Hombre Ve A Mujer Militar En Un Avión, Le Dice Que Se Levante
Encuentro Inesperado
A Janice Walker, una joven de 21 años, se le agolpaban los pensamientos cuando vio al hombre que se acercaba lentamente a ella.
Desde su elegante traje hasta sus penetrantes ojos azules, todo en él le llamó la atención.
Pero lo que la pilló desprevenida fue cuando le informó de que se había equivocado de asiento. Estaba segura de haber leído bien el número. Sin embargo, resultó que la situación no era tan complicada como ella había previsto.
Perseguir Su Sueño
Janice Walker persiguió el sueño de su vida: servir en el ejército.
Sin embargo, la realidad de su ambición resultó ser más difícil de lo que esperaba.
Después de viajar a los Países Bajos para su primera sesión de entrenamiento internacional semanas atrás, esperaba con impaciencia su regreso a casa.
Entrenamiento En El Extranjero
La estancia de Janice en Holanda no fue nada fácil.
Con sesiones de entrenamiento agotadoras que la dejaban exhausta cada día, apenas tenía tiempo para hablar con sus padres. Los madrugones y las largas jornadas de trabajo agotaban su energía y lo único que quería era dormir.
A pesar de la inesperada dificultad del entrenamiento, Janice se negó a echarse atrás ante el reto, decidida a seguir adelante y triunfar.
No Es Para Reírse
Janice se enfrentó a uno de los entrenamientos más exigentes de su vida en Holanda.
Desde correr kilómetros hasta superar todos los obstáculos de su camino, nunca se echó atrás ante un reto o una crítica.
Sin embargo, la intensidad del entrenamiento no era cosa de risa, ni siquiera para alguien tan dura como ella. A pesar de estar en excelente forma física toda su vida, Janice se enfrentó a momentos en los que superar las pruebas parecía imposible.
Su Resistencia A Prueba
El cuerpo de Janice fue llevado al límite durante su entrenamiento en Holanda.
Le dolían los músculos, su piel quemada por el sol estaba sensible y la mera idea de levantar su equipación le hacía palpitar los hombros. Al final del entrenamiento, estaba deseando volver a su cama.
Sin embargo, no sabía que le esperaba un desafío inesperado.
Preparando El Vuelo
A sólo tres horas de la salida, Janice había terminado todos los preparativos, excepto hacer la maleta.
A pesar de estar preparada, no estaba especialmente entusiasmada con el largo vuelo que le esperaba.
Aunque no le asustaba volar, tampoco lo disfrutaba, y este vuelo en particular iba a ser largo, con giros imprevisibles.
Un Largo Vuelo Por Delante
La perspectiva de un largo vuelo, con asientos estrechos y poco espacio para las piernas, era suficiente para desanimar a Janice.
Cuando vio el tipo de comida que se le ofrecía durante el vuelo, su estado de ánimo empeoró aún más.
Añoraba la comodidad de la comida casera de su madre y la acogedora sensación de ver el fútbol con su padre. Pero todo tenía un precio, y Janice estaba pagando el suyo por perseguir sus sueños. (paxmemphis.com)
El Asiento
El asiento asignado a Janice en la parte trasera del avión distaba mucho de ser el ideal, a pesar de tener acceso a todas las comodidades.
La cola para llegar a él parecía que iba a durar una eternidad, y la espera para desembarcar sería igual de larga.
Poco sabía lo que el vuelo le tenía reservado, mientras se acomodaba en su asiento menos que ideal.
Opciones Limitadas
A pesar de que el asiento no era el ideal, Janice sabía que era la única forma de volver a casa.
Estaba dispuesta a sentarse en el ala si hacía falta. Al principio, le entusiasmaba la idea de explorar el mundo y ser destinada fuera de Estados Unidos por la oportunidad que suponía.
Sin embargo, después de este viaje, su perspectiva había cambiado. ¿Sería este vuelo el empujón final que la haría cambiar de opinión por completo?
Salida Hacia El Aeropuerto
Janice tuvo una agitada salida hacia el aeropuerto. Cogió sus pertenencias y pidió un taxi, pero a partir de ahí todo pareció ir mal.
Facturar las maletas le llevó una eternidad y, como había alcanzado el límite de peso, tuvo que llevar su equipo como equipaje de mano.
Mientras se dirigía a la puerta de embarque, se echó el equipo al hombro, esperando que el resto del viaje transcurriera sin contratiempos.
Una Espera Interminable
Janice sabía que había llegado pronto, pero la espera para embarcar se le hizo eterna. Miraba el reloj cada cinco minutos.
Por eso no se dio cuenta de lo que pasaba a su alrededor.
Alguien había puesto sus ojos en ella, y esa persona quería cambiar sus planes por completo.
Subiendo Al Avión
La llamada para embarcar llegó por fin y Janice se levantó de un salto. Intentó ponerse en la cola lo antes posible, pero muchos otros se le adelantaron.
Empezaron a moverse lentamente, y a cada persona se le comprobaba el pasaporte antes de entrar en el avión.
Pero Janice seguía ignorando lo que estaba ocurriendo a pocos metros de ella.
Mirada Anhelante
Cuando Janice subió al avión, miró con nostalgia a la sección de clase preferente.
Todos los pasajeros estaban ya sentados, y aquellas sillas parecían tan cómodas.
Cómo deseaba Janice poder experimentar eso por una vez en su vida. La comodidad que esos asientos prometían ofrecer era exactamente lo que su cuerpo exhausto necesitaba. Con un suspiro, Janice continuó.
Su Asiento Reservado
Se dirigió a la clase turista y esperó a que las personas que hacían cola delante de ella encontraran sus respectivos asientos.
Sin embargo, el asiento de Janice estaba reservado y sabía exactamente dónde tenía que ir.
Miró hacia su asiento y vio que todavía había mucha gente bloqueándole el paso. Pero había una persona que sobresalía por encima del resto.
Al Fondo Del Todo
El asiento de Janice estaba justo al fondo.
No a unas cuantas filas del fondo ni a unos cuantos asientos entre ella y la zona del personal. Era el último asiento de ventanilla del avión.
Así que tendría que esperar un rato, ya que todos los que estaban delante de ella estaban sentados en otras partes del avión. Y todos tenían equipaje de mano que debían guardar antes de poder despejar el pasillo.
Mientras Janice esperaba para llegar a su asiento, se dio cuenta de que muchas de las personas que ya estaban sentadas la miraban.
La miraban como si hubiera hecho algo malo, y no pudo evitar preguntarse qué podría haber sido.
Pero también había algo más. Algo que confundiría aún más a Janice.
Susurros Secretos
Las personas que la miraban susurraban entre ellas como si tuvieran algún secreto que compartir con el mundo.
Janice sabía que tenía algo que ver con ella. Lo sentía en cada fibra de su ser.
Pero no tenía ni idea de lo que estaba pasando. ¿Qué veían esas personas que ella no veía?
Sabía Por Qué
Sintiéndose cohibida, Janice miró hacia abajo y se dio cuenta de que aún llevaba puesto su uniforme militar.
Fue entonces cuando todas las piezas empezaron a encajar.
A menudo veía a su padre recibir el mismo trato cuando salía con el uniforme puesto. Pero lo que ella no sabía era que su uniforme afectaría a todo su vuelo.
Janice decidió ignorar las miradas que le dirigían.
Su padre siempre le había dicho que era la mejor manera de afrontar las cosas. Durante su formación, se había convertido en una experta en bloquear la información innecesaria.
Pero Janice se olvidó de otra parte importante de su formación. Olvidó estar atenta a las pequeñas señales que se escondían a su alrededor.
Esperar Pacientemente
Janice esperó pacientemente, arrastrando los pies cada vez que alguien conseguía sentarse.
Y después de lo que le pareció una eternidad, por fin consiguió llegar al suyo.
Colocó su equipaje en el compartimento superior y se hundió en la silla. Ahora que por fin había embarcado, podía sentir cómo se apoderaba de ella la emoción. Pero duraría poco.
An Unexpected Delay
Janice was starting to lose her patience. She looked down at her watch for what must’ve been the hundredth time.
There was clearly a delay with their flight, as it should’ve lifted off over ten minutes ago.
But they were still grounded, and no one told them why they were being delayed. Janice looked around, hoping to find the answer.
What Could’ve Caused It?
She looked out the window, knowing that bad weather often caused delays.
But the sky was crystal clear. There wasn’t a cloud in sight.
So she turned her attention to the aisle to see if one of the passengers might’ve been delayed. But no one was coming in, and all the seats were full. She had no idea that the delay had happened because of her.
Looking For An Attendant
Janice stuck her head into the aisle with the hope of finding a flight attendant so she could ask what was happening.
But surprisingly, there was no one there.
Even the staff area was empty, which was rather strange since the flight attendants should be busy preparing for lift-off. Janice looked up the aisle then, and what she saw left her with scattered thoughts.
Grabbing Her Attention
As Janice’s eyes roamed along the aisle, something caught her attention.
There was a figure standing between the business class and economy class, and it didn’t belong to a flight attendant.
Janice didn’t know who it was. But the figure belonged to the person who had been watching her ever since she checked in at the airport.
A Gorgeous Man
His body grew larger as he walked down the aisle.
And for the first time in a long-time, Janice felt herself being intimidated by his presence. Yet, she couldn’t drag her eyes away.
There was something about the gorgeous man that forced her to look. Was it his messy black hair? Or those piercing blue eyes? She simply didn’t know.
Admiring Him
But she allowed her gaze to linger. Taking in his strong frame and the aura of pride that followed him, she concluded that he must’ve been lost.
However, the man was there with a purpose, and Janice was at the center of it.
He’d watched her for hours, but why? What did he want from the young woman?
Expensive Suit
Janice looked him up and down before turning her attention to his suit.
It was expensive. She could spot that from a mile away – most likely Armani, if not something more pricey.
From his suit, she concluded that a man like him must drive an elegant yet expensive car—something like a Maserati or a high-class Mercedes.
Business-Like Demeanor
She then focused on his chiseled face and the way he carried himself.
There wasn’t a hint of a smile, and even though his eyes were bright, they had no sparkle.
He carried himself like a rich businessman, which meant he probably held a position as a CEO or something along those lines. What was a man like him doing in economy class?
Not The Economy Class Type
It was clear that he wasn’t the type of person who would book a seat in that section of the plane.
He would most likely book a seat in first or business class. Did his secretary make some kind of mistake?
So many things were crossing Janice’s mind, but she wasn’t anywhere near the truth.
Slow, Deliberate Movements
The man was moving slowly, almost as if he wanted to intimidate everyone who laid eyes on him. And it was working.
Every person he passed retreated into their seats, and Janice could imagine why.
The guy had a menacing look on his face that would send a chill down anyone’s spine. Whoever he was looking for definitely wouldn’t have an easy way out.
Blue Eyes Locked On Her
Janice shifted in her seat as the man’s bright blue eyes fell on her.
She was trapped in his gaze with no way out.
His lips curled into a menacing smile, sending that chill she had been thinking about down her spine. She was his target. It was becoming more clear with every second he looked at her.
Thoughts Evaporate
Janice tried to maintain her composure. It was something she had gotten used to over the last few weeks.
But with each step he took toward her, her thoughts melted away.
It was like she was trapped in his spell. And she wasn’t really sure how that would turn out. But she wasn’t ready to escape either.
Training Fades Away
He was about halfway through now, and Janice seemed to have forgotten everything she had learned in her training.
The cool, calm, and collected stuff went right out the window.
The same went for observation and classification. She should’ve picked up on the man’s intentions by now. But she could hardly put a straight thought together.
A Vulnerability Like No Other
Janice felt like the man was tearing down every single defense she had put up.
All the walls she had built to take the pressure off her training were gone.
She felt vulnerable, and she wasn’t sure if she liked it or not. There were just so many confusing emotions for her to work through at that point.
Idle Thoughts
On the one hand, she was wondering what this mysterious man could possibly want from a woman like her.
But on the other hand…
Janice couldn’t stop herself from wondering what it would be like to go out with a man like him. She was sure women fought over him. And that wasn’t something she would usually be interested in. But to have a chance with him…
Nervous Or Cautious?
Janice was in a state of utter confusion.
She had no idea if this man was making her nervous or if her instincts were screaming for her to take a cautious approach when it came to him.
But her time of wondering what he was up to was coming to an end. He was at the end of the plane, and it was only a matter of time before his true intentions were revealed.
Stopping At Her Seat
The man stopped at Janice’s seat. She averted her gaze, unsure of what to make of the situation.
But when he cleared his throat, she knew she couldn’t hide.
Suddenly, her mind started working again, and it was in overdrive. Plus, she felt like an emotional wreck who didn’t know what was up or what was down.
Unsure Of What To Think
Now that he was standing next to her seat, she knew for a fact that he was there for her.
But why? Many men had hit on her before, and she wondered if that might be the case this time around.
But Janice had no idea what the man was about to do. And when he was done, she’d be completely speechless.
Whiskey-Laced Voice
The man leaned down and said, “You’re in my seat.” His whiskey-laced voice instantly made her blush.
And with her mind being all over the place, Janice didn’t really register what he said.
She was just too flabbergasted to realize what was actually going on. But it wouldn’t take her too long to realize that she had the wrong idea about everything.
The Moment Of Truth
“Ma’am?” the man said with a look of utter confusion. “You must’ve read your ticket wrong because this seat is assigned to me.”
Janice’s brows furrowed in confusion as the man’s words tried to pierce through the fog that was clouding her exhausted mind.
But with the state she was in, it wasn’t too easy to understand him.
It Took A Moment
It took a few moments for his words to sink in, and when they did, Janice was even more confused.
She looked up at her seat number, and the sight confused her even more.
She was 100% sure that she was in the right seat. So he must be the one who’s making a mistake.
What Did He Mean?
But Janice was frazzled and tired, so she wouldn’t just insist on something that she wasn’t sure about.
She needed to check before she spoke up.
Janice pulled out her ticket and squinted as she looked at her seat number. It seemed right, but she still wasn’t willing to risk it. So she took an extra measure, just in case.
Her Ticket Was Clear
Janice got up and pressed her ticket against the overhead compartment where her seat number was written.
She was right. Both of them said 22 A.
“I think you might be mistaken,” Janice said, trying to sound as calm as possible. But that was no easy feat, especially not when her heart was pounding against her chest.
There Had To Be A Mistake
“Then someone must’ve messed up at the office,” the man said with a smile.
“Because these lovely ladies assured me that this was my seat.”
The man motioned to the two air hostesses who were standing behind him. Janice looked past him and saw the air hostess who had directed her to the very seat she was in.
The Flight Attendants
The flight attendants eagerly nodded, agreeing with the man.
By that point, Janice didn’t know what else to say or do.
Her ticket clearly stated that it was her seat. But she also knew airlines, and she knew that they had no problem with double booking seats. If that was the case, she had the short stick in the situation.
She Didn’t Understand
“If that’s the case, where do you expect me to sit?” Janice asked as she moved out of the seat.
Even though she didn’t mean to, she gave the man a murderous look.
She knew it wasn’t his fault, but she couldn’t help it. If it weren’t for his looks and the wads of cash he obviously had, she would’ve been able to stay in her seat.
He Clarifies
“Oh, you seem to have misunderstood me. I was just joking about the seat mix-up,” the man said with a dazzling smile.
“I’m giving you my seat. The one in business class.”
Janice’s eyes grew wide. “It’s the least I can do to thank you for all you have done for our country and what you continue to do,” he added, catching her completely off guard.
Janice was speechless. She had never expected anything like this to happen to her, of all people.
She politely refused the man’s offer since she didn’t feel like she deserved it and returned to her seat.
But the man wasn’t going to take no for an answer. He pulled her back up and took her bag out of the overhead compartment.
Escorted To His Seat
After that, the flight attendants escorted Janice to the man’s seat in business class.
She was still in a daze. It felt like she was in a dream, but the pain in her body reminded her that she wasn’t.
As soon as she walked into business class, Janice gasped. It looked just as luxurious as she thought it would. And those seats promised to take good care of her aching body.
It Felt Amazing
Janice put her bag away and slowly sank into the thick, oversized chair that she had received as a gift.
It was everything she could’ve dreamed of and more.
The air hostesses showered her with drinks, and the plane finally lifted off. It was the most amazing thing Janice had ever experienced, but there was something about it that didn’t feel right.
But It Wasn’t Right
Janice loved the way it felt to be in business class, but it didn’t seem fair.
That man had paid for his seat because he didn’t want to be in economy class.
Yet, he was sitting there, his massive body cramped into a seat that was far too small for a man his size. And he did it so she could be comfortable.
She Had To Repay Him
She knew she had to repay him in some way, but she had no idea how.
She would’ve given him his seat back in an instant, but she knew he would refuse.
There had to be something else, though. Something that would show him how much she appreciated the gesture. But what could that possibly be?
What Could She Do?
Janice thought of every possible scenario. She wanted to reimburse him for the fair, but she could never afford that.
She tried sending him a glass of champagne, but the air hostesses said it was against the rules.
So she was running out of options pretty fast. But just as Janice was about to give up, an idea struck her.
A Note
Janice pulled out her notebook and wrote the man a note.
She expressed her gratitude and asked the man to use the $20 note she had attached to buy himself a drink.
When she was done, she asked the air hostess to deliver the note to the man. She knew it wasn’t much, but it was the least she could do.
Surprising Response
A little while later, the air hostess returned with a note from the man.
Janice was confused. She wasn’t expecting him to respond.
But when she opened the note, she was even more stunned. He had returned her money and wrote her a reply. What he said was something she would only ever have dreamed of.
An Offer She Can’t Refuse
The man said that he had another proposition in mind.
If Janice really wanted to repay him, she could meet him for dinner once their flight landed.
She couldn’t help but smile as she admired the note. Was he actually asking her out on a date? She was ecstatic and wrote back to accept his offer.
Later That Night
When the flight touched down in New York, Janice was a nervous wreck.
She agreed to meet the handsome man even though she wasn’t even dressed up. As soon as she got her bags, she rushed to the bathroom and got changed.
After that, she met the man for dinner, and the two of them instantly fell for each other. But the man’s good deeds didn’t go unnoticed.
What They Didn’t Know
What neither of them knew was that there was a woman in the business class cabin who had seen it all.
She heard the man talking to the air hostesses, and she saw the notes the couple shared.
And she wanted the world to know how kind the mysterious man truly was. So she decided to act on Janice’s behalf.
Keen Observations
She had taken photos of everything that took place, and when they landed, she posted those photos along with the story on social media.
Within an hour, their story had been shared over 4,000 times.
The mysterious man got the recognition Janice wanted him to get. But neither of them knew anything about it.
The woman’s inbox was flooded with responses from people who applauded the man for what he did. Many of those people had friends or family members who were in the military.
And they wanted to show their gratitude in any way they could because they hoped more people would be as kind and caring as he was.
In order to protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.