo respuesta.

¿Adónde Ha Ido?


Cuando Maggie volvió a mirar por la mirilla, el tipo ya no estaba. No sabía si estaba aliviada o aún más aterrorizada.

Se sentó a mirar a su alrededor y entonces lo oyó. Llamaban a la puerta de la cocina.

Maggie sabía que esa persona quería hacerle daño. Tenía que idear un plan. Pero, ¿qué podía hacer una frágil anciana para defenderse de un joven en plena forma?



Maggie entró en pánico y Oliver también se puso visiblemente nervioso. Empezó a arañarla y a maullar con fuerza.

Pero justo cuando estaba a punto de hacer algo, el timbre volvió a sonar.

Esta vez, el tipo tuvo la osadía de llamarla, haciendo que Maggie y Oliver se aterrorizaran aún más que antes. ¿Qué demonios quería de ella?

Should She Call The Police?


Maggie knew that it was now time to involve the police. But she was too afraid to move from the spot where she and Oliver were cowering down.

The phone was all the way across the living room, and she was trying to make the guy think that there was nobody home. But of course, he knew she was there, and soon enough, he began calling out to her again.

Maggie’s instincts kicked into overdrive then. Alarm bells were blaring in her head, warning her of his intentions. Were they right?



On the other side, Jake felt a pang of guilt. He hadn’t meant to scare Maggie; he only wanted to make sure she got home safely.

“I’m sorry to startle you, ma’am,” he called out gently. 

“My name is Jake. I saw what happened at the park, and I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” But was he really as innocent as he made himself out to be? Or was there more to his act?

What Were His Intentions?


Maggie hesitated. Should she trust this young man she had never met before?

Could she believe his intentions were genuine? The fear and uncertainty swirled within her, making her heart race again.

Seeing her hesitation through the window, Jake tried to reassure her, “I promise, I mean no harm. I saw that man bothering you at the park, and I was worried.” But his words did nothing to calm her nerves. For all she knew, he could’ve been part of the act.

I Followed You


“I followed you to make sure you got home safely. You don’t need to open the door, but please know that I’m just trying to help.”

Maggie considered his words. The park encounter was unsettling, and this young man had been there, watching over her. His presence had been a source of comfort, even though she didn’t know who he was.

But now his presence had the complete opposite effect, and she couldn’t help but wonder why that might be.

Taking A Chance


Finally, she took a chance and slowly unlocked the door, opening it just a crack to peer at Jake. He stood there, looking earnest and concerned, and Oliver, sensing no threat, curiously peeked his head out to investigate.

Jake smiled gently, trying to ease Maggie’s worry. “I don’t mean to intrude, but I just wanted to check on you. You seem like a nice lady, and I couldn’t just stand by and do nothing.

” They were such gentle words, but his actions proved otherwise. Why would an innocent young man follow an old lady home?

Was He Trying To Help?


Maggie’s apprehension began to subside as she realized that Jake was genuinely trying to help. She opened the door a little wider, still holding onto Oliver.

“Thank you,” she said softly, tears welling up in her eyes. “I’m just… I’m just scared, you know.”

Jake nodded understandingly. “I can imagine. It must have been really scary at the park.” The more Jake spoke, the more Maggie lowered her guard. But was that really the best thing to do?

Did He Mean It?


“I’ll make sure to keep an eye out for you from now on when you visit the park. And if you ever feel uncomfortable or need help, just call the police, okay?”

Maggie wasn’t sure if he meant what he said, but she was relieved to know that there were still people who cared about the elderly.

Was she mistaken in her judgment? Was Jake just another threat?

Much Appreciated


“Thank you, Jake,” Maggie repeated, her voice more steady now. “I appreciate your kindness and concern.”

Over the next few days, Jake kept his promise, discreetly watching over Maggie whenever she went to the park. They didn’t interact much, but their unspoken connection grew stronger.

Maggie found solace in the presence of her teenage guardian angel, and Jake felt a sense of responsibility toward the elderly lady he had come to care for. Or so it seemed.

Still Scared


As time passed, the mysterious homeless man’s presence at the park lessened, and eventually, he disappeared altogether.

Maggie’s fear gradually subsided, and she resumed her visits to the park, accompanied by the newfound comfort of Jake’s watchful eyes.

But at the back of her mind, Maggie still felt scared, even though Jake was always there. She couldn’t help but wonder if the homeless man would return. And what would happen if Jake wasn’t there that day?

Always Looking Over Her Shoulder


She felt like she was always looking over her shoulder, and going to her beloved park had begun something of a terrifying experience.

She knew that someday she would encounter the man again. But having Jake around made it somewhat easier for her, and she wanted to thank him properly. So she decided to invite him into her house.

Was that a good thing? Or the biggest mistake she had ever made?

The Kind Gesture


She decided to thank Jake for his act of kindness. While he watched her enter her house, she stepped onto her porch, her frail figure silhouetted against the setting sun. “Jake!” she called out, hoping to catch Jake’s attention.

Jake turned around, surprise flickering across his face.

He hadn’t expected Maggie to call him over. Cautiously, he approached her, unsure of what to expect.

Thank You


“Maggie, my name is Maggie Ashcott,” she introduced herself, her voice carrying a mix of weariness and determination.

“I wanted to thank you for watching over me. You’ve shown me great kindness, and I truly appreciate it.”

Jake’s youthful features softened, and a warm smile formed on his face. “You’re welcome, Mrs. Ashcott. I’ll keep doing it as long as you want me to, okay?”

A Connection?


Maggie nodded, her eyes filled with gratitude. “Thank you so much. Please, come in. Let me offer you a cup of tea as a small token of my appreciation.”

As Maggie and Jake entered the cozy living room, a sense of relief settled over them both.

The tension from their encounter at the park began to dissipate, replaced by a newfound connection.



Maggie put the kettle on and turned to Jake, her eyes filled with curiosity.

“Tell me, Jake, what brings you to Echo Lake Park? I’ve never seen you around before.”

Jake shifted uncomfortably in his seat, a hint of hesitation clouding his expression. “I… I come here often to think. It’s a peaceful place for me,” he replied, avoiding direct eye contact.



Maggie sensed there was more to Jake’s story, but she didn’t want to push him.

Instead, she decided to focus on the present moment, appreciating the opportunity to offer him a moment of respite.

He looked shy and somewhat scared, and Maggie knew that she had to help him in some way. But how? He didn’t seem to want to open up to her.

Beneath The Surface


As they sipped their tea, the conversation flowed, and the initial tension dissolved into a comfortable exchange of stories. 

Maggie shared memories of her life with Tom, the joys and sorrows they experienced together. Jake listened intently, his own troubles momentarily forgotten in the presence of Maggie’s warmth.

At that point, he felt like he found a friend in the form of Maggie.



However, beneath the surface, a seed of uncertainty took root in Maggie’s mind.

She couldn’t shake off the nagging feeling that there was something more to Jake’s presence at the park, something he wasn’t revealing.

As the evening grew darker, Maggie mustered the courage to ask Jake about his life. She knew it was a sensitive subject, but her instincts told her that understanding his story might shed light on the reason behind his concern for her.

Unexpected Revelations


With a deep breath, Jake hesitated for a moment before opening up.

He spoke about his troubled family life, the struggles he faced, and the desperate circumstances that led him to the park.

“I’ve been living on the streets for a while now,” Jake confessed, his voice tinged with vulnerability. “But when I saw you being accosted by that man, it reminded me of my own grandma. I couldn’t bear the thought of something happening to you.”



Maggie’s heart ached for Jake, his words resonating with her own compassion for others.

She realized that in their brief encounter, their lives had become unexpectedly intertwined.

Moved by Jake’s story, Maggie made a decision. She couldn’t let him continue living on the streets, especially when he had shown her such kindness and concern. She needed to do something.

A Helping Hand


“Jake, I want to help you,” she said firmly, her voice filled with determination. “You need a safe place to stay, and I have an extra room in my house.

It’s time for someone to extend a helping hand to you, just as you did for me today.”

Jake’s eyes widened in disbelief, tears welling up as he struggled to find words. “Mrs. Ashcott, I… I don’t know what to say. That’s an incredibly generous offer, but I couldn’t impose on you like that.”

A Tentative Agreement


Maggie gently placed a hand on his, her eyes filled with compassion. “Jake, I lost my husband, and my home has felt empty ever since. Having you here would give me purpose and a sense of family. Please, let me help you.”

After moments of contemplation, Jake finally nodded, a mix of gratitude and trepidation evident in his eyes. “Thank you, Mrs. Ashcott.

I don’t know how to express my appreciation for your kindness. If you’re sure about this, then I’m willing to accept your offer.”



A sense of relief washed over Maggie, and she smiled warmly. “Call me Maggie, dear.

We’ll figure everything out together. Let’s focus on creating a safe and nurturing environment for both of us.”

With a newfound sense of purpose, Maggie and Jake started to plan the transition. The task wouldn’t be easy, but they were determined. But it wasn’t long before trouble reared its ugly head again.

An Unsettling Discovery


However, beneath the surface of their seemingly idyllic arrangement, a sinister truth began to reveal itself.

Maggie couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was amiss, that the homeless man’s aggression at the park had been more than a chance encounter.

Late one evening, as Maggie was going through old photo albums in her study, she stumbled upon a newspaper article tucked away between the pages. The headline sent chills down her spine.

A Haunting Connection


The newspaper article detailed a series of crimes committed by a dangerous fugitive who had been evading capture for months.

His name was Lucas Donovan, a man with a history of violence and a predatory nature.

As Maggie read the article, her hands trembled, and her mind raced to connect the dots. The man who had accosted her at the park had a striking resemblance to the photo of Lucas Donovan. Could it be that he had deliberately targeted her?

Unveiling the Truth


Fear and unease washed over Maggie as she realized the gravity of the situation. She had unknowingly invited a potential threat into her home, placing both herself and Jake in danger.

Maggie’s heart pounded in her chest as she resolved to confront Jake about her discovery. She couldn’t ignore the signs any longer; their safety depended on facing the truth head-on.

That evening, as they sat in the living room, Maggie mustered her courage and broached the subject delicately. “Jake, I found something troubling while going through my old photo albums. There’s a chance that the man who accosted me at the park is someone dangerous. I think he might be Lucas Donovan.”

In order to protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.